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Performance Issue

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Well, the game ran pretty crappy for me and my gf 6600gt, even with everything set to low and only running it at 800x600. If I set the resolution any higher, it was pretty choppy, impossible to aim/shoot.

Upon installing these "z-tweaked" 91.47 nvidia drivers, it runs pretty smoothly at 1280x1024 with everything still set to "low". I might be able to turn some of the stuff up even, but I havent tried it yet.

I also replaced "32" with "16" in arma.cfg, and that seemed to help even more, but I could be imagining it.

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Well, yesterday i bought a Raden X 1900XT but that darn

thing didn't fit due to space into my pc crazy_o.gif

OK, on monday i shall bring both pc and g-card to the shop

(bought both there) and we will find a solution (so this guy

at tel-service told me) - even if this means i get a totally

new system, since i said there i want a pc for gaming but

perfect gaming especially for ArmA, and they didn't handle

me that thingy in first instance:

Microstar Pentium D 3,4ghz

2 gb ram

Nvidia Geforce 7500 LE (that means Low End i heard yesterday) with 512mb

The new g-card had a price of 400 euros and only 256mb

but has 48 pixel shaders and a lot more to offer.

We will see where my performance goes on monday (or tuesday).

~S~ CD

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yea, I also ordered a Radeon X1900XT or probably 1950, can't remember. i hope it works with that then...

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Guys, don't get desperate and buy new hardware right away. Yes, ArmA is resource-intensive but the performance shouldn't be totally absymal. There are some serious issues with ArmA at the moment that need fixing (i.e. patching) and until then, I'd stick with the 'wait and see' approach.

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There are some serious issues with ArmA at the moment that need fixing

Do we have an official statement on this?

Maybe it's everything ok with ArmA and we are all idiots or something?

Fact is, there are a lot of ppl with unnormal performance problems. You can look at forums around the world, there is at least one forum thread talking about low performance on good pc's.

MfG Lee

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Well, i think i didn't do anything wrong with buying that

new graphics card except that it doesn't fit into pc rofl.gif

I mean i can use this one for sure for other new games too wink_o.gif

~S~ CD

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Do we have an official statement on this?

Maybe it's everything ok with ArmA and we are all idiots or something?

No official statement, but we really don't need one.

There's no way BI didn't know about this before release ... it's not like they have magical hardware that's immune to poorly optimized software. They were obviously on a tight schedule and deadlines had to be met. I just hope the next patch isn't far off ... Armed Assault's reputation can't be in good shape right now.

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Id have to agree with possible performance issues in the software itself. Will BIS fix this? Most definitly. But anyways I am running an AMD 3500+


and a BFG 7800 GTXOC

and my other computer a

AMD 3400+


and 6800 Ultra could run the game at higher settings.

After applying Marines fix to the installed copy on my stronger computer I was able to run everything maxed out at 1280 res. Seems like a couple pieces of code are a little too demanding on even today's top PC's. I totally reccomend applying Marines fix. Search for "A Fix" and if running Nvidia based cards make sure they are set to Application Controlled outside of the game.

But yeah going from barely able to running at low settings to running 20-30 FPS on maxed out totally changes the whole atmosphere of the game biggrin_o.gif

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To be honnest, I having a great time trying to get my slightly under powered system to work to its best. By forcing me check that my drivers are up to date, that the graphics card settings are reasonable and that everything else is working correctly (cooling, etc), not only is ArmA performing better, but so is other demanding games such as FEAR etc.

Surely its better to get the best out of your current system, rather than spending money on a poorly optimised setup? Of course, if needs be though, then I can see an upgrade in the near future.

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I totally reccomend applying Marines fix. Search for "A Fix"

What exactly is this Marines fix? And where is it?

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Well i went to shop today and got the Radeon X1900XT replaced by a GeForce 7950 GT KO (512mb) and it's running

like a charm now. smile_o.gif

80/85 fps normal

in town 45/55 fps

in bushes or with binoc's looking at dense foliage it never

goes below 25 fps.

I can live with that performance since everything's reacting

smooth and in right time - no delay.

OK, sometimes you see with binoc's that lods are switching

from low to higher but thats so quick that it doesn't disturbe.

~S~ CD

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And here we go.

I build a half new PC by using following parts out of my old Shuttle XPC:

- CPU AMD Athlon 64 So939 3800+ (2400MHz@2900MHz)

- 2x Ram DDR1 PC400 1024MB

- 2x 80GB SATA2 harddisk running as ~160GB Raid 0

- 1x DVD-Rom

- 1x Soundblaster Audigy2

I bought new:

- 1x Midi Case

- 2x 120mm fan @ 5v

- 1x Mainboard ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe (Socket 939 = OLD)

- 1x CPU Heatpipe Cooler Arctic

- 1x 420W power supply

- 1x GeForce 8800GTS


NOW, ArmA runs like it should! Even on very high settings!

