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School shooting "phenomenom"

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One more thing,

I was wondering, since it’s fair game for people on the gun prohibitionist side of the issue to openly label every one on the opposite side of the debate “Paranoid backwoods, inbred, racist, Jew hating moronsâ€. That means it’s considered fair game for the people on the “stupid hillbilly†side to label them as stuck up, pretentious, narcissistic, self righteous, ass holes, correct?

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Quote[/b] ]Well, perhaps if you wouldn't get a rifle when opening a bankaccount, and buying ammo at Walmart, no idiots would rampage?

Oh lord not more disinformation from that stupid Michael Moore's film. You know they didn't explain in his stupid movie that he had to pass a background check and all kinds of other stuff. He simply lied in his movie (like he always does) and presented it like he just went in opened a bank account and they went "here you go have a rifle while your at it".

You people are the ones who are paranoid and insane. You make it out like if you walk down the street in America some fat white guy with a beer belly is going to gun you down with a .50 cal machine gun that he got out of a box of cracker jacks.

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hahaha Sputnik. You make me laugh smile_o.gif

He was sarcastic smile_o.gif - no need to get your bloodpressure upthere smile_o.gif. And you are right - your case does indeed weakens when acting like that.

I wont comment further of your posts, as they include no further context. But as a sidenote, the shooter in this event had a clean record - and so has most of the attackers in these particular 'scholar bezerks'. As for Michael Moore - well, he does seem to tweak and manipulate most of the stuff he comes by to make a few headlines. I haven't seen the particular movie reffered to, but I find it pretty weird that a bank gives out a weapon to people just to get them as customers. Regardless of any background checks - I hardly think that was mr. moore's point in that movie. It was rather to point out the irony of a bank handing out weapons to their customers smile_o.gif

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First of all the ammendments are not and should not be subject to change. Whats to stop them from saying that you can't beilive in allah or buddah or that if you critize the government that you go to jail. If you can change one you can change the others. Secondly if I were not allowed to have guns I would not feel safe. There are a lot of bad neihborhoods around me if we were not allowed to defend ourselves I probably would'nt even have this computer right now. Hell I might even be dead. The criminals will still have their guns, and even if I was stronger and was a UFC or Pride level fighter I don't think I wuold be able to handle a large group of people. What about big disaters? Think your going to feel safe from a large mob of looters when you and your neihbors have no weapons. Do you feel safe knowing that the police don't have to protect you if they don't want to? In America the supreem court ruled that the police have no duty to protect you. Thirdly I am sure that I could kill more people with a large truck than with a gun, and I have many of them and thoasands of rounds of ammunition. There are plenty of other ways to kill than with guns.

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InqWipe, I feel sorry for the victims families, I feel sorry for those who lost their friends, due to this idiot. this guy was a fuckin nutcase, throughout all of his school years he was very weird. if you can honestly justify his killing then... I don';t think many people would feel sorry for you if you were one of those 33. I surely wouldn't feel remorse one bit. Kids in School can be cruel, That is quite obvious.. but they aren't the only reasons he wanted to kill. He simply hated certain people. But that didnt give him a right to kill anybody. I was picked on for a few years when i was much younger, and i had ppl that i hated. Even though i have all acess to many firearms of different kinds in my house, i would have never even thought of taking one anyplace and taking another human life. The kid was wacked. That is all there is to it. As for the victim's, I'm sorry for them, and my condolences are with each and every one of their loved ones.

So you think this guy was born nuts and when he got picked on a little he decided to go on a killing spree?

If you are pushed far enough you are gonna end up killing someone, them or you. I dont think you can compare yourself to this guy because you were picked on a little when you were a kid. Pretty much everyone has been picked on at some point. Ive heard people say theyve been bullied when they really havent. Seems to me a bit like comparing being stung by a needle and getting your balls crushed. Im not cheering anyone on to go on a killingspree but if you pick on someone because it makes you feel big and after a while he decides to blow your brains out I just think if you play with fire you get burned.

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The feeling I had after watching Michael Moore's Bowling For Columbine was that the citizens of the U.S. have in general a lower trust towards their police and military than we do here in Europe. By the way I think the "document films" he makes are neither good journalism or good documentaries, but are just good for entertainment purposes.

