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At last this is my favorite. Attraction "Flying BMP". This is single-frame photography tounge2.gif

1. BMP is stay on start position


2. I throw grenade and... bmp can fly!!! tounge2.gif  Maybe it's not grenade. Maybe it's little nucliar bomb! tounge2.gif


3. bmp3jr3.th.jpg

4. bmp4fm9.th.jpg

5. BMP is land very far  biggrin_o.gif


If somebody want to see real size pic just click on it biggrin_o.gif

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How many M249 SAWs in the US Army now have the pre-PIP configuration? IMO, it would be more realistic to not use the SAW with the tubular buttstock.

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Without question, FFSX 2007 is your FINEST release yet. Everything runs smoothly, and the incorporation of Silola’s SFX made even more improvements to an already excellent mod.

I’ve got some questions, concerns and bugs to report, so here goes…

Immediately after installing the 1.2 Extra Pack the OpFlashPreferences window for setting up OFP’s graphics opened up for me. What really surprised me was that it allowed me to set the graphics for much higher settings than what OpFlashPreferences typically allows; I’m now assuming that these higher settings are only available via FFSX’s mod. I initially specified settings that were too low, and I’d like to elevate them via FFSX’s OpFlashPreferences, the only problem is, I don’t know how to go about reactivating it so that I can make these adjustments via your greatly improved Preference options. Could you direct me as to how I can do so?

Is there an option in the config that could allow us to set grenades so that they have a 3 second fuse and won’t explode upon impacting an object/ground?

I miss the AI not being able to enter buildings. Now when I play Clean Sweep, I just enter the town’s central building, and scrabble from one window to the next taking out enemies that’ll never try storming the building and who seem all too willing to make themselves an easy target for me. Whereas in the default SLX mod they’ll try storming the structure from time to time. I can somewhat understand disabling the rescuing/dragging/surrendering routines to boost performance, but their ability to use buildings in the default SLX, however imperfect, is still a big step up from what it is now. Please reconsider enabling it, or at least supplying an alterable option in the config for us to adjust.

I keep getting the following error messages:

1. Error loading data3d\zuni.p3d (Magic)

2. Error loading data3d\vysilacka.p3d (Magic)

3. Error loading data3d\vlajkstozar.p3d (Magic)

I really like the “slow motion death†effect, but maybe it could run as slow as it’s set now for 4-5 seconds, and then it quickly speeds back up to normal time so that the camera tracks to the player’s victorious adversary in a more timely fashion.

Keep up the terrific work! Thank you for all of your time on this masterpiece of OFP modding!



Feb. 26, 2007

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Is there any way to enable the wounded animations and cries for help without enabling the dragging/healing feature? I really liked watching the opfor writhing in pain as they call out for their comrades to save them! yay.gif

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Without question, FFSX 2007 is your FINEST release yet.  Everything runs smoothly, and the incorporation of Silola’s SFX made even more improvements to an already excellent mod.  

I’ve got some questions, concerns and bugs to report, so here goes…  

Immediately after installing the 1.2 Extra Pack the OpFlashPreferences window for setting up OFP’s graphics opened up for me.  What really surprised me was that it allowed me to set the graphics for much higher settings than what OpFlashPreferences typically allows; I’m now assuming that these higher settings are only available via FFSX’s mod.  I initially specified settings that were too low, and I’d like to elevate them via FFSX’s OpFlashPreferences, the only problem is, I don’t know how to go about reactivating it so that I can make these adjustments via your greatly improved Preference options.  Could you direct me as to how I can do so?

Is there an option in the config that could allow us to set grenades so that they have a 3 second fuse and won’t explode upon impacting an object/ground?  

I miss the AI not being able to enter buildings.  Now when I play Clean Sweep, I just enter the town’s central building, and scrabble from one window to the next taking out enemies that’ll never try storming the building and who seem all too willing to make themselves an easy target for me.  Whereas in the default SLX mod they’ll try storming the structure from time to time.  I can somewhat understand disabling the rescuing/dragging/surrendering routines to boost performance, but their ability to use buildings in the default SLX, however imperfect, is still a big step up from what it is now.  Please reconsider enabling it, or at least supplying an alterable option in the config for us to adjust.

I keep getting the following error messages:

1. Error loading data3d\zuni.p3d (Magic)

2. Error loading data3d\vysilacka.p3d (Magic)

3. Error loading data3d\vlajkstozar.p3d (Magic)

I really like the “slow motion death†effect, but maybe it could run as slow as it’s set now for 4-5 seconds, and then it quickly speeds back up to normal time so that the camera tracks to the player’s victorious adversary in a more timely fashion.  

Keep up the terrific work!  Thank you for all of your time on this masterpiece of OFP modding!



