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SQF revive script

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Can't find where you've set the animation for him (being the dead guy to be revived) to bob his head up and down, I've searched far and f***in wide, and I'm steamin outta me ears lol.

Would appreciate the help chaps. whistle.gif

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Can't find where you've set the animation for him (being the dead guy to be revived) to bob his head up and down

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

this switchMove ''AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_healed'';

this disableAI ''ANIM'';

Inside the init of the unconscious body createUnit command.

Hope that helps.


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If you have already tried this and the revive is responsible for the errors please send me your mission to the usual address norrin@iprimus.com.au

I've done some tests with the Support pack demo mission and I think my problem is a bug/feature/problem between 1.09 beta and the support script pack or some other custom addons that use extended eventhandlers. So it's not your fault biggrin_o.gifwink_o.gif

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norrin hi,

I've adapted the revive script to a PvP map. It seems to work OK but teh problem is with the custom units. There are some custom named units and I need to write more than one name to "can be revived". Is it possible to enter multiple soldier names there or array ?

Or is it possible to create a hierarchy and link all the custom soldiers to a single name like it is in the regular arma and soldier names..like SoldierWB/soldierEB?

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If you have already tried this and the revive is responsible for the errors please send me your mission to the usual address norrin@iprimus.com.au

I've done some tests with the Support pack demo mission and I think my problem is a bug/feature/problem between 1.09 beta and the support script pack or some other custom addons that use extended eventhandlers. So it's not your fault  biggrin_o.gif  wink_o.gif

@legislator - someone else who was using the extended eventhandlers got some weird errors also. Seems for some reason they were conflicting with the enableRadio code in the revive and when I commented these lines out of the r_killedhandler.sqf the errors disappeared so maybe try that.

@ crawler - I have a new unreleased version of the PvP revive code that I'm happy to send your way if you're interested - it may help you with your problems.

@_xeno Hi m8 and thanks smile_o.gif

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Yes norrin i'd appreciate that. I've already adapted the old one but i can prepare another one with the PvP script and test both. I'll drop you an email...



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Hi norrin,

what happens when player gets killed inside a heli flying over water, with water_dialog enabled?

To us, we just fall down from the sky in the water, the button "wash ashore" appears, but clicking it doesn't helps, so we get respawned again in the sky, falling, dying, and over again. We did try to esc, but get in the same loop again (why?).

I've modified your r_killedhandler.sqf to drop ammo on respawn, but I don't do any player setPos nor manage water, so I suppose has nothing to do with this.

This bug seems related to your post Nov. 19 2007,05:25 in this thread, in "Bugs and ArmA wierdness" about bridges.

Trying to understand, _dead_body_position is higher than water level as the player dies, so when r_killedhandler.sqf:121 or 133 player setPos _dead_body_position, he will spawn much above the sea level, falling down. I will try to repro, if have time, maybe forcing height to 0 on these player setPos.



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Thanks for the bug report alef.

I think you've hit the nail on the head regarding the cause of the bug.

I need to check whether the surface is water (using surfaceIswater command) when the player dies and then set the norrn_offset to 0 if it is.

So I will need to replace line 85 in the r_killedhandler.sqf ie.<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">NORRN_Offset = _dead_body distance _NORRN_pos;

with something like this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

if(surfaceIsWater _NORRN_pos) then


NORRN_Offset = 0;


NORRN_Offset = _dead_body distance _NORRN_pos;

}; (Untested)

I will fix in the next version.

EDIT: Its possibly more complex than this as the same thing may happen if the chopper is destroyed over land.


The previous suggested fix does not work but this does:

To fix replace line 117 of the r_killedhandler.sqf with

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">player setPos [_dead_body_position select 0,_dead_body_position select 1,0]; and line 129 with <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if(!alive player) then {_dead_body = player; waitUntil{alive player};player setPos [_dead_body_position select 0,_dead_body_position select 1,0];player setCaptive true;};

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Hi, Norrin this is exactly the error over Water I was talking about, nice to see it isn't just me  wink_o.gif ,  I thought it was the SupportV2 causing it.  Can I try your above fix for Mobile Respawn code?

Also is this the same fix for the V1.09 code?


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Hi, Norrin this is exactly the error over Water I was talking about, nice to see it isn't just me  wink_o.gif ,  I thought it was the SupportV2 causing it.  Can I try your above fix for Mobile Respawn code?

Also is this the same fix for the V1.09 code?


hi m8,

This fix will work in both the 1.08, 1.09 and mobile respawn versions of the script.  The only thing is that the line numbering maybe slightly different but just look for the relevant code and you should be OK.

