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ArmA is just ... disappointing

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Name any manouver you saw a real AH-1 doing and tell me I can't do it in ArmA please.

( You do have a HOTAS do you?)


Taking BF 'nam as an example for better flight physics sort of disqualifies you of talking about fm's.


The above sentence also applies to you statement about planes and lift.


When was the last time you have been in military and "customized" your weapon?

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ARMA is so disappointing because it should be OFP 1.5 and now it is only worse then OFP 1.0 and misses all the important features that even 6 Years old games have but it claims to be a most realistic military simulator. Sure if you want to play military ballet and salute around, move slow and clumsy, cannot hop over smallest obstacles and watch beautiful sunsets and take same screenshots and make some videos of all that than it is cool. For me it looks like simulation of some retarded army of zombis. rofl.gif

Care to elaborate on all those missing features that even 6 year old games have? And saying that it's worse than OFP 1.0 is a really absurd and completely invalid statement. icon_rolleyes.gif

Customizable weapons- Global Operations

Vihicle controlablity- Joint Operations Typhoon Rising

Plane controlablity/realism- BF1942, At least in that game they had LIFT, LIFT!!!!!

Helo controlabbility/realism- BF Vietnam, Watch a real AH-1z fly and then watch the in game ones fly, now, what do you see thats diffrent?


Player Vs player combat- BF2, JOTR, EOD, FEAR, Quake, Doom, Americas Army, COD, COD2, Soldier of Fortune, need i go on?

You were impressed by vehicles in Joint Ops and BF Vietnam? Wow. The land based vehicles handled like sleds, and the aircraft flight models & controllability were far from realistic.

So you actually expect combat in ArmA to be like Quake, Doom, SoF, etc.? wow_o.gif

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I really liked the helicopter flight model in BF Vietnam. Quite challenging to fly but very rewarding as a result. I could be wrong but it felt more realistic than any other game.

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What i don't like:

- Correct the VOIP! i want to know who i'am speaking whit. It should work like this: i see a player nick to the left when he is saying something over VOIP and there should be channels like in chat (vechicle, side, group).

I am quoting an old post but, VOIP channel exist, no ?

You are talking in the active channel, or well it something i've seen in Europe Demo long time ago (i use teamspeak for clan and nothing for ffa)

Am I right ?

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there are working voice channels but you can't see who is actually speaking what I find annoying.

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there are working voice channels but you can't see who is actually speaking what I find annoying.


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Vihicle controlablity- Joint Operations Typhoon Rising*

You might not be ready for Arma yet...

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there are working voice channels but you can't see who is actually speaking what I find annoying.

You might not be ready for Arma yet...

tounge2.gif  that was awsome.

oh and about VOIP, the only thing they should change, is make it so the player pool (p) shows who is talking.

i have yet to see a real radio that tells me who is on the other side talking to me.. thats what radio protocal is for.

as for showing who is talking in the pool, thats just to help the server admins so they know who is mic spamming so they can boot them. showing who is talking on the score board (i) doesnt really do much since it only shows the top 9 players + your self.. what good is that if you cant see the guy who is spamming the mic that is in 23rd place.. compleatly useless.

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After reading how well it ran on what I consider older systems, I installed it on my 4 yr old XPpro system that ive rarely used except for older games since building the new Vista system. Now I cant believe my eyes, patch 1.08 is running great, vis is only set to 2km but most other settings are higher then my Vista PC. Its doesnt look stunning Graphicly , but it runs and all the textures are there and Ive had it running for about 2 hours now without fail    crazy_o.gif

So in a way im Happy yet still dissapointed.. Guess I'll take it out on the game now that i can   pistols.gif

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THIS is my only complaint:


But it might be driver-related so i cant blame Arma alone.

I´v had this problem since 1.04 and its still here. No, Its not overheating.

PLEASE, someone, fix this!!!

Have you tried the "-maxmem=512" line in your shortcuts target bar? Also been looking at some of the complaints and they are very silly. Really think some people are expecting way too much on a small developer that has made a game much bigger then any game i have ever played. My advice to anyone moaning about this is just leave the community and play something else biggrin_o.gif

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Small developer is not a reason to make a game like this, look at some 6 years old mods that are made free from some 3 or 4 people teams and they have most of the things implemented that are more realistic then in ARMA. Problem is not the small team but misconception of the game, besides that BIS is not so small, in the days as FarCry came out Crytec had only 5 Developers working fulltime on FarCry and they have produced the Engine and the Game that worked almost perfectly after that they started to grow.

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Small developer is not a reason to make a game like this, look at some 6 years old mods that are made free from some 3 or 4 people teams and they have most of the things implemented that are more realistic then in ARMA. Problem is not the small team but misconception of the game, besides that BIS is not so small, in the days as FarCray came out Crytec had only 5 Developers working fulltime on FarCry and they have produced the Engine and the Game that worked almost perfectly after that they started to grow.