Feb. 26, 2007

I want to know how I can activate this "enhanced" OpFlashPreferences window too!!!   pistols.gif I tried to install FFUR_SLX Extrapack 1.2 but nothing happened. sad_o.gif

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Operation Flashpoint is not dead and the same goes to FFUR, surprisingly, a lot of people are still playing the former great engine and we would keep working on it until ArmA official tools would be released as well as the awaited official patch.

Meanwhile, here spent a couple of hours trying to provide some accurate answers to people's questions and requests:

Quote[/b] ]Just to be sure, do I just delete all my previous installs of SLX and FFur before upgrading to this version?

Negative, please read the installation instructions from the first page of this thread, they are detailed and do explain quite well the way to follow in order to install things properly.

Quote[/b] ]There is no speed or altitude display when flying aircraft, which is a huge problem.

Although being kind of disturbing, this is wanted in the aim to provide a light touch of realism to force people to use more speedmeters.

Quote[/b] ]I was playing That Resistance mission, the attack on Mirov, and the machinegunners seemed to be constantly firing. The battlefield was full of smoke, and as cool as it sounded and looked, after a while, it became slightly annoying. I kept on asking myself wtf they were shooting at

This provides an immersive feeling and a realistic experience because the suppressive fire is one of the first elementary tactic every soldier has to learn during classes to get further, its teaching is common in armed forces.

Check out google for further information about its use during combats.

Quote[/b] ]When reloading certain third-party AT launchers (ICP RPGs, E&S RPGs and SMAWs for instance) while still in optics view, the view follows the movement of your actions, so you're kinda spinning all over the place and end up looking at the ground to your left

Indeed and you have to disable the view in order to reload your AT launcher, once done, you can use it again.

Quote[/b] ]Couldn't this feature be taken advantage of? You could destroy a batallion without moving, using just airstrikes

Air strikes are very common today, as they have been illustrated by the US/Israeli interventions in the M-E the last years, their massive use sometimes tend to cause heavy collateral dammages (civilians...etc), a thing that you can't reproduce in OFP due to its missions/campaigns limitations in terms of "civilians".

Due to this fact, you would be allowed to only use 3 air strikes every mission with the incoming patch.

Quote[/b] ]Is this the FFUR 2007 +SLX upgrade for MP gameplay also, Tbird?

As stated in the overview, no MP tests have been done due to the lack of time but logically, this aspect should work as well, but with no guarantee from our side.

Quote[/b] ]Found one problem though. Russian static MG (NSV) doesn't have a crosshair. There is no way to aim with that gun.

I also think that it takes way too long for T-90 to reload.

Added to the list of bugs, the crosshair would be added with the next patch.

The T-90 is able to fire 8 rounds every minute in real life, we would carry out the necessary changes to get that done in-game as well.

Quote[/b] ]It's the same bug long time ago FFUR got; if you make a firefight in the woods in Everon (so far I tested it in that island), let's say two enemy squads, they dont shoot, they just run each near the other and no one shot or get killed. You can test it easily for yourself.

I'm afraid nothing could be done at this level due to the engine limitations, but I will check it out once again.

However, firefights in woods might be kind of confusing due to the amount of foliage, plants and trees in real life.

Quote[/b] ]I don't think this is true Tbird. I've put the Missiles back for the MBT's, And the only AI vehicles that engage with missiles are the BMP-3, BMP-2 and the Bradley. The T80 and T90 continue to just use there 125mm main gun.

I will check it out again and would carry out the necessary changes if everything goes as it should.

Quote[/b] ]What I meant was that the AI walks past you and doesnt shoot at you, I created a mission in the

editor and the enemy kept walking past me and would not shoot at us...they tried to get too close

to you or something , but I believe this is bug in the game...if no one else has notice this then Im


This has already been reported during beta testing but the only way I found to figure out the issue is to take out almost all of AI scripts, but that haven't been done because this would have disabled several features, which means consequently that simultaneously running several AI scripts tends to slow down their "reaction" in combat.

Quote[/b] ]I get the "Out of Reserved Memory" usage whenever i call CAS and point on the map.

The Air Strike feature would be reworked again to figure out the CTD and fix it.

Quote[/b] ]Everytime I fire the RPG29 with the resistance anti-armor specialist, he dies as soon as the weapon is fired. Anyone else have this problem?

Added to the bugs list.

Quote[/b] ]On another note i have found a bug in ffur/slx when i went behind a tank i went to third and started shooting the damaged tank with my m16 i notice the bullets went through the damaged tank to the ground.

LOD issue, very minor though, I'm afraid we have more important priorities than fixing tanks dammaged models, but thanks for reporting it.

Quote[/b] ]hi just one bug to report ru grenade exploding near hummer, hummer just flys away try it

OFP physics engine is behined this problem, tanks will

bounce as if they were hit because grenades have to weight 100 000 Kg in order to stay on ground, otherwise they'd be ejected to outer-space.

Quote[/b] ]preNOLD format in object data3d/stars.p3d Anybody knovs what the problem is???

A very stable extra pack would be available with the incoming release, which would feature only a couple of changes.

