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Motion Sickness ?

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For players who already try the game out. Did any of you guys experience motion sickness? Specially when running around?

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It’s very common for 3d games nowadays. HL2 for example.

Original OFP was fine. I just wonder is there way (options) to disable this “jogging†in the arma will be passable.

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interesting... I never experienced anything with HL2... I guess like 'real life' motion sickness, it only affects certain people.

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in halflife 2 i spewed my guts up in that water craft :P

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Motion Sickness is a problem with the person, not the game. So it can happen with any game.

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Motion Sickness is a problem with the person, not the game. So it can happen with any game.

Yup. I never experienced it in my life. Playing games 20 years. But my wife can't play almost any 3D game without it.

Edit: Well. Now when I'm thinking bit more about it, i felt a slight motion sickness, when i was playing Descent about 30 minutes with VFX-1 helmet smile_o.gif

Man... that was fun!

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Quote[/b] ]Motion Sickness is a problem with the person, not the game. So it can happen with any game.

I’m knew it. So far I only have a problem with HL2, but not with CS source. (Even if it’s the same engine. I know it sound strange. But I’m also know lots of players have this problem with original HL2 storyline campaign)

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Motion sickness in games didnt experience it. Only game that made me sick was Prey with rooms rolling upside down, constant switching from upside down to normal walk.... crazy_o.gif

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Motion Sickness is a problem with the person, not the game. So it can happen with any game.

Thats not true, I've had it happen to me in HL2 and the old Quake, but I've never had problems in OFP, UT and racing games etc, go figure.

I've played OFP for huge amount of hours straight, mostly in those big VS CTI games and never had a problem, seems to me it's something that does it in the graphics engine.

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I find if I haven't had much to eat it can make it worse as well

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This has some tips for treatment. The first time I ever played a FPS (doom) I felt sick, but I enjoyed to game enough to just get over it.

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Quote[/b] ]This has some tips for treatment. The first time I ever played a FPS (doom) I felt sick, but I enjoyed to game enough to just get over it.

Most of developers find more simple way to do it... Enable/Disable "screen shake" in "options menu". My question are... are BIS one of them ?

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Quote[/b] ]This has some tips for treatment. The first time I ever played a FPS (doom) I felt sick, but I enjoyed to game enough to just get over it.

Most of developers find more simple way to do it... Enable/Disable "screen shake" in "options menu".  My question are... are BIS one of them ?

You won't find that option in Armed Assault simply because of the way animations are.. used. In OFP/ArmA, what the character does in third person is what you will see/feel in first person. Simply because the camera is fixed upon the head, which moves with the animations. CS/HL and all them use a much simpler method which uses different animatioins/models for first person, whereas in third person it could look entirely different.

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Original OFP didn’t have this problem. In arma not only your gun "shakes", but whole screen staked also (when you shoot). It’s hard to explain... sorry.

I do believe in OPF camera was fixed upon the head, but it was implemented a little bet different/better way.

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Original OFP didn’t have this problem. In arma not only your gun "shakes", but whole screen staked also (when you shoot). It’s hard to explain... sorry.

I do believe in OPF camera was fixed upon the head, but it was implemented a little bet different/better way.

In OFP was camera "pinned" to the head. Many people were complaining it looks like character is hanged by it's head in the middle of the screen. It looked really awfull. I'm happy it was changed.

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I've never had motion sickness but experience a wierd reaction whenever I am playing a game and jump or fall from extreme hieghts.

On Planetside, running off the high cliffs or off a tower my guts roll just like on a Roller Coaster in real life. I've never been a fan of hieghts and they make me nervous. So I attribute the sensation to that. It actually is kind of cool because it seems like I am immersed in the game more.

Never chucked gut though crazy_o.gif

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The problem in armed assault is that motions aren't smooth.

For example when your guy is tired or injured, his weapon sway, but it doesn't sway left or right. The weapon teleport, 2° right, 5° left, 2° up. There is no animated transition, it ruin the visual experience and force your brain to interpolate thoses motions, making you sick.

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in Arma, we changed the behavior of external camera, everything else should behave much like it did, probably.

External camera trajectory is smoothed, that is quite stable camera moves above terrain and man shakes in front of that when running etc. instead of ext camera hardlocked to man causing all the scene except of player's upper body shaking.


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For example when your guy is tired or injured, his weapon sway, but it doesn't sway left or right. The weapon teleport, 2° right, 5° left, 2° up.

Oh, right, this is also a change. It was a decision to do it like this to avoid problems in other moments that might be more visible - it'd distort transitions erected>kneel, rearming and so on.

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For example when your guy is tired or injured, his weapon sway, but it doesn't sway left or right. The weapon teleport, 2° right, 5° left, 2° up.

Oh, right, this is also a change. It was a decision to do it like this to avoid problems in other moments that might be more visible - it'd distort transitions erected>kneel, rearming and so on.


Not a great feature, if you ask me

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Does the "Special Edition" include an Armed Assault sick bag?

No, but you can use the metal ammo box to knock yourself unconcious for a while. Problem solved. tounge2.gif

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Motion Sickness is a problem with the person, not the game. So it can happen with any game.

Thats not true, I've had it happen to me in HL2 and the old Quake, but I've never had problems in OFP, UT and racing games etc, go figure.

I've played OFP for huge amount of hours straight, mostly in those big VS CTI games and never had a problem, seems to me it's something that does it in the graphics engine.

That you didnt feel it with OFP/racing games is explainable, in other games you are sliding trough a level which just looks weird, however, it would be logical that if you feel it in HL that you would feel the same in UT (because of the flying hands with a gun syndrome)

EDIT: I felt dizzy after spinning around in the harrier for a few seconds biggrin_o.gif

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