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Balschoiw goes Gamestar

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I have been invited to test ArAs at the Gamestar offices for a reader test. I don´t know how the test will be set up, but I hope I can freely play around with ArAs to check for specific things and hopefully to answer some com-questions.

My primary focus will be on AI, the editor and general gameplay impression.

Now it´s up to you. If you have additional questions, things you want to know or details you want to have checked, post them here.

Edit: Test will be tomorrow, so you better hurry smile_o.gif

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My primary focus will be on AI, the editor and general gameplay impression.

You are my kind of gamer for sure.   biggrin_o.gif

About the AI, please check in detail how they are in CQB situations and how they handle solid covers like walls, trees etc., whether they can lean and shoot, whether they can understand that a cover is low and duck down further, whether they are always fighting from behind cover, etc. I haven't seen any videos which have showcased these aspects.

I also want to know whether all the missions in the campaign can be completed as an infantryman if I so choose, without driving tanks etc. I would definitely like that option.

Thank you.   smile_o.gif

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Cool stuff, congrats bals!

Tactical possibilities for the player and AI (radio menu, behaviour of the AI comrades) would be interesting. Also I'm interested in how the AI behaves when driving vehicles. In ofp that was sort of a "problematic" aspect . . .

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I would like to know if the shadows in the 1st person view work as they should, ie:

While in 1st person view:

<ul>- passing through shadows, will your hands and gun turn darker in consequence of the shadow?

- same but inside a car: if passing a tree shadow or a house shadow will you be able to see that shadow in the car?

- Why traktors still fly when you set a satchel?

- I have the feeling that BIS is usign the same Agent AI Low Res as the VBS2, can you please confirm?

... and as you said focus on the AI wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]- Why traktors still fly when you set a satchel?

I´m afraid I can´t answer that question, take it to Dev´s.

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Hi, just a few things that spring to mind,

Im quite interested to know about the boats, single units and groups swimming in the game. Any more impressions of them and potentials there would be great. Could an  AI unit be made to swim out to a boat and told to  'get in'? and vice versa. What happens when u bail out over water? etc

Also we have seen some squared canopy parachute rigs and also the normal round ones in recent vids, are they steerable at all? are they both different in that respect?

oh and enjoy yourself you lucky swine!  tounge2.gif

edit: almost forgot: how well does AI, use the crew mounted HMG on tanks.

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Please check Heli and Harrier flight systems:

- Is it simulator-like anyhow ?

- collisions (can you hit the tree and still fly ? )

- How does flying assault heli with cooplayer looks like ? Does guner have any kind of tool (monitor) to designate targets for hellfires or is it as simple and arcade like in OPF ?

- Does harier have laser guided bombs ? can infantry designate targets for harier with laser designator ?

- Can harier engage ground targets with canon ?

- Are there flares in ArmA ?

- What kind of antiair weapons do we have in ArmA ?


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@bravo 6 see your interested in important gameplay aspects of arma then :P


AI engagement ranges

can you hide behind walls and stuff to protect your self from explosives

can you clear buildings by throwing nades of the outside wall

does the engine still function funny in with low fps EG. can you wack the graphics up full to give yourself low fps so you can walk thru walls and fences

when in close quarters and you come face to face with an enemy will he react and open up and shoot you or will he still be a dumbfuck and run round in circles think "oh no MUST flank"

will AI use suppressive fire , can the AI be supressed

does concealment work or is it still the case where the best way to aproach an enemy is in the open where you can keep an eye on them to know when they are alerted because in ofp if you tried to use concealment and you cant see them they will just shoot you thru the bushes

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does concealment work or is it still the case where the best way to aproach an enemy is in the open where you can keep an eye on them to know when they are alerted because in ofp if you tried to use concealment and you cant see them they will just shoot you thru the bushes

I've been overun by a.i. many times and by hidding in a bush they cant find me even if they are on top of me and i start shooting, this doesnt affect the forests and in Nogova's bushes you can only hide behind though...

I would like to know if fighting in the forest works better or if the a.i. still see and shoot like the forest isnt there smile_o.gif .

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Some points I would be interested in:

- Do AI controlled helicopter formations still have a tendency to crash into one another or are AI pilots now able to evade potential mid-air collisions?

- Can the AI handle laser designating targets on their own?