By the way, make sure that your graphic card is powerful enough (At least Model Shader 2.0) to use the extra pack.

Quote[/b] ]When I fire with at T-90 at a Bradley it's not destroyed and even shoots a TOW at me!

Bradley armor values would be changed, well seen and thanks.

Quote[/b] ]I really find the auto-take-cover thing annoying, is there some way to disable it?

Sorry but it is kind of impossible to satisfy everyone, taking out this feature would result in a lot of complaints coming from all sides.

Quote[/b] ]One more thing I thought was unneccesary. Units are getting tired too fast. That heavy breathing is so annoying.

Have you already tried to sprint with a 3->5 kg rifle, full magazine pouches, heavy rangers and grenades on rough ground?

Believe me, even the most sporting among us would encounter difficulties to correctly aim after such efforts.

Quote[/b] ]I just found theres no body explosion?

Indeed, this feature has unfortunately been temporary disabled because the body model was spinning, but we would implement it again as soon as it is fixed.

Quote[/b] ]Air Support. It doesn't seem possible to be able to call for air support by picking up the radio, does this option have to be class specific role?

Get close to your squad's leader to use his radio, picking up radios from dead RTOs wouldn't help because they are supposed to be brocken and unusable.

Quote[/b] ]I have noticed that there is no longer a circle of dust which is kicked up by the rotor blades of choppers when they are taking off or landing, is this a bug or has this effect been removed on purpose?

Indeed, this has been removed to incorporate SLX one which isn't that well-optimized, a good reason to put it back with the incoming patch. ;]

Quote[/b] ] Resistance and Russians dont have the air support function unfortunetely.

What kind of aircraft would be supporting the "guerilleros", who are supposed to have light firearms slightly supported by stolen and crappy tanks intended to make ambushes.

However, the implementation of light artillery support (mortars) is envisaged for both of these sides.

Quote[/b] ]Now when I try and run ffur2007/slx it get an error saying bad serial number.

What are your system specs? have you made sure you installed everything properly? clean your registry as well.

Quote[/b] ]Any idea why I can't hit anything with the RPG or LAW? The rockets aren't even going straight - they're wobbling to everywhere except where I'm aiming.

As Spinal Tap 84 have so well explained, RPGs are unpredictable, and the wind's influence on rockets has to be taken into considration too.

Quote[/b] ]

-My biggest problem is that for some reason the death animations in FFRU/SLX2007 are not the ones from FFRU2007 how come you guys removed them?

They have been accidentaly disabled and they would hopefully be incorporated again.

Quote[/b] ]

-When I play from the editor, I just add one player group and four or five OPFOR group with a BTR. I use Urban Patrol script, which was working very well before with SLX (demoniac actually SLX/UPS, especially for sandbox battle) and after ten minutes, a large part of the opfor is died and I have a HUGE Lag,

Make sure your system is powerful enough to run the mod, just refer to the system requirements posted in the first post of this thread.

I suppose that the amount of model replacements and changes are probably behind the lag you are experiencing during this mission, furthermore, the fact that you used an external script with the MOD might be affecting the fps level as well.

Quote[/b] ]could you please maybe change either the russian ak74's or the M16\M4's firing sound, they sound almost the same, and it's kinda hard to tell who's who in a fire fight.

The sounds effects would probably be updated or even changed, the question is actually suspended as there are more important priorities at the moment.

Quote[/b] ]also could you please give the soldiers NV googles instead of just the special forces, as with the add-on packs, night is about 3 times darker now and you actually need the NV googles! plus with ddxl the NV affects look awsome!

US Regular Troops would carry NVGs with the incoming patch.

Quote[/b] ]None of the download links work for me.

Are there others?

Check them out once again, they work very well.

Quote[/b] ]Is this wallpaper in ffurslx (6 soldiers) real photo? Good picture


Quote[/b] ]

Bug(?):can't lock airtargets with apache gun.

Added to the bugs list.

Quote[/b] ]where did the apache stingers go?!

The Stingers have not been implemented because the new apache's model (intended to increase the fps level), does not have stinger proxys, plus, this apache's variant does not break BIS missions.

Quote[/b] ]ah-1w super cobra maybe please?

Since the "Army" is mainly and exclusively represented in FFUR, the super cobra has been replaced by the previous version of the apache (A).

Quote[/b] ]

-Like when running FFSX, getting stuck waist high in the ground when stood still with pistol.

Or when running normal (Non SLX) FFUR getting missing SLX files...

I uninstalled FFUR/SLX (FFSX) cause I prefer FFUR2007 on its own.

Heh, apparently you still use the Beta version of FFSX I sent you a couple of weeks ago during the Beta testing stage, which was having this bug. ;]

Quote[/b] ]Shot a Russian soldier's at point blank range 7 times with a .45 before he died

will check out .45 caliber values and would fix'em if needed.