If you don't like ArmA why do you spend so much time here? You need something better to do with your life whistle.gif

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THIS is my only complaint:


But it might be driver-related so i cant blame Arma alone.

I´v had this problem since 1.04 and its still here. No, Its not overheating.

PLEASE, someone, fix this!!!

Have you tried the "-maxmem=512" line in your shortcuts target bar?  Also been looking at some of the complaints and they are very silly.  Really think some people are expecting way too much on a small developer that has made a game much bigger then any game i have ever played.  My advice to anyone moaning about this is just leave the community and play something else  biggrin_o.gif

I have absolutely no idea how to do that "maxmem" thing. And I feel somewhat reluctant to have to do things like fiddling with stuff that shouldnt really be necesseary to fiddle with in the first place :-) . But plz tell me what to do and I will try it. I really like the game, atleast the small parts that I´m able to play.

Does anyone know why "alt-tabbing" makes the problem go away for some time?

I can take bugs in the game (like soldiers having trouble walking over a bridge etc.) but this graphical issues are not something that should occur in a released game. Atleast it should have been noticed since so many are experiencing it.

But that is my thoughts of course.

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THIS is my only complaint:


But it might be driver-related so i cant blame Arma alone.

I´v had this problem since 1.04 and its still here. No, Its not overheating.

PLEASE, someone, fix this!!!

Have you tried the "-maxmem=512" line in your shortcuts target bar? Also been looking at some of the complaints and they are very silly. Really think some people are expecting way too much on a small developer that has made a game much bigger then any game i have ever played. My advice to anyone moaning about this is just leave the community and play something else biggrin_o.gif

I have absolutely no idea how to do that "maxmem" thing. And I feel somewhat reluctant to have to do things like fiddling with stuff that shouldnt really be necesseary to fiddle with in the first place :-) . But plz tell me what to do and I will try it. I really like the game, atleast the small parts that I´m able to play.

Does anyone know why "alt-tabbing" makes the problem go away?

Right click on your arma shortcut, properties, then in the field "target" you should see something like that

C:\ArmA\arma.exe -nosplash -maxmem 1256

i've put 1256 'cause i have 2Go of RAM. Lots of people write 512

-nosplash is to avoid the startup screen and goes to menu.

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You must open the properties of the link you use to start ARMA and the add the -maxmem=512 to the end of the text written in target edit box, it must be after arma.exe. It is only a startup parameter for arma.

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Shite! I dont have a shortcut   biggrin_o.gif

And what does this "maxmem" do? And with my 1gB ram, what should I wright?

"C:\Spel\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\arma.exe" this is my text in the targetbox. Spel=game in Swedish

Edit: And by the way, hasnt anyone played Boiling Point or Vampire- the masqureade? Talk about BUGS! And a great game beneth them there to.

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write 512 and create a shortcut (right click on arma.exe then create shortcut tounge2.gif )

"C:\Spel\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\arma.exe"

Exactly what should I wright and where if this is my targetbox-text above? (yes, I´m a bit slow biggrin_o.gif )

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"C:\Spel\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\arma.exe"

Exactly what should I wright and where if this is my targetbox-text above? (yes, I´m a bit slow  biggrin_o.gif )

"C:\Spel\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\arma.exe" -maxmem=512

with quotes.

I think.

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"C:\Spel\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\arma.exe"

Exactly what should I wright and where if this is my targetbox-text above? (yes, I´m a bit slow  biggrin_o.gif )

"C:\Spel\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\arma.exe" -maxmem=512

with quotes.

I think.

Lol, I like the "I think" part there. Helps an old man alot. biggrin_o.gif

But I still dont know what this does? This maxmem thing that is.

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"C:\Spel\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\arma.exe"

Exactly what should I wright and where if this is my targetbox-text above? (yes, I´m a bit slow biggrin_o.gif )

"C:\Spel\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\arma.exe" -maxmem=512

with quotes.

I think.

Lol, I like the "I think" part there. Helps an old man alot. biggrin_o.gif

But I still dont know what this does? This maxmem thing that is.

It's suppose to limit how much RAM ArmA tries to use. Some people seem to need it to run ArmA properly, others do fine without it.

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So its just a "try and see what happens" thing then!?

I read somewhere that Arma is streaming the textures directly from the harddrive. Does that have something to do with the graphical problems? And how do other games do it?

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So its just a "try and see what happens" thing then!?

I read somewhere that Arma is streaming the textures directly from the harddrive. Does that have something to do with the graphical problems? And how do other games do it?

When i buy the games, the hard drive was always working on reading data, when i set the maxmem option it stop.

That should help ArmA to proper use the memory you have to store data i think.

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