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ArmA 505 Europe Release + US Publisher

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If possible I would like to know where a linux-server is on the roadmap.

Just voicing my interest in the matter...

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cant anyone make use of that bitching post and fight there instead of making others eyes dirty?

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So people are allowed to praise in this thread by not the opposite? Hypocrits or what?

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So people are allowed to praise in this thread by not the opposite? Hypocrits or what?

I don't see "Whine Here" as the topic title, what the hell are people still doing here if they don't like the game. There is another thread for whining.

Look at the title, this is for discussing the announcement about the 505 release and the US publisher.

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So many games comes out unfinished, and will never be finished.

Take Gothic3 for example, or Soeldner, or....

This game only needs a few patches that we get for sure.

Where is the problem? huh.gif

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waiting for "BIS-Patchday" too.

...and with US-Release there is maybe another big day: "BIS-ArmA-All-Tool-Releaseday"??

Its a question not an rumor wink_o.gif

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So many games comes out unfinished, and will never be finished.

Take Gothic3 for example, or Soeldner, or....

This game only needs a few patches that we get for sure.

Where is the problem? huh.gif

both Gothic 3 and Soeldner got a number of patches that fixed a lot of issues, but neither game could be called "finished", and there are things that just won't (and can't) be fixed.

what makes you think ArmA will be any different? a dozen patches can't make the campaign any better.

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both Gothic 3 and Soeldner got a number of patches that fixed a lot of issues, but neither game could be called "finished", and there are things that just won't (and can't) be fixed.

what makes you think ArmA will be any different? a dozen patches can't make the campaign any better.

The state in that OFP came out, and what it is today.

The constant support by BIS, they are active in this forum frequently. wink_o.gif


This one campaign may be imperfect, but there is more to come.

Maybe not directly from BIS.

Anyway, the campaign is not the reason that i bought Arma.

It`s an giant sandbox, full of possibility's. Haven`t you played OFP\RES?

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@ Luciano - The reason I thinik you've made enemies in here is because of the tone in your posts. Accusing people of being 'Wrong, wrong, wrong!!!' when it is actually YOU that is wrong, makes you look silly. wink_o.gif

It was stated in an interview by Jyri Rydl or one of the BIS team that ArmA will be an ongoing project, so try reading some associated literature first.

Fair enough, you have a right to your point of view, but in your very first post in this thread, you openly attacked people for praising BIS for what they view as a solid accomplishment. Those people can praise BIS, and you can attack BIS, it works both ways remember... wink_o.gif

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I don't attack anyone for praising BIS. I don't really care, I talked about it but at the end of the day what you do is up to you. I attacked them for complaining about my way of talking about the game. So what I don't praise BIS, but that doesn't make me wrong or gives anyone the right to bitch about it. I used to respect BIS a lot, and I still do in some ways. Of course I'll never see them the way I used to.

I believe that if people praise BIS, its logical to do the opposite (especially when you have valid points), yet once you do that, everybody attacks you.

I've heard examples of "unfinished games".

Well you have a point about Soldner, but Soldner died months after its released. Look at Soldner now, nobody plays it. Great concept, but they screwed up at the beginning. I don't think you guys want ARMA to have the fate of Soldner.

Gothic, your wrong about that. I played Gothic pretty much to the end, without any patches. I can say the game was pretty much finished. Some bugs here and there, but nothing like in ARMA. There were some performance bugs in Gothic, but I was able to fix them easily since for me it was a PC problem.

Just because some dev says ARMA is an ongoing project doesn't make it so. Clearly you guys think of something else. He meant something totally different.

Being ongoing means somebody will support it with new content all the time to make the game better. Patches aren't really new content, and mods don't count or you can say that for any game out there. And if you continue talking about this, show me a direct quote so I can prove to you how wrong you are.

Oh, and I can assure you that I played OFP to hell and back. I've been involved with certain mods and was pretty active with the online community for quite a few years.

There are lots of things I enjoy in OFP that I don't see how anyone can enjoy in ARMA.

-Player vs Player (Because of the soldier movements)

-Vehicle driving (Because of the fixed camera)

-Air combat (This includes both chopper and planes. Not fun to fly at all, either dogfights vs player or AI)

-Tank combat (With Red orchestra, I don't know how anyone can enjoy ARMA tank combat)

For everything else, OFP does a better job. I don't really care about a super huge island or fancy graphics.

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Luciano is entitled to his opinion. I haven't played on his computer. Maybe what he experiences is crap while I'm having fun... Maybe what I feel acceptable isn't to his standards... who knows.

What buggers me is that doing such bad publicity to a game I truely enjoy, I fear it may frighten potential players that would certainly like it, because it's still unique and worth playing in my book.

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Well, personally, I have ArmA, and even if my PC is not good (yes, I don't have moneys to update it ) tounge2.gif I think that I made a mistake when I bought it... yes, it's a great game with a beautiful graphic (well, not so much, compared to other games like FarCry or Crysis)... the game still got the potential to be like OFP was on 2002... but there are too many bugs... too many for 2007... I don't blame on BIS for having created such a beautiful game! but I blame on them because of the playability... guys, if the release date would be (i.e.) 2008, they'd have surely taken rid of all those bugs!