The fix again is

The line of the r_killedhandler.sqf that currently looks like this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">player setPos _dead_body_position; needs to be changed to look like this  <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">player setPos [_dead_body_position select 0,_dead_body_position select 1,0]; and the line a few down that currently looks like this<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if(!alive player) then {_dead_body = player; waitUntil{alive player};player setPos _dead_body_position;player setCaptive true;}; needs to be changed to look like this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if(!alive player) then {_dead_body = player; waitUntil{alive player};player setPos [_dead_body_position select 0,_dead_body_position select 1,0];player setCaptive true;};

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Having a problem with AI_Disable revive script.

Random, people spawn at "Respawn_west" and if your unconsious and the missions end, you will not get the ending, but stay uncounsious and the mission will not end.

I don't get any errors.

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Norrin there is a "bug" or i don't know if to call it like that but its sometimes a bit annoying... its caused in all versions of your script and needs you to either restart your pc or shut down the arma task via windows task-manager:

If you are in the editor and place a player controlled unit somewhere, hit "preview" button and get somehow killed you can-not press "exit" as the input is completely disabled....

The same happens when you set one of your group from "playable" to "player" and if something killed you it happens the same....

Any way to solve this?

Regards, Christian

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Having a problem with AI_Disable revive script.

Random, people spawn at "Respawn_west" and if your unconsious and the missions end, you will not get the ending, but stay uncounsious and the mission will not end.

I don't get any errors.

M8 are you using the 1.09 or 1.08 version of the script? Are you using any other scripts or addons like the extended eventhandlers? If you like send your mission to norrin@iprimus.com.au and I'll take a look at it.

@Christian - I haven't run into this problem before, is the playable unit named and included in the revive script set-up? When I get a chance I'll see if I can replicate the error or better still send me a mission where it happens.

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Hi Norrin,

Tested Water Script in Mobile Respawn and compatibility with SupportV2 yesterday for 4 hours. Worked Great! I was also using XAM Lite, no problems.

Nice Job!

Vengeance yay.gif

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With AI_disabled_x_1.4_1.08, the player dies and get revived, but has not been healed. He can't stand, because we enabled the HULK Prone script, which prevent him to walk away. That's ok.

The player now switches his weapon to the M136 launcher, the animation starts, but the Prone script prevents him to kneel, showing the usual message. After this, the player lays down again, but the AT4 animation starts again, looping forever.

A workaraound to this is calling for a medic and try to select the Heal action during this animation loop.

Can you please fix this? Thanks.



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The player now switches his weapon to the M136 launcher, the animation starts, but the Prone script prevents him to kneel, showing the usual message. After this, the player lays down again, but the AT4 animation starts again, looping forever.

With a bit of luck I can fix this, hopefully all I need to do is find the right animation.

@NoBrainer - email received m8, I'll try and look at this tonight.

@vengeance1 - thanks for the update m8.  Good to hear everything is working OK.  Hopefully you'll be releasing soon as I know of a couple of groups that are eagerly awaiting your next mission.

EDIT: I've got both NoBrainer's and alef's bugs fixed now and I'll release a new version of the 1.09 script that also adds some new features shortly.

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AI_disabled Revive Update (ver x_1.45 18/03/08)

NB: This update is for ArmA ver 1.09 only

Get it here: http://home.iprimus.com.au/simonnsl/norrinsArmA/AI_disabled_x_1.45.zip (The ReadMe for this version is contained in the zip file)

New features

1. Punish players for quitting and rejoining the server

A function that punishes players for deliberately quitting and rejoining the server has now been incorporated – if players can’t be bothered to wait around to be revived and they quit and rejoin the server they will be punished by being given less lives upon rejoining.  This function is optional  (_NORRN_rejoin_punish = 1; //array no.45)and the number of lives punished players receive is settable (_NORRN_rejoin_punish_revives = 3;//array no.46)in the revive_init.sqf.  When enabled the only way to avoid punishment is to use your full complement of lives before quitting and rejoining the server.  In addition there is a 2 minute grace period at the start of each mission before this function is enabled. (This function needs large scale testing so if you run into problems please let me know about them)

2. The unconscious camera can now be set so that it follows only players


* spawn at base bug that occurred in missions based on relatively small land areas such as Porto.

* various camera issues

* issue with Hulk prone function – players carrying launchers will be forced to drop them until they are healed

* dying in choppers over water bug

NB: This update is for ArmA ver 1.09 only

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The player now switches his weapon to the M136 launcher, the animation starts, but the Prone script prevents him to kneel, showing the usual message. After this, the player lays down again, but the AT4 animation starts again, looping forever.

With a bit of luck I can fix this, hopefully all I need to do is find the right animation.

Could be AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_AmovPknlMstpSrasWlnrDnon ?

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The player now switches his weapon to the M136 launcher, the animation starts, but the Prone script prevents him to kneel, showing the usual message. After this, the player lays down again, but the AT4 animation starts again, looping forever.

