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GDCE2 for AA

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I would really love to see this in MP with the persisent option. It'd probably rock. The possibilites...

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Made the first steps in coding GDCE2.

Only the most basic stuff is done. Player gets inserted to his (nonexistent) base (using the idea of Sanctuary), no friendlies, no enemies, just the situation updater checking the status of IPs (Interest Points). IPs are roughly similar to bases in Battlefield type games. The whole GDCE2 thing will be similar to this type of gameplay, BUT greatly slowed down and much more tactical (instead of action packed) feel.

Most of the stuff is thought over, but not written down because I'm lazy, and this should be a hobby. If someone is interested in how GDCE2 will work, PM me. If you want, I could put the docs on the net, but it's a long and probably boring read, since I tried to examine all the possibilities. And there's of course no guarantee all mentioned stuff will be implemented, or in the way described.

A note about this thread: some (or many) of my messages are probably not so important, but the feedback from the community gives me the drive to finish this. So if you find this thread annoying, stop read it.

Most probably maps with multiple islands or with rivers without bridges won't be supported for a LONG time. It would greatly increase the complexity of everything.

I'll first try to make a functioning core, (no support options, little details, briefings, etc.) and when it works, the more interesting stuff will be added. AFAIK all the things I intend to make, can be done in AA script, but to combine it all... dunno. And I can't predict the CPU hit. But anyway, all of you will have new CPUs until I finish this...

I'm a bit sad that Q left the community. He helped me much in developing GDCE1.

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I need peoples opinions regarding squad costs and their repairing (or healing, depending on the unit).

These prices aren't meant to be realistic, instead, I'd like to balance the ratios.

Infantry:   100 (squad of 8 soldiers)

Armor:      300 (3 tanks)

Supply:     100 (a supply convoy ~4 vehicles)

Artillery:    200 (3-4 mortars)

Anti-Air:    200 (3 AA guns)

Special Forces:200 (squad of 8 pro soldiers)

Heli:         400 (1 attack heli)

What I need is opinions, for example: is it reasonable to buy a heli for a price of 4 infantry squads. In other words, is one heli the same strength as 4 infantry squads? I know it cannot be defined precisely without knowing the type of the heli and the armament of the soldiers, but I need a rough estimate only.

Same goes for repair/rearm/heal costs:


Infantry: 10 /7

Armor: 15/10

Supply: 10/5

Artillery: 10/5

Anti-Air: 10/6

Special Forces: 20/9

Heli: 15/10

I'm also interested in the buy/repair ratio.

Is it ok to heal an infantry unit 10 times in the price of a new unit?

Again, I don't ask for real life prices (or even ratios). I just want to balance gameplay. As always, everybody's opinions are welcome.

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Ok, you seem to have advanced quite well into your coding.

I'll take a look at this and tell you what I think as soon as possible. Errr, I have to kill some zombies first ^^


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Quote[/b] ]Ok, you seem to have advanced quite well into your coding.

Not much. Around 4%, altough it's an estimate (still no missions and radio support, and they take a huge part of the overall code). I'm trying to build up the AI's decisions and these tables are needed to do it. If it works out as I imagined, it should look pretty cool ingame (never was modest). But there are really lots of things to do. Almost nothing from GDCE1 is ported until now and many scripts will be, but refined and in a broader scope.

BTW the player won't see those prices I mentioned in the previous post. He will only use them rarely compared to the AI. Player orders vehicles for his squad, rearming, healing, etc. But never "buys" units (it's the job of the General and you're a simple squad leader). I don't want this to be an RTS. GDCE should be tactical game instead of strategy.

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The basic structure is functioning. Friendly groups arrive (type decided by the AI), civilians are also appearing (you should have the feeling that they are in many places) and the first gunfights should be taking place soon.

GDCE2 currently is something like a refined BF2 (two sides taking away important positions from each other). Now comes the somewhat easier part of making missions and implementing the old support system from GDCE1. There are still some uninteresting things to do, but mostly remained adding detail to the structure (which is a LOT more than it sounds).

Features that will NOT be included in the 2.00 release:

- recon info (meaning no fog of war) - in later releases it will be included, but I can't find a relatively easy way to do it

- shipyards

- units getting MIA

- intentional ambushes

These are things that would overly complicate the code.

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just wondering.. is it just you woring on this project or a team of workers?

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Just me. Asso is the second (and only) member of the Frontline Assembly, but he's busy.

