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GRAA infantry replacement modpack

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What is it


GRAA just means "a display of a complete lack of imagination after an exhausting brain fatigue in this end of the year", translated in primal langage communication.

In the same spirit of simple infantry replacement pack like the dma naval or dma army modpacks previously released, the primary focus remains performance.

But this modpack is a bit different :

-every units, military or civilian is using the Llauma new head model, and so every face textures are replaced by new face texture to avoid the need of having the face scripts running and lowering performance

-options, you want to customise your game ? that's exactly what you will be able to do with its options you can enable or disable to your liking. That's the major feature of this modpack actually.

-updated anims, while i was planning something a lot bigger regarding anims, the lack of free time and interest prevented me to achieve this project, so the updated anims are only tweaks of previous one. Well, maybe one day ...

-HYK ACU , HYK Woodland, RHS modern VDV, Williec Euro Res, Faceplant Civilians and HYK OPFOR , you will be able to play with what you prefer by setting the options accordingly.

Download (+/- 72mo)

Filefront mirror

ofpr.info mirror thanks to ofpdeadeye

Thanks to any mirrors help for this

How to install


To install, just put the @GRAA mod folder (you found it in that .rar archive) inside your OFP installation folder

Usually, there :

...Program Files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\@GRAA

Now you can launch the game with the -mod=@GRAA in your shortcut to play, but i suggest you strongly to read the "OptionFAQ.txt" file to see how to setup your options in the config easily and customise your game.

If you have no idea on how to do add the -mod thing, just create a shortcut of your FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE

Once done, right click on it and select "Properties"

Look at the line near the word "Target" , you should see something like this at the end of the line

....eration Flashpoint\FlashpointResistance.exe"

After the " , just add a space , type -NOSPLASH

Add another space and type -mod=@GRAA

So the end of the target line will look like this

.....eration Flashpoint\FlashpointResistance.exe" -NOSPLASH -mod=@GRAA

That's it, click OK and launch OFP using this modified shortcut to play with the GRAA mod activated.

All credits to those guys , without them there would have been no modpack, i just tweaked things here and there smile_o.gif

Hyakushiki --> West and East alternative troops

Laser, Earl, Suchey, DKM VIT, DMA --> Weapons

RHS --> East alternative troops

Ebud, williec --> Res troops

Cameron Mc Donald --> Civil troops

Tioneer --> Sounds

Llauma, Offtime --> Heads

Offtime,Ag Smith, Sputnik Monroe, GR, Hyakushiki and i don't know more who that contributed to facetex2 --> face textures

MIG25_Radek, Ebud --> faces in config

WGL, Solus ---> how to have options in config

Just have fun, enjoy and Merry Christmas

NOTE : do not use any addons that feature BIS head with this mod, unless you appreciate facial mutants smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]In the same spirit of simple infantry replacement pack like the dma naval or dma army modpacks previously released, the primary focus remains performance.

xmas_o.gif It's good to see new stuff still being released for OFPR since many people have jumped to ArmA, can't blame them really. Just waiting for the US launch myself.

Anyway going to give this a try, since it's in the spirt of DMA it should be decent.

xmas_o.gif edit: Too bad Hyakushiki just relased an update to his soldiers pack. Maybe it's time for a patch already whistle.gif

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the idea is great , but at these stages if it is not compatible with SLX or at least whith ecp i dont see it very useful , who plays with vanilla ofp ? huh.gif

thanks anyway thumbs-up.gif

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the idea is great , but at these stages if it is not compatible with SLX or at least whith ecp  i dont see it very useful , who plays with vanilla ofp ?  huh.gif

thanks anyway  thumbs-up.gif

You know you can make any mod use SLX without having to mess with the mod config. There is script you run in a trigger at the beginning of the mission that places the units you want to use SLX in an array. I like placing RHS and Hyk units in the array while leaving CoC arty units outside. I like the coc arty smoke better. Works great.

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Actually getting an option ENABLE_SLX_GL3 on/off switch, working like the already included 18 customisation options in the config.cpp, was a part of the of the plan.

Unfortunately, i can't afford the time to get it functionning correctly like i want it to be implemented without giving the modpack 20 more megabytes to download, like i don't have the time in hands to complete the animation pack that was supposed to be released within this modpack.

So instead of letting this taking dust while it was already bug free and feature complete, i prefered to release it like it is now.

One day maybe, if i don't get ArmA, i will add more of the ideas i planned originally.

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Hi Sanct

Im getting an error on my face in a squad. It shows the blackened face but all other units are ok. I added Facetex2 to my addons to see if that would fix it but no luck.

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Hi Sanct

Im getting an error on my face in a squad. It shows the blackened face but all other units are ok. I added Facetex2 to my addons to see if that would fix it but no luck.

What soldier is having this problem ?

What face set are you using (have you commented out the option " #define ENABLE_BIS_FACES " in the config.cpp or not ?)

And is it a custom face by any chances ?

If it is a custom face you use with OFP and most mods/addons, it is normal as the Llauma head model used by everything in this mod is not compatible visually with the kind of face texture used by the BIS head.

To have a custom face working with Llauma head, you have to rework the texture of your custom face according to the different face mapping.

Example of how your custom face must be, to be compatible with the llauma head on this link

If it is not a custom face , i don't understand why you have this visual bug. Every faces coming with the game have been replaced with faces compatible with Llauma's head in this mod (as every units and civilians use Llauma's head there).

This way there is no need of an eventhandler or a looped facetex script it is the game itself that is allocating the face, and there is no problem with units in vehicle and mutant faces.

