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Gamma Correction, a massive change.

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I was originally going to add this to the "Photography Questions and Comments" thread, however I decided that it didn't really fit. Nor did it fit in the photography thread really, I was also hesitant to make a thread for it but nontheless, here it is for people to view.

So anyway, onto the point, this thread is to add a small piece of advice for those running Armed Assault on "default" settings. By this I do not necessarily mean shadows, and all other graphic areas but moreso gamma. I accidently messed with it one day, scared that it was something I wasn't supposed to touch but I am now very glad I have done so.

I'll provide a few examples of them, do not that they are NOT 56K FRIENDLY and the images were unmodified, even left the command bar on it to show proof, no filters or any adjustments done in photoshop or any other image editing program, just saved through fraps and then saved. If at anything, the sky may be different because my graphic cards control center is giving it a boost in antistrophic filtering, making it brighter, basicly blinded me at X8

First we have a scene of some soldiers just relaxing around and in a humvee, three images shown with different gamma settings to show the difference and how massive the change is.




The first is the settings I use, second between 1 and 3 and third is near what default AA gamma is. Heres another set.




And it make an exceedingly large difference in camoflauge.




So if you have not messed with your gamma and brightness, then you should try it a few times, see what happens, you might just like it.

For those of you that would like a preference to begin with, here are several images with nearly/exactly the same settings as the ones shown above, going from darkest to brightest.




Hope you enjoy it.

As a last note for those that look at my viewdistance and wonder why its not higher, I would have it up more but I currently only posses the demo and find I cannot turn it up nor down, but I'll worry about that once I had the actual game.

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On an unrelated note, I would definitely use a higher refresh rate than that, especially if you're using a CRT. If you use that rate with a CRT on your desktop, you're likely to damage your eyes! See what the maximum refresh rate for a given resolution is on your monitor and use that.

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From what I'v seen at night you have to adjust the brightness, I'd recommend it midway or so because even though it may appear brighter, the game will begin dimming it by itself. I'll mess with it later and see what results I can come up with and then maybe send an image to show the "midground". But I don't think its really possible with the way NVG works. Of course keep in mind that it may appear brighter to me due to my graphic cards control center "enhancing" the game. Such as the antistoptic filter which means things will be brighter to me. Atleast that is what I have seen.

As for the refresh rate, I'v never really noticed much of a difference when I change it and I'm not sure what my monitor is capable of, exactly what does the "refresh rate" do?

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If you have a tft screen that may be why you won't see any/much difference. Refresh rate is how fast your monitor updates its screen. On the old CRT monitors a high setting is prefered as it will seem less flickery, but on a tft the image is constant so it makes little difference.

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The only problem i see with having your gamma slider set all the way to the left is that it may be harder to see the opfor when there in shadow, because looking at your screenshot it was dark. There must be a reason why the gamma is set on the default level. Maybe something to do with eyestrain.

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If you have a tft screen that may be why you won't see any/much difference. Refresh rate is how fast your monitor updates its screen. On the old CRT monitors a high setting is prefered as it will seem less flickery, but on a tft the image is constant so it makes little difference.

May be helpfull for saving resources? Actually my refresh rate is 75 hz (I have the demo).


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I always adjusted the brightness and gamma in OFP as default was too bright.

The way I did that was to start up a mission in the editor in the middle of the night, then I adjusted brightness and gamma until I had a nice black colour and so that I could see, but barely, the closest surrounding. First I adjusted the brightness so I get a true dark colour, not a grey tone like a washed out black t-shirt.. After that I adjusted the gamma to get a realistic feeling.

Then it looked nice and realistic nomatter the time and I had to use NVgoggles during the night. With those settings I could navigate ok without NVgoggles if it was in the middel of the night during summer with clear skies, but if it was 12:00 30.dec and rain I couldnt see a tree until I hit it. Just like in real life. And ofcourse the days looked realistic, and the sun in the morning/evening was beautiful.

I know that some people like to have high gamma to see better. But I dont play OFP-Arma to win, I play it for the experience (escapism into another world).

Too bad that you cant force all players to have the same gamma-brightness as you have to adjust it accordingly to the monitor. So you never know if someone can see in the night as it was day while another one is in pitch dark. Ex, a friend of me had even darker settings than me and he always had to put on NVgoggles about 30 min before me to see anything..

edit: Maybe I should make a mission with objects of different colour and at different ranges as a test-picture that anyone can adjust the settings after..? "This colour should be black, that grey. If you can see object #3 you have to lower the gamma, if you cant see object #2 you can put it higher" That way everyone would have the same view regardless of monitor...

