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KilJoy -SFG-

Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

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Hi all,

I have read this entire thread but it was over a period of weeks and I don't have the best...er...thingy...what's it called?...er...whatever...so sorry if the following suggestion has already been covered.

I love multiplayer games and specifically team games, I also love ArmA so this mission is the dogs as far as I'm concerned. I particularly like running recovery missions driving repair/refuel trucks deep into hostile territory to bring back a damaged vehicle. But even I get slightly peeved when it's taken me 30mins to drive somewhere, cajoling a couple of AI to drive other trucks with me only to be killed by a single shot from a hidden enemy the second I step down from the cab.

There's another mission out there called RTS4 and I think it's that one that gives the blackhawks the ability to have vehicles slung underneath them, so they can airlift them.

This would allow a BH pilot to either carry the repair trucks to the site or bring the damaged vehicle back to base.

It doesn't do away with the need to repair vehicles but does cut the time needed somewhat once the rank is gained to fly a BH (necessary when you have kids and a wife that don't understand you have to save the world before doing the DIY or help with the homework :/ ).

I wouldn't suggest giving any points for this as it could easily be abused.

What d'ya reckon?

Keep up the good work anyway.


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I would actually heartily support Bob's suggestion here! And I don't particularly see why it couldn't also be a way to farm some more points, for all involved.

Basically, as I see it, once the battle moves from the close-close regions, the only transport in much use is helicopters - 5ts and APCs, although unlocked, are (in my experience) rarely used, simply because it's not fun driving for 30 minutes to Bagango only to get killed by a single RPG, and then having to drive another 30 minutes with a convoy of AI supply trucks to repair your lonesome APC so that you can go on. Added to this, you're mighty lucky if you can get a squad to ride with you in that Stryker or M113 and thus actually get points for carrying them to the frontline as well. Forget about driving back and forth for longer distances than, say, Corazol!

So airlifting repair trucks and the like could really make the movement of ground hardware that much more usable and intuitive, and actually make sure all those scattered hummers and M113s that seem to be left everywhere eventually get collected and used smile_o.gif

Of course, implementing this idea could badly imbalance the game and concept, so it's not a must of course - but nonetheless in my opinion a viable and quite cool idea. thumbs-up.gif



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Can a Blackhawk actually airlift trucks n stuff in RL??? Not sure tbh, I know chinooks can but not sure on Blackhawks.

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Not sure to be honest, i seriously doubt it.

But the problem is ArmA didnt come with a Chinook and so it would need a 3rd party addon... :|

So to use vanilla ArmA you'd have to make a compromise and allow BH's to lift vehicles. Problem is theres only two in Evo.. Maybe some 'Recovery BH's' could be made which only allow seating for the pilot and cannot seat passengers (dunno if thats possible...) and then that can be used to recover other vehicles at distance.. like a repair truck, except you hitch it back to base and it can auto repair.

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And when the Recover BH crashes it doesnt spawn till an hour later... since it'll be too easy to recover vehicles. If it can lift a Stryker it could probably lift an MH6.

Hey Kiljoy... have you ever thought of implementing Kronzky's Urban Patrol Script? I played Hamburger Hill, which had that script running, and the AI in the area kept on coming left right centre top bottom sideways. Currently Somato only has perpetually standing soldiers in Evo.

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Not sure to be honest, i seriously doubt it.

But the problem is ArmA didnt come with a Chinook and so it would need a 3rd party addon... :|

So to use vanilla ArmA you'd have to make a compromise and allow BH's to lift vehicles. Problem is theres only two in Evo.. Maybe some 'Recovery BH's' could be made which only allow seating for the pilot and cannot seat passengers (dunno if thats possible...) and then that can be used to recover other vehicles at distance.. like a repair truck, except you hitch it back to base and it can auto repair.

