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1.07 and Geforce 8800

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So i have read several post now, and as far as i can see, all with Geforce 8800 have some kind of trouble with the 1.07?

My problem is that i get missing textures, lod problems and when dont have this problem, my texures are real dark/messed up!

See screenshots:

Here with 1.05

And here its with 1.07

So maybe there is enough threads about 1.07, but i would like with this, to discuss what people with geforce 8800 experiences with 1.07.

So please stay ontopic! If you dont have an 8800, please dont post on this thread.

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Tried everything my 8800GTS (320mb) just wont run 1.07 properly at all. If you are having problems I suggest you give up and wait in the hope that BIS fix things in the next patch because believe me its not worth wasting your time over.

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I dont see much of a diference in those dark screens.

Yes, 1.07b is terrible, runs bad, looks bad and gives graphical problems (texture/lod). Even the menu buttons turned into blank squares...

I've posted the same on several threads now, its the first time i encounter these bugs but its a beta patch so theres hope..

I could post some real comparison pictures betwean 1.05b and 1.07b showing the graphical errors, fps comparison and graphics quality loss but i wont install 1.07b again because its unplayable.

I have everything on high except PP (dont like blurry graphics) and shadder detail (kills fps looking at bushes/trees).

I think BIS are aware of these issues but they decided to run a public beta, it must be quite a pita to patch Arma with so many diferent pc configuration and diferent game versions out there.

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I got an 8800gtx, and after trying the new 1.07 beta patch I get strange texture corruption:


It only happens when I go into third person view. I also get lod problems and textures being slow to load.

I find that the -maxmem 512 fix in the shortcut removes these problems, although I occasionaly get the 800700e error (which shouldnt appear with maxmem...)

I've also got worse performance in this patch than 1.05.

If I disable shadow and put the other settings down slightly, then I dont get the 800700e error and the game runs very smoothly, others could try that if nothing else works.

Think BIS are doing good job otherwise in fixing other annoying bugs smile_o.gif

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why you post that in general, aren't they troubleshouting place ? for me all is ok whith my GO 7900 GTX 512 mad_o.gif ^^

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my texures are real dark/messed up!

Go to your ArmA.cfg and change:




MfG Lee

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Quote[/b] ]Quote (Fighting_steel @ May 13 2007,13:51)

my texures are real dark/messed up!

Go to your ArmA.cfg and change:




MfG Lee

All good and well, it does fix the HDR lightning on textures, but afaik this introduces other problems, like hard to see through canapy glass textures and not sure but that caused very strange 'artifacts on some textures (like in the UH60 the textures of the interieur, it looks like the textures have a life of its own and a lot of white lightning stripes appear and dissapear on it crazy_o.gif ). Swapping to 1.05 gets away with it..so no fix in my book confused_o.gif .

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8800GTX, Core2 (2x 3.33ghz), 2GB DDR2-800, Vista 64-bit, 158.18 Nvidia Drivers; Settings: Very High, VD 5000, AA low, Shadows Normal (due to shadowbug). HDRPrecision=32;

None of the problems that XP 32-bit + 8800GTX Users are noticing. I did however get bluescreens on 160.03 Drivers every now and then, those probs are gone with 158.18.

Can other Vista/64 users verify? In this case, the XP Drivers are more cheese than the Vista Drivers in thise scenario smile_o.gif

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I have tried the 1.07 with both 7900 and 8800.

8800GTX has LOD problems, shadow problems and all kinds of graphical anomalities with the new patch. None of these existed with 1.05 or the following beta.

7900 is almost ok, but occasional texture and shadow problems pop up from time to time there too.

I would say that the 1.07 beta is pretty much unplayable with 8800.

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I have a 8800GTS 640 MB and I get texture/lod issues with the US version already.

While I think i'll hold off on the 1.07 patch I hope BIS will look into all this because its kinda afwul to look at. huh.gif

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Running the 1.07 patch with no major issue for me. Better than 1.05 performance.

- See pic of 1 shadow bug

- I get a 8007000e error rarely

- No lag if I stand on a mountain or hill and spin 360

- Very rare to see a LOD morph as I zoom the view

- No lag as a fly low and fast over terrain

- small lag sometimes as I zoom a scope view through bushes or similar (only time I might see a low poly LOD or null texture).

