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ArmA Addon request thread

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Are there any SAS operatives or IRA units made?

Ahem...the CIA have "operatives", the SAS have "troopers".

The Everon PIRA says "Top o' the mornin', so it is!"


As far as I know, there'll be no "Tiocfaidh ArmA" for

these, however.

How very amuzing. Would feel good to pop a few IRA members rofl.gif

Id love the PSNI Land Rover Tangi V8 to be made.. Would look class

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How very amuzing.  Would feel good to pop a few IRA members  rofl.gif

Well, in some measure, it was continual repetition of that sort

of thing that eventually turned the NI mod members off the

project altogether.

The NI mod team has dispersed. None of that work is now

ever likely to be released. I also don't have the time or the

skills to make or convert any of that stuff for ArmA myself.

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A good idea for an addon would be to reskin the dc3 and give it weapons and make it into the AC-47 Spooky and give it to the racs

article about it

forget about it - turrets are not supported for planes wink_o.gif

Unlike OFP though, ArmA has the scripting commands that make it possible to simulate it through scripts wink_o.gif

Might look weird in MP with lag, but can definitely work ok in SP.

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Quote[/b] ]Unlike OFP though, ArmA has the scripting commands that make it possible to simulate it through scripts wink_o.gif

Might look weird in MP with lag, but can definitely work ok in SP.

thats good altough i would prefer to use it in mp

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I think what Arma is shouting out is BAND OF BROTHERS MOD the best world war 2 movie (series) would make ARMA 10x better going on a para jump fightening through the Germans lines. Have the Characters on the movie playable IE





etc etc

I think this would make every WW2 fan turn and just go crazy over this mod, just imagine walking through a forest being shelled on and shot at by an MG42 when all you have is this Thompson with 2 clips and a squad.

Anyway just needed to let it out wink_o.gif if anyone is interested we could try and get something going just pm or add my msn [email protected]

smile_o.gif  xmas_o.gif  notworthy.gif  nener.gif  yay.gif

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A working AN/PEQ-2 laser for the M16A4 would be really neat! A bright green laser with NVGs on, also meaning that fighting enemies with NVGs can be dangerous if you assume they aren't equipped with it and go with active lasers.

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I was wondering if someone could do a conversion for me, please pm me for info smile_o.gif... It's only gonna be for pesonal use because i can't get a hold of the creators to get permission to have it released.. I don't think they are around anymore sad_o.gif I do have all the files for conversion.

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some Trains



gold Mines?




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Kris @ Oct. 16 2007,15:59)]I think what Arma is shouting out is BAND OF BROTHERS MOD the best world war 2 movie (series) would make ARMA 10x better going on a para jump fightening through the Germans lines. Have the Characters on the movie playable IE





etc etc

I think this would make every WW2 fan turn and just go crazy over this mod, just imagine walking through a forest being shelled on and shot at by an MG42 when all you have is this Thompson with 2 clips and a squad.

Anyway just needed to let it out wink_o.gif if anyone is interested we could try and get something going just pm or add my msn [email protected]

smile_o.gif  xmas_o.gif  notworthy.gif  nener.gif  yay.gif

good news i am starting the mod as we speak got Texturer just looking for a modeller smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I think what Arma is shouting out is BAND OF BROTHERS MOD

A lot of scenes in Medal of Honor series are made based on this movie series (MOH:Spearhead for ex.) wink_o.gif And that engine in much more suitable for such battles.

Quote[/b] ]good news i am starting the mod

i guess it will be even more fun topic like with Arma1943 "mod" rofl.gif  i can only recommend you to port some invasion models into arma wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I think this would make every WW2 fan turn and just go crazy over this mod

I count myself alongside the WWII fans. But I like the bigger picture to? My ideal Arma mission would be a hybrid of Combat Mission and Arma.

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But "Band of Brothers" viewed the action purely from

company level (and down). Disregarding the several

deficiencies of the ArmA engine in adequately modelling a

1940s battlefield, ArmA seems eminently suitable for the


Personally I would have preferred to see something other

than another rehash of the "plucky GI heroes win WW2 in

the ETO" theme, though.

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An editor update for queens gambit so i can get access to all those camouflaged sheds

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I would like to request a TOW like vehicle called EFOGM. that stands for enhanced fiber optic guided missile. it was a new weapon that my unit was involved with during the early field testing of about 10 years ago.

I have complete info on the weapon including photos, stats on everything. Would anybody be willing to attempt to mod this weapon. I can e-mail you the photos and everything about it if anybody wants me to.

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Some new sounds to choose from in the editor.

City environment sound - Sounds like a typical downtown, with cars driving around, car horns, people walking around, voices, etc. Could be used to make the bigger citys feel more alive.

Battle sound - Sounds like gunshots and explosions near you. Could be used to make firefights feel more intense and bigger.

Distant battle sound - Sounds like combat taking place a couple of miles away, with gunshots and explosions.

Distant artillery sound - Sounds like artillery rounds hitting the ground on a distance.


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Maybe somebody could make Capitol Hill for us to play on smile_o.gif

Just a tought.

Nice training map for Alibaba lol


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I'd rather have some islands with north Sarhani style : big forest, big hills, mountains... I'm tired of the desert islands. biggrin_o.gif

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any kinds of new islands are good enough for me inlove.gif

well yeah im open minded for new content that i can customize my game with. smile_o.gif

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Farks, have you looked at the extra sfx mod? it's on armaholic somewhere

It has pretty much all of that, except the cars honking

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Islands I'd like to see:

Ones with glaciated terrain + proper rivers/hanging valleys/corries etc

setting up defensive forts in moraines and working your way upwards would be brilliant

Islands with cave systems

Moorland areas

Islands with predesigned trenches /dugouts

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Merged the island topic into this one.

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