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Loved your work for Ofp.How's is it coming along for ArmA?I haven't seen anything new and i'm really looking forward to it.Are there any updates?

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Currently halted. I just got too tired of doing it.

I want to have fun, so I'm playing those good addons for OFP (VTE, Tonal, Toyota and many more) which I left out because of making GDCE.

And waiting for my new rig to be able to really play AA.

I was also thinking about making a really badass (but regular) Vietnam campaign.

GDCE2 got too complex and currently I'm not strong enough to work on it. But it doesn't mean it's abandoned, just on a temporary halt. My diagnose it that I will make it in the window when I get bored of AA missions and still no vietnam addon will be released.

And it doesn't seem that people are interested. Everybody talks about dyn camps, but no one ever offered help except testing. Except Asso who left. And I asked for help a couple times.

I have the whole GDCE2 thing in my head (well, mostly), but it takes too much time to transfer it to the machine.

The only good dyn camp makers that I know of are the now fallen DMA team and Snake Man. Everybody's working on a project of their own.

This may sound negative, but on the brighter side, what I intended to do in GDCE2 and implemented ingame, really works. Troops are inserted in the way I wanted, civilians appear and behave similar as I planned, and the background data processing is working fine for now. Most of the data processing is done, I need to implement things already done in GDCE1, but to adapt them to a much more general scope.

Just an example: there was a decent arty (decency is my opionion only) running in GDCE1. It was at a fixed location, and if they got killed, arty was unavailable until your base got resupplied.

Now here's what's GDCE2 supposed to do: there are arty units on the map. They get a "Go To" mission, on a hilltop (or wherever). Once they arrive, they start "guarding" the hilltop. This means they deploy their mortars, and their "services" become available to the infantry units. So, when you call by radio for arty support, you'll contact the nearest arty unit that is in "guard" mode and they will execute the shelling. This is only a simplified example, but you should get the point, what I mean by GDCE2 getting much more general in scope than GDCE1.

Now that I wrote this much about it, maybe I'll just go work on it a bit... smile_o.gif

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I'm glad to hear that it isn't abandoned.Just take your time.Your project is the most promising addon and frankly its worth the wait.I wish i could help you,but i don't know the first ting about coding.

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y0 y0! What's up? How is it going with the project, still halted? =)

I don't have ArmA yet, need to buy me a new rig before that. GDCE2 will definetly be one of the things I'm waiting for ArmA. Hope you find your energy and motivation to keep doing it!

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Still halted. I'm busy with RL and too tired when I have free time. Probably familiar to most of you around here.

Also making the 'nam campaign I talked about, playing other games and sometimes MPing OFP with the CiA and HawkNam guys.

I don't have motivation to play AA. The default scenery isn't to my liking and still no decent addon for it. Most of them are 'forced' addons IMO. It takes time for some decent addons/mod to be released.

Sometimes I dream about getting in jail (with my comp). lol So then, I would surely finish GDCE2. Sick? Dunno.

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Dont get down man. I will love too help but i dont heve the knowlig how. I will love too see u made in u work and make all arma players hepy. I hope u will do a good job and thet guys how now how will cum in u aid.

Keep up the good work.

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Since VTE for AA is heating up, probably I'll become more active too. GDCE2 is distant, but probably I'll do some relatively dynamic missions for VTE (0.4?).

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In few days time I will start to really edit VTE v0.4 for the final release. If you have any questions, suggestions, campaigns etc... let me know.

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I just want to inform you of the end of GDCE. At least in it's original form. There will be an independent release, you'll probably like, but I'm withdrawing from the scene. Let the other details of the release be a surprise.

My life changed and it became obvious to me that I simply don't have the time to shape the idea of GDCE2 I have. If someone is interested in continuing it, PM me (there is a detailed project, but only part of the code).

I don't say I won't ever come back, but currently things are in that way. No editing, just playing.


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Damn sad to hear that. Good luck in your endeavors, and see you on the battlefield.

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Hmm...that are bad news sad_o.gif

But thanks for your work on GDCE and good luck in the future. Maybe we can see you again on this platform smile_o.gif

Best wishes


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good luck and thanks for you're help. Change is always a good thing even if it doesn't look like it immediately, good luck with everything and thanks for GDCE...it's great.

I'll have GDCE 1.10 for ARMA ready soon and I'll start a new thread today. thanks again.

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Thanks for the kind words everyone.

As you can see, the future of GDCE is in good hands smile_o.gif. We'll see about GDCE2...

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