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As a little reminder, there are gamma settings in games, in image editing software and in windows desktop settings. So it's possible that the examples above look different for everyone.

You're also able to capture such screenshots with low gamma in game and rising it afterwards in an editor. And still you don't know how optimized the desktop gamma of other viewers is.

But overall the right gamma setting (which is just a combination of brightness and contrast settings) is the key to a realistic image on monitors, that's right. It's just a different one for every hardware.

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Very nice find there ! Only one thing makes me hesitate ...

I would be in clear disadvantage when having the same gamma as in the first pictures.... its much harder spotting the enemy.

Besides I cant even run the game with shadows confused_o.gif

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Thanks for posting that, because I was overlooking it. I did adjustments for ofp, but didn’t bother with ArmA, since I have to play on very low settings, but I’m glad I did.

I know this is dependent on your monitor, but for me the best settings are (brightness=1.6/gamma=0.7 in game with my viewsonic crt at 1/5 brightness) similar to xnodunitx's setting. Everything looks much more lively and lush. Dark areas are actually dark and the sun looks like it’s actually shining and reflecting off objects.

I know that some people like to have high gamma to see better. But I dont play OFP-Arma to win, I play it for the experience (escapism into another world).

Same thing here. thumbs-up.gif

edit: Maybe I should make a mission with objects of different colour and at different ranges as a test-picture that anyone can adjust the settings after..? "This colour should be black, that grey. If you can see object #3 you have to lower the gamma, if you cant see object #2 you can put it higher" That way everyone would have the same view regardless of monitor...

Please do make a mission test as you described or something along those lines.

On a side note, this game is f’n beautiful! High Settings Picture

You can get away with low settings for textures and other things, but it just occurred to me that shadows are a MUST in this game. Low Settings Picture

I turned them off before, because it was such a huge performance hit on my shitty machine, but now that I see how much concealment it provides, it feels like you’re cheating when you have it disabled.


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Thanks, I'll have to check out what my monitor is, usually its at 60 or 75hz in refresh, I'm not sure why it went down to 45 but I noticed that my settings all went to default when I started the game that time. I just didn't change that part.

It is true that the North would have the advantage in shadow concealment more when it comes to things such as shrubbery, but originally there were complaints that their uniforms were too bright and even in shadows, offered no concealements whatsoever. With darker gamma, that is not always true and it makes things that much more of a challenge.

Of course its all a matter of using your camoflauge and surroundings to your advantage, a soldier in a dark green uniform will look out of place in sand and against nearly any surface other then shrubbery. Vehicles can be concealed in woodsy areas much better now but unfortunatly yes it is true that people with higher gamma can use it as a cheat and make seeing things easier, but if they were to do that with shadows then why bother having shadows anyway? The shadows are great to begin with but without adjustments there seem too light. Thats just a risk you take with people online, unfortunatly.

The question you have to ask yourself before you make this adjustment is what are YOU playing for? Realism or "pwning" others? If its the first then I would recommend a bit of tweaking, if not then...

As for shadows, yes I agree, it makes the world seem much more real, I used to play many games without shadows but now that I'v seen them, I can't believe I did so. Anyway I'm glad you guys are enjoying it so far and thanks for the tip on the refresh rate, I'll mess with it a bit and see if there is a noticeable change.

Oh and more thing, with the gamma correction, never try to walk around at night without NVG's unless under a light.

Since image shack is down right now or just not working for me, I'll post some images alter. And [CS]SOBR[1st-I-R] I'm sorry to hear that, I know exactly how you feel

sad_o.gif If you are interested in perhaps a cheap upgrade for a 512mb card and you don't mind a Radeon, then drop me a PM and I'll discuss it further with you.

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SOBR[1st-I-R] @ Feb. 04 2007,16:04)]Very nice find there ! Only one thing makes me hesitate ...

I would be in clear disadvantage when having the same gamma as in the first pictures.... its much harder spotting the enemy.

Besides I cant even run the game with shadows  confused_o.gif

hey send for south korea 25se,1dvd !!

why not send?

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Maybe I should make a mission with objects of different colour and at different ranges as a test-picture that anyone can adjust the settings after..? "This colour should be black, that grey. If you can see object #3 you have to lower the gamma, if you cant see object #2 you can put it higher" That way everyone would have the same view regardless of monitor...

Would be great to have such guidelines. Let us know if you actually do something like that!


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I will make a "test-picture".

When I get arma wink_o.gif

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Hey xnodunitx,

thank you very much for that tip! wink_o.gif

ArmA look's way better now! The color's are much more intensive.

I use:

Brightness: 1.5

Gamma 0.7

Check it out Guy's smile_o.gif

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