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The game cannot suit everyone's taste from the start, that's what modding is for. So like I said, you either have to make a new set of animations, or find a new game.

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The game cannot suit everyone's taste from the start, that's what modding is for. So like I said, you either have to make a new set of animations, or find a new game.

i wouldnt know were to start with animations lol i made a few maps thats about it im not a modder i can do websites and play a mean ctf but thats as far as i go. can anyone one else mod arma to the same play as ofp im only talking infantry?

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i wouldnt know were to start with animations lol i made a few maps thats about it im not a modder i can do websites and play a mean ctf but thats as far as i go. can anyone one else mod arma to the same play as ofp im only talking infantry?

I would suggest its time to start learning how to wink_o.gif

Think about it, you would become a hero to the CTF "community" who just cant play ArmA as it is crazy_o.gif

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can anyone one else mod arma to the same play as ofp?

God i hope so.

what's with the map ?, say i just want to have a quick look at the map to get bearings it goes back to a loading screen before it gets back to the game is it just my comp or does it do this for you guys as well ?

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OFP/ArmA´s one of the best thing is that it can satisfied all kind of MP FPS players. Instant actions like DM, CTF and of course the more deeper expiriences of big coops, cTI´s, AD´s and squad matches. I love that this game is better in class of massive warfield simulations than in small tunnelshootings.

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I hope to God CTF is done away with alltogether so these people can move on to more mainstream games... confused_o.gif

Look; OFP was and Armed Assault is a realistic combat simulation. It's not a realistic first person shooter, like RO. Nor is is a regular first person shooter like DoD/BiA/UT/QIV, no, it's a simulation. This game was made to simulate squad and company level combat. Yes, you can CTF. Does the game need to revolve around it like all other online games do? No.

Please, allow us, the people who like realism and who don't have a lot of time to rank ourselves in silly computer games, play a war simulation. There are plenty of high-speed "look how high I can score after 15,000 hours of pwning" shoot 'em up games already anyway. You have a free pick of any one of them! Why try and change what OFP is about so you can just play another Unreal Tournament or Counter Strike in disguise?

PS. Oh, CTF is definitely not the only PvP in this game. It's just the only PvP for most people who lack any sort of attention span for the bigger PvP battles.

Sorry if I offended. thumbs-up.gif

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I hope to God CTF is done away with alltogether so these people can move on to more mainstream games... confused_o.gif

oh fuck up will you

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I hope to God CTF is done away with alltogether so these people can move on to more mainstream games... confused_o.gif

oh fuck up will you

Cheers for making my point!

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CTF doesnt have to be CQB to be CTF, you need some bases and a center flag, you dont need cadet mode gameplay (instant respawn and crosshair) and you certainly dont need a CQB boxed arena with G36's.

Get some diferent teamplay going, learn how to play in full veteran mode and try some other stuff other than spawn, run, kill, die, etc.

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I hope to God CTF is done away with alltogether so these people can move on to more mainstream games... confused_o.gif

oh fuck up will you

Cheers for making my point!

The only point you have made with blanket statements like that is your a retard.

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I hope to God CTF is done away with alltogether so these people can move on to more mainstream games... confused_o.gif

oh fuck up will you

Cheers for making my point!

like i keep saying this topic is for "CTF PLAYERS" god will u guys read if u like coops go play ur coop let us ctf guys sort this its about us not you ffs and i hope i do offend u have no buisness here u stayed away from our ctf games now stay away from our topic !!

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I hope to God CTF is done away with alltogether so these people can move on to more mainstream games... confused_o.gif

oh fuck up will you

Cheers for making my point!

like i keep saying this topic is for "CTF PLAYERS" god will u guys read if u like coops go play ur coop let us ctf guys sort this its about us not you ffs and i hope i do offend u have no buisness here u stayed away from our ctf games now stay away from our topic !!

POISION,this is an open forum. Everybody is welcome to come and express their opionin as long as they keep within the forum rules.

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Some seriously upset people in heah!

#1.) CTF players have my respect - heck, even if there was a barbie and ken dress up mod that used the OFP/ArmA engine I say go for IT!

#2.) CTF/CQB players shouldn't sweat. From all the videos i've seen CTF or PvP MP looks fine to me. Don't believe me? Here's a video of some CQB-CTF. CTF footage

#3.) I'm pretty suprised to see that CTF hasn't evolved into more interesting missions (i.e. Defend base from other players, Avoid/survive the other player's ambush while on patrol, etc). Maybe it's the coop in me.

