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ArmA Photography

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Yeah, love that Coyotas   biggrin_o.gif

Yeah, I hear those Coyotas are very reliable! In the UK though we prefer to use Wand Covers as they are generally more robust! tounge2.gif

The military use them a lot too. Here's one and I think they call it the Ulf!  biggrin_o.gif

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Adding to that, these addons from OFP are still not 100% functional in ArmA, and won't be until the mod tools are released. So they're really only good for combat photography at the moment, don't expect to be able to actually play missions with them.

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HOLY COW those are GORGEOUS! ArmA makes the L and SU almost alive! Erm, speaking of which, the Zombies will look teriffically.. Umm. horrifying? notworthy.gif

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I don't read too much into screenshots like what Marcus-Ergalla or Mr Burns posted, as Parvus on the Flashpoint photography threads could get images of nearly equal or if not the same quality, albeit with a hight amount of editing. None of our versions of Arma will look like thoses sort of screens while ingame playing a mission. But i'm on these forums everyday so prove me wrong guys, prove-me-wrong......... whistle.gif

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well i dont want to sell arma as something its not smile_o.gif

it is a very system hogging engine right now, but extreme value for money and infinite fun, learning code and stuff is like one big treasure hunt game with many surprises.

heres the vid of me taking that screenie.

right click to save as left click to watch in browser avi file

@ mods sorry for vid here but proof if proof was needed ?

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well i did once play gayspy in 2001,but banned it cause by time i had watched that advert ,before it let me join the lobby they had launched sad_o.gif.

ps i will msg ya ,the mods wont like chat here lol

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so prove me wrong guys, prove-me-wrong......... whistle.gif

lol, why should i ?

Believe it or not, it´s your problem not mine s016.gif

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ArmA on low settings, IMO doesn't look as awful as I thought.

Wow - that is REALLY damn good for low settings - sweeeeeet!

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Quote[/b] ]Wow - that is REALLY damn good for low settings - sweeeeeet!

I always play at low settings and it looks very good , the only effect that really miss me compared to high settings is the blur effect of the ironsight

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Great screens everybody...! notworthy.gif

The level of detail in this game is stunning... inlove.gif I'm checking this topic much, so just keep the screens coming... wink_o.gif I can't play ArmA until March, so I like visiting this great thread...! smile_o.gifxmas_o.gif

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the charger, with horn, was made for OFP.

For OFP, I made a 'Stuntman' map using those same ramps and the charger, and Zombie helped me to script turbo from the action menu. hehe, laff your ass off. rofl.gif

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