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SLX Replacement Pack, Mod, and Addons

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Oh and Solus I keep on getting an error that says about the optics in the data3d that is preventing me from playing or testing out my maps.

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I just tried your setup, and my SLX+WGL tandem mods still seems to be missing "something". For instance, suppressive fire does not cause its targets to fear-dive. On the bright side, it looks like SLX's superb graphic enhancements are being used consistently.

Let me recap your advice, just to make sure I'm doing this correctly:

1. Create a folder named "@WGL5_SLX" and put the BIN folder from the @wgl5 directory.

2. To make sure the SLX effects are used, create another directory called "@SLX_DTA", and copy the DTA from the @SLX folder.

3. Alter your shortcut's Target so that it reads "...@SLX;@WGL;@WGL_SLX;@SLX_DTA".

Is this structure and order correct?

Also, for some reason, I'd like to be able to use WGL's DMApackARMY unit models, and I've followed their directions to a "T", and yet they're not showing up. Any advice on getting them to show up?

Thank you for ALL of your help!



Dec. 3, 2006



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Quote[/b] ]Let me recap your advice,just to make sure I'm doing this correctly:

1. Create a folder named "@WGL5_SLX" and put the BIN folder from the @wgl5 directory.

2. To make sure the SLX effects are used, create another directory called "@SLX_DTA", and copy the DTA from the @SLX folder.

3. Alter your shortcut's Target so that it reads "...@SLX;@WGL;@WGL_SLX;@SLX_DTA".

Is this structure and order correct?

The order is correct. However, you may have missed one step: copy the BIN folder from the @wgl5 directory to the @WGL_SLX folder, then take the SLXmod's WGL5 bin (its under @SLX\Mod Configs\@WGL5) and copy it to the same folder. Windows should give you a warning about overwriting files... just tell it to overwrite everything.

If you've done that, it should work. At least, it does for me, suppression included.

Quote[/b] ]Also, for some reason, I'd like to be able to use WGL's DMApackARMY unit models, and I've followed their directions to a "T", and yet they're not showing up. Any advice on getting them to show up?
No clue there. I just use the stock models. Sorry. confused_o.gif

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Another quick reply. The generosity of those who participate on this Thread is pretty inspiring!

Thank you for the latest word of advice. I definately missed that one step, and will give it a shot tomorrow evening and I'll post a report on my experiences shortly thereafter. It's time for bed as I have an early start tomorrow, especially with all the snow/ice that's on my 25 km. trek to work.

Good night!


Dec. 3, 2006



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By the way, has anyone tried this with DAC?

As i see it, SLX & DAC would be the perfect combination, but im not shure if that is possible since DAC uses its own AI.

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Finally got SLX to work with FFUR (nobody said it had to be 2.5 ! tounge2.gif ) and everything looks great except I can't use Ninja's powerslide. Checked all of the config's; light/heavy effects and they don't seem to have it. Also tried the old trick of adding it to the end of: cfgmovesMC - but it didn't work.

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Does anyone have a working mirror for the latest version (plus the original if needed to install the update)



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Just register at yousendit.com and the download goes pretty quickly.

Btw solus the error message was referring to magic.p3d or something like that.

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what should i do to enable radio voices? i only see messages on screen, for example "wher are you"? (double press 5) and hear no voices

i hear voices with SLX and FFUR2006, but no only SLX

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i think the latest version 1.08 has the radio voices enabled by default smile_o.gif

i tried, but was not


i created modified last solus config with radio voices which were absent in original solus version

You can download it from here and copy to @SLX\bin directory.

Have fun! pistols.gif

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Can I somehow Disable the SuperAI? I dont want to disable entire GL3 cause I like the effects but I want old OFP AI

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ok, i cant seem to get the ECP config to work, i seem to get crashes continually, half the maps have dissapeared, urgh its not going well.

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By the way, has anyone tried this with DAC?

As i see it, SLX & DAC would be the perfect combination, but im not shure if that is possible since DAC uses its own AI.

