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SQF revive script

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How to spawn on a carrier.


- Place a Medical M113 Onto the Carrier and name it "spawn_carr"


- Open revive_init.sqf

Quote[/b] ]

// =====================================================

_NORRN_no_respawn_points = 3; //array no.12

_NORRN_Base_1 = "Mobile"; //array no.13

_NORRN_Base_2 = "Base"; //array no.14

_NORRN_Base_3 = "Carrier"; //array no.15

_NORRN_Base_4 = ""; //array no.16

_NORRN_time_b4_JIP_spawn_dialog = 10000; //array no.17

_NORRN_Base_1_respawn = 1; //array no.18

_NORRN_mobile_spawn = 1; //array no.51

_NORRN_mobile_base_start = "Mobile"; //array no.52

As you can see i have added a Carrier Marker Respawn Option. Select this and you will be spawned to the carrier marker.


- Create a Marker on the map somewhere on some island far out the way called "Carrier" and make a 100x100 trigger around the marker called "cartrig" = activation present / bluefor etc


- Make a folder called "Scripts" in your mission dir.. then make a SQF script called "Groups.sqf" and add the following into the script.

Quote[/b] ]


//hint "Groups.sqf working";

//_array = [unit1, unit2, unit3];

for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do


_newacts = [];

waitUntil {player in list cartrig};

_newaction = player moveInCargo spawn_carr;

_newacts = _newacts + [_newaction];

waitUntil {not (player in list cartrig)};

player removeAction _Action;

for [{_i=0}, {_i < count _newacts}, {_i=_i+1}] do


//hint format["_newacts select _i %1",_newacts select _i];

player removeAction (_newacts select _i);




- Now in the same "Scripts Folder make another sqf script called "pinit.sqf" and add the following to that:

Quote[/b] ]

_transf = [] execVM "scripts\groups.sqf";


- Now the last script in the same folder call it "update.sqf" and add this to that script:

Quote[/b] ]


//hint "Update.sqf working";

if (not (local server)) exitwith {};


_transf = [] execVM "scripts\groups.sqf";


- Now ingame add a trigger to the map:

0Axis x 0Axis

Activation: None



Condition: local player

Activation: plays = [] execVM "scripts\pinit.sqf"

and now one last thing go into the mission dir and look for "init.sqs" if there is one if not create one and then add this into it.

Quote[/b] ];Client

onplayerconnected "server exec ""scripts\update.sqf""";

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AI_disabled Revive Update (Version 1.49)

You can get the latest version from here: http://home.iprimus.com.au/simonns....tro.rar

The ReadMe is contained in the rar file (make sure you read this before trying to implement the latest version)


New option to use a player as a mobile spawn point (see readMe)

Other Changes

New way to identify unconscious units, a general tidying up of code and directions to Matt Rochelle's carrier fix are contained in the readMe.

Many thanks to

xeno and alef for code, Legislator and vengeance for bug testing and Matt Rochelle for his carrier fix. smile_o.gif

@legis - no motorbikes I'm afraid mate.

PVP AI_disabled Revive Update (version 1.35 beta)

For any body game you can get the latest PvP beta from here: http://home.iprimus.com.au/simonnsl/ATOW/PvP_revive_1.35.intro.rar

Once again the readMe is contained in the rar file

This script has only been tested by a small number of players so I've got no idea how it will go on big missions with many players leaving and joining servers.

If you do try it and run into problems please let me know.


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I've got an error message in AI Disabled 1.49c, watch here.

All I've done was replacing your values with my own one's. Can't imagine why a ; should be missing. As a result, the revive script isn't initialized. Map is Desert South Sahrani and the player are using civilians. You know the mission, it's Con Bus - my eternal trouble map. biggrin_o.gif I've deleted some of the old code so the players are 100 % civilian now. Can I send you the revive_init or would you like to have to whole mission?

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Copy and paste lines 20 to 30 in quotes from the revive.sqf and ill have a look.

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I've got an error message in AI Disabled 1.49c, watch here.

All I've done was replacing your values with my own one's. Can't imagine why a ; should be missing. As a result, the revive script isn't initialized. Map is Desert South Sahrani and the player are using civilians. You know the mission, it's Con Bus - my eternal trouble map.  biggrin_o.gif I've deleted some of the old code so the players are 100 % civilian now. Can I send you the revive_init or would you like to have to whole mission?

Sounds like somethings missing from the revive_init.sqf either post the whole file as Matt suggested or PM it to me.


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Script works Great! Tested for several hours notworthy.gif

You spawn right on the Deck of the Nimitz next to the M113. Not in it(M113) but next to it which is perfect.

Thanks Again!

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Quote[/b] ]

See release notes for details on incorporating revive scripts in your missions



Start revive_init.sqf


//Init.sqf settings for revive_player scripts by norrin

// ====================================================

ScopeName "NORRN_r_init";

if (!requiredVersion "1.09") exitWith {hint "Wrong game version for revive"};

Line 29 is ScopeName "NORRN_r_init";

It's the first time ever this message appeared.

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Line 29 is ScopeName "NORRN_r_init";

OK I've found the problem. At the very start of the revive_init.sqf (on line 1 is an x) delete it and it will run - sorry about this. I've updated the link to the latest version with the fixed files.

EDIT: Version 1.49e of the AI_disabled script should now be compatible with Spooner's fantastic SPON Map package. Many thanks to Spooner for this fix. smile_o.gif

Get it here or from the link above: http://home.iprimus.com.au/simonns....tro.rar

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lol biggrin_o.gif Life can be so simple sometimes. Thanks, Norrin. A lot of work lies behind me so I think tomorrow I'll have time again to test something for you. Let me know when you're ready for a new AI Enabled Revive version. Unless I got some strange new ideas I'll consider AI Disabled done now. There were no more bugs during the last weeks.