As I previously told you, I trust the police to help me when needed, and they have not let me down yet.

Also I have great trust towards our military. I belong to it myself as a reservist and as a fact is that most Finnish people are quite patriotic, there is not much reason to be afraid of a revolution of any sort. Also even if our military is small, I still think we can seriously kick ass in a battlefield if needed (this has been proven and I have absolutely no doubt we couldn't repeat it).

Also a majority of us have been born in this very same country, number of immigrants is quite low.

Also the number of criminal acts that I see is very low. I have yet to witness a gun-related crime. I have never seen a civilian carry a gun in a public place. Gang crime and violence is not visible in my daily life (it exists at some level but stays away from my eyes thankfully). The neighbourhood I live in is very clean and neat, I have no complaints (well except one nearby car scapyard which should clean up its places, but that is a small problem).

So maybe all this affects how we see this gun control issue; I see much less reason to have firearms at home than the people do at the United States. Of course I can only assume how things are in the U.S., based on the information I have received through medias like internet, newspapers and TV.

Best Wishes,


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The whole situation in VA was bad, even though I think the shooting in the Amish town was sadder. Cuz they hate the paparazzi, and the Government. 6 or 7 people killed execution style.

In VA, however, I dont know what was up with that korean dude. The scumball!

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The feeling I had after watching Michael Moore's Bowling For Columbine was that the citizens of the U.S. have in general a lower trust towards their police and military than we do here in Europe. By the way I think the "document films" he makes are neither good journalism or good documentaries, but are just good for entertainment purposes.

As I previously told you, I trust the police to help me when needed, and they have not let me down yet.

Also I have great trust towards our military. I belong to it myself as a reservist and as a fact is that most Finnish people are quite patriotic, there is not much reason to be afraid of a revolution of any sort. Also even if our military is small, I still think we can seriously kick ass in a battlefield if needed (this has been proven and I have absolutely no doubt we couldn't repeat it).

Also a majority of us have been born in this very same country, number of immigrants is quite low.

Also the number of criminal acts that I see is very low. I have yet to witness a gun-related crime. I have never seen a civilian carry a gun in a public place. Gang crime and violence is not visible in my daily life (it exists at some level but stays away from my eyes thankfully). The neighbourhood I live in is very clean and neat, I have no complaints (well except one nearby car scapyard which should clean up its places, but that is a small problem).

So maybe all this affects how we see this gun control issue; I see much less reason to have firearms at home than the people do at the United States. Of course I can only assume how things are in the U.S., based on the information I have received through medias like internet, newspapers and TV.

Best Wishes,


First of all Id like to thank your country for kicking some communist ass in the winter war. It is good that your police protect you, but how would you feel if you knew that they did not have to protect you and could just wait intell everyone is dead before going into the building to investigate you and everyones around you dead body. Would you want to have a weapon of some kind? Also a lot of Americans do not trust their government or their police(not all of them most are good) for good reason. The military would probably be split in the case of a total gun ban. There have been many infringments on our rights, not just weapons. I have a question for the Europeans here. Do you believe that self defense is a right? And, What will happen first, you and your loved ones dieing or the police showing up? What if the burgler is between you and your phone?

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The feeling I had after watching Michael Moore's Bowling For Columbine was that the citizens of the U.S. have in general a lower trust towards their police and military than we do here in Europe. By the way I think the "document films" he makes are neither good journalism or good documentaries, but are just good for entertainment purposes.

As I previously told you, I trust the police to help me when needed, and they have not let me down yet.

Also I have great trust towards our military. I belong to it myself as a reservist and as a fact is that most Finnish people are quite patriotic, there is not much reason to be afraid of a revolution of any sort. Also even if our military is small, I still think we can seriously kick ass in a battlefield if needed (this has been proven and I have absolutely no doubt we couldn't repeat it).

Also a majority of us have been born in this very same country, number of immigrants is quite low.

Also the number of criminal acts that I see is very low. I have yet to witness a gun-related crime. I have never seen a civilian carry a gun in a public place. Gang crime and violence is not visible in my daily life (it exists at some level but stays away from my eyes thankfully). The neighbourhood I live in is very clean and neat, I have no complaints (well except one nearby car scapyard which should clean up its places, but that is a small problem).