Quote[/b] ]Kind of miss the close combat/knife action from vanilla SLX

They are unnecessary and not relevant, at least for regular troops, but if time would allow it, I would try to add a small tut that explains how to customize your own SLX effects and features.

Quote[/b] ]Pilots that bail from aircraft over water land and float in the water, but can't swim...

Added to the bugs list.

Quote[/b] ]Soldiers swim with weapons in their hand....and fire them in the middle of the ocean

And how would you do if you are surrounded by enemy troops, if you feel this feature that unrealistic then don't use it.

Quote[/b] ]No offence to tb but sometimes its hard to know exactly how we die. Maybe wait 2-3 second before the cam start? So that way if we are hit by a bullet we can see it. thx

This is a matter of taste, some people would like it and some others wouldn't, as stated above, there would probably be a small tut that would explain how to customize yourself some aspects of the MOD.

Quote[/b] ]I was playing with SEF's Humvee's when i noticed this

I answered to this more than once, this is due to SEF animations which are derived from BIS ones, and BIS animations are replaced by FFUR ones in the FFUR MOD, so you sometimes get this kind of problems which can be easily resolved by adding "manact..." lines to your vehicle's class in your concerned addon's folder.

Quote[/b] ]You know when your squad/team leader asks you to run to the 5T truck? Well when I turned back from reaching the 5T, the armor depots turned into apartment buildings and my entire squad were on the top floor.

Apparently, the garrison script hasen't been completely taken out, -> added to the bugs list.

Quote[/b] ]Is there a way to turn off the bright blue tropical water feature in the ffur/slx?

The upcoming extra pack would not feature this tropical water's texture.

Quote[/b] ]So looks sniper in distance. Is this wite camouflage?

Added to the bugs list.

Quote[/b] ]How many M249 SAWs in the US Army now have the pre-PIP configuration? IMO, it would be more realistic to not use the SAW with the tubular buttstock

Since this is the best SAW Model ever carried out for OFP, I think people can live with that, even it is slightly unrealistic.

Quote[/b] ]

-Immediately after installing the 1.2 Extra Pack the OpFlashPreferences window for setting up OFP’s graphics opened up for me. What really surprised me was that it allowed me to set the graphics for much higher settings than what OpFlashPreferences typically allows; I’m now assuming that these higher settings are only available via FFSX’s mod. I initially specified settings that were too low, and I’d like to elevate them via FFSX’s OpFlashPreferences, the only problem is, I don’t know how to go about reactivating it so that I can make these adjustments via your greatly improved Preference options. Could you direct me as to how I can do so?

To be honest, this sounds a bit weird here as the settings values have not been edited that deep, maybe try to edit your settings via "FlashpointPreferences" instead of "OpFlashPreferences".

Quote[/b] ]

-Is there an option in the config that could allow us to set grenades so that they have a 3 second fuse and won’t explode upon impacting an object/ground?

This can be easily done but the AI would not use grenades anymore, unless there's some kind of heavy extra scripting to be done, which isn't that recommended.

Quote[/b] ]

-I keep getting the following error messages:

1. Error loading data3d\zuni.p3d (Magic)

2. Error loading data3d\vysilacka.p3d (Magic)

3. Error loading data3d\vlajkstozar.p3d (Magic)

These kind of issues tend to happen on some specific systems (HWTL/ Direct3D), use samotH extra pack and try both of options (HWTL or Direct3D), one of these would work good on your system.

Quote[/b] ]Is there any way to enable the wounded animations and cries for help without enabling the dragging/healing feature? I really liked watching the opfor writhing in pain as they call out for their comrades to save them!

A nice idea to develop in game, but no concrete answers could be provided now, at least, until the main priorities are accomplished.

Thank you all, once again for your continued support and nice words.

Sincerely, yours


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Wow, great feedback TB.

looking forward to the patch.

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As always TB is on top of every issue. Thanks for the info. I had one idea. Would it be possible to get the US infantryman (M249 and M240) tracers from FFUR 2007 into FFUR/SLX 2007? The new ones are good by all means, but the older ones were more red in color versus the current orange ones and looked amazing. Just a preference of taste, but I figured I would mention it. Thanks again.

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@KylekSki: I had the exact same problem with the missing P3Ds after installing the extra pack, and after poking around for awhile trying to troubleshoot the problem, I found that it is just something that goes wrong when the cPBO program tries to recompress the data3d.pbo file. To fix this, download PBOX (and WinRar if you don't have it) and follow these instructions.

1. Make a folder to do all your extracting/compressing work.

2. Use PBOX to extract the contents of your OperationFlashpoint\RES\dta\data3d.pbo file into your new folder.

3. Right click on the program that extracts the extra pack, and extract it your new folder.

4. Inside that extracted folder, there should be a folder named newdata. Put everything that is in that folder, into the folder that has all the P3Ds from the extracted data3d.pbo file. When asked if you would like to overwrite the files, say yes to all.

