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Wich Sahrani do you Prefer?

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Which do you prefer? Both are very different from each other.

Dividing line is obviously Corzal ( think thats the name)

** Small typo in the poll.

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Yeah, the north is nice, but those big tall trees eat up frame rates.

There's more variety in the south anyways.

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The few multiplayer games I've played were all in the North, which tends to make my computer cry. I'm much more familiar with the Southern island, and like it a little bit better, I dunno though..it's not Everon...

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I like Northern Sahrani due to the terrain...I enjoy the idea of being caught in a valley or escarpment; or trekking a mountain range before an ambush...Its always cool for rough terrain.

Although; the FPS takes hits..so the south I prefer for plain-jane MP..lol biggrin_o.gif

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I like the North even though I get far better framerates in the south the north looks much much better in my opinion.

But the South has the desert and those special forces night time raids in the desert are awsome!

Of course the South has the best city for urban combat too..

But I had chose the North because of the lush landscape and awsome forests.. Even if they do eat up fps.

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I like the south. As previously said, the extra frames count as extra points. The cities are also much bigger, they have an airport, and I'm more familiar with it.

The northern Sahrani is fun though, except when the enemy runs into the forest and I loose them. Then things start to get scary. mad_o.gif

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I prefer south, I've seen enough trees and bushes where I live, so desert appeals more to me (the east coast is just wicked) + frames are ofcourse better.

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Both are nice but overall i think i like the south better.

Big towns, dry terrain, cool buildings, airfield... i like to 'hang out' around Cayo alot biggrin_o.gif .

Both parts have their sweet spots and features, north has diferent bridges, more enterable buildings and nice cultivated field textures.

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I prefer playin mostly in South Sahrani but there some locations along the coast north of Mercalio that are breath taking almost up on the cliffs above the coastal road, been playin 6 months an still hav'nt seen it all biggrin_o.gif

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The North oviously, since i indentify with their regime the most! whistle.gif

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It's a hard one, but overall the North even though I only get 15fps at best there, The town of Bagango is just great for CQB but not so good as Ortego in the South.

I like the details in the terrain in the North better, I don't like deserts that much even for big tank battle's I would rather have it happening on some farmers propertie wink_o.gif

But the north would be better if it had more big towns like Bagango though

my 2cents

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Guest Ti0n3r

Everon? biggrin_o.gif Null vote.

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I prefer south, I've seen enough trees and bushes where I live, so desert appeals more to me (the east coast is just wicked) + frames are ofcourse better.

Same. The south also has cool cities that enable some really wicked deathmatches.

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I'll go for northern Sahrani - I don't like heat wink_o.gif

Forested valleys, 'mountain' ranges, church ruins in the forests - the southern part can't beat that!

Btw, wouldn't it be nice with some taller mountains? If getPosASL is to believed, the mountains in North Sahrani seem to be about 200m ASL (checked south-west of pita).

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The north, although the framerate is a bit lower it appeals more to me.

The south somehow feels weird, i guess i would have preffered if it wasnt stuck onto the north parth and it should have been more deserty. smile_o.gif (or stuck on the north part but more grassy tounge2.gif )

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