So maybe all this affects how we see this gun control issue; I see much less reason to have firearms at home than the people do at the United States. Of course I can only assume how things are in the U.S., based on the information I have received through medias like internet, newspapers and TV.

Best Wishes,


First of all Id like to thank your country for kicking some communist ass in the winter war. It is good that your police protect you, but how would you feel if you knew that they did not have to protect you and could just wait intell everyone is dead before going into the building to investigate you and everyones around you dead body. Would you want to have a weapon of some kind? Also a lot of Americans do not trust their government or their police(not all of them most are good) for good reason. The military would probably be split in the case of a total gun ban. There have been many infringments on our rights, not just weapons. I have a question for the Europeans here. Do you believe that self defense is a right? And, What will happen first, you and your loved ones dieing or the police showing up? What if the burgler is between you and your phone?

Of course self defence is a right. But I would rather have all my stuff robbed, than put me or my familys life in danger. As I would give my stuff the the burglar, and have my insurance company cover it afterwards.

Not that anyone WOULD rob me, let alone with a gun. You see, the only armed roberies around here is in banks or in a jewelry store. You hardly ever here of one any other place - and if you do, it's just with a soft gun that looks like a real gun.

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Yup, yup...

Take my car. Take my wallet. Take my furniture. I am not going to own a gun because of them...

I won't bother fighting against a burglar, I let the police do that. And yes, we have insurance.

Armed robberies are very, very rare here where I live. That explains a part of my opinions as I already expressed in my previous post. I have a very small probability to face a threat which could get me seriously hurt or even killed. If I am ever going to get seriously hurt (hopefully not), that would most likely happen in a road accident.

Questions to the citizens of the U.S. Have you ever been directly threatened with a gun? Have someone ever directly threatened to kill you?

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Yup, yup...

Take my car. Take my wallet. Take my furniture. I am not going to own a gun because of them...

I won't bother fighting against a burglar, I let the police do that. And yes, we have insurance.

Armed robberies are very, very rare here where I live. That explains a part of my opinions as I already expressed in my previous post. I have a very small probability to face a threat which could get me seriously hurt or even killed. If I am ever going to get seriously hurt (hopefully not), that would most likely happen in a road accident.

Questions to the citizens of the U.S. Have you ever been directly threatened with a gun? Have someone ever directly threatened to kill you?

My friend was held at gun point while coming home from work.

Also what if the burgler wants to kill and or rape your family too?

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Take my car. Take my wallet. Take my furniture. I am not going to own a gun because of them...

I won't bother fighting against a burglar, I let the police do that. And yes, we have insurance.

What a whinie ...  tounge2.gif  If everybody would thinking and acting like you baddo, it would be a burgler's and robber's heavens on earth, and don't tell me we have a Police for that; you know, sometimes even almighty Police is late, don't act and things like that, just look how they've 'acted' in case for which this topic is created for. You're too pacifistic even for my taste, and don't tell me that your thinking is from a healthy sense.

I certainly would, will and do defend my property and my dearest. Not every punk which want to steal your car or get into your house will have a bazooka with him, so a swift kick in the ass (but rather in the head) can solve a problem, before those lazy policemens move their lazy buts and came on a crime scene.

Question for you, baddo; have a wife or a girlfriend? If you have, would you just look how some burglar would break into your house or apartment, and then go to rape your wife or girlfriend? Would you act, or you'll just tell him go ahaed, take my wife as you've taken my car, my wallet, my furniture, and then you'll play a pacifistic voyeur (as you would played it during (your own) robbery)?

You see, there're situations where is really not healthy to act or intervene, but there're also the situations which one must to intervene or to act, even if he risking his own life. This is a healthy sense, not your (too)pacifisticly inactive -- senseless philosophy. Heck, peoples (firemans) recently risked their own lifes to save some horse from a muddy pit! And don't tell me this is their job, or that's a job of a policeman to risk his own life to save your cowardly ass.

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Maybe this is the reason why you need more guns in the US and maybe more guns is the reason for this:

Sweden compared to other countries including the US:

Quote[/b] ]Homicides

In 2003, there were 189 homicides in Sweden.[3] In 2001, there were 169, which gives a rate of circa 2 murders per 100,000 inhabitants. This figure is in line with most European countries, which also have a level of between 1-2. In comparison, the U.S. has 6 murders per 100,000; and Russia: 20.5.