5. Finally, use PBOX to compress that folder into your new data3d.pbo file. Put your new data3d.pbo file into the OPERATIONFLASHPOINT\ffursx\dta folder and you're done.

I hope this helps you a lot. I'm not at my gaming computer right now so I could have given some wrong names, such as data3d.pbo might be dta3d.pbo, etc, etc.


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SAMOTH's SELECTION - FFSX 2007 Extra Pack v3


what's new:

-SLX fire (OPTIONAL) (removed Jhon's fire textures)


-SLX nightvision optics effect (OPTIONAL)

-Enhaced USA flag texture (more colorful, by me smile_o.gif

-Hollywood Soldiers (OPTIONAL)

-NO MORE DAMN (Magic) ERRORS ON DIRECT3D!!! (I hope so... traced many and nailed them)

-Reworked the installer. (that's only important to me...I guess)

All credits go to the creators of the textures. (except for the ones I created smile_o.gif

You know them: Maximus ,Llaumau, Solus, Liquid Snake, maybe more...


This is a replacement for most of BIS faces in OFP.



ENJOY!!! yay.gif


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TB, Thanks for answers to all posts. I suggest you to look at following screenshots OFP of updating from ORCS. I would like that FFUR have passed in a stage conventional OFP2. TB, You have much made. Thanks you for it. But much still can be made. Therefore also I suggest to look at screenshots.

1. Is it possible to make, that the infantry can be place on the bmp or tank?

74351091ol9.th.png 11935644ub6.th.png

2. Whether is it possible to make the same wounds? Or maybe you can do it much better. Pay attention to the face of killed soldier and a hole in a helmet. And still look at the soldier who nestles on a wall. It is quite realistic.


3. Whether probably to add function to carry wounded and killed how it is shown here? Can add, that hard wounded died? If the player will be such to make blackout and a vagueness. It will be cool. You are wounded lose consciousness. And here you are born by your brother in arms.


4. Can you make the same masking for ZSU? It is looked good.


5. Look at the broken tank. Maybe you made such when tank is explosion? Add on it fire and it will be look very performance. Because now they are only on fire and there are no any other damages.


Pay attention to the form the soldier. Here it is more realistic. Color of camouflage is more realistic. Infantrymen with body armour. If you doubt of realistic of the form, I can make photo it for you. By the way, if you want I can record a sound of the weapon on range. Because there are too much words about realistic of weapons sound.

Here is the address ORCS a site (http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/orcs/north1.htm). There are more screenshots and they mod.

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Quote[/b] ] had one idea.  Would it be possible to get the US infantryman (M249 and M240) tracers from FFUR 2007 into FFUR/SLX 2007?  The new ones are good by all means, but the older ones were more red in color versus the current orange ones and looked amazing.

The tracers color and values can be easily changed, no need to implement FFUR ones which were slightly laggier than the current ones, some changes would be done, for sure.

Sniper_Kyle: Thank you for the tip, that might help a lot of people experiencing such kind of errors to fix' em, but the new SamotH pack (posted above) does figure out the issue.

SamotH: Amazing pack with a great and friendly .bat installer, allowing people to choose the way they want to install things, thank you for the efforts and cooperation you have kindly extended to us.

Quote[/b] ]But much still can be made

If you feel kind of unsatisfied, perplexed or worse with the current status of the MOD then feel free to carry out the necessary changes for your own use, you have all you need (an editable config and the necessary tool), if you want to get a stage further, then make some research here and there and you would find all you need.

Quote[/b] ]Is it possible to make, that the infantry can be place on the bmp or tank?

Infantry troops can already sit on BMPs, making the same for tanks doesn't make sense, as the russian army is supposed to have a large number of APCs that can do the job, plus, there are more important priorities at the moment, as stated above.

Quote[/b] ]Whether is it possible to make the same wounds? Or maybe you can do it much better. Pay attention to the face of killed soldier and a hole in a helmet. And still look at the soldier who nestles on a wall. It is quite realistic

Nobody complained about the wound textures, which look decent so far, in my judgement, if you dislike 'em, and would rather prefer to see ORCS ones instead, nobody would stop you in making'em more relevant.

Quote[/b] ]Whether probably to add function to carry wounded and killed how it is shown here? Can add, that hard wounded died? If the player will be such to make blackout and a vagueness. It will be cool. You are wounded lose consciousness. And here you are born by your brother in arms.

This seems to be a static animation intended to make promotion screenshots, I'm afraid that carrying out a working similar animation is almost impossible at the moment, as the interest in OFP is not the same than before, which is not encouraging to involve such efforts and research, but why not later, for ArmA's FFUR ;]

Quote[/b] ]Can you make the same masking for ZSU? It is looked good.

Even being simple and classical, the current Shilka looks so far good and doesn't need the addition of such a camo, which isn't that common in real life, though.

Quote[/b] ]Look at the broken tank. Maybe you made such when tank is explosion? Add on it fire and it will be look very performance. Because now they are only on fire and there are no any other damages.

