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SQF revive script

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Do you ever get the impression that when you're tryng to make things easier you're really making things harder for people?

@andersson - can you send me your mission to norrin@iprimus.com.au and I'll take a look at it.

@crawler - I think you may have the <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

#include "revive_sqf\dialogs\config.cpp" still in your description.ext file so just check this and if its there delete this line. If this is not the problem can you also send me your mission so I can see whats going wrong.

@MCPXXL - The call out comments are defined on lines 74 - 86 of the revive_player.sqf. If you want to have just one array of sounds with your extra sounds just add them to commentsBrian and put this in the line 86 <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">NORRN_call_out_voice = _NORRN_voice_array select 0;

You'll also need to increase the random numbers in lines 437 and 336 to include your number of additional comments.

Eg. If you have 60 comments in commentsBrian you'll need <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unconscious_body setVehicleInit "this say (NORRN_call_out_voice select floor(random 60))";

For your personal sounds you'll also need to define them in a sound config file and "include" this from the description.ext or just add the config directly to the description.ext.

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I'm getting the same error with your sample mission as well  whistle.gif

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All sounds are working for me !


Would be a great help if you could at least say which sound you miss.

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Ryan_bastards and Dusan_Oh_no and Rusell_bastards.

I guess its for all of them.

I get teh sound not found error the first time i die and do not get it in the following deaths but i dont hear the shouts/comments as well.

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if the resault of random(60) == 60 then floor of this value is also 60 !

That can cause a error when playing the 60st sound out of 0-59 whistle.gif

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where do you match the comments with sounds in the sounds.pbo.

"Ryan_Fuck_it" with Missions\Ryan\Univ_v25.ogg

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Ryan_bastards and Dusan_Oh_no and Rusell_bastards.

I guess its for all of them.

I get teh sound not found error the first time i die and do not get it in the following deaths but i dont hear the shouts/comments as well.

M8 you're absolutely right it doesn't work and I've just discovered the reason why. You don't have the GPL2+ sound addon on in your addon directory (have a check ricki I think you'll find you have it in there as well same as me).  So more time wasted and another aborted attempt to improve this script.  sad_o.gif

I'm going to have a smoke and think about what to do next other than scream. banghead.gif

@ Lester, http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/random

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Ryan_bastards and Dusan_Oh_no and Rusell_bastards.

I guess its for all of them.

I get teh sound not found error the first time i die and do not get it in the following deaths but i dont hear the shouts/comments as well.

M8 you're absolutely right it doesn't work and I've just discovered the reason why. You don't have the GPL2+ sound addon on in your addon directory (have a check ricki I think you'll find you have it in there as well same as me).  So more time wasted and another aborted attempt to improve this script.  sad_o.gif

I'm going to have a smoke and think about what to do next other than scream.  banghead.gif

@ Lester, http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/random

I dont think the probl is GPL2+. Sounds are there but you simply are not referring to the right sound file.

I'm trying a solution like;

commentsDan   =     ["sounds\missions\dan\Univ_v31.ogg","sounds\missions\dan\Univ_v32.ogg","sounds\missions\dan\Univ_v33.ogg","sounds\missions\dan\Univ_v34.ogg"];

I'm a bit slow with scripting..maybe you can try it faster.

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Thanks for the suggestion crawler but it still doesn't work. sad_o.gif

I've now tried calling the suggested code either via a config.cpp or directly through the revive script as you've suggested (also tried  "\ca\sounds\missions\dan\Univ_v31.ogg") and it still doesn't work.  So other than using the GPL2+ addon it looks like you need the sound directory and the config.cpp as in the previous version of the script arrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

 banghead.gif  banghead.gif  banghead.gif  banghead.gif

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too bad, it's arma biggrin_o.gif

tried it again, seems you cant access the sounds from the description.ext as it cant access the pbo's.

only mod configs can. so the only way is to keep the sounds inside and resample them maybe

sorry for my lack of investigation i should have known better.

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Np m8 I'm guilty of the same mistake. smile_o.gif I'll get the older version of the script reposted.

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how come GPL2+ can play these sounds by referred to these sounds by "Ryan_Oh_No" ?

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It seems its got something to do with the way the game recognises the config.cpp in the GPL2+ addon, unfortunately you can't do the same thing from a mission folder.

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isn't it a script ?? It's not an addon as far as I know.

