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Realistic Tracers

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Hey Sickboy,

nice to see guy's trying to optimize the Tracer effects and pretty nice Example missions you made there smile_o.gif

Well just one thing about the look of the tracers:

To me they look too round they should have a tail after a bullet was fiered and then if they hit something they should be round.

I don't know if and how to do this but it would be very cool.

But so far good job. wink_o.gif

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One question, which might have been asked before, can I extract the pbo, and put files inside my mission, or is addon required for everyone? Seems that theres only few scripts...

Oh, and "Tracer color based on side: BLUFOR fire red tracer OPFOR will fire green" doesn't sound very realistic. huh.gif

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One question, which might have been asked before, can I extract the pbo, and put files inside my mission, or is addon required for everyone? Seems that theres only few scripts...

Oh, and "Tracer color based on side: BLUFOR fire red tracer OPFOR will fire green" doesn't sound very realistic. huh.gif

If you don't include the addon there will be default BIS-tracers still visible. But other than that, simply use the ScriptsInside demo, package of the first post.

Tracer Colors: If it doesn't sound very realistic, how about you supply us with the very realistic colors/settings then? smile_o.gif

Mind you though, the colors are based on the ammo types, ammo belonging to West is tracer-red, ammo belonging to East is tracer-green.

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Theres least three versions of this, centipede's, sickboy's and predator's? Which one should I use?

Mainly looking for some effects to anti-air. I dunno if small arms should have any tracers at all. Friend of mine told tracer bullets are quite expensive, and not normally used.

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Theres least three versions of this, centipede's, sickboy's and predator's? Which one should I use?

First post package is only 1 package.

Centipede came out with the tracers converted from Wolfbane's OFP versions. ThePredator released this together with a no-bis-tracers mod. I rewrote nearly the whole script and that's the package available in Predator's post.

In the past 2 pages I released 2 beta versions of the upcoming version, if you would like to beta test them and comment ur very welcome smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Mainly looking for some effects to anti-air. I dunno if small arms should have any tracers at all. Friend of mine told tracer bullets are quite expensive, and not normally used.
Use the ScriptsInside demo and edit the cent_tracer_setup.sqf, remove all the ammo you don't want to have tracers, and put the ammo in you want to have tracers.

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Just a quick question...I started reading and got 2 page 5 and I'm at work and dont have time lol whistle.gif

...Just want to know if this has to be run from the mission editor or already made map...will it work in MP if I just extract the pbos into my addon folder? Will it replace the current tracers??

TX notworthy.gif

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Just a quick question...I started reading and got 2 page 5 and I'm at work and dont have time lol whistle.gif

...Just want to know if this has to be run from the mission editor or already made map...will it work in MP if I just extract the pbos into my addon folder? Will it replace the current tracers??

TX notworthy.gif


Take a look at the Demo missions when ur home, it will all come to you smile_o.gif

A person that doesn't have the CENT_tracer addon installed will still have the BIS tracer effects. While our effects are added.

If you use the gamelogic method then the addon is a requirement on every computer that wants to run the mission. If you use the ScriptsInside method, you don't need the CENT_tracer addon itself but you would need to disable tracers in the difficulty settings, aswell as on the server.

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I just tried this out for the first time a few minutes ago. I didn't get a real feel for the differences between the tracer types but I did notice that tracers seem to pass though targets instead of hitting them (in that I never saw a tracer round disappear), is this the case?

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For the beta release a page back

Found the damn "Tracer disappears lot slower than bullet" problem!!

edit CENT_TRACER_Effect.sqf


_drag = 1;


_drag = 0.042;

and you will be amazed again smile_o.gif Still working on better effects and methods.

Simba: I thought you explained the drag to be the length of the tracer, giving it a 'dragging' effect. But Drag is actually rubbing... smile_o.gif

Rubbing - Float number without dimension which determines the impact of the density of the environment on this particle. 0 - no impact (vacuum).

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I really want to use this mod... but after trying to figure out how to get it to work, and reading this thread, I will just wait for a more streamlined process.

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I really want to use this mod... but after trying to figure out how to get it to work, and reading this thread, I will just wait for a more streamlined process.

Or simply take one of the demo missions and customize it to your needs mate?