Don't hang yourself because you heard peoples opinions that arma controls suck, wait till you get and play the game - then wait another 6 months for BIS to patch it up. I'm sure BIS knows much of their fan base are CTF players. So watch the video and.. yay.gif

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I hope to God CTF is done away with alltogether so these people can move on to more mainstream games... confused_o.gif

Look; OFP was and Armed Assault is a realistic combat simulation. It's not a realistic first person shooter, like RO. Nor is is a regular first person shooter like DoD/BiA/UT/QIV, no, it's a simulation. This game was made to simulate squad and company level combat. Yes, you can CTF. Does the game need to revolve around it like all other online games do? No.

Please, allow us, the people who like realism and who don't have a lot of time to rank ourselves in silly computer games, play a war simulation. There are plenty of high-speed "look how high I can score after 15,000 hours of pwning" shoot 'em up games already anyway. You have a free pick of any one of them! Why try and change what OFP is about so you can just play another Unreal Tournament or Counter Strike in disguise?

PS. Oh, CTF is definitely not the only PvP in this game. It's just the only PvP for most people who lack any sort of attention span for the bigger PvP battles.

Sorry if I offended. thumbs-up.gif

For God's sake would you stop being an ass and going into every thread and talking about your combat simulator.....

ARMA in its current state is anything but a combat simulator.

A combat simulator doesn't have the same physics for planes and choppers. A combat simulator has proper recoils on its weapons!

And why the hell are we even talking about that because ARMA isn't meant to be a combat simulator.

Plus a combat simulator doesn't feature missions where a group of high school rambo wanabees take on a whole damn army of 100+.

Grow the hell up please and stop putting everybody down.


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to me CTF in OFP was about team work and sticking together more than bf2 or Joint Ops type run and gun.

I for one look forward to trying out a more team orientated CTF, CO-Op and more with ARMA's new controls.

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LOL this is defnitly one of the funniest threads going around, people have wasted alot of pages fighting about nothing realy, let me try to patch things up:

1st: CTF Players, I cant see how a change of controls is going to ruin your whole experiance cuz the pace of the game is the same from OFP, not to mention that you obviously can alter the controls to suit your needs. I hope that you do realize ofcourse that CTF in ofp is different from other CTF games , It is more about thinking and timing your attacks and the positioning of your teamates or AIs then it is about running fast and hitting the dirt and shooting full Auto icon_rolleyes.gif

2nd: Coop players, yes I agree that ofp/ArmA are not centered around CTF, but it is defnitly possible and in a realistic way as well . That is whats cool about ofp is that you do whatever you want even stuff that doesnt seem assosiated with a tactical shooter. Besides you dont have to assume that CTF in OFP is a place were all the bunny-hoopers and fast running fraggers/campers go to just because other games with the same gametype do that. Like I said above CTF in ofp is different and often require as much realisitc planning handeling as in coop smile_o.gif

3rd: @ Stealth3 , I am sorry but OFP/ArmA are in fact combat simulators tounge2.gif . It will be easier for you if you think about it this way; They are not flight simulators (( at least not yet wink_o.gif )) and they are laking in vehicle simulation, but infintary combat is what these games are all about and they definitly simulate war from the infintary point of view, the other vehicles there are to add to the sense of combined arms (( again maybe in the future we will get accuratly simulated vehicles so that those games truly become multiple sims combined in one ))

May you all live in peace notworthy.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Stealth3 , I am sorry but OFP/ArmA are in fact combat simulators

Thats your opinion and I respect it. But I'm sorry to say, you are wrong. So please do more research on what a combat simulator is.

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Quote[/b] ]Quote

Stealth3 , I am sorry but OFP/ArmA are in fact combat simulators

Thats your opinion and I respect it. But I'm sorry to say, you are wrong. So please do more research on what a combat simulator is.

ok good I respect your opinion as well. However you sparcked my Curiosity here biggrin_o.gif (( I am sorry mods for going off topic, if there was one )) I wonder what do you consider as a good combat sim mybe i'll try it out (( outside of flight sims ofcourse as I know that Falcon 4 campign has better represntation of combat than anything else wink_o.gif ))

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Well, I tried to read this thread and follow what the problem is but I really don't get it, something's wrong with CTF? Hmm well instead of people bitching about what game mode they do or don't like and then starting to flame each other about what game mode they do or don't like (which is truly pathetic), perhaps it would be better to Email your issues to someone who may listen ArmA@IDEA-Games.com

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