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To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

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One question I have for current arma players is if the mission editor has the "real time editing" function as VBS2 will have http://www.vbs2.com/media/movies/real_time_editor_high.wmv

It seems like it would be very easy for BIS to include this so can someone check it out and verify?

No it's not in ArmA, I believe the realtime 3D editor is not finished yet. I'm hoping they add it to ArmA in a future patch.

i believe arma will not have that very soon, but i really hope to have that. Would make very easy the job and with other taste biggrin_o.gif

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hmm, Im sure I read there was a InitWildlife function in the BIKI

but I cant find it anymore. They removed it?

Probably for birds and flies only, and i think you mean initAmbientLife tounge2.gif

@Stryder, look in the video topic or here for 2 videos made by Shadak to get an idea of what the AI is capable of biggrin_o.gif

Holy crap... thanks for those VIDS!!! I WANT IT NOW!

That was so sweet seeing that squad moving in perfect formation through the town... they weren't screwed up either by any of the structures.

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You control ur choppers/planes more seperate now, so you need to do more things at the same time to get ur bird doing what you want.

If it's more realistic... I guess so, but it feels somewhat arcadish eitherway.

wee yay.gif

Any more details on this would be highly appreciated! You've done enough already, but i'm just bursting to get to know more.

Is the throttle different, more like BF2 maybe if your'e familiar with that, where you have to work it almost constantly to do anything effectively outside just flying straight? Just thought that might be it from that about needing to do more.

Sounds good, more variables might mean more complexity which in turn gives more FLEXibility. Minus regarding flight model and responsiveness and all those pesky small things biggrin_o.gif

Or is it more a matter of interface and selection of targets or that kinda thing?

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There isn't any publisher for Hungary yet, however...

Ofphu team has arrived from Bratislava with some copies...

My pc is not the best (amd 2500+@3200+ 1gb, ati 9800 128), and I haven't figured out the best settings yet, but it is not easy to get a normal framerate. It can be because of my computer, I had problems with other games too.

There are some minor bugs, like mi17 copilot, or 5t truck driver sits too high, but there are several promising details...

- 3d aiming, perfect at first glance... however it needs higher framerate smile_o.gif, strange that by using some optics, framerate drops significantly, there were similar problems with ofp too, with some mods

- JIP works well, we have tried it

- Sahrani is fantastic, very detailed, realistic and natural...I would like to use it with very high settings smile_o.gif

- multiple gunner pos works well

- I like the sounds

- postproc effects would improve the graphics a lot, if I could use them at a normal framerate smile_o.gif

- I tried CTI, but I will try it tomorrow again. It starts with a map where you can select respawn place like in battlefield, and also you can select a soldier type....I only played about 10 minutes with it I haven't seen any factories or management functions yet

There are still some minor bugs (and sometimes crashes too) as I mentioned which I think they will fix soon. Maybe it is still wise to be patient, you will be much more content if you can start to play with an already updated arma.

Adversial multiplayer will be strange again, the sides seem to be unbalanced as they were in OFP, at least at first glance.

I have to get a better PC. The game is worth of it.

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The AI is in some parts better than OFP, but I have seen some stupid reactions etc... but this could also be a problem of the skill settings used... I will get into it deeper myself when I start editing this week.

Does the AI now search for cover if he's under fire or what parts are better than in OFP?


Ai will kill you in under 7 secs if you don't kill them after your spotted and you're in their line of fire. If they can not kill you they will ease or crawl their way up and toss a nade right beside you or they'll tell a very accurate nade launcher soldier to toss nades at you.

Because of the recoil it is very hard to kill someone. They will go prone immediately and return fire. THE GRASS IS NOT REAL COVER. They will shoot through it, but everything else like bushes and trees, they will not shoot.

Their are three levels of movements in the game a walk, a jog and a all out sprint(literally) if you double tap W.

I have 7950gx2, core duo 2 e6700, 2gb ram and 24in lcd at 1920x 1600 res and I can run every setting maxed out and the game looks unbelievable. No lag and major fps. A buddy of mine has two 7900 sli's and his game runs smooth as well. You definitely need a decent pc to enjoy this game.

