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Rebel Man

Rebels Banner addon

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cool, like a flag or some thing. would have been more useful if it had more color variations and stuff and some with a few holes in them and different motives on them. wink_o.gif

it sure is something you can spice up a wall with in a rebel base or safe house or something. thumbs-up.gif

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So are there any more of them or is it just the one?

Anyway, looks good.

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You're not welcome

Feeding a troll in such a manner simply makes you a troll and will result in the same response from moderators, cut it out please.

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No offence intended, but it does not look like a banner really, at least one made of canvas. Stone, perhaps... But for a first addon, not bad me says.

For multi-usability, you could give it the possibility of setObjectTexture, so mission makers could put whatever texture they wish.

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do you mean mission makers Want more textures? ? ? whistle.gif

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that could have loads of uses, especially if you allow the set texture command, mission makers could add any image be it posters, maps or any other image, nice little addon smile_o.gif

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Nice idea, try to make diffrent ones, just watch some vids where those guys make there statements

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OK, i will try to make a new virsion to the addon.  smile_o.gif

Because if they need stuff about afghanistan or iraq.

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roflmao now only a few million megabytes left to do.

You're nothing better then he is.

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@Rebel man,nice to see you "getting serious"! What do the words on the banner translated mean?

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new Rebels objects v1.05:

add new textures for the flags, in afghanistan and iraq, and add a new house for rebels.

1- For you HWMMVW in iraq, use "Stay away".

2- EL QAEDA in afghanistan.

3- Taliban.

4- Taliban2.

5- OUT The U.S.A from afghanistan.

6- EL QAEDA in iraq

7- Before EL QAEDA iraq "tawhed and jehad"

8- Aslamic Army "Aslamic Army in iraq"

9- Ansar Alsona Army.

10- OUT U.S.A from iraq.

11- Rebels House "need Sanlag house".



you will find it under, "Empty\Rebels - object\

Thanks. wink_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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@Rebel man,nice to see you "getting serious"! What do the words on the banner translated mean?

What i think it's mean:

                           in the name of god

The lslamic army                                             in iraq


                             the yellow circle

Allah akbar                                                Allah akbar

wink_o.gif  wink_o.gif

Edit: i have banners i'm useing it on najaf Markets.

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How about making an iraq or afghanistani flag to replace the russian flag? Like ffur replaced the old soviet flag with the new russian one. The flag replacement would be added to the DTA pbo via a sky pack mod such as Lluminax sky! i.e it would be a small file to be added to the new data folder in said skypack and the skypacks install bat would do the rest. EDIT= the reason i ask is that i have converted all my OFP into the desert equivelents!( jjr rebels/lobo terrorist's ect) Complete with my own custom Arab music. the only thing missing is a flag replacement.

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you mean want me to change the russian flag to rebels flag? ?

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