First, that would require dammaged model tanks relevant to the available ones (M1A2, M1A1...),

Secondly, this would require scripts to get the transition properly done, which aren't cpu friendly.

But this is already available in ArmA and it works quite good.

Quote[/b] ]Pay attention to the form the soldier

We have been working in a close cooperation with RHS key members (ShadowNx, Laser...) in order to get the current russian soldiers the most realistic possible in FFUR.

Once again, if you are unsatisfied with them and find'em unrealistic then go ahead and incorporate those you prefer.

Quote[/b] ]Here is the address ORCS a site

With no offense towards ORCS members, who are skilled and talentend so far, I'm afraid there would be no cooperation with them, due to their lack of "friendship" and their policy. (The last time, we have been asked to take out RHS stuff from FFUR to be allowed to incorporate their models, which absolutely makes no sense at all).

Anyways, thank you for your interest and suggestions but please keep in mind that there are actually more important priorities.



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Amen to that.

FFUR as it is is the best FFUR ever and nearly perfect ( onyl Ak sounds bug me but i guess i just didnt see one of the additional mini patches ).

The Soldiers arent perfect russians but they are 100% better than in the last FFURs.

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TB, if you plan on adding some stuff to already excellent mod, may I humbly suggest updating your in-game voice commands in Russian language. It is not a big deal for those who don't understand what the hell are the Russian soldiers saying, but for the rest of us who do understand, it's a fucking circus! Their voices are good and "manly", but the stuff they are saying is hilarious! Russian military doesn't use the terms that you guys use in the mod. Your translators, most likely, never served in the Russian military, so they just translating directly from BIS or American commands, using American terms, and this is kind of funny becuase it doesn't sound right. Again, not a big deal here, but brings more realism into a game for Russian players. I know you have more important updates to worry about, so this is just a small suggestion.

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Quote[/b] ]Although being kind of disturbing, this is wanted in the aim to provide a light touch of realism to force people to use more speedmeters.

The F-16 doesn't seen to have functioning dials and stuff...

Quote[/b] ]Heh, apparently you still use the Beta version of FFSX I sent you a couple of weeks ago during the Beta testing stage, which was having this bug. ;]

I completly deleted FFSX Beta and downloaded and installed the newest FFSX. Before I posted that... But I prefer FFUR2007 on its own for some reason anyway...

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Thank you for your recommendations regarding how I can fix the P3D errors, but SamotH's latest release has happily addressed all of those problems. smile_o.gif

That said, the Hollywood Faces aren't showing up for me, even though I enabled them through the installation package. I've run SamotH's update three times, and I've yet to notice any difference in the faces. The SLX smoke and fire are there, but Bruce Willis is not.

Maybe the faces end up looking quite a bit different due to how they're wrapped around the models' features? Any clarity on this would be appreciated.


The more that I play FFSX, the more I realize how less cunning the AI are. I've alternated between FFSX's AI and SLX's AI in their own separate mods, and without question, SLX's AI are much more likely to make mincemeat out of me, and it's not just due to the fact that they're more likely to use buildings. I don't know what it is, but their intelligence level seems sharper than FFSX's. Am I the only one who feels this way?

And before I go, I just want to second everyone's statements here about how gracious a modder you are. You consistently go the extra mile in giving us, at the very least, a quick reply to the majority of our questions and observations. I'm certainly grateful for it, and it's one of the main reasons why I've always kept a close eye on what you're doing.



Feb. 28, 2007


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I agree about the AI. SLX AI were too aggressive and deadly, whereas the AI in this mod is a little to easy and ineffective for my taste. It seems it's very difficult to get the perfect balance when tweaking these things from normal.

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In modern combat the us military works together Apaches are strike aircraft not close air support. that is where the cobra comes in, the cobra and viper are manly for close air support and are vary effective at it.

and by the way these are islands, the US marines would be more likely to be the main fighting force in these missions. you would not have to change a lot, because the army and marine corps uses a lot of the same equipment, ext. M1A1 FEP, M-16A4. by the way where is the grizzly AVB (I was a grizzly op before i went to the marine corps reserves, now I'm an tracked vehicle mechanic (i changes mos because i wanted to be close to my home town). AVB is a M1A1 with even more toys.

the marines have all sorts of cool toys by the way like ITV, M115 mutt (still used), HTTV, HMARS, CLAWS, AAV. and slx hand to hand combat can be used, all marines under go Marine Corps Marshal Arts. ( the US Marine Corps is the largest Special Forces Unit in the world and can support large scale combat on grand scale, with big help form the us Navy, Airforce, Coast Guard, and Army)

remember us forces never fight alone wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]In modern combat the us military works together Apaches are strike aircraft not close air support. that is where the cobra comes in, the cobra and viper are manly for close air support and are vary effective at it.