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Thanks Pedro and Brag for the comments.

Good to hear about the AI.

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Rofl! Grass not being cover! rofl.gif I wonder how many people think that bullets cannot go through grass. Just tackling this before anyone complains. "Why can they shoot through grass?! mad_o.gif " because grass isn't solid,but then again bullets can shoot through metal and brick so what is cover?

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I have 7950gx2, core duo 2 e6700, 2gb ram  and 24in lcd at 1920x 1600 res and I can run every setting maxed out and the game looks unbelievable. No lag and major fps. A buddy of mine has two 7900 sli's and his game runs smooth as well. You definitely need a decent pc to enjoy this game.

Wow nice specs on your PC.  Did you buy it with all of the money you stole from people with your server company that disappeared in the middle of the night leaving all of your customers hanging?

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I'd like to ask people who have ArmA about following questions. ArmA has finally supported penetrations and ricochets.

-Does .50cal(12.7mm) penetrate a car and kill an enemy hiding behind (or in) the car?

-Does a rifle bullet penetrate human body? A small fast bullet like 5.56mm has enough power to penetrate human body. Theoretically, even one bullet can kill two enemies in line at the same time.

-In the Gulf War, Iraqi T-72 fired SABOT against American M1 at maximum range. But the SABOT bounced on the hard armor of M1 miserably and caused no damage to it. Respecting the above fact, does ArmA support ricochets of SABOTS?

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My specs are P 3.6ghz, 1 gb RAM and ATI X850 128 mb. And the most important thing for me now is can i enjoy the game and its graphics with these specs??? Please who already playing and has roughly such specs like mine tell me! Thanks!

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Rofl! Grass not being cover!  rofl.gif   I wonder how many people think that bullets cannot go through grass. Just tackling this before anyone complains. "Why can they shoot through grass?! mad_o.gif " because grass isn't solid,but then again bullets can shoot through metal and brick so what is cover?

Let me rephrase it. Cover as in stealth if your crawling up to them. They do see you. But say if you move from bsh to bush and manage to not get spotted they wont see you. However if you crawl up to an enemy they see you like the grass isnt there.

Of course it isnt cover you can shoot through bushes as grass its just they can see you in grass rather than a bush.

majorpwnage, I don't know what you are talking about. Stay on topic.

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Rofl! Grass not being cover!  rofl.gif   I wonder how many people think that bullets cannot go through grass. Just tackling this before anyone complains. "Why can they shoot through grass?! mad_o.gif " because grass isn't solid,but then again bullets can shoot through metal and brick so what is cover?

You would be surprised at what a blade of grass can do to a supersonic bullet, the bullet wont be it's normal shape anymore and it will lose speed very quickly if it does hit grass or a leaf etc all depending on the type of bullet used also.

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However if you crawl up to an enemy they see you like the grass isnt there.

Of course it isnt cover you can shoot through bushes as grass its just they can see you in grass rather than a bush.

Maybe the grass you have played in is not very tall. Real tall grass, if present, should provide some concealment if we move slowly.

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The grass is really not concealment in this game. I don't know whether this game needs a patch or what but I've played in many multiplayer games and a soldier might think he is concealed in the grass off in a distance but to the enemy screen the grass doesn't show and the player is like in the open but he thinks he his concealed. Needs a patch or something

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The grass is really not concealment in this game. I don't know whether this game needs a patch or what but I've played in many multiplayer games and a soldier might think he is concealed in the grass off in a distance but to the enemy screen the grass doesn't show and the player is like in the open but he thinks he his concealed. Needs a patch or something

biggrin_o.gif I dont have the game yet, but I've thought of just that. It's kinda obvious you wont be hidden in the grass when the grass is not visible from distance. I dont know how a patch would solve that though. Would be nice if it could, but..

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Quote[/b] ]The grass is really not concealment in this game.


I was attacking some soldiers while I was prone in grass. The grass hinders the sight a lot but provides no visual cover. It was hard to attack that group of soldiers. While in plain sight I could see all the soldiers with no problem but when switching to visor view I was not able to target them anymore.

It´s a bit weird.

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Quote[/b] ]The grass is really not concealment in this game.


