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Vehicle's exploding damage

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When armed and ammo carrying vehicles explode, eg tanks, gun mounted uaz, cobra, or shilka zsu, they will take down everything in a 10-25m radius and some will seriously injure everything past that up to 30-35m radius.

Every living creature dies, every tree breaks, and every building collapses into dust.

Huge domino effect. A shilka that is hit by a missile which itself would not injure much anything else past 10-15m (eg FFAR, hellfire) the shilka's own explosion will not only kill everyone inside 25m it will also render other vehicles within ~15m useless or even make it explode as well depending on its own armor. T72 tracks broken, for instance.

You can make shilkas/vulcans explode like dominos for as many of them as you care to place in the map, provided they're all decently close; <15-20m. It looks funny but...

Too much?

Now, I'm willing to go with Ammo trucks having huge damage area simply because it adds some danger with using them as one would expect. But for a jeep with a mounted gun or vulcan to take out so large areas when exploding, seems rather too much to me.

I would like the zero chance of survival to be changed to random chance of being wounded with small chance of death, somewhat dependent on the distance to the vehicle.

Alternatively, just make the radius of damage much, much smaller.


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agreed. i think the entire damage system needs an overhaul. hitpoints= terrible. check out my post in the game 2 suggestion section (it's on page 2 now).

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Absolutely right you are.

If a car is hit from say, a missile, the car would not add any splash radius other than shrapnel which should only hurt soldiers, and the damage radius in which armoured vehicles can be damaged should be the same as the rocket's damage radius.

But if a car has explosives inside it, it should be extremely powerful and blow outwards with deadly huge pieces of debris.

As with choppers, if they crash they shouldnt have any explosion except for very high speed crashes, but if the chopper his in flames because of a missile hit then there should be some splash damage around it, but not to the extent as shown in this video:


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too much damage yes!!

i fire rpg at BMP in 15 m distance and i can be sure im dead afterwards.

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I'd imagine a shika would kill people within quite a large area, because the ammo would go up and start flying everywhere. A jeep shoudn't though. It shouldn't destroy buildings, or damage tanks though. Again, we need to get rid of the hitpoint thing.

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Yes, let's model every single detail in the world to the absolute maximum realism possible... simulate everything...

Then you can program your mission minute by minute into your home cray computer and it will be done simulating your firefight within the year! Then you can watch it via playback.

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The brew up from small cars seems maybe high. Can we add on secondary explosions for tanks?

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plaintiff1, +1WL for a rude and unnecessary comment. If you don't have anything meaningful to post, then stay away from the keyboard.

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*random pondering*

I was taught the lethal range of one of our frag grenades was 15 meters. That's the "if you're within this range when this baby blows, and you're not lying in a ditch whimpering like a baby, you're going to die". Not the "you might get hit by shrapnel and bleed a bit" (that went out to 30 or so meters). Now, admittedly, I've never been close to a real grenade exploding, so I don't really know how effective they are in all actuality, but this is what I was taught. IMHO, most explosions, including anti-personell frag grenades, are considerably -less- powerful than they should be. Maybe a real explosions expert could give some hint?

Of course, bringing down buildings and blowing up trees might not always be that realistic, I'll give you that. wink_o.gif



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Killing range is 5m, effective killing range is 15m. I forget what "effective range" means strictly, but it's something along the lines of "has a good chance to kill." There's also a note about the possibility of getting hit with shrapnel up to 150m or so away if you're terribly unlucky.

An M67 is not a terribly powerful weapon in real life. The thing weighs 8oz I think and isn't some kind of pocket nuke.

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Im sorry to say this, or maybe im not, but We need physics...

Yes, we need physics and we need PhysX. tounge2.gif

We have to calculate each debris's trajectory caused by explosions to count proper damages. Software calculations would collapse. Thus we need PhysX or HavokFX hardware physics operations. smile_o.gif

But is it a matter of Game2? wink_o.gif

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This is what I was saying earlier. Not havok, though, that uses the graphics card for physics calcs.. I don't think you want that for this game!

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Would be far simpler (and no one could really tell the difference) if you used probability based shrapnel damage. It's not like you're going to "dodge" any of these hypersonic metal bits.

Naturally an object occlusion requirement (behind a wall) would affect the probability of damage and if we're really luck it's a function not only of range but on angular height above the plane it exploded on.

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Quote[/b] ]And what about man's hitting. 2-3 hits in legs mean the death. Awfull( and funny)

Well if you hit the femoral artery, you do bleed to death, even with just one bullet. Remember Blackhawk down for instance ?

With 3 shots of military weapons in the leg, there's a pretty good chance your femoral will be hit. Given the lack of proper surgeons in the game, it's just a matter of minutes before you die, they just make it quicker instead of you screaming and yelling inagonizing pain under the eyes of you teammates.