There's also a a pbo addon that you can install as part of the GPL script that adds alot of extra voices and also includes a config.cpp file that defines all the new and old voices in the format<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> {

name="Brian: I'm hit!";




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I was looking into this...the only related thing he has in the addon is the cpp file where he refers to sounds in ca\sounds....

This should work with your script as well. wow_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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I was looking into this...the only related thing he has in the addon is the cpp file where he refers to sounds in ca\sounds....

This should work with your script as well.  wow_o.gif  crazy_o.gif

I know but it doesn't unfortunately, just one of those magical things about ArmA.  crazy_o.gif

Anyway here's a link to the full 1.1f version where the sounds do work: http://home.iprimus.com.au/simonns....ara.zip

I'll have to get the implementation notes updated tomorrow and will post then.

Once again my sincerest apologies for the latest stuff-up with this script, unless of course you want to use the GPL2 addon.

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Could this be the reason?

from Biki..

"A unit that has been killed or does not exist will not say anything. "

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No reason for me to give you my mission as the problem is found. But thank you anyway!

So its just to go back to f I suppose, no other changes in g?

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AI_disabled revive

So for the time being here it is the latest version with all the revisions except the ill fated new call-out options: version 1.2

I've named it version 1.2 so there cannot be any confusion with previous versions

It isn't perfect and you'll still get the occasional arma.rpt error, but hopefully not nearly to the same extent as before, and the respawn dialog while swimming isn't foolproof, so use at your own peril, but as far as I can tell it works and you shouldn't have too many problems with it (fingers crossed).

As a wise man once said "no matter how much you buff it you cannot polish a turd".

With that firmly in mind I'm going to step away from this script for a while now as I've essentially had a gutful as I'm sure have many of you who have had to put up with bad design decisions and dodgy releases and it has taken over almost all my spare time for the last 10 months or so.

This means no more releases of the AI-disabled script, unless I have a dramatic change of heart or some one finds the mother of all bugs and I won't be supporting it to the same extent, if at all.

I'm not abandoning it completely though and will look at it again when ArmA 1.09 is released and see if we can't fix up the last of the bugs but for the time being I need a rest and there are some other things I want to do and people that have been patiently waiting for me to help them.

There's a couple of things that could still be done such as removing the need for the onConnect trigger but as I said it works and I need to move on.

To all of you that have patiently lived through this and provided support, help and suggestions I thank you all, the list is pretty long now and the script would have never got as far as it has without your generous help.


@crawler - no thats not the reason m8 as the unit that is calling out is definitely alive.

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I think your being a little hard on yourself, writing script is no easy task expecially one as complicated as this one.

As a mission maker I fully understand your decision, the time we all spend on doing this is incredible and consuming.  In speaking for Global Alien's Site I want to thank you for all the great help you not only gave us on your script but the many times you gave us help on ours.  

Please join us anytime in gaming.  Take Care!

Vengeance (JAAF)

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Hello Norrin,

Thanks for all the hard work. Before you get a break is it easy to update your PvP version of Revive to 1.2? Or get it close?

Thanks a lot! And I understand about needing a break man! Nice work!

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Norrin hi,

I hope you don't leave it totally because developing a script is an ongoing process. I'm sure you know it much better. It's not like write and forget.

Take it easy on all your scripts a bit and decrease the frequency of changes. That way you wont be dealing with them all the time.

Nice job m8 and have a nice break...

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I think your being a little hard on yourself, writing script is no easy task expecially one as complicated as this one.

As a mission maker I fully understand your decision, the time we all spend on doing this is incredible and consuming. I want to thank you for all the great help you not only gave us on your script but the many times you gave us help on ours.  

I agree, thanks for all the hard work Norrin.  

Most of our player base does not even have computers (play on a set up LAN) and find Armed assault very hard.  

This script gives us a second chance without making things feel like a slog of respawning and going back in over and over again (we use the script with no-respawns).  The later, also kills the feeling of actually having something to achieve, for me atleast.  Athough its all personal opinion as some people will feel the same way about reviving.


The script also adds great game play moments, like when you got to secure an extra positon, because someone thought that they new better and  could get a better spot higher up  icon_rolleyes.gif

Anyway, what i'm getting at is, that if you hadn't made this great script, I seriously dout that we would still be playing this game at all, so thanks again for all the hard work!

Have a great break, and if you return to Arma scripting, perhaps you should remember that having time to play arma is fun too!

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