It is possible, but you'd need to find the script in the OFP:R section of the forums to do it. As for no passengers, you could mod this script so the "if passenger mounted no lift capablity available" or make an addon CFG to add an new BH using the same models, but with an config that only has 2 crew and 2 passengers (side gunners).

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After BIS fixed my GF8800 problem, me and some of my mates can now finally play arma and we are playing your Evoloution map.

All that I can say is, that this is the most perfect masterpiece in mission making history!

We have so much fun playing, THANK YOU!

Thank you for your amazing work!


MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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I'm a big fan of the request for airlift capabilities as the solution to many problems, not the least of which is late game travel time.

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Can a Blackhawk actually airlift trucks n stuff in RL??? Not sure tbh, I know chinooks can but not sure on Blackhawks.


Courtesy of the Wiki on the Blackhawk, your answer on the lift capacity of the Blackhawk HH-60 variant: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Born2flie/UH-60_Black_Hawk

HH-60G and HH-60G have a 200-foot cable, with a lift capacity of 600 pounds, used for rescue of downed airmen and infantrymen.


General characteristics

Crew: Minimum 2 pilots

Capacity: 2,645 lb of cargo internally, including 14 troops or 6 stretchers, or 8,000 lb (UH-60A) or 9,000 lb (UH-60L) of cargo externally.

Personally as far as ArmA goes, take care of your vehicles, and give it up on the idea of airlifting it back to base. Use your team to do the repair/refuel ops by truck. That time-intensive period alone is my catalyst for taking care of my gear, so I don't have to do it at all. If you still want to airlift by chopper, then go play BFV.

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The problem is Sniper121.. Is that on public servers people usually are uncooperative. So basically it means i have to get an ai to try and drive.. often extremely slowly, or i end up making multiple trips myself to a FARP or something..

Airlifting will allow you to be more independant if you crash your vehicle.. i dont like leaving my BH's behind in the terrain if i happen to crash.. but at the mo its near impossible to recover a vehicle if its far away from a FARP or something cause the AI driving is too flow etc.

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I'm running a Private server for my squad that we work a little on each nite.

What I would like to see happen is possibly:

+Mobile Spawn Points, Like, Spawn on the Squad Leader [encourages joining a team, plus we are wasting MH-6 When a squad member gets killed in Cayo, and he has to Fly 1 MH-6 back for himself to rejoin his group, because I sure wouldn't want to drive 25 minutes to possibly get killed again]

+Make the enemies patrol more, instead of just standing idle in a huge field.

+Give more points for clearing a city and being in the grey proximity, I think right now, its 10, for Paradisio thats not very much, but for a smaller town it might be. Maybe range it from 20 - 10 depending on population count.

+There is a bug some how, that flying a harrier would cause the game to crash, after attempts to re-arm it, it crashed, respawned then we couldn't use it. Caused anyone who attempted to use it to crash out. I think it was only the ones with the GBUs.

+Javelin Launcher and Ammo doesn't show up, even though it is on your back and you can use it.

+As mention, a script were you can keep your previous load out, instead of selecting it, then driving it, dying in 2 seconds, having to do it again. I kept forgetting my pistol because I was lazy and just wanted to get back into the fight with my squad.

+And possibly if you can do the spawn on squad leader ordeal, limit the possible weapons a soldier could have, he'd have to go back to base to totally re-arm. Give him 2 clips, a grenade.

+And the possible airlift, I don't want to airlift 5Ts, but The Different versions of Hummvees that are usually unused throughout the game would become more sought after. Heck, just have it so it parachutes so far out of the grey paremeter, removes a hmmv from the spawn, and only Squad leades with like 3 or 4 human members could do it. They could be shot down by Anti Air Aswell, forcing you to clear out the Shilkas before you bring in backup for clearing the ground units.

-VeloX //benxcore

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A little Evo fun:

Last night we commandeered a Shilka twice. It was the most fun i have had on Armed Assualt period yay.gif We went head to head with another Shilka causing there crew to bail and left us with another Shilka to possess rofl.gif Watching enemy troops ping away from Shilka's firepower, taking out KA heli's and keeping AI Ammo truk nearby made for an Epic night.

