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SQF revive script

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What version of the revive script are you using mate? As the earlier versions had some problems with the unconscious camera in the revive script over writing display 46, which I notice both your addons use, and stuffing up any key designations given to that display.  At Spooner's suggestion I changed all my display numbering used in my script so the latest version of the revive (1.51) should be OK with both these addons.  If you haven't already, try updating the mission with the latest version (here) of the revive (make sure you take a look at the read me as there could be quite a few new parameters you have to set) and let me know if you still have the same problem.

I just tested the latest version and GDTmodHDR worked fine.

The problem is that i'm not using the revive script to make missions, i just play coop with friends and sometimes we play missions with the revive script (which is not always the latest version).

Maybe it is possible to modify addon to make it compatible with every version of the revive script, no?

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I m trying to add revive script to the vts2 mission (excellent mission for missions makers , you (the game master) can creat your coop mission in real time (with players connected))

the revive script work fine

but I want that the game master (name is "joueur1")

don't wait the _NORRN_respawn_button_timer = 300; like other players to see the respawn buton

or is it possible to add a button only for the game master to make him able to enter in the VTS2 interface when he is inconsiouse ?

an other request :

it is possible to enter and exit the spectating script at anytime ? (with a little script ?) only for one player (the game master) to late him see what other players are doing

I will send the mission when it will be finish

sorry for my english but I m french confused_o.gif

for more info

VTS2 : The Concept


Virtual TrainingSpace 2 allows you to create cooperative missions in real time.

The players choose their side, equipment, the location of the objective, and so on.

Everything is customizable. It's composed of 2 modules that can work together or independantly  : pre-mission and complete real time module.



PS : KAK c'est le KAK des nofrag ?

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PS : KAK c'est le KAK des nofrag ?


Tu n'aurais pas une idée pour mon probleme ?

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PS : KAK c'est le KAK des nofrag ?


Tu n'aurais pas une idée pour mon probleme ?

Not sure whether this is directed at me but I seem to remember Spooner saying that display #46 is the default display for ArmA so I think, and I may be wrong about this, if you changed this number in the addons they would no longer work.  Therefore I think you're going to need to update the revive version in these missions if you want to play them with the addons you're talking about - sorry mate.

@gonza - If I get a chance I'll hopefully send you something in a few days.

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in fact I thing that the best way is to

just  add a button to launch this script "Computer\cpu_dialog.sqf" on the inconsiouse screen of only the master player (name "joueur1") to make him able to continu to create the mission in inconsiouse mode

the vts mission with my modified (not finished but it work)


in the mission , you must first creat an objectif and an insert point end launch 001 --> radio else therevive script will not work well

KAK --> il faut mettre à jour les missions je pense donc c'est compliqué

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As I right now uses v47, because of the problems I have with newer versions, I have problems with GMJ_SightAdjustment. After a revive we cant adjust our sights anymore. If Im not wrong you did fix that in the newer versions, but how can I fix it myself for v47?

I dont need to use any keys as the interface is enough if it makes it easier.


edit: I think I was wrong about that its fixed in newer versions.. It also breakes spooners rangefinder (change degree settings) and all other addons that uses displayeventhandlers.. Is it possible for a compability-fix?

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I have tested my mission with some friends

end the revive dont work propely

when somone become inconsiouse is 2 body apear

and the ennemi fire on one of it

so it dont work

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I have tested my mission with some friends

end the revive dont work propely

when somone become inconsiouse is 2 body apear

and the ennemi fire on one of it

so it dont work

@gonza - try placing a marker named "respawn_west" some where out of the way on the map in the editor.

@anderson - I'll take a look at it if I get a chance tonight

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As I right now uses v47, because of the problems I have with newer versions, I have problems with GMJ_SightAdjustment. After a revive we cant adjust our sights anymore. If Im not wrong you did fix that in the newer versions, but how can I fix it myself for v47?

I dont need to use any keys as the interface is enough if it makes it easier.


I just tested and the GMJ_SightAdjustment addon works fine with the latest version of revive (1.51).  If you want it to work with version 1.47 then open cam_follow.sqf and find the line <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_display = findDisplay 46; (should be line 90) and change it to read <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_display = findDisplay 99123;  Then in the dialogs subfolder open the rev_cam_dialog.hpp.  Then find this part of the code <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class rev_cam_dialog


idd = -1;  

movingEnable = true;  

controlsBackground[] = { };  

objects[] = { };  

controls[] = {TOP_BORDER, BOTTOM_BORDER, TITLE_DIALOG, HELP_DIALOG, PRESS_HELP, CAM_LIST, CAM_select, FRIEND_LIST, FRIEND_SELECT}; and change it to read <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class rev_cam_dialog


idd = 99123;  

movingEnable = true;  

controlsBackground[] = { };  

objects[] = { };  


Note: if you are using the respawn buttons when they appear they may stuff up part of the camera script function so I highly recommend you update to the latest version of the revive script.

