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Cheats and griefers out already

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Where can I find these cheats? I would really like God Mode for SP, and unlimited ammo would come in handy as well. Rapid-fire AT4 anyone?

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Where can I find these cheats? I would really like God Mode for SP, and unlimited ammo would come in handy as well. Rapid-fire AT4 anyone?


Not the right place to ask this shit !

Are you crazy ?

AmmoTrainer for a Military Sim huh.gif


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Where can I find these cheats? I would really like God Mode for SP, and unlimited ammo would come in handy as well. Rapid-fire AT4 anyone?

Well, the hax0rz for OFP would actually CRASH SP, because they simply werent designed for it.

I havent even bothered to check for ArmA cheats, because I feel they would ruin an otherwise great game.

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Well, there is Invulnerability if you haven't patched to 1.02 yet. See Biki link....


In general, there are cheaters in every game out there. Solution - only play on password protected servers. Simple

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Solution - only play on password protected servers. Simple

dumb solution = no solution at all for players who play only occasionally.

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Woot, so vanilla ARMA has an inbuilt god mode cheat, but it doesn't work in patched versions. However at the same time I have also found an unlimited ammo trainer for 1.02. Now the question is whether to upgrade or not? Does the ability to use the m203 to set up mass artillery barrages really trump that of invincibility?

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Solution - only play on password protected servers. Simple

dumb solution = no solution at all for players who play only occasionally.

No good solution since hackers are nothing but anti-social personalities who's only goal in life is to make people as miserable as themselves. Hence, passwords = friends only. And since hackers = nobody's friends, then passworded servers = good solution. Worked for my group for 5 years now, and never had to deal with a hacker yet.

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The stupid thing with the full game and demo is the full game has no language options and the demo does lol, wether the games released in Czech or Germany etc it should have a language option built into the game like the demo does. It's just like releasing a movie on a DVD and only having subtitles in the language that the country it's sold in lol.

Last I checked people do actually live in other countries thats not there spoken language.

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The stupid thing with the full game and demo is the full game has no language options and the demo does lol, wether the games released in Czech or Germany etc it should have a language option built into the game like the demo does. It's just like releasing a movie on a DVD and only having subtitles in the language that the country it's sold in lol.

Last I checked people do actually live in other countries thats not there spoken language.

The language switching will probably be activated when the game has been released in all regions.

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the cheats are here..its a fact, dont be fanboy please.

If arma doesnt fix anticheat protection there will be no arma for the ex OFp, leagues, clans...whats the point.

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sickboy, what methods do you employ to get rid of Cheaters and the like? I would like to prevent this from happening on our server. Please get in touch smile_o.gif

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cheats arnt a fixable problem. so dont expect it to go away.

every game has them, its just a case of how much you let them into your community and let them screw your games up.

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cheats arnt a fixable problem. so dont expect it to go away.

every game has them, its just a case of how much you let them into your community and let them screw your games up.

Kicking/banning helps too.

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there are ways to seriously limit the cheats and the life of the cheats...programs like punk buster.

sure the makers of the cheats probably have there own version never released to the public. the public version however is available to a special group part of the games creator to analayis and stop. these programs are the likes of punkbuster blah blah blah..

why doesnt BIS get punkbuster involved, it has to be that arma/ofp is one of the easiest games to hack as its built to be modified.

instead there capturing the US market with a new version of arma which has one new mission and a few cutscenes that 99% of the community couldnt give two ****'s about. oh, i forgot they made a weapon veiwer..LOL good to see they have there prioritys sorted eh...

good job they dont offer life insurance....

just my opionin fan boys...


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Just make a search for the hundreds of pages made in OFP about this. Everything that are being said here have already been written down!

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ArmA in fundamentally designed wrong, it just screams cheaters in. Almost everything is done client-side, hit detection, controlling own AI squad, scripts, etc. I have heard cases where client can execute script that affects other players.

EDIT: what I mean here that data sent by client is trusted way too much.

Look how things are done in valve's source games, hit-detection is done on the server. And game dll's are protected by VAC, which works quite well. It's more like client's computer is just dumb remote terminal to the server, everything critical is computed on the server. Now, I realise this introduces lag, but this is the only way to battle cheats efficiently.

Plus I like idea of permanent engine-wide bans for cheating, scares off noob cheaters. Cheat in one source game, be banned from all the games from all protected servers.

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Hi PaveQ

Ban lists do not work the Cheaters use Fake IDS they just JIP back in with a new one.

It is all down to admins. Just control what is going on with your server config.


Some basics

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">kickduplicate=1;



Pehaps use this to check known cheat files (logon to cheat sites with firefox and all anti malware spyware to max pretend to be one of them steal their cheats and add them to your check list)

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">checkfiles[]={"HWTL\dta\data3d.pbo","dta\data3d.pbo"};

Do not kick cheats infinite Keyboard lock them. That way they cannot Jip back in and the have to crash out of windows to escape.

In the mean time each time BIS patches the cheaters are knocked out for up to two months at a time. When the last patch came out they were stupid enough to whine on this forum, "why wont my gun fire straight?" or were complaining about being continually kicked from servers, or that ArmA was had stopped working and why could they not use a No CD hack anyway.

Kind Regard walker

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How do you 'infinte keyboard lock them?'... with a script?

If so, could you please PM the details.

verifySignatures is the way to go... hopefully in the US release patch this will be useable.

lol, not all the people that were using 'dodgy' copies were cheaters. the ones that posted those questions you mentioned were just the mentally taxed ones and were possibly cheaters as well.

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just the mentally taxed ones and were possibly cheaters as well.

Hi Synide

"mentally taxed ones" = crackers = cheaters = TKs

Anyone who would waste half their life trying to get a cracked version of a game running, then have to do the same every couple of months when it gets patched, then spending all those hours; read money as waisted life costs you money as well as making you unhappy, to then cheat at a game, which is when you think about it just sad.

And all that effort to save pidling 30 or 40 dollars, do the math people even at minimum wage cracking aint worth a day of your life.

Run the following from server on the specific naughty client

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">disableUserInput true

;Then run a script or or some text and a pause time of say 10 minutes

cutText ["","BLACK OUT"]

cutText ["Dont be Naughty!","PLAIN",2]


disableUserInput false

Kind Regards walker

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Kegetys spectating script is also very useful in tracking who is that TKer in vehicle (twice useful on veteran mode servers)


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@walker... Thanks, I'll have a look at 'disableUserInput '...

@Dwarden... Also, cheers, yes I've been meaning to 'have a squizzy' at Keygety's configing and scripting maybe this weekend.

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Does anyone know anything about the following?

1. Auth server

When will this be in place?

2. Keygen generated keys

They seem to be 10 digits in length. Is this correct? If so would it be wrong to just disable all users who join with a 10 digit key?

3. 6 digit keys?

I have seen some running around. What the heck are they? Keygen, real version?

I have managed to make it block all 10 digit keys on a test server of mine by disabling the client upon join. Just curious if there are real keys running around that are 10 digits. Also curious about the 6 digit keys, can i block them also?

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Seen Keys up to 13 digets now passing through the GBL.

Man, that sucks. Wish i could come up with something to remove the darn keygen users. Oh well until the auth server shows up I guess.

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