Mental note - must not play for 6 hours straight ever again help.gif

On topic - I don't think airlift option for APC ect is worth it. Yeh it is a pain when playin PUB servers and can leave the mission a little fragmented but its part and parcel. Best bet is to use AI to drive outskirt of town with repair and Fuel for when u need them.

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The problem is Sniper121.. Is that on public servers people usually are uncooperative. So basically it means i have to get an ai to try and drive.. often extremely slowly, or i end up making multiple trips myself to a FARP or something..

I get why you want airlifting, but having to do mission mods for sucky public servers only ruins the map for people like us that play on GOOD servers, and actually DO use the concept of "co-op".

If you were like Sniper and I, and playing on our server where we DO work together, you'd have his point of view.

It stinks that there are sucky public servers out there with idiots - but I don't think Kiljoy should ruin his great map by making changes to help sucky servers and thus lowering the quality of his map overall.

If your tired of public maps, I posted a few times in this thread (including page 45) a way to get on a NICE private mature Evo server with true co-op.

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First, thanks Killjoy for the awesome map.

Then I'm not sure if someone has already suggested this, but it would be nice to have some kind of loadout configuration option for the helicopters, like having standard FFAR's, flare FFAR's ... that kind of stuff...

I have no idea how hard this might be to implement but I think it would bring in a lot of options for the serious Coop players who want to Illuminate a city or mark a target from the air and add a nice touch of realism as these are very common manouvers in real life scenarios.

Also I think its a great idea as some suggested to put an one hour respawn timer on damaged vehicles, because if a vehicle could have been repaired it would have been by that time.

That should address the lost to sea vehicle issues aswell.

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Its funny I lost the UH60MG the other night about 50' into the water and it made me desperately want a chinook to airlift the poor thing out of the water... or a naval recovery ship.

But lets stop exaggerating here... 30 minutes to drive around? Take a MH-6 to the nearest FARP and drive yourself from there... the AI is horrible at driving, and with that stupid bridge bug they can't get to most places.

Sure it took my buddy and I 45-60 minutes per city to repair and return our damaged vehicles... granted we also took any enemy vehicles we could (last count 5 t-72's, a bmp-2, a brdm). So we had a nice heft arsenal. But if we had been less sloppy about our tactics those vehicles wouldn't have been destroyed in the first place.

One 'bug' I did notice was I can place an AI friendly soldier in any vehicle I wasn't eligible for yet and they could drive it, and I could be gunner/commander... not sure if that is intentional, but it is a way to circumvent the fact that I myself couldn't drive it.

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Ok to all those that are not for the a lifting chopper to retrieve the jets and other craft lost at sea or in the mountains:

1st: I do understand what your talking about with teamwork and public servers. However a simple CTD = Craft lost at sea.

2nd: Just how will this kind of craft lower the value of the mission? I mean really I fetch every craft i loose to the enemy. Why? simple I lost it, so I'll go get it back.

3rd: If this lifting chopper would be downed you'd have to repair it just like any thing else.

4th: Yes it's true that this chopper will most likely be used to move armor forward on the map, however does this not happen in RL? Keep in mind that if some smuck wants to lift a craft closer to the battle and does so while there is still Anti air around they will loose two crafts.

5th: Kiljoy is the person that will decide if it will be included in the mission or not and under what terms it will function.

Now to all the people that want Evo = BF:

1st: If you don't like arma cuz it does not feel/work/play like BF, go play BF! or turn off rambo mode in your head.

2nd: There is nuthing wrong with base spawn even if your working as a team, if you or a teamy goes down the others should wait for your return and hold ground while you do so. As for the MH-6 and hummers that get depleted on a public server, they should alwys run respawn MH-6. If your a team server and not public you should have a pilot.