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Hi. Wich values might be change to have more lenghtened tracers?


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^ not possible in this version

Quote[/b] ]Simba: I thought you explained the drag to be the length of the tracer, giving it a 'dragging' effect. But Drag is actually rubbing... smile_o.gif


yes you right but I changed drag value to make tracers stay longer in the sky , and to simulate the quicker slow down of the tracers compared to normal bullets.

I've tested the last version


adding a source light does not make

the particle cast any light as you can see on the image,

it's just a simple half transparent cone wish has a

shining property, when you look through

it seems to lighten the surrounding but in fact it doesn't.

I think you should move onto the script of Bn880,

you gonna have better results,

I'd like to help for the scripting but

I'm a dick at it so if you need a modeler or texturer (eventually config) I'm your man !

p.s try to use setaperture = 0.12 or 0.07 makes the tracers much more visible for quick testing.

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Thanks Simba!!

The apperture, great idea!

Well, it's exactly not scripts that I have issues with, it's one of my speciallities, models, textures and particles on the otherhand are near to unknown to me...

Sounds like we can form a nice team ^^

But now I have found something I didn't expect!! I think the effect pretty much simulates the VBS2 tracers and I think with the right tweaking of:

- Size

- Interval

- Lifetime

we might have something nice on our hands now... though performance wise it might not be the best solution but lets test!

BETA3 Needs Feedback

Especially check the Vulcan to the East, it will open up on the choppers, pretty neat sight! Even at daytime tracers are properly visible


Click for bigger

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I really want to use this mod... but after trying to figure out how to get it to work, and reading this thread, I will just wait for a more streamlined process.

Or simply take one of the demo missions and customize it to your needs mate?

I just want to plug it in and play. The readme is written as if the reader knows exactly what you are talking about. As someone who has written a share of technical papers for consumption by different levels of users, I have to say that the directions feel deliberately confusing:

New Variables:

* CENT_UNIT_ARRAY2 - Array. Used for only placing the units in without their parameters, for easy index searching etc.

Etc? Easy index searching? What?

Is this meant only for hardcore script writers to include in future missions? After trying many different ways to execute this mod, I have not been successful. So, I will wait for someone to write up a readme that is meant to be understood by all levels of users, or for a more streamlined mod to be delivered.

I am sure it will happen.

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Great Job Sickboy, I love it.

I just tested for any performance issues, it runs smooth and sweet for me, I didnt notice any fps drops.

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Actually, after discounting everything written in the readme, I figured it out. I suppose this has something to do with multiple people writing these things, but there were 3 different naming conventions for the mod (using @, -, and _ at different parts). I just renamed the mod folders and my shortcut, and now it all works.

This mod needs to be streamlined for less sophisticated users.

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Quote[/b] ]This mod needs to be streamlined for less sophisticated users.

this is only beta, you are at the source my friend !

Beautifull work sickboy, I love them but I'm afraid they are too laggy.

it's as simple as that :

when I play without any tracers and open fire with my m134 in a ah6 I have 30fps, with your tracers I'm at 20 !

still I love them that's why I suggest you

to improve those things :

- only one particle should remain after ricochets. (might be different for vehicles, a velocity comparison would be interesting )

- trail should disappear after 2 or 3 hundred meters, tracers after 500. (again shilka's tracers should be visible after more than 1 km)

- fine tuning the setDropInterval : 0.0001 gives good results and 0.001 is a lil fustrating, I suggest 0.0005 , for this value I have 24fps instead of 20,21 !

edit :

would it be possible to create a multiple particles sources like this ?

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_pos=getpos _projectile;

_particle = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _pos;

_particle setDropInterval 0.0001;

_particle setParticleParams ["\Ca\Data\kouleSvetlo", "", "Billboard", 1, 0.05, [0,0,0], [0, 0, 0], 1, _weight, _volume, _rubbing, _size, _color, [0,1], 1, 1, "", "", _projectile];

_pos2=getpos [_projectile select 0,_projectile select 1,(_projectile select 2) +5 ;

_particle2 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _pos2;

_particle2 setDropInterval 0.0001;

_particle2 setParticleParams ["\Ca\Data\kouleSvetlo", "", "Billboard", 1, 0.05, [0,0,0], [0, 0, 0], 1, _weight, _volume, _rubbing, _size, _color, [0,1], 1, 1, "", "", _projectile];

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Mind blowing sickboy, they rock, look just like the real thing, now u gotta get them all simplified for people like me tounge2.gif

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Just ran the test mission and i get great results. No slowdown at all.