Look at other games: how many bugs? very very few... I'm speaking of 2007 games, not old ones, even if FarCry (i.e.) is not so new... wink_o.gif

Anyway, OFp and ArmA will always be my favourite games!

Linker Split


Luciano, are you Italian?

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Nope, I'm not Iralian.

I have to agree that the reason I feel the way I do for ARMA is because I had such an awesome experience with OFP. I can see how new players will love ARMA right on spot, but after playing OFP, its just different.....

Well, I'm off.

Have a good day all xmas_o.gif

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Sorry to say it Luciano, but you're wrong about Soldner. I reinstalled it yesterday after a long break, and there are at least 200 people playing it as I am writing this. I think you assume to much mate... wink_o.gif

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I think the problem is with those of us that have complained about ArmA is that we maybe expected a bit more quality than we got, I know no-one promised anyone this that or the other for ArmA. and yes it does look nicer than OFP but at the moment that is all I can say thats good about it. After 5 years since OFP and 2 years in development there are so many bugs errors and mistakes that shows that this was just rushed out of the door.

Passion for this type of game and the disappointment in how it was released will make some of us look like moaners, and others as fanboys but where there is a voice praising ArmA there also has to be a voice criticising it too we may never agree with each other on some topic's which I thank god that we don't or else these forums would be so boring   biggrin_o.gif

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guys, if the release date would be (i.e.) 2008, they'd have surely taken rid of all those bugs!

Its definatly not this simple.

If they would set release date for 2008 do you really think they would use the time to iron all the bugs out?

No offcourse not, they would use the extra time to implement more new features, and so maybe even more bugs. Offcourse some would get fixed, but just to create new ones.

Not to mention the massive whining about a release date years away.

Setting back release date seems to be the major way to fix the whole freeking game when reading topics like this (which I most of the time dont but I was looking for the american publisher info).

But instead thinking what you want to think cause its so simple (more time.........so all bugs gone) think about what you do with your extra time in life.

Just a simple example.

What if you have a test at school tomorrow and you have learned not completely everything, but of the stuff you did learn you do really know alot.

Now they delay the test one day..........

What would you do? Learn the stuff you know well enough (you think) even more or try to learn something more (and so have a higher chance of answering more questions correctly)?

Dont answer this with your hoping thought......answer this how it works.

Some will laugh their asses of because of this.......but its just right. If you stand on the other side and just want to think what you do you will definatly laugh...........until you have a delayed test. nener.gif

Anyway.......time for me to go back and really enjoy what we already have, good and bad.

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guys, if the release date would be (i.e.) 2008, they'd have surely taken rid of all those bugs!

Its definatly not this simple.

If they would set release date for 2008 do you really think they would use the time to iron all the bugs out?

No offcourse not, they would use the extra time to implement more new features, and so maybe even more bugs. Offcourse some would get fixed, but just to create new ones.

Not to mention the massive whining about a release date years away.

Setting back release date seems to be the major way to fix the whole freeking game when reading topics like this (which I most of the time dont but I was looking for the american publisher info).

But instead thinking what you want to think cause its so simple (more time.........so all bugs gone) think about what you do with your extra time in life.

Just a simple example.

What if you have a test at school tomorrow and you have learned not completely everything, but of the stuff you did learn you do really know alot.

Now they delay the test one day..........

What would you do? Learn the stuff you know well enough (you think) even more or try to learn something more (and so have a higher chance of answering more questions correctly)?

Dont answer this with your hoping thought......answer this how it works.

Some will laugh their asses of because of this.......but its just right. If you stand on the other side and just want to think what you do you will definatly laugh...........until you have a delayed test. nener.gif

Anyway.......time for me to go back and really enjoy what we already have, good and bad.

well, considering that ArmA has only been in development for about 1.5 years, i think a bit more time would definitely have helped the game.

just look at what they already fixed with the few patches that have been released. patch v1.05 will bring another ton of fixes and new features. now imagine what they could have done to ArmA if they had not released it yet and continued to work on it for another year...

a less buggy release wouldn't have scared off so many potential buyers. they have shot themselves in the foot...

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A I'm typing this, 195 players play ARMA. As a comparison, 491 players play Red Orchesta, aslo a sim.

ARMA has been released in CZ Republic, Germany, Poland, Russia, and on sprocket, plus most of the fans got the game already.

Red Orchestra was released like that too, Russia just got a publisher recently. The only difference is that they released internationally via steam which got them the most players before it was even on the shelves.

Some people say they don't care and it doesn't matter if 10 people play it on 1000. Actually it does. Unless you like playing multiplayer with yourself, it matters a lot. Not to mention that no people kills CTF, and CTI.

I used to be like you guys and say "Well ARMA is screwed up, but its all good, at least it has a great campaign, and patches/mods can fix everything else"

Now after trying the campaign, I take that out.