Close air support entails a military aircraft operating in a ground attack role in coordination with a ground unit to help the ground unit complete its mission.  Even though the Apache is more renowned for its pure tank killing abilities, the AH-64 is a multi-mission capable aircraft. Here is a good video of an Apache providing CAS.  The reason why there is no AH-1W or Z model in FFUR is because the mod replaces US Army personnel and equipment from the original game with modern equivalents.  The AH-1F from the original campaign is replaced by an AH-64A.  Though the AH-1W and AH-Z are amazing aircraft as well.

Quote[/b] ]and by the way these are islands, the US marines would be more likely to be the main fighting force in these missions. you would not have to change a lot, because the army and marine corps uses a lot of the same equipment, ext. M1A1 FEP, M-16A4.

Are you asking that TB and the FFUR team revamp the entire mod into USMC equipment and personnel?  That is essentially building a whole new modification and would require serious time.  I would have to disagree and say that you would have to change alot.  The only common equipment would be the M1's, M16/M4 rifles, and with some minor changes, the HMMWV's.  Let's explore this idea for a second.  There are not that many 100% completed, high quality, bug free USMC addons out there to accomplish such a feat first of all.  It would be feasible, but not an easy accomplishment by any means.  The A-10 would not have to be changed from DSL's model because that is US Air Force.  If you wanted there is an AV-8B Harrier out there, but it is still in beta and has some bugs.  The AH-64 would be replaced by Vit's AH-1Z.  The AH-1F would become Vit's AH-1W.  The CH-47 can be replaced with SEF's CH-53 (which would need a config fix because SEF’s Misc file has a bad line in it), a CH-46 (there is no completed CH-46 available as of now), or Sole's MV-22.  The UH-60 would be replaced by PrephH's UH-1N.  There would be no suitable replacement for the OH-58.  The M113 would become the AAV-7, but the only one available is a rather old one from Tales of War mod.  The M1A1 would stay as INQ’s M1A2 and the M60 would stay as INQ's M1A1.  The M2A2 Bradley would be replaced by SEF's LAV-25 presumably.  The HMMWV's would have to be changed from CBT's to SEF's because SEF has the snorkel exhaust that USMC HMMWV's have.  The SEF HMMWV's would need some work as well.  The actual Marines would be replaced by Safety Catch's Marine Pack v2.0 or HYK's Modern US Infantry.  Safety Catch has Force Recon units which would work nicely as Black Ops replacements though.  If you wanted to extend the naval theme to the Russians all you would really have to do is use RHS's RF Naval Infantry and Naval Spetsnaz.  You would have to fix up all these addons and make sure that they do not break missions and have the same cargo capacity as the vehicle that they are replacing.  The real problem here is that you would have to get the permission of all these authors (some of whom are not even active in the community anymore) or create all this stuff from scratch.  If you have the time, get a team together and get cracking.

Quote[/b] ]by the way where is the grizzly AVB

The M1 Grizzly, for those of you who are unfamiliar with it, is a modified M1 chassis with a remote operated M2 .50 machine gun and smoke launchers for protection and a ton of different devices like a mine clearing blade and a power driven arm used by engineers to breach obstacles in an offensive maneuver.  I do not see a need for this in Operation Flashpoint.  Are you asking TB why he hasn't created a vehicle that would serve no real purpose in this game?  FFUR uses high quality addons already available in the community for the mod; they do not create their own (though they have modified addons in the past).  I would rather see someone fix up Vix's Stryker than see an M1 Grizzly.

Quote[/b] ]the marines have all sorts of cool toys by the way like ITV

I did not know that the Internally Transportable Vehicle was operational.  Plus there are no ITV addons in the community.  Now if you mean the M901A3 Improved TOW Vehicle, CBT has one out there.  

Quote[/b] ]M115 mutt (still used)

Interesting, I thought that the M151 MUTT was long gone.  The latest that I have actually seen a MUTT being used was in 1993 in Somalia, but I read somewhere that it was used as late as 1999.  If you are interested, project MCAR has a M151A1C with a 106mm recoilless rifle.

Quote[/b] ]HTTV

I thought that the HTTV program was abandoned in order to further pursue the ITV program?  There is an HTTV addon out there in several versions. As far as I know this thing is dead so what is the point?

Quote[/b] ]HMARS

HIMARS(I do not know why they throw that "I" in there, seems pointless) stands for High Mobility Artillery Rocket System.  It is a lightweight C-130 transportable offspring of the M-270 MLRS.  I think the Army has a contract to get these as well.  It seems kind of unnecessary for OpFp.  If you want something like it, download Chain of Command's Unified Artillery v1.1.  It has a MLRS.

Quote[/b] ]CLAWS

I am unfamiliar with this acronym.  I looked it up but could not find anything.  I would be interested to find out what this is.  Is it possible that you meant CROWS (Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station)?

Quote[/b] ]and slx hand to hand combat can be used, all marines under go Marine Corps Marshal Arts.

All Army personnel learn hand to hand combat as well.  That is not the issue; the issue is that it is a pointless feature in game.

