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Col. Faulkner


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One last "WIP" image for a while:

The Carl Gustav has had some more work done to it.

This one now has a British No. 78 Mk. 1 telescopic sight. (The

model still needs work to tidy up things, refine its structure

and correct some of the propportions.)

The "Charlie G" in the time period covered by SPEARHEAD was

of course the British soldier's weapon of choice for attacking

light armoured vehicles, busting fortifications, "silencing"

Omani guerrilla snipers, detonating IRA improvised explosive

ice-cream vans and shelling Argentinian frigates.

I shan't post pictures of crappy unfinished models in this

thread any more, since they are rather less than impressive.

I'll post the URL to the SPEARHEAD project's website once I

get it on-line so if anyone is interested they can follow any

progress there.

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i wasnt sure if would go over to arma but looking at what you have done and listened to what you have planed for the project ahead i will be converting.

keep up the good work

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i wasnt sure if would go over to arma but looking at what you have done and listened to what you have planed for the project ahead i will be converting.

keep up the good work

Thanks for that remark. Nice to know that one's efforts make

some kind of difference.

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If you need hosting for your website, let me know.

Thanks for the offer. I might just take you up on it once it's


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Col. Faulkner... beautiful and talented too. Great looking models. They look nice and clean and it was indeed a rare pleasure to look at ofp community models with well implimented shading groups. Well done.

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Very interested in any UK kit to be honest ( being a UK  squad ).

You are missing one SLR varient though, the Marksman version.

Ive tried hard to find a pic of one, but as they were like hens teeth the pics are just as raer.

Standard SLR, fitted with Sniper scope &  Harris type forward folding Bipod attached to the foregrip, not the barrel as most standard FAL/L1A1 Bipoids were.  Personal interst in this one, as I was issued with one ( in left hand version too ! ).

There was a model based on this type for Flashpoint Ive got it somewhere on my HD, although it was based on the earlier wooden  Funature versions not the later   plasic ones.

Ex UK para here - damn lucky you getting an issue of left handy mate !

But i have to say i started my military career with the SLR and love that weapon so keep up the good work and let us rip asap when the mod is ready notworthy.gif

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I presume the pics we have been diggin up actually show the development of that varient through out its service life.

There really doesn't seem to be much written about it

at all. Even the FAL encyclopedia by R. Blake Stevens

("UK & Commonwealth FALs") doesn't mention any such


Anyway, there's still quite a lot to do before I can start

doing textures for any of the stuff. It's incredible the

amount of time this modding stuff takes (especially when

the modder is a farkin' n00b)

just for your help sir quite often weapon mods were locally made by a nice guy in an armoury then after some poor squaddie tried it out more were knocked up by local armourers in places like N.I even though the weapon set up never bacame an ' official ' variant if that helps, hence the ' marksman ' variant but few official listings or pics in books etc

Hope this useless bit of info helps you in some way and lets you stress less lol rofl.gif

Keep up the good work though they are looking very nice indeed smile_o.gif

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hello Col. Faulkner,

Did you change your avatar?

Anyhow, just thought i'd chip in my interest in this mod, anything after WW2 and up to late 80's is just my thing.

Lots of lovely equip and vehicles.

Keep it up and if i can assist in any way, PM me.




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Thanks again to all who have expressed interest, but I have

stopped working on this project now. I have concluded that

the in-game experience with Armed Assault is simply not good

enough to justify the huge amount of time it requires to make

these addons.

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Thats a shame Col. Faulkner

Well, I told you that already weeks ago but you've been

incommunicado lately for some reason.

Anyway, all of the Spearhead stuff I've made would need to

be redone from scratch to come up to ArmA standards. Right

now, I'm not too thrilled at the idea of redoing it all again and

quite frankly I don't really think it's worth it. No matter how

good I could make the stuff look, the game experience at the

end of the day still tends to fall flat so I've shelved it all in

frustration for now. That's not to say that I might not restart

this if certain elements of the game can be improved, but at

this moment it's definitely all on hold.

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Just in case anyone actually reads this:

Well, I've reconsidered this over the past few days and the

project is back on. The desire to see 60s 70s and 80s British

squaddies running around is still there and is too great to

abandon. It'll also serve as an outlet for all the arcane

uniform trivia from those eras that I've accumulated over

the years. It'll probably just take a bit longer than originally

anticipated as all the stuff I've done to date will need an


I'm also now leaning towards doing Royal Marines and Paras

only. It will continue the Commando motif of my other project

and, because ArmA battles are all small scale affairs set on

islands, marines make a bit more logical sense. Paratroopers

are interesting because of uniform and kit variations and

because they'll continue the motif of the early WW2

paratroopers I'm now also doing for the "Special Service"


And even if SP ArmA stays disappointing I might try MP  wink_o.gif

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If i remember correctly, the EM-2 rifle didn't enter military service, due to the 5.56 round being adopted as the NATO standard round. The EM-2 was designed to use the .280 (7x43mm) round.

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Cool, I dig the 80s theme, probably going to do a HC1 version of the Chinook too.

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If i remember correctly, the EM-2 rifle didn't enter military service, due to the 5.56 round being adopted as the NATO standard round. The EM-2 was designed to use the .280 (7x43mm) round.

As I wrote in the original post:

"In the real world, the next two weapons and their ammunition were approved for

service in the early 1950s after extensive trials but were never issued and

eventually cancelled for political reasons. SPEARHEAD will offer the chance to

use these excellent weapons in "combat" with British infantrymen in Armed Assault."

It passed its acceptance tests and was approved (and given

an official designation - No.9 Mk 1) but was never issued.

At that time 7.62x51mm was the NATO standard - hence the

forced adoption of the SLR.

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Great news mate - glad you're back! I (re)saw "The Paras" BBC Doco on Youtube a while back - great stuff - love the SLRs! Good luck with it!

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Great news mate - glad you're back!  I (re)saw "The Paras" BBC Doco on Youtube a while back - great stuff - love the SLRs!  Good luck with it!

Yes, me too. It was great to see that series again after 25

years. Looks very dated now with their preoccupation with

the Falklands and NI though.

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Well, now that Spearhead is on again I dug out the old

models and stuff and had a look, and...oh dear... some major

rebuilding work is in order I think.

I've made a start on trying to fix the SLRs (I want to redo

the receivers totally so they're "neater" and so the BC is

separate and we can see it walloping back and fore as the

guys fire (I like that effect  smile_o.gif  )  


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Small arms for the first SPEARHEAD release will now be late-1970s and 1980s

infantry section level: SLR (plus optics), SMG, GPMG (Light role) plus the

84mm A/Tk gun (plus optics). I reckon this is quite enough to be going on

with on top of the WW2 Commandos project. Other items (contemporary LMGs,

sniper's rifles, SF role GPMG, pistols etc.) can follow on later. All the

models are now in the process of being rebuilt for better quality (which

doesn't just mean "more polys").

The first soldiers will be late 1970s and 80s paras and bootys in temperate

combat dress in both CEFO and CEMO. Other orders of dress can follow later,

and the SPEARHEAD project aims to eventually offer British soldiers and kit

from earlier post-war eras too.

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Incredible mate - there is NO tougher looking rifle than the SLR!

Great stuff!


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I love the look of the SLR there, even if you say it does need work smile_o.gif It'll be great watching this mod progress.

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Moderators, please close this thread. This project is now definitely cancelled.

Thanks to all who showed interest.

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