Quote[/b] ]Imprisonment

The percentage of the population in prison is at a significant lower rate than most other countries. Of 100,000 inhabitants, 59 lived in prison facilities in 2001, which is about the same rate as the other Scandinavian countries. Most industrial countres in Europe had a rate of around 100 (England & Wales 125, Germany 97, Italy 90), and some eastern Europe states between 150-300; the U.S. high above with 682, only topped by Russia's 729.[5]


I must say congratulations to having almost 1% of your population in prison. Obviously you are doing something right  wink_o.gif

If I lived under your government I would probably want a gun too so I cant blame you. Maybe you should pray to god for a better government since you seem to be much in touch with him in the US (not that he seems to like you, maybe its because you come whining to him too much  ). tounge2.gif

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karantan. Using a gun against a burglar is not what I would do. And that does not make me a coward, or a "whinie". If you didn't notice, this discussion is about firearms. Using a firearm against a burglar who is just trying to take my stereos will likely result me ending up in prison. That is why I say I leave the job for the police.

karantan. You need not to use insulting words towards people who refuse to have a gun at home just in case a burglar comes.

The last two paragraphs of your post are just insulting bullshit towards me and I leave them as such. If you were the burglar, and if I knew that, I'd for sure give you a hard kick where you need it the most. But I would not shoot you with a firearm, as that would only cause myself ending up in prison. Read the text in bold several times and maybe then you could understand what my previous, and this post is about.

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karantan. Using a gun against a burglar is not what I would do. And that does not make me a coward, or a "whinie".

No, what makes you a whinie is that you'll allow some one to take everything from you, your car, your wallet, your furniture,,, this has (now I'm going with bold) nothing to do with usage or not usege of a gun, but yes, you being a coward.

But you can't take it if some one on some forum is making some joke on your expences (here we were alike -but not anymore- so I do understand you). Well, you're ,,, inconsistent in your thouths or beleifes if you want.

The bottom line is; if I would be in a situation that I have to use a gun, or an axe or a knife or a pile of a dry shit to defend myself, my property and my family, then I would do it. You will not, these are your own words, not mine. In my book this is a pure chicken cowardness, in your book it can be whatever you want or like.

Quote[/b] ]If you didn't notice, this discussion is about firearms. Using a firearm against a burglar who is just trying to take my stereos will likely result me ending up in prison. That is why I say I leave the job for the police.

No, this discussion is about School shooting "phenomenon". But nevermind.

What you would do if he would try to 'take' your women instead of your stereos? Would you still calculate with the posibility ending you in prison if you'll go and split up his scull? And before the police will arive ,,, *picture in your head here what it would happen with you women in the meantime*

Quote[/b] ]karantan. You need not to use insulting words towards people who refuse to have a gun at home just in case a burglar comes.

As I said, this are just some childlish immature jokes I am making, so don't take them so seriously, rather yourself make some joke on my expences (I'm already used to it here on this forum). wink_o.gif    And when just talking about the wolf:

Quote[/b] ]If you were the burglar, and if I knew that, I'd for sure give you a hard kick where you need it the most.

That's the spirit, baddo!

Quote[/b] ]But I would not shoot you with a firearm, as that would only cause myself ending up in prison.

Oh, you're so kind. smile_o.gif

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its wise to give up a few objects to a burglar instead of getting killed but im gonna ask you what do you do if you get gased to sleep? shoot the burglar with automatic minguns or what? tounge2.gif

thats what me and my family happened to when we where driving our mobile home on vacation to italy. fun thing we never have had burglary at our house but our house car. biggrin_o.gif

we woke up with dizzy heads wondering what happened and where our money and Visa where. But thank god we put the travelers checks at another place than where the cash was. smile_o.gif

school shootings in america is because of americans are "gun crazy" and their goverment lets them crazy people own guns confused_o.gif

no guns not so much shootings imo. Also i read that the kid was bullied so i think the old saying violence grows violence applies in this case too. like c'mon i dont seriously think the big bad poor ruskies would go and invade america and terrorist groups never go shooting stuff up they just sneak in and plant bombs cowardly like they are. its to easy really to blow youself up, thats why i think west countries or any countries with armies are better cause they if they are at war try to do a job and get back safe.

