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Authentic sound & weapon Mod

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I think weapons sounds should be heavier and have "a more metallic sound" (I hope you can understand), a good example is Red Orchestra, in this game, you feel the power of the guns through their sounds, red orchestra sounds are heavy, powerfull and rather realist and gives to the game a single atmosphere.

Anyway, your sounds are good, maybe just need improvement i said above, but as you said, sounds are still wip.

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The issue is the sample rate. 22050 hz Mono won't allow such distinct effects. It will just sound poor.

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I know for 22050, maybe new sample rate will be supported later even if i doubt, but arma sound system is really bad, for example, changing sounds setting in arma changes sounds setting in windows (nostalgia...).

And sorry not to be able to help you, i don't have any knowledge, i just can test and report feedback :/.

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Really? If so, that's a good new, maybe rg7621 will be able to add his amazing enhanced sounds (the first that he presented).

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)rStrangelove @ Jan. 16 2007,11:26)]My sounds are working with 44Mhz 16bit mono, why 22Mhz ? tounge2.gif

Hmm... crazy_o.gif

44Mhz will give the sounds a more treble/metallic sound, but no stereo is still a problem....

Check your PM box.

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I didn't try stereo because ArmA generates the stereo fx by itself. I mean, you can't give a stereo sound a 3d position ingame, can ye ?

Mono is ok. As for the 44Mhz, i just converted my 44Mhz wavs with wsscod.exe and i hear no difference ingame quality-wise so i think it's still a 44Mhz WSS, isn't it ? Not sure though.  icon_rolleyes.gif

I'll upload my sounds and post it here tomorrow. Night, lads.

[edit]just to check i've converted one of my wssfiles back to wav and it's still 44Mhz 16bit mono, so there's the proof. smile_o.gif

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I just tested it and it does work, so I don't what the hell I was doing before. I do remember trying 44/16/stereo when I got this new audio program to convert files, which would distort ingame, but I must not have tried 44/16/mono since I assumed it wouldn't work, but 44/16/mono does work, so thats good news. I did a quick M4 test and it has a nice brighter sound now. Good news indeed. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, because it probably would have been overlooked. thumbs-up.gif

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Will this eventually be a patch like you stated in the first post? So that n00bs wow_o.gif like me can just download and run the file? If so, I'll edit in a dancing banana in this post for ya!

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Well, someone with coder talents should be able to create such setup....But I am not the one with those skills.

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I'm very very glad to hear that stereo sounds work! Hope to see a 0.15 version with stereo soon!

Keep up this very good mod!

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... I assumed it wouldn't work, but 44/16/mono does work, so thats good news.

@Kroky: Mono does work, not sure about stereo

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Yes, only mono works, so you won’t get the surround left/right sharp attack that I was originally hoping for, instead it will only be straight ahead, but you will notice a slight better/brighter sound now with 44Mhz.

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Anyway, 44mhz support is a good new.

By the way, I think there are interresting news for you Predator, especially about config and ballistic, look at this link for more information , it is said that for european release they will improve armour values for tank and ballistic should be more realistic which are i think good news.

Edit: I just forgot one thing: I can't wait for 0.15 tounge2.gif

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We'll see...

I am currently swapping mod methods so the next build will be a seperate mod without any other steps necessary.

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hey ThePredator, quick question.

I have a wave file, single shot AK that i LOVE. it converts to wss just fine but the i would like the sound to be louder.

how can i make the sound file for the weapon louder? is it in the config i.e. db # or is there some conversion tool i could use for the file?

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hey ThePredator, quick question.

I have a wave file, single shot AK that i LOVE. it converts to wss just fine but the i would like the sound to be louder.

how can i make the sound file for the weapon louder? is it in the config i.e. db # or is there some conversion tool i could use for the file?

db -4 per exemple ...

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The dB value in ArmA config increases only hear distance for AI and others. I did not gain volume with that...

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I've got a question about sounds, especially M4 and ak74 sounds:

Should M4 and ak74' echos be less loud than actually? because in arma we are outside while shooting, not in a room, and IRL, IMHO, there is no echo (or rarely) when shooting outside. I hope you understand my question.

Btw sounds are certainly beeing reworked (because of 44khz), so maybe, this issue is going to be solved.

I hope an answer will be brought to me.

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If you shoot outside, echos do occur quite often. There are hills, mountains, depressions et cetera.

If you remove the sound, it just is a gun "pop" you hear, which is unrealistic too, because in the hillside, the blast would create an echo.

Therefore I used sounds featuring a little echo or created one manually.

BTW: Working on the mod turned out to be quite fun. I added a laser designator to the Cobra optics (still in need of some fixing) so the gunner can designate a target and actually guide the missile to the target or the JTAC on the ground can guide the missle to the slowly moving target...

This system will be used for the SACLOS guidance of the AT-5. Maybe there is a way to combine laser designation and rocket (first lasing the target, firing the rocket and still be able to guide).

If the next patch will fix the manual missle guidance, this might be useless. But the current "solution" uses a "real laser dot" as reference.

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I'm not going to mince words... well, okay, I am. Sue me.

I'm one of those demo people without the ability to explore this mod, despite my keen interest in it. I'm especially interested in the sounds and such. I would like to make a precocious request: Can somebody make another video of the up-to-date sound mod? It's the only way I can enjoy it at the present time, and the other video sounded quite good. It was highly entertaining!

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I made a mission for the first preview. Will re-run the recorder with the new sounds, slight changes ind the mission but nothing serious.

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i'm looking forward to using this mod as soon as i get my 505 arma copy smile_o.gif

Saw a video of your early version and it was cool, i'm awaiting your new vid =D

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someone help me understand. is it the lower the db# the louder the sound is from a distance?

so example: db15 is louder then db30?

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