I was attacking some soldiers while I was prone in grass. The grass hinders the sight a lot but provides no visual cover. It was hard to attack that group of soldiers. While in plain sight I could see all the soldiers with no problem but when switching to visor view I was not able to target them anymore.

It´s a bit weird.

Hi Balschoiw, you are back. So, when are you posting your feedback ? smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Hi Balschoiw, you are back. So, when are you posting your feedback ?

It was a great afternoon at Gamestar and I was able to answer a lot of the questions that have been asked. I spent not much time with the campaign itself but tried a lot of stuff in editor. A comprehensive report is on the way.

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Some random questions...

-Are there any options indicating automatic downloading of addons in the menus?

-How does holding breath work exactly? (how much delay, how much does it effect aiming, how long can you hold breath)

-Does toggle look key give 100% steady aim?

-If you run through a forest, can the AI keep up?

-Are there focal blur effects when aiming with ironsights?

-Do bushes move or make sound when you run through them?

-Do the light cones illuminate stuff behind them if you look through them from the side as seen on some screen shots?

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The grass is really not concealment in this game. I don't know whether this game needs a patch or what but I've played in many multiplayer games and a soldier might think he is concealed in the grass off in a distance but to the enemy screen the grass doesn't show and the player is like in the open but he thinks he his concealed. Needs a patch or something

biggrin_o.gif I dont have the game yet, but I've thought of just that. It's kinda obvious you wont be hidden in the grass when the grass is not visible from distance. I dont know how a patch would solve that though. Would be nice if it could, but..

Oh nos. There were screenies taken showing alpha blending on soldiers in grass, even if the grass wasn't visible. I take it this feature didn't make it in. Horrible news. I thought it was one of the better new features. Would've given infantry the stealth and ambush potential they deserve in the wilds. I was looking forward to lying in foot high grass and laying an ambush for a convoy or passing squad. sad_o.gif . Bad news. Still, having the bushes and trees as visual cover is still ok.

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The grass is really not concealment in this game. I don't know whether this game needs a patch or what but I've played in many multiplayer games and a soldier might think he is concealed in the grass off in a distance but to the enemy screen the grass doesn't show and the player is like in the open but he thinks he his concealed. Needs a patch or something

biggrin_o.gif I dont have the game yet, but I've thought of just that. It's kinda obvious you wont be hidden in the grass when the grass is not visible from distance. I dont know how a patch would solve that though. Would be nice if it could, but..

Oh nos. There were screenies taken showing alpha blending on soldiers in grass, even if the grass wasn't visible. I take it this feature didn't make it in. Horrible news. I thought it was one of the better new features. Would've given infantry the stealth and ambush potential they deserve in the wilds. I was looking forward to lying in foot high grass and laying an ambush for a convoy or passing squad. sad_o.gif . Bad news. Still, having the bushes and trees as visual cover is still ok.

It is NOT OK!!!

Worst news for me by now, about ArmA.

It needs a patch. Otherwise just turn off this useless visual ahifhaipsg.

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Sounds like the grass is exactly the same as in Joint Operations, you assume because the grass is 5ft high that you are concealed but your opponent can see you clear as day.

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The grass is really not concealment in this game. I don't know whether this game needs a patch or what but I've played in many multiplayer games and a soldier might think he is concealed in the grass off in a distance but to the enemy screen the grass doesn't show and the player is like in the open but he thinks he his concealed. Needs a patch or something

biggrin_o.gif I dont have the game yet, but I've thought of just that. It's kinda obvious you wont be hidden in the grass when the grass is not visible from distance. I dont know how a patch would solve that though. Would be nice if it could, but..

Oh nos. There were screenies taken showing alpha blending on soldiers in grass, even if the grass wasn't visible. I take it this feature didn't make it in. Horrible news. I thought it was one of the better new features. Would've given infantry the stealth and ambush potential they deserve in the wilds. I was looking forward to lying in foot high grass and laying an ambush for a convoy or passing squad.  sad_o.gif . Bad news. Still, having the bushes and trees as visual cover is still ok.

Up close lin close quartters you are concealed but if you are looking up at a mountain about 250 meters away you can see the guy as plain as day and my settings are maxed.

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