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A fact is that I will never own a gun because of a fear that someone comes into my house and does something bad for my property or for my family. I could own a gun but not for that reason.

I can deal with such situations without a gun.

Cowards are those who keep guns at home "just in case", even when nothing bad has ever happened for them and even when experience proves that the risk of getting assaulted at home is very, very, very low. As is the case in my place.

karantan, try to understand what I am saying, please. I just say I don't need to keep a gun at home to protect or defend myself, my property or my family. I find other means to do that. I've lived almost 29 years without any such problems. No guns have been needed. Experience tells me I do not need to purchase a gun to protect my property or my family. Please do notice now that when I say I don't need a gun for protection, it does not mean I would stand by and watch when someone does bad things at my home. I would act as I see appropriate for the situation. If the appropriate action is to call the police and stay a good distance away from the burglar, then that is what I would do. If an appropriate action would be to use a deadly weapon to protect myself or my family, then I would do that. That is what you explained you would do, don't expect my survival instinct to be any less than yours. In my opinion it is not an appropriate action to use a weapon to stop a burglar who is just stealing stuff from my house. In such situation I see it is just better to contact the police (who are not lazy and slow around here, I can tell you that is certain).

That is why I wanted to ask the citizens of U.S. a question: Have you ever been directly threatened with a gun? Have someone ever directly threatened to kill you?

I ask those questions because I would like to know how "real" the threat to get attacked with a gun is for the citizens of the U.S. I feel that for me such threat is close to non-existant. I am more concerned of threats coming from outside my country. And then it is our military that acts, and I am not going to just stand by and watch but instead fulfill the oath I have given.

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A fact is that I will never own a gun because of a fear that someone comes into my house and does something bad for my property or for my family. I could own a gun but not for that reason.

If some one decides to get a gun, then I can't think of any better (and sain enough) reason. Which would be your reason(s) to own a gun then?

Quote[/b] ]I can deal with such situations without a gun.

'Can'. This 'can' do anybody, but the real question here is HOW you'll deal with such a situation. For you can be that you'll 'deal' with it like giving all away to the robber/burglar, and to shit your pants during the process. Sorry mate, but with revious discussion on this theme you didn't convinced me at all that you're capable to handle properly in such tense situation, but who am I to care, you're old enough. tounge2.gif

Quote[/b] ]Cowards are those who keep guns at home "just in case", even when nothing bad has ever happened for them and even when experience proves that the risk of getting assaulted at home is very, very, very low. As is the case in my place.

Yes that's right, "just in case". If I want to arm myself, why would arm myself AFTER something bad happens to me or my family, when is too late, there's no logic in this. Any and all kind of dangers are lurking on us on any place and at any time, in our carelessness and in our cocoons of our cozy lifes we just don't see it anymore; our instincts for it are gone. Until ,,, it touches us; until something bad happens to us or to our loved ones. But until then those dangers doesen't exist for us, doesen't 'apply' on us.

So here's no one a coward, not those who choosed to arm themselves nor those who choosed not to, this is just a way how an individual is participating and valuating the surounding in which he's living. The cowards are those which don't resist even when they can or could, and above all when they must, but they're too afraid to. Of course there's also a few people with so high moral standards about this, that any kind of violence is unthinkable to them, but we're not one of them, aren't we. wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]karantan, try to understand what I am saying, please. I just say I don't need to keep a gun at home to protect or defend myself, my property or my family. I find other means to do that. I've lived almost 29 years without any such problems. No guns have been needed.

Well, good for you if you had such a peaceful life so far, and I mean it. And I'm trying to understand you and what you're saying, but sorry, I can't, you're too much contradicting to yourself in your statements, and you're changing them too rapidly to understand you completely. Here's an exsample:

Quote[/b] ]Experience tells me I do not need to purchase a gun to protect my property or my family. Please do notice now that when I say I don't need a gun for protection, it does not mean I would stand by and watch when someone does bad things at my home. I would act as I see appropriate for the situation. If the appropriate action is to call the police and stay a good distance away from the burglar, then that is what I would do. If an appropriate action would be to use a deadly weapon to protect myself or my family, then I would do that. That is what you explained you would do, don't expect my survival instinct to be any less than yours.