- Do the AI still have a preference for drawing pistols instead of using their rifle or machinegun at low engagement ranges?

- Do the Resistance side units now have fully functioning support vehicles (repair truck)?

- Are riflegrenades (the 'mortar' in OFP) fired by the M4 carbine shown mounted on a M16 or the correct weapon?

Have fun and regards,


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Does enemy AI still have access to that "uber-radar" system in tanks/planes/choppers and kill you within seconds after you entered any vehicle if they are in the vincinity?


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hello mate, i would really like to learn about the following:

-Is it possible for subgroups within a group, to have their own formation? Eg, Team Blue in a wedge, while team red is in a Line?

-Does the Ai have any sense of cooperation above thier own group? EG, Platoon, Company, etc.

-What is the ai like at clearing houses. Eg, frag and spray, etc.

-Do they use surpressive fire, can they be suppressed, or do they still snipe you with machine guns?

-What are the maximum engagement ranges for regular rifleman/machine gunners? in ofp they were less than 300m. it was improved to 500m in WGL, which in my opinion is perfect.

-Do they have any sense of penetrable materials? Eg, "I have a 50 Cal NSV, he is behind that thin wall, hmm, what do i do?"


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Hmm to make it a bit easier for bals, most of the questions above are answered yet:

Q- passing through shadows, will your hands and gun turn darker in consequence of the shadow?

A-yes, look at some videos

Q- same but inside a car: if passing a tree shadow or a house shadow will you be able to see that shadow in the car?

A- Dont know for sure but I think yes, look at some videos

- Why traktors still fly when you set a satchel?

A- Yes, a bit . There was a video blowing up tractors: http://www.armedassault.eu/files/Traktorderby.avi

Q & A:

- collisions (can you hit the tree and still fly ? )  Yes, look at this or this video Overall collisions seems to be better a bit.

- Does harier have laser guided bombs ? can infantry designate targets for harier with laser designator ?  - Yes

- Are there flares in ArmA ? Yes

- What kind of antiair weapons do we have in ArmA ? Vulcan and Shilka, and the MANPADS (same as ofp)

Can you stand on a moving vehicle and shoot? - No

The rest of the questions are interesting to know.

Just a few I have:

- How does AI react when a soldier is killed in front of him?

- Can you stand up in narrow places (eg. crawl under a tank and try to stand up)

- Is the repair/rearm action bugfree and less "place dependent" (on ammo/reptrucks)

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1. Any new commands for controlling a sqaud?

2. Does the new command system feel more intuitive?

3. Get in a tank and drive through a forest. Can you? Do you lose momentem with each tree hit?


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- Do the AI still have a preference for drawing pistols instead of using their rifle or machinegun at low engagement ranges?

Placebo said this was improved and a handgun would be used by the a.i. has a last resort weapon (if he carries a primary) in an old interview smile_o.gif .

I would like to know the max damage or how much damage diferent vehicles can withstand.

Specifically the stryker, BMP's, M113 and both MBT's, how many AT4's/RPG's and tank shell munitions.

They seem to burst in flames very easily from what i've seen so far smile_o.gif .

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Quote[/b] ]Is it anything close to Battlefield 2 ?

Can´t compare. biggrin_o.giftounge2.gif

Never played more than a demo of the BF series and it didn´t incinerate me enough to buy it. Period.

I´m quite sure I can´t test everything in those 2.5 hours, but I´ll print a list of the questions and try to answer them while at the Gamestar office.

Some of the questions have already been answered elsewhere here, so I will not waste precious time.

From what I have heard from contact at Gamestar the game is excellent in some aspects but does not fulfill general expectations totally.

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I would like to know if the wounds are actually on the spot of the impact or always the same like in OFP.

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-How good are the multi gunner positions?

-Is there a better armour system?

-How did the AI do?

*Is CQB improved?

*Can AI move better in buildings, take up postitions etc...

*No more crazy flips with tanks, normal driving?

-Are there trenches, ore something like that?

-Are the pk gunners still snipers?

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Please take a look at how AI is driving tanks/apc's.

I mean, if you order him "FORWARD" what is he doing. Driving forward or going crazy like OFP's AI? (Stichwort: Schlangenlinie)

MfG Lee wink_o.gif

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