Superb effects, although even though every third round is a tracer, it looks more like every fifth round. Also to me the tracer starts to burn just a little too far from the weapon. Maybe its just my eyes though so ignore my noobisness.

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Just ran the test mission and i get great results. No slowdown at all.

Superb effects, although even though every third round is a tracer, it looks more like every fifth round. Also to me the tracer starts to burn just a little too far from the weapon. Maybe its just my eyes though so ignore my noobisness.

Hey Thanks Mate, all of you, I was rather pleased myself aswell..

I think this one makes it complete:

- Smaller Tracers (were too big, though might still need tweaking, hard one cause too small makes them appear worse at daytime tounge2.gif)

- Tracers coming out of the barrel now

BETA4 Needs Feedback

Simba thanks for the feedback mate, much appreciated. Let me know how the above one goes. For performance wise, we might make a light and heavy version or sth, or try to tweak it more, maybe if we can make the lightballs longer, we dont have to spawn so many.

Multiple particle sources is possible, but if we could detect a ricochette we could possibly simply change the particleParams with the setParticleParams thing smile_o.gif

Let's toy and tweak around more.

Though instead of your _pos2, we would need to change the 3d position in the particleParams array instead. The particlesource is created directly onto the projectile, so if we change the 3d coords in the particleParams we can decide where the particlesource should be compared to the projectile

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^ yes this would be so good for shilkas, ah6,...

I don't understand why you direcly loop to setpos

the particle with the bullet instead of using cent tracer way wish is to give the particle an initial velocity and direction and then has it's own life ?

with your technique, you lose all influence on

_drag/_rubbing value as well as mass wish

are gonna be very important to give the

right ballistic and give a specific tracer

behaviour for each type of ammo.

about the last version, the tracer appears way to early,

I think you should get back to the old value

and contact star wars mod for new laser. tounge2.gif

good night europe. goodnight.gif

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Gn8 smile_o.gif But check Real "Lasers" (actually tracers) here mate:


I didnt take the earlier methods we used because of the inability to make the length long enough appearing, hence I took this way. Even with the drag up I couldn't make anything near this. If you know/find a way that does make them appear proper length and not create a lot of particles then fine by me smile_o.gif

I was actually thinking if we could stretch the particles somehow we could drop them less frequently.

Maybe with a different drop frequency and lifetime we could achieve similair things.

I can make the tracers come further away for some rifles and closer to the barrel for others if needed, though it's problematic as any sleep size we give, will result in at the very least 1 frame skip which will depending on FPS, put the tracer 20-50m in front of barrel as before ;S

What do you mean with "directly loop with setpos"? You mean that I attach the tracer to the bullet?

- Ricochette perfect with the bullet

- Perfect line with the bullet

If you say that tracers indeed should drop faster, the earlier used drop function etc might be an idea but I found it to be too inaccurate concerning different speeds of bullets but if we can tweak that, fine by me... Still missing the trail then.

I tried using the particleParams stuff and NOT attaching it to the bullet, but then the tracer didnt get anywhere but just fall down at the ignite point, not as with the drop command... Though I might've not tested it with my latest particleParams settings... tomorrow biggrin_o.gif

It can probably be optimized if we can either build 1 model that is the kouleSvetlo at the start and runs a glowing line behind it getting lesser and lesser, in such case we could go back to using the drop command, still having a nice trail, while not dropping so many particles to create the trail. (This can also be 2 seperate models if nececairy..). Different Lods might be an option as suggested earlier.


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The new value was build on my crap.

I gave sickboy the red pill and showed him the real world.

It's true that tracers do burn from muzzle to walhalla, but the brightness increases and is at it's peak several meters away.

However, in ArmA they should burn from muzzle to impact (and beyond) for several reasons: They do burn all the way, the shooter can adjust fire from hip firing position and it just looks real.

I am currently messing around in the config, so the ammo can have specific tracer ratios and even colors and sizes.

Pink tracers anyone?

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