Only a couple of posts behind you've wroted that they can take a car, a wallet, a furniture from you, that you won't bother fighting against a burglar, you would rather left the police to do that. Maybe if some one rob you naked isn't enough of reason for you to resist or to defend yourself, but beleive me that with me the person is in quite big danger if he stops me on a street asking me if he can use my cell phone. Why? Because we all know that in this days even a poorest bump have a cell phone, not one but few of them, probably all stollen.

And about that burglar thingy; most of the burglars (let's say 90% of them or even more) don't carry a weapon with them, they don't expect to have a contact with the 'victim', and mostly they run away at the slightest sound or when they realise that the residents are at home (by day) or that the residents are been waken up (by night). That's why is quite on place and 'safe' to confront the burglar even with a bare hands. With robbers, rapists, murderers and similar scum is of course a bit different story, and sometimes more strong mesures (a gun?) are required to defend yourself.

EDIT: Please Baddo don't take this as a some sort of attack on you, that would be the last thing on my mind. wink_o.gif

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A fact is that I will never own a gun because of a fear that someone comes into my house and does something bad for my property or for my family. I could own a gun but not for that reason.

I can deal with such situations without a gun.

Cowards are those who keep guns at home "just in case", even when nothing bad has ever happened for them and even when experience proves that the risk of getting assaulted at home is very, very, very low. As is the case in my place.

karantan, try to understand what I am saying, please. I just say I don't need to keep a gun at home to protect or defend myself, my property or my family. I find other means to do that. I've lived almost 29 years without any such problems. No guns have been needed. Experience tells me I do not need to purchase a gun to protect my property or my family. Please do notice now that when I say I don't need a gun for protection, it does not mean I would stand by and watch when someone does bad things at my home. I would act as I see appropriate for the situation. If the appropriate action is to call the police and stay a good distance away from the burglar, then that is what I would do. If an appropriate action would be to use a deadly weapon to protect myself or my family, then I would do that. That is what you explained you would do, don't expect my survival instinct to be any less than yours. In my opinion it is not an appropriate action to use a weapon to stop a burglar who is just stealing stuff from my house. In such situation I see it is just better to contact the police (who are not lazy and slow around here, I can tell you that is certain).

That is why I wanted to ask the citizens of U.S. a question: Have you ever been directly threatened with a gun? Have someone ever directly threatened to kill you?

I ask those questions because I would like to know how "real" the threat to get attacked with a gun is for the citizens of the U.S. I feel that for me such threat is close to non-existant. I am more concerned of threats coming from outside my country. And then it is our military that acts, and I am not going to just stand by and watch but instead fulfill the oath I have given.

I completely agree with you Baddo.

I will keep out of this discussion from now on, though - as some people inhere simply fail to see our points, and goes down to the level of personal insulting instead of facing the reality.

I give up, guys. I would never want to own a gun, and you can't change that.

If you want a gun, it's your choise - just stay out of me and my familys life, please.

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We're at page 13 today.

Did we ever evolver past:

#1 Get guns in schools now ffs!

#2 Get guns out of America ffs!

It seems the sum of our intellectual capacities did not minimize the probability of another school massacre in the future. I don't think you'll be able to remove school massacres, but when both sides refuse to compromize, status quo is maintained. Thanks to everybody for participating in the experiment, maybe we'll do better next time.

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We could be at page 34652 but our intellectual capacities cannot minimize the probability that a single less mosquito would evolve from a larvae. You must go 'out' and to act, to 'do something about it'.

Let's theorise a bit more: if another or one more gun that day would be present at that high school (in the hands of a security guard? ), the number of casualties could be lowered, halved, maybe reduced even more from that.

I am not a gun lover, I am a realist. If I personally evaluate that I personally need a weapon to increase my personal safety I will not refuse the reality just to feel so academic and to be 'above all that'. Personally I'm refusing to be a helpless victim which despite a 'danger indicators' didn't done anything to protect himself. The reality is cruel and at all times it requires a personal choices, which some time in the future can bring (positive or negative) personal consequences.

The compromises are happening and are done more or less on a personal levels, you can't do a compromise with something so abstract as society, which along with that is going in wrong direction. If you're not ready this/such society will eat you raw and then devour you; you're a (beaten, robbed, raped, killed, bancrupt, homeless,,,you choose) victim of it.

Thank you too.