3rd: As for the loadout selection being saved, once again this is not BF! when you die, you respawn, you then get your gear and ready your self for combat as if it's the last time you'll ever see those crates. you get 40 units of weapons at every rank for the types availible to you. This means if your dieng allot you'll soon find that your selection suddenly change when you run out of your weapon choice. It's not ok to die in arma and waste equipment! take better care of your self and team.

To kiljoy:

We finaly finished the mission on our one and only public server, best thing at the end we still had both cobra's and all Jets. Thank you once again for a spended mission it's been keeping us busy.

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Evolution IceEdit-5 now has players spawning with LAWS and m9's as well as a satchel.

enjoy or dont.

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kiljoy, i just wanted to push the use of the code snippet i posted before for rearming vehicles, then you will just need to place a vehicle and it rearms correctly (since it gets the data from the config it will use the right mag for any vehicle, addon, bis official or 1.05 harrier and 1.07 harrier.).

So, can we get any comment on that. Will you use it or you got another solution?

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GranQ Yes there is a difference between the 1.07 harrier and the 1.05 harriers bomb ammo name. Causing an error in all evolution versions when reloading gbu bomber in beta 1.07 on the airstrip. I think I may have an alternative and simpler solution but if i cant get it to work i will use the get from config method for the very reasons you mentioned for the compatible to 1.07 release of evo.

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That's the point, just use my script, it reads all values from the config so it will always work and it will work with both official vehicles and addon vehicles.

You can find the snippet here (right-click and "Save as"). All you need for it to work is to pass it a reference to the vehicle you want to reload.

The only problem is that it won't reload secondary turrets correctly. The commander machinegun on the M1A1, and the door gunner M134 on the UH60 won't be reloaded (the crew-chief position will get reloaded properly), but that's because I couldn't find a way to addMagazine things to those turrets.

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Evolution IceEdit-5 now has players spawning with LAWS and m9's as well as a satchel.

enjoy or dont.

What, using crates too hard for you kiddies?

Seriously, shut it. Kiljoy doesn't like the modding, and you in here bragging about yours is beyond lame and excuse in a way you obviously will never 'get'.

Your inane announcements in his own thread are futher insulting, and do damage, not help, to the ArmA community.

And spare me the high school response which I know your itchin' to type back. Just go dude. Run away.

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No one has the right to say "Do Not Edit MY MISSION" Period.

If The developers wanted missions to be locked they would have made security features. Even then they would know full well people would edit them anyway.

Altering their mission and still receiving credit for it is the best an editor can reasonably expect.

The "Kiddies" are the ones who cant understand this reasoning.

Just because some of you "die Hards" want to spend a whole weekend completing a mission. Others have a real life and want a more friendly version of "Evolution".

On that note. I believe I've fixed the editing error so now when all town are won the mission will end.

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No one has the right to say "Do Not Edit MY MISSION" Period.

If The developers wanted missions to be locked they would have made security features. Even then they would know full well people would edit them anyway.

Altering their mission and still receiving credit for it is the best an editor can reasonably expect.

The "Kiddies" are the ones who cant understand this reasoning.

Just because you can pirate, doesn't make it right. I get piracy, trust me, I do. But doing it doesn't make it OK just because you can. It doesn't matter if the map has security features or not. The author says don't do it, he doesn't approve it. That's enough.

To further shock me with your level of pure idiocy, you come on to the Author's own thread, and boast about it.

Stuff like this pisses off people and drives them away from ArmA, and discourages authors to do more work like Kiljoy doing Evolution. But hey, what do you care, you're all about yourself and living in the moment, everyone else be damned right?

I know a lot of people say "get a clue" as slang, but seriously, it fits in this case - you REALLY need to get a clue.

Your ego, subborness and self-justifications of your actions are astonishing.

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Maybe your own thread would be helpful ice, then you can update people to your hearts content, and we can have this one for talking about evolution 1.5a wink_o.gif

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