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Hellenic Warfare Mod

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Well somehow i have a feeling that Greece has its honour day today.....

so here we are too, Hellenic Warfare Mod (HWM) now moves to ArmA, also we have renew our site, although is not 100% complete we have almost finnish it, and you're all welcome to come by ...HWM webpage

here are some renders from our current work. ALL models are created in O2 from ZERO point, and then imported to Max for texturing.to maximize the compatibilty backwards to O2 again, there is no smooth/sharp edges, in the render images, images are as they are from O2, we're planning to have our 1st elease as soon as we have some tools inhand for propper importing/exporting in ArmA.




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If its a Hellenic M113 then shouldn't it have a camo aside from the NATO type? I did a search and this is what I found so far.




hm..that camo scheme kinda reminsd me of the German tanks in WWII

btw,the treads look excellent smile_o.gif

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If its a Hellenic M113 then shouldn't it have a camo aside from the NATO type? I did a search and this is what I found so far.




hm..that camo scheme kinda reminsd me of the German tanks in WWII

btw,the treads look excellent  smile_o.gif

ROKAs 90s vehicle pattern are much the same.   biggrin_o.gif

that's very useful information for me  smile_o.gif


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If its a Hellenic M113 then shouldn't it have a camo aside from the NATO type? I did a search and this is what I found so far.

Yeah I think Greek MERDC is more common than the camo it has now.

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Considering this model was imported into 3dmax there is one thing I would like to ask,I'v imported a few models already but have noticed something a bit upsetting,the program tends to weld model parts together,even worse it connects parts to parts not connected to it and disconnects other. An example would be my jeep wrangler,I imported it into max and when I selected it I noticed it had only 3 possible areas to select,all wheels,doors,fenders,license plate,foglights,winch and half of the hood which was only the sides. For the second selection I have the middle of the hood,grill,entire belly assembly and all of the interior details,for the third I have a portion of the main body. Is there a way to disconnect these parts and reconnect them as they should be that you know of or did you by chance have the same problem?

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well, since arma is out most of the OFP selections are unknown to us, so

i remove everyselection from the p3d in O2

i use p2mss to convert them to .ms3d and then with lightunwrap to 3ds, now in 3ds format the biggest problem is triangulation in O2 we can have faces made by 4 vertexes, now in 3ds ever face is made by 3, then by a mysterius was an edge that should be one vertice now in 3ds it's 5-6 maybe more, if you apply the vertex weld then, things would be more messy. now wht is the magic part if yu don't touch the model, aand you save that 3ds froim max, then import it into O2, then bymagic the model is in one iece again!!!! crazy_o.gif

and the 4-vertex faces that made into tringuate now are correct as it was before crazy_o.gif

so i import the model part by part and after i texture each part i import an other and merge with the previus one, finally i have the modell textured and complete.

so i finaly use 3dsmax for texturing only!, i don't mess with the model, and then the model is by 80-90% as it was before importable into o2.

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i have already pm him, we already have arrange a meeting in next 3-4 days to talk about it.

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i have already pm him, we already have arrange a meeting in next 3-4 days to talk about it.

Cool. I hope you can concentrate your forces wink_o.gif

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well, since arma is out most of the OFP selections are unknown to us, so

i remove everyselection from the p3d in O2

i use p2mss to convert them to .ms3d and then with lightunwrap to 3ds, now in 3ds format the biggest problem is triangulation in O2 we can have faces made by 4 vertexes, now in 3ds ever face is made by 3, then by a mysterius was an edge that should be one vertice now in 3ds it's 5-6 maybe more, if you apply the vertex weld then, things would be more messy. now wht is the magic part if yu don't touch the model, aand you save that 3ds froim max, then import it into O2, then bymagic the model is in one iece again!!!! crazy_o.gif

and the 4-vertex faces that made into tringuate now are correct as it was before crazy_o.gif

so i import the model part by part and after i texture each part i import an other and merge with the previus one, finally i have the modell textured and complete.

so i finaly use 3dsmax for texturing only!, i don't mess with the model, and then the model is by 80-90% as it was before importable into o2.

So your UV mapping in 3ds max? if so... have you made a lightingmap yet? it would save some texturing time. as it renders out a killer shadow map you can edit in photoshop.