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A fact is that I will never own a gun because of a fear that someone comes into my house and does something bad for my property or for my family. I could own a gun but not for that reason.

I can deal with such situations without a gun.

Cowards are those who keep guns at home "just in case", even when nothing bad has ever happened for them and even when experience proves that the risk of getting assaulted at home is very, very, very low. As is the case in my place.

karantan, try to understand what I am saying, please. I just say I don't need to keep a gun at home to protect or defend myself, my property or my family. I find other means to do that. I've lived almost 29 years without any such problems. No guns have been needed. Experience tells me I do not need to purchase a gun to protect my property or my family. Please do notice now that when I say I don't need a gun for protection, it does not mean I would stand by and watch when someone does bad things at my home. I would act as I see appropriate for the situation. If the appropriate action is to call the police and stay a good distance away from the burglar, then that is what I would do. If an appropriate action would be to use a deadly weapon to protect myself or my family, then I would do that. That is what you explained you would do, don't expect my survival instinct to be any less than yours. In my opinion it is not an appropriate action to use a weapon to stop a burglar who is just stealing stuff from my house. In such situation I see it is just better to contact the police (who are not lazy and slow around here, I can tell you that is certain).

That is why I wanted to ask the citizens of U.S. a question: Have you ever been directly threatened with a gun? Have someone ever directly threatened to kill you?

I ask those questions because I would like to know how "real" the threat to get attacked with a gun is for the citizens of the U.S. I feel that for me such threat is close to non-existant. I am more concerned of threats coming from outside my country. And then it is our military that acts, and I am not going to just stand by and watch but instead fulfill the oath I have given.

I completely agree with you Baddo.

I will keep out of this discussion from now on, though - as some people inhere simply fail to see our points, and goes down to the level of personal insulting instead of facing the reality.

I give up, guys. I would never want to own a gun, and you can't change that.

If you want a gun, it's your choise - just stay out of me and my familys life, please.

Are you saying that you would be afraid of someone that had a gun, or would be worried about them going crazy?  

If we ban guns we should also ban cars.  You do not need them and there are very deadly, much more deadly than a gun.  No knifes, you dont need those either and can be used to kill a lot of people. only chefs can have them and they have to be registered with the government.  Only the goverment can have big trucks.  The trucking industry must be taken over by the state.  Big trucks can kill a lot of people.  What would happen if a truck driver making deleries went crazy while driving next to a school.  Any truck drivers whishing to keep their jobs must go through background checks and pyschological exams.  Forks should also be banned there too dangerous and you dont even need them.  Same thing with baseball bats, cricket bats, golf clubs, etc.  None of those should be legal, the are lethal weapons.  They were not designed to kill but they do it pretty good.  No dangeorous tools like screwdrivers or saws.  Im sure there are a bunch of other dangerous thing that we should ban for the saftey of all. Can anyone agree to that?

These discussions are always hard.  Most europeans think us American gun owners are crazy and rednecks.  Which is one of the stupidest sterotypes ever.  I just think to my self while watching someone on youtube call someone a redneck that has a weapon that costs over 15,000 dollors, arent rednecks supposed to be poor?  And a lot American gun owners think europeans have a victim mentallity and the men are feminzed in great numbers.  We just can't see eye to eye and probably never will.  I just wish that the anit gun people in europe would stop trying to make me helpless.  Also what do you think about the people in Alaska who need guns for protection aganst wild life?  Would you just make them a snack or mauling waiting to happen?

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A fact is that I will never own a gun because of a fear that someone comes into my house and does something bad for my property or for my family. I could own a gun but not for that reason.

I can deal with such situations without a gun.

Cowards are those who keep guns at home "just in case", even when nothing bad has ever happened for them and even when experience proves that the risk of getting assaulted at home is very, very, very low. As is the case in my place.

karantan, try to understand what I am saying, please. I just say I don't need to keep a gun at home to protect or defend myself, my property or my family. I find other means to do that. I've lived almost 29 years without any such problems. No guns have been needed. Experience tells me I do not need to purchase a gun to protect my property or my family. Please do notice now that when I say I don't need a gun for protection, it does not mean I would stand by and watch when someone does bad things at my home. I would act as I see appropriate for the situation. If the appropriate action is to call the police and stay a good distance away from the burglar, then that is what I would do. If an appropriate action would be to use a deadly weapon to protect myself or my family, then I would do that. That is what you explained you would do, don't expect my survival instinct to be any less than yours. In my opinion it is not an appropriate action to use a weapon to stop a burglar who is just stealing stuff from my house. In such situation I see it is just better to contact the police (who are not lazy and slow around here, I can tell you that is certain).

