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Is it really that important?

We can have linear animations now, and we know from OFP that custom animations can affect the roadway lod and geometry, so we will be able to make our own elevators once the tools are out.

Whether or not a couple of lifts work in a few buildings is a bit inconsequential dont you think?

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MAA3057: Too late wink_o.gif

But the dl speed was really terrible ...

DeadMeatXM2: Not really smile_o.gif .

But you know, it still would be nice to have it here xmas_o.gif .

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I found one house that has all doors opened when you start the mission and you can close them... and that was the single house i found wink_o.gif

Many buildings are non-entrable.

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i could fill this shaft with ideas for these anims


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if (_hotel animationPhase _selection == doors open and lifts go up and down*(_patro-1)) then {goto "ship loading doors and hangar doors too"} amount of workaround = 0

result = floors are scripted then :exit

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Quote[/b] ]custom animations can affect the roadway lod and geometry

yes it does but the soldier won't be stable on the platform

(at least that's what I experienced ), that's why in ofp

totally unscripted lifts can hardly be done.

However better collision detection and translation

movements should hopefully make elevator realisation

much easier in Arma .

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Quote[/b] ]The elevator does not work Lockflip, I just went in and setposed myself in to the elevator and not only is there no option to use it but there are also seperate elevator compartments on every floor!... yet another total waste of graphics/processing resources...

from an expert of elevators scripting ....

Hi, I'm glad that you have recognized me as an expert on elevator scripting. Do you have any questions you would like to ask?

Also, I have to omit what I previously said about elevator compartments being on every floor as it does not appear to be this way after all after seeing deano's pic. I guess it looked like this to me because I was using setpos'ing rather than camera.sqs or command view camera... my apologies for spreading false information!

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Quote[/b] ]Also, I have to omit what I previously said about elevator compartments being on every floor as it does not appear to be this way after all after seeing deano's pic. I guess it looked like this to me because I was using setpos'ing rather than camera.sqs or command view camera... my apologies for spreading false information!

Hold that thought smile_o.gif. i have not actualy tried each floor ,it maybe that the floor you are at is created when you are actually present on that floor lol smile_o.gif.

basically in that pic there are roofs on the compartments you see, its just unless i am actually in first person and look up i cannoty see them, so it mayne the fact that there is a compartment on each floor ,just that because i am not looking from the right place angle ,i cant see them smile_o.gif.

phew ,well thats conused me now for a video to explain, brb.

also the lift scripts are in the pbo ,but unfortunately i dont know the selection names to animate them sad_o.gif and animation state _hotel returns [] .pooh.

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Well, elevators were somehow possible in OFP already, I remember this "walkway-lift" thing that was made by the guy that made the pingu shooting mission... saw a video of it in action... and then of course there existed the aircraft carrier lifts that were also working...

So sooner or later we should be seeing lifts in ArmA...

What we really do need is that ability to free-walk over things that move, to go along with elevators and many other things as well!!!

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well lets hope so , if only to get the planes up and down on carriers smile_o.gif. it was possible in ofp i know but a little dodgey to say the least.

meanwhile stay away from those hotel lifts, i got stuck in one and

well , watch the vid lucky ihad my ladder with me or ,it could have been death by lift music sad_o.gif.

the video is here

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Yeah aircraft lifts would be GREAT. I'd love ArmA to make use of large naval vehicles. The ability to transport aircraft, soldiers etc would be great

And sticking a plane on a lift ready to be launched would also be sweet. Would make for some cool ArmA Battle Films and great COOPs!

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well , watch the vid lucky ihad my ladder with me or ,it could have been death by lift music sad_o.gif.

wow_o.gif Is that an official portable-ladder addon? The kind of you can just put anywhere? Or did you make it for ArmA? wow_o.gif

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BUZZARD @ Jan. 16 2007,14:56)]
well , watch the vid lucky ihad my ladder with me or ,it could have been death by lift music sad_o.gif.

wow_o.gif Is that an official portable-ladder addon? The kind of you can just put anywhere? Or did you make it for ArmA? wow_o.gif

Entry tools.

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BUZZARD @ Jan. 15 2007,11:32)]So sooner or later we should be seeing lifts in ArmA...