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for now i do are only the basic )diffuse colour and the bump map). to tell you the truth, i haven't use that future before, although i have noticed it in the baking texture window. i'll try that in the future. when i have the most part off the m113 textured.

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Hey XSparky...nice work biggrin_o.gif

I'm afraid to see news about your projects. Good luck!

Greetings - Imutep wink_o.gif

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for now i do are only the basic )diffuse colour and the bump map). to tell you the truth, i haven't use that future before, although i have noticed it in the baking texture window. i'll try that in the future. when i have the most part off the m113 textured.

This may be of some help to you. >Clicky< xmas_o.gif

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well, since arma is out most of the OFP selections are unknown to us, so

i remove everyselection from the p3d in O2

i use p2mss to convert them to .ms3d and then with lightunwrap to 3ds, now in 3ds format the biggest problem is triangulation in O2 we can have faces made by 4 vertexes, now in 3ds ever face is made by 3, then by a mysterius was an edge that should be one vertice now in 3ds it's 5-6 maybe more, if you apply the vertex weld then, things would be more messy. now wht is the magic part if yu don't touch the model, aand you save that 3ds froim max, then import it into O2, then bymagic the model is in one iece again!!!! crazy_o.gif

and the 4-vertex faces that made into tringuate now are correct as it was before crazy_o.gif

so i import the model part by part and after i texture each part i import an other and merge with the previus one, finally i have the modell textured and complete.

so i finaly use 3dsmax for texturing only!, i don't mess with the model, and then the model is by 80-90% as it was before importable into o2.

Max can support more than just triangles wink_o.gif. It's the conversion from p3d to ms3d that triangulates the whole model. Milkshape doesn't support quads so it's only option is triangles.

Besides, isn't it useless to have 3dsmax just for uvmapping? If you have lithunwrap, why not use that? It's just as capable, smaller and meant just for unwrapping. But oh well, just an opinion.

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i though that the 3ds file format triangulates the model, cause of the file format. but now i checked it and probably you're right, well i don't know how to use lighunwrap, and in fact i suite my self with 3dsmax, but thanks for the tip.

@sniper skull

Thanks a lot that tutorial was realy helping, i have it in mind, the only thing that i don't like as an idea, is the fact that i have a precalculated ligh in the texture, and i find it unrealistic.

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@sniper skull

Thanks a lot that tutorial was realy helping, i have it in mind, the only thing that i don't like as an idea, is the fact that i have a precalculated ligh in the texture, and i find it unrealistic.

What do you mean by "precalculated ligh" ? all a lightingmap does is add the small shadows that would take you hours to paint by hand.



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well in the video tutorial you gave me, the guy put a light in the scene. i suppose that this light is producing an artificial map, cause the shadows on the map are depending on the light spot.

but i get your point, for small shading off course is really usefull.

but please don't turn this thread into technicial discussion about texturing. I'll invite you or anybody else if you like to discuss this or anything else that has to do with the models through msn (mmstudiosnet@msn.com) , it will be better i think.

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Today is a great day for our mod, we managed to import our 1st weapon into ArmA, although is a very early work, the weapon is playable. A lot of parts need to be modelled, and the weapon needs texturing, the texture here is for reference only. For our achievement we feel that we have to thank Jackal326, cause his effort shows us the way, of importing a eapon in ArmA is possible.

p.S. The clip hasn't yet modelled that's why is missing

here are some screens

screen 01

screen 03


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some problems till now.

is the fact that the model has no shadow, i suspect that this is cause of the file format. But we have to wait and see in future.

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...For our achievement we feel that we have to thank Jackal326, cause his effort shows us the way, of importing a eapon in ArmA is possible...

Glad you found my efforts useful. G3 is looking good, so keep up the good work.

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Looking at your M113 in the first post, I go crazy_o.gif

Just to give you a hint:

Good Addon != good looking + high polycount

Good Addon == good looking + low polycount

Since ArmA supports normal mapping, why do you still make every screw or grid 3d??

As said, just a hint wink_o.gif

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well, this m113 is about 7000 polys , i agree with you that are alot, but not so much, if you consider the fact that has interior all in one, at least mu goal is to make it around 8000 polys with full accessible interior.

anyway thanks for the hint. off course this is work in progress, it needs more till i get it release.

PS. The screws aren't 3d, is texture with bump map.

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