That is why I wanted to ask the citizens of U.S. a question: Have you ever been directly threatened with a gun? Have someone ever directly threatened to kill you?

I ask those questions because I would like to know how "real" the threat to get attacked with a gun is for the citizens of the U.S. I feel that for me such threat is close to non-existant. I am more concerned of threats coming from outside my country. And then it is our military that acts, and I am not going to just stand by and watch but instead fulfill the oath I have given.

I completely agree with you Baddo.

I will keep out of this discussion from now on, though - as some people inhere simply fail to see our points, and goes down to the level of personal insulting instead of facing the reality.

I give up, guys. I would never want to own a gun, and you can't change that.

If you want a gun, it's your choise - just stay out of me and my familys life, please.

Are you saying that you would be afraid of someone that had a gun, or would be worried about them going crazy?

If we ban guns we should also ban cars. You do not need them and there are very deadly, much more deadly than a gun. No knifes, you dont need those either and can be used to kill a lot of people. only chefs can have them and they have to be registered with the government. Only the goverment can have big trucks. The trucking industry must be taken over by the state. Big trucks can kill a lot of people. What would happen if a truck driver making deleries went crazy while driving next to a school. Any truck drivers whishing to keep their jobs must go through background checks and pyschological exams. Forks should also be banned there too dangerous and you dont even need them. Same thing with baseball bats, cricket bats, golf clubs, etc. None of those should be legal, the are lethal weapons. They were not designed to kill but they do it pretty good. No dangeorous tools like screwdrivers or saws. Im sure there are a bunch of other dangerous thing that we should ban for the saftey of all. Can anyone agree to that?

These discussions are always hard. Most europeans think us American gun owners are crazy and rednecks. Which is one of the stupidest sterotypes ever. I just think to my self while watching someone on youtube call someone a redneck that has a weapon that costs over 15,000 dollors, arent rednecks supposed to be poor? And a lot American gun owners think europeans have a victim mentallity and the men are feminzed in great numbers. We just can't see eye to eye and probably never will. I just wish that the anit gun people in europe would stop trying to make me helpless. Also what do you think about the people in Alaska who need guns for protection aganst wild life? Would you just make them a snack or mauling waiting to happen?

I do not even validate that a proper answer. It is hard not to just ignore you, as all your points are simply hypocritical arguments blown out of proportions.

If you still cannot see what I mean, then please answer me this:

Can you drive your kids to school in your car?

Can you drive your kids to school on your rifle?

We are not talking black and white here, mate. What you are explaining soudns like some weird science fiction with no liberty what so ever.

But if you truely wanted your liberty, you wouldn't live in a country with so many laws. You wouldn't live in a country where you should be afraid of accidently tripping someone, since he/she might fall and then sue your arse for everything youve got.

If that is what you call freedom. Fine, just take ya guns and defend yaself - while being sued to pieces. It just seems like you guys live in some cheese-dome in ya own brainwashed world with no opportunity to look onto yourself objectively.

But please, if you want a nice discussion - start finding some real arguments, and not these fairytale pushups you seem so fond of. Cause this is a waste of my time.

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Can you give me a reason why cars should not be banned? I bet I could kill just as many people as the recent masacre in the school. I don't those arguments would deprive you of liberty. If the lack of guns made life safer, wouldent all of those? You want to drive somewhere a motercycle and a side car is all you need. Has anyone in your country used a car a mass murder weapon? Its happened here. Shouldnt people be able to walk down a side walk without being run over by a drunk or a crazy person. So please give me a reason why all the things I listed in my earlier post should not be illegal.

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Isn't it obvious?

Because a car, alcohol, screwdrivers, chairs, motorcycles, lamps, guitars, clothes, tape etc. isn't designed to kill.

Although they DO have the ability to kill other people, their function which they are designed for is not to kill/hurt other people.

Jeez, this is like talking to a kid icon_rolleyes.gif

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