The GF8800 has extrem performance, unbelievable!

ArmA FEELS completly different now!!

But, there are Bugs in the ArmA Engine, as said thousand times before.

Moving very close to bushes and look at them, drops your frames from ~90 to ~35.

Loading of textures on "Very high textures" isn't ok also.


What can I say... I now can seriously begin with playing arma.

It cost me money, time and nerves!

I really hope that BIS is going to fix the engine or whatever is broken with this game, so that ppl that DON'T can afford new hardware or have problems with their high-end pc's can play ArmA like it should be!

MfG Lee

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Glad to see that someone can play ArmA with good graphics confused_o.gif... I think that I'll buy a 8800 card too. I bought a 7950GX2 two weeks ago 'cause I thought it would be enough powerfull...

Almost 1000€ to play one game. I think that's a bit expensive. And the game is not released yet in my country. Tssss...

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Heres something for the people to understand about FPS.

Your brain’s image sample rate caps out around 60Hz, or 60 frames per second.

If 60Hz is the fastest frame rate the human eye can actually “see,†why complain about not getting anything over that. smile_o.gif

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Heres something for the people to understand about FPS.

Your brain’s image sample rate caps out around 60Hz, or 60 frames per second.

If 60Hz is the fastest frame rate the human eye can actually “see,†why complain about not getting anything over that. smile_o.gif

You know, Ive heard this more times than I can remember.

Heres why we want 60 fps. When the scene gets bogged down your frame rates will drop, we want the highest fps possible to compensate for the drop. If you get 30 fps in the desert then walk into a firefight in a town and your fps drop to 10 to 15 that sucks. Having higher frame rates give you a buffer so that your performance will be fine everywhere.

Also I know people say this is bs but I can tell the difference between seeing 30 and 60fps. Im pretty sure the human eye thing and frame rates is a myth.

Someone needs to call mythbusters.

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Heres something for the people to understand about FPS.

Your brain’s image sample rate caps out around 60Hz, or 60 frames per second.

If 60Hz is the fastest frame rate the human eye can actually “see,†why complain about not getting anything over that. smile_o.gif

because brain don't see a picture serie of 60 piece per second. but the real world ... smooth as butter.

for limit this strobe sensation , brain need an high frequency serie of picture.

then the regularity of these picture displaying is the moste important factor.

you can get 3 frame in 500Ms then 57 frame in the last 500ms of this second. in this case, it's not smooth either whistle.gif

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Heres something for the people to understand about FPS.

Your brain’s image sample rate caps out around 60Hz, or 60 frames per second.

If 60Hz is the fastest frame rate the human eye can actually “see,” why complain about not getting anything over that. smile_o.gif

And that statement is also a load of crap, ever wonder why monitors come with faster refresh rates then 60Hz? some people can detect refresh rates well over 60Hz, I know I can as 60Hz to me flickers far to much compared to 85Hz that I run.

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I now play arma with over 60fps in most locations.

I can say you this:

ArmA is two games in one -> A really bad one when you have to play with fps lower than ~30. And a fantastic one with fps over ~30.

No wonder so much ppl complain about vehicle steering and other handling problems in Arma. With low frames it's close to impossible to drive a car. With high fps it's easy as hell.

MfG Lee

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I now play arma with over 60fps in most locations.

I can say you this:

ArmA is two games in one -> A really bad one when you have to play with fps lower than ~30. And a fantastic one with fps over ~30.

No wonder so much ppl complain about vehicle steering and other handling problems in Arma. With low frames it's close to impossible to drive a car. With high fps it's easy as hell.

MfG Lee

Okay Lee...

What made the greatest improvement? Your new Gfx card?

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Yes, the GF8800GTS.

The Shuttle XPC i used had an nforce3 chipset, the new mainboard has an nforce4. That will not bring that many fps.

CPU, RAM, HDD, Soundcard, etc. is same as before.

I tested with Oblivion and Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter at highest settings also, very nice fps boost.

Perfect card if you want to play in higher resolutions(if you have a good cpu).

MfG Lee

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I now play arma with over 60fps in most locations.

I can say you this:

ArmA is two games in one -> A really bad one when you have to play with fps lower than ~30. And a fantastic one with fps over ~30.

No wonder so much ppl complain about vehicle steering and other handling problems in Arma. With low frames it's close to impossible to drive a car. With high fps it's easy as hell.

MfG Lee

See my sig to be able to play with <30 FPS, it fixed it in my case. icon_rolleyes.gif

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i have frustated with this game, i have high end DX9 pc but i some zones the game r unplayable, i cant alow high settins and SLI dont work properly.

I cant beliave to run this game properly i need DX10 hardware, this game its write for DX9, if dont work fine in DX9 sistems definitively the game have serious problems.

sry my poor english, thanks.

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Hi guys im gonna order a 1950pro will i be able to put everything on high or very high at 1024 768 i dont care about view distance i leave that at default 1200.

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