With a bit of luck I can fix this, hopefully all I need to do is find the right animation.

Could be AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_AmovPknlMstpSrasWlnrDnon ?

Thanks m8, I tracked down the same animation but in the end I had to find another way to work around the problem.  Anyway its fixed in the latest update to the revive for ArmA ver 1.09 in the post above yours. For a fix for the 1.08 version just d/l the above file and extract the new rPrn.sqf script into your exisiting revive_sqf folder.

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Hey Norrin,

Thankfully the "rejoin-punish" is optional, because a lot of the time one has to quit and rejoin because your team mates can't get to you to revive you or well, the script bugs out and it just wont work smile_o.gif

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Hey Norrin,

Thankfully the "rejoin-punish" is optional, because a lot of the time one has to quit and rejoin because your team mates can't get to you to revive you or well, the script bugs out and it just wont work smile_o.gif

Certainly the earlier versions of the revive had many bugs M8, but hopefully with the latest version of the code most of the remaining bugs are fixed so those sorts of problems will be a rarity now. The fact that since the last revive release in January the bug reports in this thread have really quietened down is a really good sign in my book and many of the problems encountered have resulted from the way the scripts are set up and not the scripts themselves.

You 're right though you could run into probs with using the punish option with some types of units such as pilots who may be shot down somewhere in accessable (ie. enemy territory) - there's quite a few options built into the revive you could use for this sort of situation, here's just three:

1. don't include the pilot in the revive player array - he will then respawn at base if he dies but he won't be able to revive (but if he's spending most of the mission in a plane is it that important)

2. Add some respawn points and use the respawn dialog option that way if the pilot gets shot down he's got the choice of waiting for a revive or respawning if that's not looking likely, a good example of this is Vengeance1's Under Seige mission, see: http://www.realityfriends.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1487

3. Keep the revive time relatively short 2 - 3 minutes and if that time elapses have the player respawn at one of the respawn points using the revive options in the revive_int.sqf

If you do run into problems though with the 1.45 version of the AI_disabled revive please let me know ASAP so I can get to work fixing them. smile_o.gif

EDIT: I'll post a hotfix for the 1.08 version of the script containing a revised r_killedhandler.sqf and rPrn.sqf later today

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hey norrin...i'm not so sure how the punishment thing is working...

so say the mission starts with 10 revives for all players....if someone dies and disconnects and then reconnects then you take lives away from him...that far i think i follow you...

however what's happening if you eventually use all ur revives and you disconnect and then reconnect?

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Hot fix for AI_disabled revive for ArmA version 1.08

This hotfix just fixes a couple of bugs that have been identified since the last release.  No new features have been added.

Just download the zip file here you can get here and over write the existing r_killedhandler.sqf and rPrn.sqf scripts in the revive_sqf sub-folder in your mission director with the ones in the zip file


* spawn at base bug that occurred in missions based on relatively small land areas such as Porto.

* issue with Hulk prone function – players carrying launchers will be forced to drop them until they are healed

* dying in choppers over water bug

NB: Updated first post on p.1 of the thread with fixed version. Also note that although I suggested otherwise yesterday the rPrn.sqf from the 1.09 version of the revive won't work for the 1.08 version of the script so you'll need the new one posted here.

hey norrin...i'm not so sure how the punishment thing is working...

so say the mission starts with 10 revives for all players....if someone dies and disconnects and then reconnects then you take lives away from him...that far i think i follow you...

however what's happening if you eventually use all ur revives and you disconnect and then reconnect?

Tomcat you know I can never explain anything without writing a book. smile_o.gif

Here goes, when the mission maker enables the new "punish rejoining player" option he also chooses how many lives a rejoining player gets if he quits and rejoins the server (eg. 3 lives).

mission example

So this is what happens next.  Three players join at mission start with 10 lives each.  The mission then runs for 2 minutes in which time the players can quit and rejoin the mission as many times as they like without being punished.  At the 2 minute mark a message flashes up on the screen warning the players that if they quit they will rejoin the mission with only 3 lives.  Player 1 is making like Rambo at this point and is killed.  He can't be bothered to wait to be revived so he immediately quits and rejoins and has only 3 lives when he rejoins the server.  Player 2 and 3 are playing like a team but player 2 finally loses all 10 lives and winds up dead, at this point he quits and rejoins but as he used his full allocation of lives (ie.10) he rejoins the mission with the full 10 lives.  Just one other thing any player joining the mission in progress for the first time after the 2 minute mark will get 10 lives but they will get the warning message within 10 seconds of joining the server (ie. there is no 2 minute grace period for players joining in progress).  I hope I haven't completely confused you now and this explanation makes things clearer.

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