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Norrin, I guess there's a huge JIP problem with the non-vehicle mobile respawn. Yesterday the following happened:

- my internet connection was disconnected while playing on the server, I was p1 = the mobile respawn unit

- after I disappeared from the server nobody could respawn at the mobile respawn marker (the respawn button had the name of respawn marker no.1 instead of the mobile respawn marker name)

- after reconnecting to the server, I was renamed by the server [GLT]Legislator --> [GLT]Legislator(1)

- the tent and the fire were at the position where I set the mobile respawn up

- the mobile respawn marker disappeared

- I couldn't stowe the tent and the fire anymore

- I couldn't set up a new mobile respawn

- the non-vehicle mobile respawn wasn't avaiable anymore

- every other feature worked fine (spectating, reviving, drag&drop) even after this incident

I've taken a screenshot of an error message, but I'm not sure if it's related to the problem.

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hmm, i have a problem with this script.

i havnt changed anything, but sometimes its working, sometimes not.

i made a small mp map, tryed it out with 2 guys. it worked.

i restarted the map, suddenly it didnt work.

then i tryed to restart my server (not dedicated) and it didnt work again.

anyone can help me?

the problem is, when u die, u just get the timer and the revival message, but nothing else (camera and respawn option is missing)

and reviving dont work when a m8 is trying it.

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@Legis - I'll look into it but the fact that you rejoined the server as Legis (1) makes me think that it might have been related to a server error (ArmA up to its old tricks again) rather than a script error. I'll try and replicate the problem and see what happens.

@KrAzi - Mate, it sounds like a set-up issue, send me your mission and links to any addons you've used to norrin@iprimus.com.au and I'll take a look at it.

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Last evening we had an usual issue in AI Disabled 1.47 confused_o.gif I've never seen anything like that before. We were 4 players on the server, the other 3 players were inside of a T-72. One of the players was somehow killed, but the player respawned in 1 km height. At the ground there was the blood and the butterfly, the fake (or maybe the player?) corpse only remained 1 to 2 seconds. Revive didn't work, there were no error messages. I'm not sure if this can be replicated again as it is the first time I've ever seen it.

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I think I've found the problem with the player mobile spawn in 1.49, it looks like I've left out some JIP code that checks to see whether the player mobile spawn is deployed when a player joins a mission, I'll make the necessary changes and get it posted. It looks like I just need to change the revive_player.sqf so it will hopefully be pretty easy to update your missions.

As for the other problem you're talking about, ver1.49 uses a much improved way for detecting unconscious bodies so you may find that upgrading the revive version in the mission may help. Also what map were you playing on and do you know the location of the player when he died as I have found (like your mission that starts with the ambush on the mountain) that some locations on the map can do funny things to the revive scripts.

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Well ... the player died at the huge ruins at Mercalillo. It's very rocky there. I guess that could be the reason. Guess I'll have to update every mission again tounge2.gif

I've noticed some strange, but non-critical things, too. There are some spectating problems with some community addons. For now I know that with:

- FFAA insurgents the spectating sometimes works

- RHS Weapon-Pack soldiers (reconfig of Queens Gambit east mercenarys) it doesn't work

- PKW mercenarys the spectating doesn't work

Revive works fine, drag & drop and mobile respawn too. I'm using soldierEB to allow reviving for FFAA and RHS. Should I try soldierPB? For the PKW mercenarys I'm using soldierGB.

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The best thing to do with addons is to open the config file for the addon and see what side the addon troops are set as.  Then make sure that all your other revive settings are consistent with the addon.  Also if you only have troops from one side that are playable then make sure you set the _NORRN_allied_side to the same thing in revive_init.sqf


_NORRN_allied_side_1 = "WEST"; //array no.40

_NORRN_allied_side_2 = "WEST"; //array no.41

If you're still having problems let me know and I'll take a look at the addons you've mentioned.

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OMG Norrin, you must add this to all revive versions! Just watch this small video I made!

You only have to replace the animation AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_healed with ActsPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_Injured2 in the r_killedhandler.sqf!

We'll do some dedicated server tests this evening but I'm very confident everything will work. smile_o.gif Best thing is ... no addional addons are needed biggrin_o.gif It's one of the ArmA animations.

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OMG Norrin, you must add this to all revive versions! Just watch this small video I made!

You only have to replace the animation AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_healed with ActsPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_Injured2 in the r_killedhandler.sqf!

We'll do some dedicated server tests this evening but I'm very confident everything will work.  smile_o.gif Best thing is ... no addional addons are needed  biggrin_o.gif It's one of the ArmA animations.

lol thats good.

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You only have to replace the animation AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_healed with ActsPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_Injured2 in the r_killedhandler.sqf!

You have to change some more files smile_o.gif

But nevertheless, it looks really cool. Though I'm wondering what  disableAI "'ANIM" will do.


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Already used that animation in a mission.

Sadly this is QC-content so a switch will be needed.

Disable Anim will result in repeating the animation which works fine.

The only important thing is, that the reappearing player uses the old animation so he can stand up fast since you cannot stop animations.

But I also vote for this as default animation!

(The sounds needs to change too wink_o.gif )

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Yup, disableAnim is fine, tested it a few seconds ago... I'm glad that I put the revive script into an addon so that I do not have to change tons of missions again.


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Yup, disableAnim is fine, tested it a few seconds ago... I'm glad that I put the revive script into an addon so that I do not have to change tons of missions again.


How'd you do that? Could you please write a tutorial? smile_o.gif I'm supporting 70 missions so this would be a huuuge help! crazy_o.gif

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Yup, disableAnim is fine, tested it a few seconds ago... I'm glad that I put the revive script into an addon so that I do not have to change tons of missions again.


Interesting. tounge2.gif

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