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Thank you very much for the help, much appreciated!

Yes, I want to use the latest version as it also has that "slope-fix", but as we now experience problems on a dedicated I had to revert. Did you look at the testmissions I emailed you? Is the problem in the script or something on my part?

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Thank you very much for the help, much appreciated!

Yes, I want to use the latest version as it also has that "slope-fix", but as we now experience problems on a dedicated I had to revert. Did you look at the testmissions I emailed you? Is the problem in the script or something on my part?

I emailed you this regarding the 1.51 version a couple of days ago but maybe you didn't get it:

"Just a quick question mate.  

Do all of the players using the mission and the dedicated server you are playing on have queen's gambit installed as you are using the QG unconscious animation - if a player or the server only has vanilla ArmA then the mission will bug out.  

If some players have QG and others just vanilla (or the server) then you'll need to set  

_NORRN_QG_animation = 0;

in the revive_init.sqf"

Let me know if this helps.

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Ok, I havent seen your email. Sorry. I hope it didnt disapeared in all the junk...

Yes we all have and use QG. We have the same identical modcompilation. I also tested it myself as I have two machines that can run arma + a dedicated server in my computer room.

What I found out that its working fine if I host locally, but if both computers join a game hosted on the dedicated it bugs out. All 3 computers have the same mods. Only "revive47" worked as intended on the dedicated.

I can try to change the QG animation to test, but if thats the problem you still have a bug.. wink_o.gif

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@anderson - thanks for the info, I'll set up a dedicated server and try and track down the problem when I get home from work tonight.

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AI Disabled Revive Update Version 1.52 (14th Oct 2008)

You can down load it here: http://www.norrin.org/downloa....tro.rar

I've been working on this in the back ground for sometime and it fixes a number of bugs (can't remember all of them unfortunately) and also adds a new "Base_1_respawn" array in the revive_init.sqf.

This array allows you to set whether you would like to give the units the option of respawning at enemy occupied respawn points ie the 50 metre enemy unit radius does not apply.  Each number of the array corresponds to a respawn point. A 0 stops players from respawning at enemy occupied spawns a 1 allows spawning

eg. [1,0,0,0] - you can respawn at Base_1 even if enemy units are close by but you cannot spawn at the other bases if occupied by the enemy.

@andersson - you know in all this time I never thought to set the unconscious camera range to a high number to test it - so thank you for finding this bug.  Hopefully both your dedicated server bugs are fixed now.

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@andersson - you know in all this time I never thought to set the unconscious camera range to a high number to test it - so thank you for finding this bug.  Hopefully both your dedicated server bugs are fixed now.

Oh, so it was me that triggered it? Thought so as you must have noitced it else smile_o.gif Thank you for the fix and the new version!

Was it this that triggered it? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_NORRN_follow_cam_distance = 10000;

edit: The bug with the camera is fixed, it works as it should! BUT this bug is still there:

Quote[/b] ]After a while the unconsious stands up and you cant revive him.

I did two missions, revive52 and revive52noQG to test this and I found out that its the version with Queens Gambit animations that bugs out.

QG anims: Works fine on local host. On a dedicated this happens; after a short while the unconsious stands up and cant be killed or revived.

No QG anims: Works as intended on both local and dedicated.

I will use normal anims for now until this is fixed, that works just fine smile_o.gif

No reason for me to send you the test-missions as you have my old revive50 and revive51. Play them on a dedicated, shoot the other guy and wait some seconds. The unconsious will stand up and he is out of the game. (Sorry if I wasnt so clear that you had to wait a couple of seconds before it bugged out..)

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@andersson - I've just tested both your mission and the 1.52 version of the revive both using the QG animations on a dedicated server and cannot trigger the stand-up bug. I've shot the other player maybe 20 times and let him roll around unconscious for up to 10 minutes and its not happening.

I'm really sorry to ask you this again but are you absolutely certain your dedicated server is running QG as what you're describing is exactly what will happen if its not running QG?

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Strange... I do have DBE1 in the targetline as mod for my server...

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Strange... I do have DBE1 in the targetline as mod for my server...

Just in case anybody is interested andersson and I got together last night and tested the new 1.52 version of the AI disabled revive, which you can get from here: http://www.norrin.org/downloa....tro.rar , and the results were weird to say the least.  

First of all there is no problem with the new script when using the vanilla ArmA unconscious animations.

However, when we tested the new script using the QG animations on my dedicated server the script worked well but when we tested on andersson's dedicated server the stand-up bug occurred.  