The quality of the campaign gives me all the indications in the world that BIS doesn't really care about "quality" which is what made OFP what it was.

Nothing bothers me more than the campaign because that can't be fixed.

Sure modders can make good campaigns, but thats not the point. What all of you gave to BIS is basically "It doesn't matter how bad the quality of your product is, we will still support you blindly and loyaly"

If the campaign was good, we could at least say: "At least they tried"

But the truth is they didn't try, and I'm sorry to say that.

ARMA is like HL without Gordon Freeman. Something's just not right about it.

It's true that the campaign is completely lacking, moreover when compared to CWC one.

But plz

Quote[/b] ]The quality of the campaign gives me all the indications in the world that BIS doesn't really care about "quality" which is what made OFP what it was.

mate, check Sahrani. This island alone makes your statement wrong.

Sahrani is as superior to OFP/Res islands as CWC campaign is superior to ArmA's one, at the very least. The amount of work in that thing is huge. The attention to details, on such a scale, says it all.

And about OFP quality... I must say this is just looking at the past through rose tinted glasses. Just the netcode was horrible and took ages to be fixed, amongst other things. Let's not forget OFP could erase an entire drive when launching a server. Talk about quality.

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just look at what they already fixed with the few patches that have been released. patch v1.05 will bring another ton of fixes and new features. now imagine what they could have done to ArmA if they had not released it yet and continued to work on it for another year...

a less buggy release wouldn't have scared off so many potential buyers. they have shot themselves in the foot...

Offcourse you are correct a bit longer time of development would have been good. I fully agree with that.

I responded to posts telling they needed years more..........

I think the publishers "forced" them to release it more early than they would have wanted too........thats why they fix some bugs this quick and this has been stated by Maruk as well in an interview with arma.si (dont shoot me if I confuse the interviews).

Anyway, I know they shot a nice piece of their foot.....I hope the 505 release will be as a nice medic as my team mates in arma MP missions yay.gif

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What would you do? Learn the stuff you know well enough (you think) even more or try to learn something more (and so have a higher chance of answering more questions correctly)?

the second option tounge2.gif

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A I'm typing this, 195 players play ARMA. As a comparison, 491 players play Red Orchesta, aslo a sim.

Okay, lets think about this, ArmA has only been released (that is, where it is easy for players to get) in Germany, the Czech Republic and a few other countries.

Red Orchestra has been released all over the world, via Steam and can also be purchased in stores. Red Orchestra got a lot of publicity with that mod team wining the Ut2k4 "Make Something Unreal" contest. And has also been around for a HELL of a lot longer.

Making that comparison is like comparing the number of players who play BF2 to the number of players playing Pong on the Atari...


As for people saying the game is to buggy, well, by the time the game is release in the US (officially) in May of this year, I'm sure the vast majority of the bugs already in the game will be ironed out, but also know that as patches get released, they'll probably also be adding more and more content to the game, and thus creating a few more bugs in the process.

Its a never ending cycle, but with this game, I really don't see the bad out weighing the good. If you see it that way, then fine, stop playing the game, don't really want naysayers like you to stick around anyway.

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Arma may be full of bugs, but one thing OFP showed is that BIS stick with it and release patches way after most companies would stop supporting a game.

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Arma may be full of bugs, but one thing OFP showed is that BIS stick with it and release patches way after most companies would stop supporting a game.

of course, there are also companies that would never have released a game in the state ArmA was/is in, and also support their games for years; Blizzard, Ensemble, id Software etc.

those are the kind of companies that should be a glowing example of how to handle this business.

BTW: i like ArmA anyways. biggrin_o.gif

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Red Orchestra OstFront 41-45 was released with several bugs too (some big ones included),

yet they all were fixed over last year with constant 1-2 m patch intervals (not to mention free content bonus)...

compare with ArmA is bit unfair as ROO was more polished on release but still there were similar problems just in smaller scale

to nail these bugs there was and is ongoing game QA testing worked by dedicated tester team combined with help from community ... ofcourse then fixed by great dev team smile_o.gif

ROO gained huge PR by being first non Valve FPS and first UE game on Steam, then by utilizing free Steam trial

plus it was different from most other WW2 shooters (weapon resting feature, manual bolting) with very well done team work maps ...

ongoing updates improving quality of game and additional free content paid back too (game still sells both retail and over Steam) ...

also ROO supports mods too (another similarity with ArmA if You check ) and devs are very helpfull to mod teams

MP player count is locked in range 350-1500 players (higher numbers are weekends) and that keeps game in TOP20 on GS stats ...

i can imagine that BIS may choose to use Steam in future (most likely after NA release) as these 10+ million customer are nice bonus market with minimal expenses...

not to mention Steam implementation is now way simpler (only recompile binary to support Steam key protection (similar to use of Softwrap,Securom, StarForce) plus run by main steam app)

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free weekends ala steam did would be a good way to draw the punters... i think its a lack of knowing if they'll like the product... and whereas a demo is meant to convince them they do, the MP one put me off, if i didn't know better biggrin_o.gif

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