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When armed and ammo carrying vehicles explode, eg tanks, gun mounted uaz, cobra, or shilka zsu, they will take down everything in a 10-25m radius and some will seriously injure everything past that up to 30-35m radius.

Every living creature dies, every tree breaks, and every building collapses into dust.

And yet sometimes it doesn't. I was on a private server with a friend experimenting and just playing around. I was sitting in a Shilka and my friend, without me knowing, had placed a satchel charge right next to me. At the split second he detonated it I had exited the Shilka as it had run out of ammo.

I survived!! Not even a scratch on me yet the shilka was blown to pieces. As I walked around the vehicle he was typing "WTF!?" etc. biggrin_o.gif

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surely some simple tweaking of cfg files could alter explosive range of destroyed vehicles?

Any scripters out there that can confirm this? Sickboy?

Bet this is fixed quick when tools hit us. FDF FFur type stuff.



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And what about man's hitting. 2-3 hits in legs mean the death. Awfull( and funny)

I'm pretty sure that in OFP a man "dead" wasn't always

"killed"; he was sometimes just "down". The after action

reports at the end of the missions seemed to confirm this

since the number reported KIA would often appear to be

fewer than the number of bodies lying around. Getting a

bullet through the leg ( ! ) would pretty much incapacitate

someone (unless he's John Wayne). I presume it's the same

now in ArmA. Anyway, that's how I [still] see it.

The cas' figures on both sides in these ArmA engagments

are often [unrealistically] enormous since the AI manoeuvre

recklessly, they are all stone cold killers and all fights

seem to be usque ad mortem!

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surely some simple tweaking of cfg files could alter explosive range of destroyed vehicles?

I wish people would stop saying "it can easily be modded" to everything.. Think outside SP and private servers for a moment.

Nothing can be modded and also become standard. That would take years. After 6 years of ofp, the dominant public ofp servers were still largely unmodded. Addons yes, modded no.

Only BIS can make changes like these and keep online gaming consistent.

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I guess I was being a little glib, but i believe that Arma will be more of an online game than ofp was.

(i have only just deinstalled VBS and ofp) but rarely played ofp in MP.

Whereas MP IMHO seems to be the way forward with arma. I never play SP unless testing summit.

And I do believe that there will be MP or Server mods which will become the "norm" to have installed to tweak the gameplay.

I could be 100pc wrong but with the larger user base thats out there now with decent broadband and those coming from other cbt games ie *cough*bf2*cough* I think there will be a larger emphasis on online play than back in the day. (Especially with better netcode and browser etc).

didnt mean to upset you smile_o.gif



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Quote[/b] ]I guess I was being a little glib, but i believe that Arma will be more of an online game than ofp was.

The more online the greater the conflict with mods is going to be and the more difficult achieving a standard.

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And what about man's hitting. 2-3 hits in legs mean the death. Awfull( and funny)

I'm pretty sure that in OFP a man "dead" wasn't always

"killed"; he was sometimes just "down". The after action

reports at the end of the missions seemed to confirm this

since the number reported KIA would often appear to be

fewer than the number of bodies lying around. Getting a

bullet through the leg ( ! ) would pretty much incapacitate

someone (unless he's John Wayne). I presume it's the same

now in ArmA. Anyway, that's how I [still] see it.

The cas' figures on both sides in these ArmA engagments

are often [unrealistically] enormous since the AI manoeuvre

recklessly, they are all stone cold killers and all fights

seem to be usque ad mortem!

Yeah, I always figure something like 1 out of 4 or 5 casualties are KIA and the rest simple WIAs that just get medivaced from the theater or something.

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Quote[/b] ]And what about man's hitting. 2-3 hits in legs mean the death. Awfull( and funny)

Well if you hit the femoral artery, you do bleed to death, even with just one bullet. Remember Blackhawk down for instance ?

With 3 shots of military weapons in the leg, there's a pretty good chance your femoral will be hit. Given the lack of proper surgeons in the game, it's just a matter of minutes before you die, they just make it quicker instead of you screaming and yelling inagonizing pain under the eyes of you teammates.

Fully agree with you.Sometimes one bullet is enough.But may be it should be done on random.One time he dies,next time he falls down and crying but still alive and so on.I mean more animations,more emotions!

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I would tend to agree that the vehicle splash damage is a bit excessive.  I have fired a live AT4 at an abandoned BMP-1 in Desert Storm that did have a full load of ammo and at least had some fuel in it.  It did not blow up.  The round is a heat round that went off properly outside the vehicle, punched through the armor, and completely trashed the interior but it did not blow up.  However it did catch fire and several minutes later it started getting secondary explosions as the ammo inside heated up.

Even full blown tanks tend to explode straight up when hit by sabot rounds. The whole jack in a box deal. If an ammo truck goes up or if an engineer track is hit I wouldn't want to be in the area though.

All that said I was about 200 meters away from the BMP since I really didn't want to die.

Yesterday on a single player missiion I nailed a BMP from about 40 yards away and the explosion took me out.

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