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Is 1.05 worth downloading

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Do you think its worth downloading and installing the euro 1.05 patch, there are so many threads about how the patch makes the game run slower for some people. I know the next release is probably still months away, so should i hold out till then?

Also, can BIS confirm that the next patch will have some sort of performance optimization, or is the performance in 1.05 the new benchmark?

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errr...download/install and try it out for urself smile_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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Why don't you DL it, instal it and run it?

If you like it keep it, if you don't like it reinstal the game.

It will take you about 30 minutes.

Why bother wasting peoples time with something so trivial.

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I don't have any problems with 1.05, although I patched mine right after I installed. I average 35-40 fps at 1024x768, most settings on high.

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Most people had an increase in FPS... Plus you can always download the 1.05 + Beta patch after it :P

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A slightly harsh reply. I only wanted to know your performance with 1.05. Thanks anyway (I didnt think the performance of the game was 'trivial'!wink_o.gif

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If you have the neccessary disk space available, you can make a copy of the ArmA folder before updating and revert back to that in case you don't like the update.

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Hi vovi

A proportion of those complaining about most patches are those with cracked versions of ArmA. They are very vocal complaining because every time BIS patch they catch the new fake keys as well as all the old ones again it also takes out any new cheats. To top it off all the servers get upgraded meaning those crackers and the like have no where to play.

Very few honest people had real problems with either with ArmA patch 1.05 or the latest beta patch quite the reverse most said they saw improvements in FPS and it solved many graphical glitches. The 8800 users were all able to massively increase their view distance. In my own case I saw a 5 FPS increase and was able to tune the graphics up a notch.

The latest reviews for patched ArmA give it a solid 90%

Common sense tells you a patch is meant to improve things. Ignore the naysayers and try it for your self that is the only real test.

Kind Regards walker

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if only 1.05 on dual core and new VGA - NO

performance will go down

but 1.05+ is better,

so after 1.05 patch to 1.05+ beta patch

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I would imagine that almost all servers are running 1.05 so that should let you know whether it's a good patch or not smile_o.gif

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After you get 1.05 you should get the beta 1.05+ patch. 1.05 on it's own does seem to bring some problems but the beta patch seems to resolve that.

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Well the question now is that will we get 1.6 1st of may (or something like that date) or will BIS skip Europe and go straight to final the 1.7 within 1-3 months from now?

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Well the question now is that will we get 1.6 1st of may (or something like that date) or will BIS skip Europe and go straight to final the 1.7 within 1-3 months from now?

1-3 months? What the hell gives you that idea?

The 505 release was version 1.04 then 1.05 came out about 2 weeks later for all versions. Same thing will probably happen with the US release.

It's comments like that which start stupid rumors and accusations.

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Quote[/b] ]1-3 months? What the hell gives you that idea?

1.5 was about three weeks. 1.7 is supposed to be the final patch before the game 2 if I remeber the roadmap correctly.

A month would sound reasonable if they want to finalize the game.

Remember - This is all speculation. Not official info wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]1-3 months? What the hell gives you that idea?

1.5 was about three weeks. 1.7 is supposed to be the final patch before the game 2 if I remeber the roadmap correctly.

A month would sound reasonable if they want to finalize the game.

Remember - This is all speculation. Not official info wink_o.gif

1.05 was 2 weeks (less for most other counties that got the game later, it was 1 week after the release for me). - Feb 16 was when the 505 release in the UK happened, and 1.05 was released on March 2nd.

Speculation like that is pointless, and if you can't get the facts straight that makes it even more unreliable. As I said before, it just starts stupid rumors.

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maybe my performance lowered after patch is caused by new Starforce in PL and CZ versions ?

i am very angry because i cannot lauch game from emulation, i have all cooling passive and noise of DVD disc inserted in DVD ROM makes a lot of noise, also game launch slower which is annoying when you check and test addons

patch 1.05 + makes performance a little better

i heard that people without internet connections had lag and stops every 2-3 minutes, because game tries to check something in net and cannot do this because of no connection

i don't know why you say it is worth and good

i had 1.02 PL, all on high or highest and i could play, sometimes there was lag

after patching game was stopping after 15 minutes, no textures or textures in one color, cubic models - missing LODS

and lags were sometimes so hard that i wanted to uninstal game

screens here, game on settings like they were on 1.02 version, all on high:






my specs:

AMD X2 3800+ dualcore (now it is tweaked for 10% up), 2*1GB dualchannel Corsair Extreme DDR2, VGA Nvidia 7900 chipset, 256 bit, 256 MB

Asus M2N Sli (as i remember, maybe i am wrong in mainboard type, i wrote from office not house)

PC is new, specially bought in December 2006 after Polish ARMA release in 15-12-2006, clear system, 1.00 was flowing like rocket, 1.02 was heavier, 1.05 stops

after 1.05 i had to turn all on "low" to play although my PC is much better than "minimal requirements", i heard from many people with cheaper and older PC that 1.05 increased their performance, but also from people with NV 7950 GTX with 1 GB VGram that they have lags :/

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What? How can ArmA look that bad? I had frame rate issues with the Euro demo, but never realized that it could have problems like in those screen shots.

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What? How can ArmA look that bad? I had frame rate issues with the Euro demo, but never realized that it could have problems like in those screen shots.



That happened with a computer that is under minimum system requirements.

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