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New, Tiny Duke Nukem Forever Screen

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This broke my gaming heart. apparently written by a former 3DR employee:


The 2001 trailer was 100% scripted cinematic, and not actual gameplay. They built specific demo maps just to record video from to make a trailer. Everything you see in that trailer was phony.

The typical work flow there went something like this:

Designer would be assigned a task (build a new map, rebuild an old map, polish a bit of a map, etc.). Designer would work on said task for two, three weeks, a month, all the while lower management would be looking over it and making sure it was going in a "good general direction." Designer would move on to another task. A month or two later upper management would finally look at the work and say, "It's all wrong, do it again." Rinse, repeat.

Entire maps would be done from the ground up, almost to beta quality, and then thrown out simply because no one would make decisions early on in the process. (Read up on Valve's 'orange box' method of design -- that's how you make games)

Another example of WTF is the fact that there was one part of one map that was being worked on before I started working there. Nineteen months later and the same designer was still working on the same part of that same map... I'm not blaming the designer, it wasn't his fault.

I think the biggest problem that the company had in general is being self-funded. When you're a developer working directly with a publisher and you have milestones to meet it's a whole different ballgame. If you don't meet those milestones, you don't get any money. That right there will keep your project on schedule. If, however, you're funding it yourself, you don't really have anyone to answer to except yourself and you can quickly lose sight of just how much money is going out the door.

Edited by sparks50

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DukeNukem ForNever :(

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Goodbye 3DRealms, even if it will be hard to forgot the vaporware epic failure, at least i will remember them for Duke Nukem 3D that i played for years.

Yeah, i heard about that this morning. What a shame. When it comes to Duke Nukem (3D) i have so many great moment going around in my head. Was the second FPS i ever played, right after Doom1 back then.

Great story SP, great editor, so much fun.

I'll miss Old Duke. :cool:

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No surprise there, I am surprised they even survived for this long. Still it's said to see the developer of what was probably the most enjoyable (atmospheric, humourous, unique) game that I played until OFP was released go under. This kind of mismanagement is fairly common for mods, but certainly not for professional game developers.

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This is just so... revolting :mad:

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Well, now that 3D Realms is gone, the "truth" can finally be told:


Yea... I'm not really sure how much of that story is true :D But he is a former 3d realms employee.

Faster than I can even remember (literally… I don’t remember) I was knocked out of my chair by I *think* of all people Tim Sweeney (it was a wooden kitchen chair) and was pinned on the ground by Mike Wilson and Cliffy B (he’s so much stronger than I ever expected). George walks over to my chair and fucking stomps the shit out of it until the legs are broken off.

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yeah... who knows, its pretty crazy stuff alright, but its not like he's just involving one person, sounds like alot of people were there/involved, which makes it a bit more believable to me.

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That story is an old joke, author himself has stated that a few times.

For me closure of 3DRealms is the end of an era when games were made by gamers for gamers. The only companies that have been around as long as Apogee/3DR that I can think of are Epic and id, and they're not the same as they were in the nineties.

As long as DNF was in development I could hope that when it's out it could bring back the same feeling that I've experienced playing Duke3d, Blood, Shadow Warrior and other old Build engine games. The closure is hardly unexpected, but it's certainly sad when you think about it :'(.

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The biggest joke in gaming history is over.

Honestly, they messed up bad :(

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What would the Duke say?

Finally, it's done! :coop:

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I remember duke nukem 64, was one of my fav games.

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Oh come on, Duke is on of the few characters that are awsome and something that is different in this whole wave of chars that care or something, or are trying to show some evil conspiracy or some other crap story. All the chars nowadays are way too clean. Duke is just Duke. Smokes a cigar and kicks ass. He's just what everybody wants to be when they play a game. Not some morally conscious dick that keeps appearing in games nowadays.

If there's a reason to play Duke Nukem, it's because of the Duke.

Oh man, how wrong was I. I don't care about Duke really.

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