I actually use SLX with WGL, DAC, and CoC arty and it works fine. You have to be on your toes because the enemy open up on you at range with tracers flying all around and dust everywhere. Good Stuff biggrin_o.gif

Just make sure the units you are using that DAC creates are WGL units.

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Question. Does the AI distinguish between live and dead soldiers. They seem to want to drag the dead ones around instead of going for the wounded. Thanks for the info.

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ah, good to hear that it works with DAC.

I will try making a CE2 mission with SLX,WGL,CoCArty & DAC.

So far i have only placed the player side units and that seemes to work fine with CE2.

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ah, good to hear that it works with DAC.

I will try making a CE2 mission with SLX,WGL,CoCArty & DAC.

So far i have only placed the player side units and that seemes to work fine with CE2.

You'll have some problems. That is, your squads want to go join the fray, all on their own. I have played some CE missions w/ SLX, and I'm always having to reissue my orders because they want to KILL SOMETHING! biggrin_o.gif

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hi sorry to be a pain, but im still having no luick with this ECP config. PLease any help appreciated

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You'll have some problems.  That is, your squads want to go join the fray, all on their own.  I have played some CE missions w/ SLX, and I'm always having to reissue my orders because they want to KILL SOMETHING!  biggrin_o.gif

yeah i´ve noticed that. They behave a bit undiciplined and hard to command when close proximity to the enemy, but i actually think this is somewhat realistic(depending on the situation). but i thought that atleast the wait wp would get them to hold pos.

maybe it would be evenmore realistic to make a ce mission as the resistance acting as a commander over an untrained militia biggrin_o.gif

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Another mirror is needed for 1.08 please ... none of the links are currently working.

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You'll have some problems.  That is, your squads want to go join the fray, all on their own.  I have played some CE missions w/ SLX, and I'm always having to reissue my orders because they want to KILL SOMETHING!  biggrin_o.gif

yeah i´ve noticed that. They behave a bit undiciplined and hard to command when close proximity to the enemy, but i actually think this is somewhat realistic(depending on the situation). but i thought that atleast the wait wp would get them to hold pos.

maybe it would be evenmore realistic to make a ce mission as the resistance acting as a commander over an untrained militia biggrin_o.gif

yeh i was playing a sorta stealth mission , and satchel explosions seem to attract people from all over the small island. Also later on in the mission they were ignoring their waypoints which were crucial to the mission and trying to look for us. The Boss who is only ment to jump in a tank at the end when certain people are dead even joined the grunts in a search and destroy lol

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could sombody post a list off all the weapon names of the melee weapons i cant seem to add them to soldiers properly

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Just wanted to finally follow up on the results of my following your advice in regards to having SLX work with WGL:

It worked! smile_o.gif

Thank you! notworthy.gif

Now I have one more question that I hope you can answer:

Is there a reason why the WGL_DMApackARMY models aren't showing up in the default BIS missions? They do show up in the customized WGL missions, but I'd also love to have them available in BIS' missions as well. Any assistance on getting them to work would be deeply appreciated.


Is there any way that you could include sounds produced by the player's and AI's bodies in the next release? I'm talking about the noises that are produced by the gear that's worn when it's bouncing and rubbing around. It adds a ton of atmosphere, especially when one's in a building and can hear someone moving around outside and they can't be seen.

I realize that this probably isn't the exact place for my next question, but since you're the Big Daddy of DAC, I'm hoping that you can help me out on some DAC mission problems. The missions that I'm talking about have been customized by WGL, and are available via their website. Frequently these missions freeze up so badly for me that I have to hard-crash my computer in order to reboot it. Usually the system freezes within minutes of the mission being generated. Every time this has happened it has been while the SLX+WGL mods have been running together.

Also, is there a website that you'd advise me to go to that features a lot of well-designed DAC missions? I'm not having much luck finding them, and I'd love to get my hands on more of them.

That's it for now!



Dec. 7, 2006



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