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Vilas' addons

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When I said that I think you are reffering to the SU-24 I meant I think you are referring to the SU-24 as a suitable replacement. Kind of worded it improperly.

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I`m currently trying to bring Evolution SP back to the 80`s, but i can`t find the needed "stuff" atm.

And it`s surely up to Vilas what he likes to make, or even if he want`s to.

But for the 80`s timeline there should be some older east aircraft.

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flying model in this game is tragic, my main interest is infantry + motorized infantry (i always liked games like RTCW, typical FPS games, soldier + rifle)

thats why this will be in most part infantry addons pack (I cannot say "mod" becaue it not affect engine )

but yes, SU-22 would be for that era the best choice, but RHS Hinds, my reskin of Mi-17 matching RHS camo-scheme is enough as transport-bombarding unit in planned missions

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New mirrors

- Cold War pack

- Desert pack of vehicles and crew

- US army in ACU

- Modern Sahrani Pack

- Guerillas pack

- Bandits pack

- Russian and Soviet Pack

Mirror: www.ofp-arma.cznhl.com



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no no no no

not for old addons who soon be erased

new bandits are made (just rearmed with new weapons)

Bradley desert will be matching McNools vehicles, my desert vehicles will be deleted from FTP

my old RUS addon is to throw away

only good of old is ALIEN related , of course it need normals too

please await for new stuff and delete old poor

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Joking aside, the APS doesnt look bad but if im honest i still dont understand why we didnt use the RHS weapons in a modifed form for this project instead of using the bis body and adding other handguards and buttstocks.

Say what?? You used what?!

Can u plz explain that again?

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and what about "totaly wrong model" now ?

who has wrong model huh.gif

you cannot suggest "look how they did something"

as on site 35 of topic someone was explaining me that my AN94 is wrong because in STALKER it looks different wink_o.gif

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Hmm... well, it is still wrong?.. Or not?

I don't know... You have made an updated model?

In any case, you, my dear freind, should think about these words of one great American poet: "Never will that artist advance to perfection who cannot perceive his own defects, and who has no fear of finding himself surpassed by the works of others..."

As to that APS Stechking handgun... last time I checked it looks like an airgun, or a weapon that fires fictional 5.56x18 rounds smile_o.gif Dont know how it looks now.

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are you blind ?

so look once again on site 89 with comparision of real gun photos, RHS APS photos (as if you commented Shadow post, than you should see pictures below)

you were totaly wrong, not my model

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Vilas, regarding the screenshot of the NVA-MPi; I think that you need to change the handguard. Most of the pictures I've seen have a plastic brown upper part and a wooden lower part (but wood texture is almost invisible).

Do you also know, whether the NVA used any underslung grenade launchers like GP-25 or Pallad? I couldn't find in my research anything about grenade launchers (except RPG7); perhaps you have good references for NVA infantry weapons.

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I thought this is it ?

okay, my color is too green, yes i have to change colour, make stronger normal NOHQ

but early series had wood, later series of production had plastic

so i can say i made late MPi KMS 72 ?

in first series as i know DDR was manufactured MPI with wood like in other countries AKM

but I am not so sure, because all my knowledge is from internet about this weapon

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Yes, that photo shows exactly what I meant; in your screenshot the same part looks like it's completely black. Perhaps you have already changed it to look like this photo.

Still, perhaps anyone knows what/if any grenade launcher was used by the GDR?

For comparison


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Gotta love the DDR AKs, they follow the industry motto back then "Plaste und Elaste" so as good as everything was made from cheap looking plastic.

However these weapons were some of the most accurate of the AK family.

The question of the grenade launcher is a good one, thinking about it i havent seen pics showing one but would be stupid to not use any.

Have a book with AK variants at home, maybe that brings some info on that.

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Will the BDU Woodland get slightly reworked?

The colors are too dark. In bright sunlight they look like they should when standing in the shadow at least.

I have an brand new, original, BDU Woodland and it is by far not that dark, nor is any US BDU Woodland that i`ve seen. huh.gif

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Making a rework is actually matter of seconds - simply moving the 'levels' slider in PS wink_o.gif


Think that matching the colors to RL shall be doable; simply a quick 'trial & error' run wink_o.gif

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A bit too washed out now.

It`s something between the setting of the jacket and that of the trousers.

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Ok, promoting avalanche number 2 for americans. ATTENTION!







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Great shots! The man with the M203 doesn't clip through it with his hands! If it only was standard ingame...

Who made the MP5SD and the M16A2 w/ ACOG ?

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How is it now?

Texture made brighter and desaturated as opposed to vivid colors shown above by NSXr

additionally I am taking earlier community suggestions into account and have already removed the US flag from the shoulders. Cat-eyes on the back of the helmet will disappear as well. Apart fropm that some very minor changes will be done

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Personally I vote for vivid varient - looks much better. Maybe you can another add varient for ones who like washed out "used" woodland? "Cheaply and strongly" as we in Russia say.

P.S.: Looks like you fan of screenart thread on flash.ru - see you there quite often. wink_o.gif


ACOGed M16 is from Vilas' weap pack, MP5 is from Rebus' italian pack, but made by Robert Hammer as it's signed as "RH_MP5SD6".

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The washed out one looks better IMO, as if it has been used for a while.

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P.S.: Looks like you fan of screenart thread on flash.ru - see you there quite often. wink_o.gif

It's because of two reasons;

1) Shots appear there earlier than here and there is a fine collection of some that you won't see anywhere else

2) Trying to learn some russian by reading the comments ; tounge2.gif

znaju tolko niekotoryje bukvy as for now smile_o.gif

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