- Very rare to see a "null" texture or similar.

- normal FPS 30-55. 20-30 in or over towns

Win XP 32

Duo 6420

2GB Ram

8800GTS 640MB

158 base video driver, no tweaks (160 driver is not good for me)

No Overclocking

ArmA European 505 Release


Quote[/b] ]language="English";

















EDIT: clarify what I do and dont see - again

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My bugs:

- Occasional 800700e thingymajiggy crash.

- Lack of difference between normal, high and very high shadows in v1.07 beta - for example, when using very high shadow details you should be able to see shadows on your weapon in 1st person mode. In v1.05, you can. v1.07 - no chance, it all stays the same for me.

My system:

- 3.6GHz E6600

- 1200MHz DDRII 2GB

- 630/2100MHz EN8800GTX

- P5W DH Deluxe

- 2 x WD Raptors

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Please test this:

Run over desert sand, I notice that inside an ideal circle the sand is darker and that circle moves with me, it is no shadow.

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Those settings are a bit hard to believe wow_o.gif .

Dont you get major FPS drop looking at a bunch of tress with very high shadding detail on?

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I have a 8800GTS 640 MB and I get texture/lod issues with the US version already.

While I think i'll hold off on the 1.07 patch I hope BIS will look into all this because its kinda afwul to look at. huh.gif

Why not stop waiting and start testing? i just installed the beta patch last nite, i've had one CTD thanks to ebutt on skype, and no funny texture/LOD bug. (that i've seen in 4HRs of MP)

8800GTS 320 MB @1680X1050

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Those settings are a bit hard to believe wow_o.gif .

Dont you get major FPS drop looking at a bunch of tress with very high shadding detail on?

my GTS could easily do that if i drop a some VD, so its no wonder that a GTX could do it(if only i could fix my CTDs) sad_o.gif

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Have any of you people having major LOD problems tried the 158.22 drivers?

I am using windows XP 32-bit and a 8800GTS I have way less LOD problems with this patch than the previous patches, any low LODs that do pop up disappear in less than a second. I am also using maxmem=512. The only problem I have with this patch is high and very high shadow settings don't work.

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Quote[/b] ]The only problem I have with this patch is high and very high shadow settings don't work.

I've added that one to the bugtracker, as I'm getting it too.

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my test was that 158.19, 158.19 tweak, 165.01 beta work best with ArmA, they shows min problem amount all others, but still it gets CTDs

anyone find that the HUD in both harriar and A10 is nearly invisible? or its just me


do you get CTDs?

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Those settings are a bit hard to believe wow_o.gif .

Dont you get major FPS drop looking at a bunch of tress with very high shadding detail on?

No HeatSeeker, no problems there.

Sometimes get a bit of a hit when I zoom a scope through some bushes when I'm close to the bushes.

UPDATED my first clarification post.

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If you are XP and 8800 user:

158.18 was working for me with 1.05+

160.03 is working for me with 1.07beta in terms of no BSODs and rare CTDs, with 158.18 it was impossible to play.

The other graphic issues new in 1.07 are still there.

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I hope these problems are removed in the Official 1.07 Patch... confused_o.gif I have no graphical issues with the old fox GeForce 6800, in the 1.07 Beta.

I'm gonna order my system this week, with a XFX GF8800GTS 640MB. thumbs-up.gif <- *Already Ordered*

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I hope these problems are removed in the Official 1.07 Patch... confused_o.gif I have no graphical issues with the old fox GeForce 6800, in the 1.07 Beta.

I'm gonna order my system this week, with a XFX GF8800GTS 640MB. thumbs-up.gif <- *Already Ordered*

lol, really, i wish you good luck, you need it confused_o.gif

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Just imagine you play an early beta of the mod "Lego wars" when you see units in first LOD and grey textures, that might help until it is fixed.

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@4 IN 1: Thanks m8. confused_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

@I&C: biggrin_o.gif I'm sure by some time, Patches and Drivers will fix those horrible graphics bugs.

Hope it will be done quick though, and not by 6-12 months or longer. confused_o.gif

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