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Evolution - Single Player

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Good news.

Time to restart with Evolution SP, and play it through from the beginning to the end. smile_o.gif

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Quick Update: Version 1.0 is finally out!!!

The last changes regarding global variables didn't seem to have introduced any new bugs, so it's time for it to now finally go out of Beta.

I have included a detailed manual, so that even people who aren't familiar with the MP version will be able to figure out what it's all about.

Details either on the updated first page of this thread, or at my site.

I notice once I capture a city and the rest of the troops surrender:

I attempt to capture or ask one of my squad members to capture the enemy.  Once this occurs, anyone from my squad will start firing on the hostage.

Even if I tell them all to "Hold fire" they will still try to shoot the captured soldier.

If I try to bring the captured soldier in a chopper anywhere near one of my squad mates...they will come out the "Hold fire" and fire on the chopper that I am piloting.

Furthermore, if I ask the captured soldiers to get in the back of the chopper first, I cannot mout anywhere in the chopper.  I must first mount the chopper and then ask them too.  This can occur even if one of my squad mates are in the chopper first as well.

Vehicle indicators still show up on the map. Example. I put an M1A1 tank somewhere for a few minutes...get back in it and then drive away. The map still shows an indication that the M1A1 is still there at that original parked location. Now I have almost 30 fake indicators on the map showing vehicles at a location, but they of course are not there because I move them all back to the base after my city siege is complete.

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I attempt to capture or ask one of my squad members to capture the enemy. Once this occurs, anyone from my squad will start firing on the hostage.

Even if I tell them all to "Hold fire" they will still try to shoot the captured soldier.

The POW issue has been discussed before, here in this thread, and is also addressed in the enclosed manual.

Unfortunately, ArmA is getting confused when captured units enter vehicles, and there's not much we can do about it...

But I would rather have a somewhat buggy POW feature than leaving it out altogether. (And if somebody finds it too much hassle to deal with these limitations, then they can just ignore those POWs altogether.)

Next time you have captured a city, do a game save, and then try different strategies to deal with the POWs (I've even had them fly themselves back to the prison camp - of course, with a "chaperon" in there, so they don't run away, but it can be done). Just experiment a bit until you find a solution that works for you.

Vehicle indicators still show up on the map. Example. I put an M1A1 tank somewhere for a few minutes...get back in it and then drive away. The map still shows an indication that the M1A1 is still there at that original parked location. Now I have almost 30 fake indicators on the map showing vehicles at a location, but they of course are not there because I move them all back to the base after my city siege is complete.

Markers aren't updated while you are in the vehicle, but as soon as you get out, it should be at the new position.

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I attempt to capture or ask one of my squad members to capture the enemy.  Once this occurs, anyone from my squad will start firing on the hostage.

Even if I tell them all to "Hold fire" they will still try to shoot the captured soldier.

The POW issue has been discussed before, here in this thread, and is also addressed in the enclosed manual.

Unfortunately, ArmA is getting confused when captured units enter vehicles, and there's not much we can do about it...

But I would rather have a somewhat buggy POW feature than leaving it out altogether. (And if somebody finds it too much hassle to deal with these limitations, then they can just ignore those POWs altogether.)

Next time you have captured a city, do a game save, and then try different strategies to deal with the POWs (I've even had them fly themselves back to the prison camp - of course, with a "chaperon" in there, so they don't run away, but it can be done). Just experiment a bit until you find a solution that works for you.

Vehicle indicators still show up on the map.  Example.  I put an M1A1 tank somewhere for a few minutes...get back in it and then drive away.  The map still shows an indication that the M1A1 is still there at that original parked location.  Now I have almost 30 fake indicators on the map showing vehicles at a location, but they of course are not there because I move them all back to the base after my city siege is complete.

Markers aren't updated while you are in the vehicle, but as soon as you get out, it should be at the new position.

Markers are a new position on the map, but the old ones stay. I will take a screenshot of my map tomorrow to show you what I am talking about. From the map screenshot...it would be assumed that I have like 10 M1A1 tanks...but we know that is not true.

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Quick Update: Version 1.0 is finally out!!!

Thanks so much Kronzky for your hard work! People like you are gems in the community.

Anyone know if you can install 1.0 and still use the save games from beta 0.14?

Update: I installed 1.0 over the old 0.14 and it loaded my save game fine. However there is a slight bug that may not be related to using an old save game.

I have a bunch of enemy vehicles stored at my base. When I get in them and then hop back out I get the following error pop up:


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I had the same problem, when I went to the next town, it was empty. so I decided to delete the old version, and download the new one. Since then, I don't get the error message anymore, and I still can use the old password for Rank, and clear town, without any problem. smile_o.gif

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Update: I installed 1.0 over the old 0.14 and it loaded my save game fine. However there is a slight bug that may not be related to using an old save game.

I have a bunch of enemy vehicles stored at my base. When I get in them and then hop back out I get the following error pop up[...]

I would seriously recommend against using old game-saves with the new version.

Since I have changed all the global variables to now have the EVO prefix, there will be problems. (And that's probably what you're getting there, since "wcam" used to be the name of a global variable, but now it's called "EVO_wcam".)

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I haven't ran into any problems yet using an old saved game. Except for that "EVO_wcam" and the "No value" error that shows up just before the game begins after a fresh start load. Thankfully those errors haven't effected my gameplay yet(as far as I can tell).