I guarantee you that, 100%, and without a single script. And to everyone who thinks the elevator (or lift, whatever the hell you want to call it) in that video was scripted has no idea how to script, because there's no way that was scripted.

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KyleSarnik, let's try to keep it civilized please. It's incredibly rude to flame the ideas of others.

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BUZZARD @ Jan. 15 2007,11:32)]So sooner or later we should be seeing lifts in ArmA...

I guarantee you that, 100%, and without a single script. And to everyone who thinks the elevator (or lift, whatever the hell you want to call it) in that video was scripted has no idea how to script, because there's no way that was scripted.

Are you referring to Deanosbeano's video posted here on this thread, or are you referring to the initial test vid from BIS showing off a 100% functional elevator?

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elevators would be a cool adition to the game, for addon makers it would mean that you could have really big buildings or ships with lifts and such, would it be possible to blow the lift cables so that the lift plum its to the bottom and blows up?

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elevators would be a cool adition to the game, for addon makers it would mean that you could have really big buildings or ships with lifts and such, would it be possible to blow the lift cables so that the lift plum its to the bottom and blows up?

You've been seeing The Matrix Movie too many times... tounge2.gif


I think we'll just be happy to have functional elevators of any kind in ArmA - but I don't think anybody will make a mod covering elevator simulation in THAT much detail...

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BUZZARD @ Jan. 15 2007,11:32)]So sooner or later we should be seeing lifts in ArmA...

I guarantee you that, 100%, and without a single script. And to everyone who thinks the elevator (or lift, whatever the hell you want to call it) in that video was scripted has no idea how to script, because there's no way that was scripted.

That shows how little you know about scripting smile_o.gif . It could be scripted, maybe not but it definitely could be.

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There are lifts in ArmA, just make something explode near the wooden pallets lying around, and up they go, straight to heaven! biggrin_o.gif

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BUZZARD @ Jan. 17 2007,07:50)]
BUZZARD @ Jan. 15 2007,11:32)]So sooner or later we should be seeing lifts in ArmA...

I guarantee you that, 100%, and without a single script. And to everyone who thinks the elevator (or lift, whatever the hell you want to call it) in that video was scripted has no idea how to script, because there's no way that was scripted.

Are you referring to Deanosbeano's video posted here on this thread, or are you referring to the initial test vid from BIS showing off a 100% functional elevator?

The latter of course.

Quote[/b] ]That shows how little you know about scripting smile_o.gif . It could be scripted, maybe not but it definitely could be.

Oh indeed, and this whole time I was only pretending to be a scripter... icon_rolleyes.gif Seriously, I can say for sure that no scripts were used to aid the actual lifting part, after a LOT of experience with scripting you can tell these things.

Besides, also knowing how animations and roadway LODs work (especially with the improved engine) makes it extremely convincing that it is indeed not scripted. And not to mention that it wouldn't be logical for someone from BIS to go out of their way to script it when it wouldn't need to be.

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I have just put my copy of ArmA on ebay. if i would have known the elevators didn't work before buying it. i wouldn't have gotten it.

I hope BIS understands the repercussions this will bring.

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I have just put my copy of ArmA on ebay. if i would have known the elevators didn't work before buying it. i wouldn't have gotten it.

I hope BIS understands the repercussions this will bring.

you're not really doing it because of that isnt it wow_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Besides, also knowing how animations and roadway LODs work (especially with the improved engine) makes it extremely convincing that it is indeed not scripted.

Nice one, so you have setup animated roadways on static objects, using the new linear animations in Arma? Any chance you can post all the details? AFAIK everyone who tried to port OFP addons over, could not get the animations to work. At least until the new tools are released.

I can think of a couple of test just using setpos, but all that would do is give an indication. Not a garuntee that the new engine will offer any major improvment for a script free version.

Or is this based on inside information? I could certainly re-create that video using scripts. But thats not to say there are better ways of doing it, if the engine will allow it. But I can't help thinking that, it didn't make it into the final release because there are potential problems.

Quote[/b] ]you're not really doing it because of that isnt it

He meant to buy "Operation Bell Boy" but clicked on Arma instead smile_o.gif

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