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Armed Assault videos

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Just film away, edit what you get, put it together =)

Though if you want a film like zodiac you need to have good actors biggrin_o.gif So better ask out with SWAF to help biggrin_o.gif I'll have the game feb 16th! biggrin_o.gif

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comon people, check out my video and tell me what you think, cz that video made me feel very immerced in the game, made me feel lk if we dont do anything the world is at stake etc lol.

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comon people, check out my video and tell me what you think, cz that video made me feel very immerced in the game, made me feel lk if we dont do anything the world is at stake etc lol.

It's an old video, already been discussed.

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I want ideas, what kind of videos you looking for, give some ideas of storys and i will make.

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Ive got a car movie coming soon about a guy cruising over Sara.. biggrin_o.gif with a song from GTA biggrin_o.gif

1 question how can i get a Camera to stay with the vehicle as its movie so it looks like the world is moving past the car, because i can just get the camera stay in one place and watch the car go buy. cos i want the camera positioned in front of the drivers seat and to stay there not to go into his face and out the back window?

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Ive got a car movie coming soon about a guy cruising over Sara.. biggrin_o.gif with a song from GTA biggrin_o.gif

1 question how can i get a Camera to stay with the vehicle as its movie so it looks like the world is moving past the car, because i can just get the camera stay in one place and watch the car go buy. cos i want the camera positioned in front of the drivers seat and to stay there not to go into his face and out the back window?

In old OFP syntax (which still works in ArmA I guess):

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


_camera camSetTarget car

_camera camSetPos [(getpos car select 0) + *,(getpos car select 1) + *,(getpos car select 2) + *]

_camera camSetFOV 0.700

_camera camCommit 0

@camCommitted _camera


goto "loop1"

Replace the * with a number, depending where you want the camera relative to the car. Also you could set the "camSetTarget" to look at something else. "car" is the car, replace it with the name of the car. This is how it would have been done in OFP, I'm not 100% sure it will work since I haven't done this in over 1 and a half years.

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Hmm im making videos using Gamecam, they come out top quality on my PC... but when i upload them to youtube they get really low quality... i even tried converting first to the reccomended format/size/fps on my pc without much quality loss.. but when i upload to Youtube the quality becomes poor :\ anyone got any ideas? :S should i increase the pixel size of the vid? i have been using the recommended 320*240 ...

My vids are here (but with poor quality sad_o.gif ):

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RVBcd-RX5U   COOP

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liMBT_bk1Rg     CTF

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAvlQPDJ_9k    CTF

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nah youtube does that.. it did it with my high quality video made it look a big distorted..

and thx maddmat i will test it.

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hey guys ive just been wondering what is this TrackIR you are talking about , what is it and what does it do? wikipedia just comfused me more. lol

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hey guys ive just been wondering what is this TrackIR you are talking about , what is it and what does it do? wikipedia just comfused me more. lol

Track IR is a peripheral which you wear on your head.. on a hat for example, then a reader is placed on your monitor and as you turn your head... the character in game will turn its head. This means you can run around as a soldier looking around as you play or in a vehicle look around your cockpit and stuff =)

Heres a vid to demonstrate smile_o.gifhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fwhon-1Qzks

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Hey all,

I been doing alot of testing lately with scripting commands in arma

learning new stuff.I also been helping al simmons make some nice stuff for his Fac _unit

Heres the vid

Remember it dosent represent the final product,these are merely testbed vids smile_o.gif.

if you like the fac and have some ideas ,al has a thread in the A&M disucssion thread.

I am having alot of fun with this new engine ,its a real beauty,bis done a fine job.

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Quote[/b] ]AAN Breaking News Report:

Wow - nice video. Hat's off to the voice acting by the female news announcer - best I've heard yet. I actually thought it was a real news report you'd lifted until she started mentioning Sahrani. smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]AAN Breaking News Report:

Wow - nice video. Hat's off to the voice acting by the female news announcer - best I've heard yet. I actually thought it was a real news report you'd lifted until she started mentioning Sahrani. smile_o.gif

Same here, great job, your wife a news reporter or something? biggrin_o.gif

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Great video about AAN, who's making the voice?

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


Took some digging, but it still doesn't got sound for some reason crazy_o.gif

Well, again, an awsome video, and I hope my soon-to-go-ArmAsquad will be engaged with NatoGC, seems like you are having a great gaming-experience.




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Quote[/b] ]AAN Breaking News Report:

Wow - nice video.  Hat's off to the voice acting by the female news announcer - best I've heard yet.  I actually thought it was a real news report you'd lifted until she started mentioning Sahrani.  smile_o.gif

Same here, great job, your wife a news reporter or something?  biggrin_o.gif

Yup, well, my Girlfriend is wink_o.gif

For reference, the video was put together by a chap who goes by the name of defekt - the voicing was done by my better half, the other voice is LCPL Jones from the 16AA and the maps (for different pieces) were put together by both defekt and I.

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Track IR is a peripheral which you wear on your head.. on a hat for example, then a reader is placed on your monitor and as you turn your head... the character in game will turn its head. This means you can run around as a soldier looking around as you play or in a vehicle look around your cockpit and stuff =)

Heres a vid to demonstrate smile_o.gifhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fwhon-1Qzks

but dont you have to look at the monitor, and if you turn your head, you will not be able to see the monitor, so i believe it is not comfortable. just my opinion.

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@ Jan. 07 2007,18:30)]AAN Breaking News Report:

- Watch it at www.natogc.com

Download it here. (7meg)

version found here (How do I embed videos into the forums here?)

It's really good and everything, but there are no Lance Corporals in the Army smile_o.gif

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but dont you have to look at the monitor, and if you turn your head, you will not be able to see the monitor, so i believe it is not comfortable. just my opinion.

I have heard this question asked hundreds of times, unfortunately. I guess it's just hard for some people to picture how it works. =/

In short, no, it is not uncomfortable. You can scale the amount of head movement required to be as much or as little as you want.

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It's really good and everything, but there are no Lance Corporals in the Army  smile_o.gif

I think perhaps they're pretending to be British.

edit: Well, I mean they are British but they're

pretending that the models which are obviously

American are Brit...ah...you know what I mean...

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It's really good and everything, but there are no Lance Corporals in the Army  smile_o.gif

I think perhaps they're pretending to be British.

edit: Well, I mean they are British but they're

pretending that the models which are obviously

American are Brit...ah...you know what I mean...

Yeah, I get it and I know there aren't any released British re-skins out, but oh well.

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Yeah, I get it and I know there aren't any released British re-skins out, but oh well.

Well, the problem with reskins is that reskinning the

US Army soldier models in British DPM combat suits,

(retaining the American webbing gear, helmets and

weapons) would result in them looking almost exactly

like Dutchmen and nothing at all like British squaddies

(which would be great for the Dutch, of course, but

would rather miss the point for us Britishers).

Perhaps some faux UKSF personnel could be done

using the sniper models with the bush hats, though

(but then they're not likely to be giving interviews in

front of the world news cameras).

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It's really good and everything, but there are no Lance Corporals in the Army smile_o.gif

Well, seeing as someone in our beloved BIKI (yes, I searched it) suggested that the US troops are Marines, and seeing as we only got the AH1 (USMC, Army has Apaches), and the AV8, the US forces can likely be marines, who does have the rank of Lance Corporal.

The wierd thing is though, Marines doesn't use ACU crazy_o.gif

It's some kind of mix, I'm not sure if it's BIS who're just playing around or just lack of knowledge.

Or boredome.. Who knows? tounge2.gif




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