You've done a fantastic job getting the bugs out for this first release. Thank you for all the hard work. Best mission so far.

Although one small complaint... We get harangued about asking for a lost password and now it's recommended to start over. I'm sure lucky the game crashed while I was grabbing that pen to write down the Lieutenant code. Although I am dumbfounded that I couldn't remember it or the Sergeant code regardless of the fact it was July 5th and I was still in a haze from the day/night before.

Either way. For those of us still using a beta save with the first release, what problems might we expect to encounter?(For those of us still using a beta save with the first release.) I'd rather not start over for a third time unless I absolutely have to.

One more time, thanks again for getting this mission out there for us SP'ers.

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You will have serious problems using mismatched game-saves, since these saves store your whole mission progress (rank info, towns cleared, enemy levels, etc.). So if there's a mismatch anything can happen.

As far as having to start over - well, that's why I introduced the passcodes, so that you don't have to rely on incompatible game-saves.

And, rather than writing them down (which might be a bit of a problem if you're in the middle of a firefight), I would suggest just taking a quick screenshot when the message pops up. And even if you missed that, you can now also always bring up your passcode prompt, and it will show you all the previously achieved codes, so you can write them down at your convenience.

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This again? I never knew how to take a screen shot until recently.

Once I get back to 50k I'll take the code and start fresh

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Save game issue:

-Purged the old version, including any saved games.

-Installed new version in mission directory.

-Loaded game

-Entered in all my codes.

-Press Esc key and can save.

-Press Esc key again and "Save" option is not available.

-Press Save option from radio menu.

-Games says it saves.

-Press Save option from radio menu and cannot because it has a (wait) at the end of it.

-Backed out of menus to see what status I was playing "Veteran" or "Regular" and I was on "Regular" status because it had the "Veteran" button shown.

-Still no luck can only save games every once in awhile like I am on veteran status.

-No way to test if save option from radio menu works because if I close out of the game by going to Esc->Abort, it saves the game.

Very confusing where my saves are actually occuring in the game.  When I abort and then go back in, my save is a totally different area than I last saved.  So there apparently are 3 save areas that occur:

1) Esc menu save -> only gave me this option once, and then it was disabled the rest of the time.

2) Save option from radio menu

3) Save when you attempt to get out of the game and quit to the desktop.

All of which I don't know what the true saver is...can the true saver please step forward?

No more map icons WTF?:

-Purged the old version, including any saved games.

-Installed new version in mission directory.

-Loaded game

-Entered in all my codes.

-Recuited 10 soldiers.

-M for map and noticed I don't see my icon or any of my AI icons.

-Anything that shows up as an item when the spy plane passes over looks like an icon when you make comments on the map.  Other than that, I cannot see any of my ai, or myself.

-Backed out of menus to see what status I was playing "Veteran" or "Regular" and I was on "Regular" status because it had the "Veteran" button shown.

-Went back to M for map and still cannot see anything.

-Ran one of my soldiers right in the path of an enemy tank...he reported it...but still didn't show up on the map.

Nothing has changed on my pc, just simply removed the old SP version along with the saved games, and installed this latest one.

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You're in Veteran mode - that's why you can only save every 10 minutes, and that's why you only see limited unit info.

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What is the latest version and where is the avaliable DL link?


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You're in Veteran mode - that's why you can only save every 10 minutes, and that's why you only see limited unit info.

I backed out of the screen and went back to the mission selection and made sure it said "Veteran" on the button. Which indicates that you are in "Regular" mode.

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What is the latest version and where is the avaliable DL link?


first page first post  biggrin_o.gif

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I always thought that indicated you were in Veteran mode. Sort of counter-intuitive otherwise, don't you think? huh.gif



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I started over from scratch with the new release. Got up to 25,000 and no code. The passwords don't appear in the entry screen either. I'm playing with the launcher and using absolutely no addons. What is going on here? I spent all day getting to 25k and nothing.

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You're in Veteran mode - that's why you can only save every 10 minutes, and that's why you only see limited unit info.

I backed out of the screen and went back to the mission selection and made sure it said "Veteran" on the button.  Which indicates that you are in "Regular" mode.


You are in Veteran mode when the button shows Veteran on it. It is telling you which mode you have selected, not what to change to.



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I just figured that out per your suggestions. Although, I am still unsure how it got switched to Veteran mode when I have never touched that button. *Shrug*

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Hey nice work!!!!! notworthy.gif

But with more recruiting(12 are not many pistols.gifcrazy_o.gif )

ca.24 or 40 its more singleplayer like wink_o.gif it is possible to do that???

sorry for my bad english its late!!! whistle.gif

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Anyone else out there having this problem?huh.gif

I've started over using the new version and only a few addons.

I've entered in the code for sergeant and recruit 4 players and then fill up a Stryker and Humvee TOW with weapons. Then i head down the runway about 3/4 of the way then hang a right to head up the hill overlooking that first town.

Anyway. I get to the hill and save the game. If I exit this game and restart then reload Evo, the game loads then crash to desk top. An error message pops up and states "can not load" and shows the target line for that save. I've looked in the save game file and everything looks as it should.

Anyone knew what's going on? I've tried to mke a copy of the save and that one won't work either. I can restart the mission completely and go thru the same process and it happens again.


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