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Arma bugs

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Another bug detect,

As I was walking down the side of a steep mountain I slipped a ways and was injured from the fall now this would be all good but at the base of the mountain my soldier started trying to get up then fall back down from being injured.The sequence just kept looping until I aborted the mission.

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the bugs/problems i found

1. The terrain was very glitchy when moving, it kept flickering as if the graphics where loading up the screen. This could be my grapics card but for the moment i will put it down as a bug

2. the frame rate is quite slow and it lags a bit even on low settings. again this could be my graphics card, but i have heard a lot of people with super fast computers say the same thing.

3. it randomly crashes into desktop when action kicks off or when you are moving where there is a lot of objects and buildings in view, and my desktop temporarily shows in low color mode.

4. it just locked up on me completely and had to restart

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Killer Seagulls!!

I was in a multiplayer session and was stalking a soldier as a seagull. biggrin_o.gifrofl.gif Well, i decided to get right in front of him and his rifle. The result was every time he tried to fire with me directly in front of his barrel it would ricochet off me (seagull). So just for kicks and giggles he was firing a 203 and I decided to see what would happen if I could position myself right in front of his firing 203. The result was hilarious as the 203 grenade blew right up in front of his face due to hitting me (seagull). He was sent to the grave. biggrin_o.gif

I have found my new hobby. smile_o.gifnener.gifrofl.gifxmas_o.gifwow_o.gifyay.gif

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Another bug detect,

As I was walking down the side of a steep mountain I slipped a ways and was injured from the fall now this would be all good but at the base of the mountain my soldier started trying to get up then fall back down from being injured.The sequence just kept looping until I aborted the mission.

you were injured thats why you couldnt get up and kept falling down. It happened to me but I was within crawling distance of a medic tent

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anyone noticed the bug where u in a tank and it turns status red from a hit from a rpg or something but u hear no sound like you wasnt even hit?

also had the same problem playing a sector control map where someone i no was killing everyone with a silenced gun and couldnt even hear anythink even at close range. he could of fired like a how mag before he killed me but it was like he killed me with first hit in single shot cause i couldnt hear nothing at all

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Bug with bluefor AT soldiers, I remember in a msiion where you have to take out shilkas and secure a bridge the AT soldiers used their AT4's on infantry. When given the command to engage at will, they would use their rockets on enemy infantry and expend all their rockets. When a tank came, I had no more AT.

The JAM pack had a nice fix for that behavior with the ALL, AA, AP rounds so the AI would behave appropriately.

In ARMA the AA soldiers will fire at an armored unit BEFORE choosing an aircraft as a target.

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Ingame to menu lags.

Game to map lag, game to gear lag, game to options lags, game to hints lag.. that is really banghead.gif

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HDR at night is a bit excessive.. I can only play night missions with NVG on or I won't see nothing at all. Is it my brightness settings? Because during the day brightness seems just fine..

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Bug with bluefor AT soldiers, I remember in a msiion where you have to take out shilkas and secure a bridge the AT soldiers used their AT4's on infantry. When given the command to engage at will, they would use their rockets on enemy infantry and expend all their rockets. When a tank came, I had no more AT.

The JAM pack had a nice fix for that behavior with the ALL, AA, AP rounds so the AI would behave appropriately.

In ARMA the AA soldiers will fire at an armored unit BEFORE choosing an aircraft as a target.

Actually, in OFP, there was no way to prevent the AI from using AA missiles against ground targets. The JAM AA rockets are no exception, the AI used them against aircraft indeed, but they also wouldn't hesitate to fire at an armored target. AP rounds worked the same way, the AI still engaged armor as well as infantry, and ALL meant they'd shoot at armor, infantry, and aircraft.

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I dont see this on the fix list so Im reporting it,

Helicopters cannot lock onto most visible targets(Vehicles)They apear on the radar but cannot be locked onto to destroy.

Also dont see this on the fix list yet,I dont know why its been talked about a lot but the enemy AI is broke.Stealth is not possible they are all alerted immediately after you shoot even with silenced weapons,they can also see in the dark without nvg and the enemy AI is way to accurate at any range...actually thats an understatement. wow_o.gif

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The foliage screws up the focus. Very often invisible foliage forces the focus to blur the distance which makes the turning invisible moot in the first place and hiding in bushes beneath trees a pain in the ass..

rpg goes through fences and if aimed near the fence blast doenst flatten them

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It's neither dramatic nor urgent but I think it should be mentioned:

Most civil cars don't have working tachometers. sad_o.gif

Well, that's no bug, that's sad and it's even more sad that (here comes the bug) the cars which have a "working" tachometer apparently display the wrong speed (or the cars are incredibly pimped):

Some vehicle names are from the German version:

Offroad: works but:

0 - 100 km/h = ~1s

0 - Vmax (180 km/h) = ~2s

Pickup: works but:

0 - 100 km/h = ~2s

0 - Vmax (120 km/h) = ~3s

Car: tacho looks bad/has no pointers

Limousine: tacho looks bad/has no pointers

Fließhecklimousine: tacho looks even worse but pointers are present and turn (but without any reference)

Bus: tacho looks bad/has no pointers

Ural: tacho works/looks nice

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- Inside BMP light bug.