Quote[/b] ]the US Marine Corps is the largest Special Forces Unit in the world and can support large scale combat on grand scale, with big help form the us Navy, Airforce, Coast Guard, and Army

USMC Marine Expeditionary Units are Special Operations Capable...big difference.  The USMC is now a part of USSOCOM, but any units under MARSOC would be called "special operating force."  Currently there are two Marine Special Operations Battalions in MARSOC and a bunch of support and training units. The largest Special Forces Unit in the United States is the US Army Special Forces.  The terms "Special Forces" and "special operating force" are not interchangeable.  You wouldn't use the term "special forces team" to describe SEAL Team Six would you?  No, you would use it to describe a Special Forces Alpha Team.

Quote[/b] ]remember us forces never fight alone

True statement, but what does any of this have to do with FFUR?  Are you requesting that FFUR impliment every branch of the US Military into the game?  It is a video game and we have to make some sacrifices in realism for the sake of simplicity and game play.

With all this being said, it would be cool if there was a USMC total conversion mod, but it will not happen in OpFp.  There were a few USMC mods that eventually died out and there is one ongoing at the moment I believe (none of which are/were total conversion mods IIRC, they were just creating USMC addons). You can either download DMA's naval pack or just use all of the addons I mentioned separately.  I know someone retextured the BLUEFOR infantry in Armed Assault to use MARPAT and they have the AH-1W or Z (I forget) along with the AV-8B Harrier in the game already.  So you can always play around with that stuff when/if you decide to get ArmA.

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The batch installer is only for Windows XP. Because of the command used by the choises. If that's not your problem...

Try extracting Setup.exe file to a folder, doing right click and extracting with WinRAR. Edit the installer or see what they do and move the files manually, like moving the files inside 'FACES' folder to 'new' folder, or deleting what you don't want.

Then save the changes, and copy all the files & folders to 'FFSX2007' folder.

Run 'install.bat' again

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Hi all.  Thanks TB,  I like this very very much.  

I have a quick question.  Has anyone run this on a dedicated server?  I tried lastnight and I get that Texture aspect ratio error on the server and it shuts down.  It runs fine as a host/play.

I run FFUR2006 on the Dedi without any problems.  Do I have something buggered on my end or is there a issue?

Thanks again TB and Team smile_o.gif

edit: It appears to be MFCTI 1.16 coop eden map. It works with FFUR 2006 though. Not sure why I'm getting this

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Hey hey hey TB great work at first!Well done!Comparing to other mods you´re just the best.

But there´s something:The AH64 has no rotordust!

Can I change this?By changing config? How?

You´re flying airsupport´s really great but this is just creating

bombs in the air.Looks hmmm...

Et encore: take a look at youtube.com and search for "Cobra

in Iraq part 1"

Think about these effects!Aren´t they possible for FFUR? Exploding T80 looks ... amazing!!

And for the planes & helicopters:Some time ago I had a AH64 made by MPIV(?) If the choppers damaged, it´s replaced by a wrack of a ah64.That was great!! The damaged models are so ugly sorry but really ugly.

Okay that´s everything.Please think about these statements.´d be nice.

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Quote[/b] ]But there´s something:The AH64 has no rotordust!

No helicopters have rotor wash because TB wanted to optimize the mod for peak performance and removed this script.  It has been asked several times in this thread already.  At least scan through the thread before you post.  

Quote[/b] ]You´re flying airsupport´s really great but this is just creating bombs in the air.Looks hmmm...

This is a feature that TB implemented from SLX.  Yeah I know what you mean, but it really is the only option (I assume the script uses the "camcreate" command) available to simulate an air strike while keeping everything simple.  I am not too familiar with how camcreate works, but may there is a way to have the bombs spawn at a higher alititude.

Quote[/b] ]Think about these effects!Aren´t they possible for FFUR? Exploding T80 looks ... amazing!!

I assume that you are referring to the pictures on the last page from the ORCS website.  If so TB already addressed each comment.  It really helps to read the forum.  The issue with the T-80 wreck is that the damaged model would require a new model to be created for EVERY vehicle in the game and a script to make the old vehicle disappear and the new static wrecked model to appear.  Then everything has to be tested.  All this work for a somewhat better looking wreck?  Yes MPIV's AH-64 did do this but that is the only one I know of that has this feature.

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Thank you for your feedback. If I have the time I'll give it a try tonight.

I've downloaded the AEC Islands pack, but I'm confused as to which files I need to backup before I install it. Thunderbird mentioned "...within /worlds and /dta, mainly..." It's the "...mainly..." part that makes me nervous, as it infers that there might be other files that should also be backed up. Would someone be so kind as to supply a more specific list for me? Also, if I overwrite these files with the AEC ones, will it foul up other islands, such as the ones used in the SLX 1.093 mod? I'd hate to lose those high-growth grass environments when I play it...

Thanks again all for you time!



March 1, 2007


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