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This MOD is fantastic 2 thumbs way up!!!!!! thumbs-up.gif It has modified units and guns, it has new fire affects from john. And it doesnt lag at all only slightly. Its better in FFUR in my opinion but its a shame that there is updated vehicles like the abrams and the t80. It would b awesome if u put modern day tanks in this MOD. OH well its perfect the way it is and no complaints from me. Great work!!!!!! yay.gifyay.gifyay.gif

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My bad i just noticed a typo i meant to say its a shame that there "isnt" updated vehicles like the Abrams and the T80. Sorry about my lack of typin skills banghead.gif

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Excellent mod Sanctuary.  Of course we all know that anything with the DMA lable is going to be a high quality download.  The online community is lucky to have such dedicated content makers such as Sanctuary and the addon creators involved in this project.

EDIT: Lol, yeah I can't believe I left them out in my original post...fixed now.

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Thanks, but the real talents there were the addon makers that are named in the end of the 1st post, without them this would just have never existed. They really deserve all the praise as the content is really outstanding.

All i did was optimising models p3d and textures sizes to improve the performance in large battles, along the config work to support the option system.

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Great Job Sanct.

yet again you suprize us with some great stuff. I doing it myself, ya know. I'm replacing all the BIS faces with Lluama ones and running FFUR and Y2K3 using them. Its cool. Thanks for the pack man, 2 bad about the Anims I love your work, ah well maybe later hah. Great Job Again notworthy.gifthumbs-up.gifthumbs-up.gif

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About this, before i forget : everyone is totally free to modify the config without permission.

And an important note

As i recieved several PM telling me about addons having bad "mutant" faces, it seems i was not clear in the 1st post of this thread.

With the GRAA mod, you can use addons without face mutant problem, but NOT every addons, only the ones that use Llauma's head model , and here is why :

Disabling or enabling the option " #define ENABLE_BIS_FACES " in the config will not transform a texture made to the Llauma's head format to the BIS old format.

It will not transform the Llauma's head model into BIS head model either.

This option simply use a new set texture for the faces that will "look" like BIS head, instead of using a texture that comes for originally from the facetex2 pack.

Visual example in the case my english fail to be understandable :

BIS head use its own face mapping for the textures.

here is Victor face texture :


The GRAA mod use Llauma's head , and Llauma's head use its own face mapping for the textures, totally differently from BIS head.

here is Victor face texture for the Llauma's head


As you can see, the texture is very different, and BIs texture can't be applied with Llauma's head and vice-versa by the game correctly, it is not possible.

So if you use an addon that has BIS head instead of Llauma's ones with the GRAA mod, the addon will have bad faces..

That's why i wrote, in the 1st post of the GRAA mod thread :

Quote[/b] ]NOTE : do not use any addons that feature BIS head with this mod, unless you appreciate facial mutants

Edit : from what i have read some people confuse head model and head textures when refering to Llauma's head

So for infomation here is BIS head -model-


And here is Llauma's head -model-


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Hi Sanct

Im getting an error on my face in a squad. It shows the blackened face but all other units are ok. I added Facetex2 to my addons to see if that would fix it but no luck.

What soldier is having this problem ?

What face set are you using (have you commented out the option " #define ENABLE_BIS_FACES " in the config.cpp or not ?)

And is it a custom face by any chances ?

If it is a custom face you use with OFP and most mods/addons, it is normal as the Llauma head model used by everything in this mod is not compatible visually with the kind of face texture used by the BIS head.

To have a custom face working with Llauma head, you have to rework the texture of your custom face according to the different face mapping.

Example of how your custom face must be, to be compatible with the llauma head on this link

If it is not a custom face , i don't understand why you have this visual bug. Every faces coming with the game have been replaced with faces compatible with Llauma's head in this mod (as every units and civilians use Llauma's head there).

This way there is no need of an eventhandler or a looped facetex script it is the game itself that is allocating the face, and there is no problem with units in vehicle and mutant faces.

And is it a custom face by any chances ?

If it is a custom face you use with OFP and most mods/addons, it is normal as the Llauma head model used by everything in this mod is not compatible visually with the kind of face texture used by the BIS head.

Sorry Sanc, my bad. Forgot about it. I do have a custom face. Ill enable BIS head. Thanks for the update.

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There will be a version 2.0

For now, the changelog is

Quote[/b] ]Version 2.0


**FIXED : east and resistance crew helmet bug (HYK and RHS based) appearing in view when the unit was in vehicle.

**FIXED : east and west officers hat bug (both HYK and RHS based) appearing in view when the unit was in vehicle.

**FIXED : east spetsnaz (RHS based one) hat appearing in view when the unit was in vehicle.

**FIXED : various other minor model fixes due to odolexplorer "mloding" introduced bugs before being re-binarized.

**FIXED : using wrong pbo reference for the new crouchwalk as i forgot one.

**IMPROVED : crouch walking while aiming is now subject to a higher aimdispersion to reflect that it is less easy to aim in such condition.

**IMPROVED : rolling animation should make the player tired after a while to avoid an abuse of it.

**ADDED : new animation replacement pack specially done for this modpack, total rework of one of my first anim packs, the one that was inspired by ghost recon.

**ADDED : an ECP version of the config so the mod can be played using the latest version of ECP.

**ADDED : option allowing walking AND running with the AT on shoulder , AI is capable of this too.

But work is not finished, as i have many other ideas and options in mind that i am trying to implement , with all the current available ones.

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that would be really great ! since ecp is the only mod i don't run with Slx it would be a more than welcome addition ! inlove.gifinlove.gif

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But work is not finished, as i have many other ideas and options in mind that i am trying to implement , with all the current available ones.

Fantastic news inlove.gif Nice to see people have not give up on OFP just yet. I have a feeling this game is going to go on and on depite AA. I personaly have given up AA already because despit having a good comp i can only manage 18 fps max crazy_o.gif

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