Assuming that there is nothing wrong with the ArmA/QG installations on our dedicated servers its very difficult to explain why the stand-up bug is happening on andersson's but not my server.

If anybody else sees this and tries the QG animations with the new 1.52 version revive can they please let me know if they work OK.



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Im gonna do a complete reinstall on my server to see if QG anims are corrupt or not. I tell you when I did that and what the result is. I have a feeling the problem is on my end so people shouldnt be worried. But if someone else has this problem it would be interesting as it is strange..

edit. Thank you so much Norrin for your time and help!

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@Emmi - thanks for testing it mate

Somewhat more realistic AI disabled revive script (ver 0.1 beta)

This is probably more of an oddity than anything else but it may be of use to some one.  You can get it here

Differences from normal AI_disabled script

1. Depending on where a player is hit there is a possibility that the player will die rather than fall unconscious, the more times a player has fallen unconscious the more likely he will die each time (there is a maximum of 3 respawns if you’re lucky).  

2. The amount of time that player has to be revived before dying is also determined by where he was damaged and also the number of times he has been killed.

3. Bleeding – players who receive more than 0.4 damage will start to bleed until they fall unconscious this is accompanied by temporary losses of vision.

4. Bandages – Players have a number of bandages that they can use to stop bleeding.  Players can bandage other players if they have bandages available.

5. Revive-kits – Players are given a number of revive kits at mission start

6. Medical supplies both bandages and revive kits can be replenished at ambulances and MASH tents.

7. Once a player is revived he will have a certain amount of time to receive medical attention (_time_post_revive) either from medic, MASH or ambulance otherwise he will fall unconscious again, during this time he will not be able to stand.

8. There are three classes of units that can be specified in the medic_init.sqf not 2 as in the normal revive

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_can_revive = "soldierWB"; //array no.5

_can_revive_2 = ""; //array no.6

_can_be_revived = "soldierWB"; //array no.7

_can_be_revived_2 = ""; //array no.8

_medic_1 = "USMCD_Soldier_Med";//array no.22

_medic_2 = ""; //array no.23

9. Medics can be given more supplies than normal units eg.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_medic_medpacks = 2; //array no.9

_unit_medpacks = 1; //array no.10

_medic_bandages = 2; //array no.11

_unit_bandages = 1; //array no.12

10. There’s no respawn points!

Code for chance of falling unconscious and revive times<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

if (NORRN_kh_killer == player) then


respawn_chance = 500; _revive_time_limit = 300; _respawns = _respawns + 1;




//determine where player hit and chance of survival

switch (NORRN_body_part) do


case "": {respawn_chance = 500; _revive_time_limit = 300};

case "hands": {respawn_chance = 200; _revive_time_limit = 240; _respawns = _respawns + 1};

case "legs":   {respawn_chance = 70;  _revive_time_limit = 180; _respawns = _respawns + 1};

case "body":   {respawn_chance = 50;  _revive_time_limit = 120; _respawns = _respawns + 1};

case "head_hit":  {respawn_chance = 20;   _revive_time_limit = 60; _respawns = _respawns + 1};


hint format["%1",NORRN_body_part];


if (_respawns == 2) then {respawn_chance = (respawn_chance/2); _revive_time_limit = (_revive_time_limit/2)};

if (_respawns == 3) then {respawn_chance = (respawn_chance/3); _revive_time_limit = (_revive_time_limit/3)};

if (_respawns == 4) then {NORRN_X_dead = true};

_random_chance = ceil (random 100);

if (_random_chance > respawn_chance) then {NORRN_X_dead = true};



PS I'm not planning on updating this in the near future unless there is a great demand. Its just something I had lying around on my hard disk that I've finally finished off just in case its of use to someone.

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hello norrin

your script work well now with the VTS mission

but I want to add the ability to the master player (name joueur1) and only him, to enter in the vts console even he fall inconsiouse

so I think I must creat a dialog with a button "Ordinateur" who call this script "Computer\cpu_dialog.sqf" when the master fall inconsiouse

how can I do that ?

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hello norrin

your script work well now with the VTS mission

but I want to add the ability to the master player (name joueur1) and only him, to enter in the vts console even he fall inconsiouse

so I think I must creat a dialog with a button "Ordinateur" who call this script "Computer\cpu_dialog.sqf" when the master fall inconsiouse

how can I do that ?

One way would be to add a key to the  Cam_key_pressed.sqf say button R.  Then add some code like this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

//R key

case 19:


comment "R = Open VTS Console";

if (player == joueur1) then


vts_display = findDisplay ...



Then if joueur1 fell unconscious he could press R and access the VTS dialog.  All he would need to do to return to the unconscious camera would be to press Esc.

Hope this helps,


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excelent norrin

it work , thanks

were could I find infos on keys correspondance ?

R >> case 19:

C >> case ??

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