- When you are out of ammo using PK,M240,M249 you still can see belt with bullets.


Polish version 1.00 ( according to LEM its czech&german 1.01 version)

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I dont see this on the fix list so Im reporting it,

Helicopters cannot lock onto most visible targets(Vehicles)They apear on the radar but cannot be locked onto to destroy.

Also dont see this on the fix list yet,I dont know why its been talked about a lot but the enemy AI is broke.Stealth is not possible they are all alerted immediately after you shoot even with silenced weapons,they can also see in the dark without nvg and the enemy AI is way to accurate at any range...actually thats an understatement. wow_o.gif

With 1.02, I can select & lock onto any target using the TAB key.

Have you tried that?

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Well, I do not know if this bug has already been reported, First time it happens to me: armabugzw1.th.jpg

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-should remove recoil from stryker with MK19 and uaz with AGS30 actually thats quite ridiculous, and for both reduce smoke amount when firing.

-could you improve AI in close combat ?

-i thought first that were some lucky shots but it seems that AI with gp30 or m203 can target enemies without visual contact, could you fix that ?

-brdm2 have some difficulties to enguage ennemy infantry, why ?

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Why are you guys not reporting these bugs in the Biki thread?

Come on lads, sooner you report em there the faster they get fixed.

Mind you, I am presuming that some BIS peon is typing our bug reports into Test Track Pro / Fogbugz tounge2.gifwhistle.gif

Oh yeah, really weird bug here - when my KA-50 crashes I see the cockpit texture scaled down & projected on the hillside, it's really weird rofl.gif

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I copied this from another post as I too am finding the same issues. Reporting this a bug. Along with english to chez language conversion follies.

After playing AA for about 4 weeks now and doing some mission editing here is what I found with the AI:

1) The Stryker ATGM AI will not target or fire at any OPFOR target unless the player is inside the vehicle.

2) The AH-6, MI-17 and Blackhawk AI will not fire its rockets at any OPFOR vehicle and very seldom any Soldier.

3) The OPFOR soldiers will fire at the BLUFOR helicopters, but the BLUFOR soldiers will not fire at the OPFOR helicopters.

4) The Harrier will not fire at anything (completely useless).

Please fix for next patch. I know BIS will continue to refine and listen to us, for that I'm greatful.

Since I bought the chez version and must convert to english and since I'm english, can you please look into allowing updates for the game not mess with english conversion or make patches in english so, english to chez file converstions can be a thing of the past. Or make a complete english converstion update and make upcoming patchs compatiable.

Many thanks,


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Don't know, why nobody mentioned that before: The AH-1 has 4 rotor blades, not 2, as it should have...(or is there a 4 rotor-blade version I am not aware of?)

Helicopters dissapear if you watch them fly in the sky and reappear short time later. I will make a video about that, if necessary.

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Helicopters dissapear if you watch them fly in the sky and reappear short time later. I will make a video about that, if necessary.

i get this bug too

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Don't know, why nobody mentioned that before: The AH-1 has 4 rotor blades, not 2, as it should have...(or is there a 4 rotor-blade version I am not aware of?)

AH1Z (The one in ArmA) has 4 rotor blades. Link.

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i still see bugs in 1.02. like when i was in a tank with friend who was driver he couldnt see the turret shooting and same thing when i was driver and he was gunner.

also when i killed someone i kill came out as the person in the driver but he didnt get the point on scoreboard

this also happened the other day i justed jumped in a tank driving it out of spawn thinking i had to to my self to notice i had some noob in gunner seat who must of jumped in as i drove away lol.. well he killed an enermy guy and it came up brit~XR killed that player when i didnt

another thing is on same maps when i die and respawn i spawned into an ai that was injured which must of been controled by a player who then left game so i spawned into that ai. was a pain runing around with bleeding legs and hands not being able to aim for crap or heal

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Don't know, why nobody mentioned that before: The AH-1 has 4 rotor blades, not 2, as it should have...(or is there a 4 rotor-blade version I am not aware of?)

AH1Z (The one in ArmA) has 4 rotor blades. Link.

I still learn something new everyday....

Thank you very much. I have to admit, I was too lazy to fire up FAS.org and check out what's going on in the arsenal of the US armed forces.

Now, if they won't vanish from time to time, this would be much better. Don't know what this causes, but I can't seem to figure out in which occasions helicopters vanish from players view and reappear seconds later. HDR maybe?

I had some strange behaviour today. Tried to shoot some AI on a coop mission but was not able to hit him. Well, my comrade found and killed him. The result: I fired on a ghost, after he killed the AI, I was not able to see him in the spot he was living seconds ago.

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