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Armed Assault videos

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Daniel @ Nov. 24 2006,16:25)]Could someone make a video of a fight in a forest? To showcase the sound effects that people have mentioned, how AI cope, and how frame rate copes?

There´s one by me at http://armed-assault.de/

3rd News from top wink_o.gif

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Can someone make a short vid that shows us the hold breath feature, please?

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The explosion video is quite nice.

The AI actually climbs that ladder when you ask him to. Nice.

Btw, what's the bug with the guy on the slope?

That tank riding upside down is a huge bug...

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Btw, what's the bug with the guy on the slope?

If the soldier get wounded on a slope of mountain, it gets in an infinite cycle between animation rise and animation lay down. confused_o.gif

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New video on armedassault.info about the physics, they seem to be almost the same as OFP but its a bit better because of the improved collision detection smile_o.gif

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Btw, what's the bug with the guy on the slope?

If the soldier get wounded on a slope of mountain, it gets in an infinite cycle between animation rise and animation lay down. confused_o.gif

OK, maybe that's anoying but it's quite realistic and not a bug for me.

Don't climb a slope when you legs are wasted tounge2.gif

What about a proned roll?

Btw, it's normal you can't get up when your legs are hurt, even when you're not on a slope.

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I have record somes videos of ArmA  

Go Here: Videos

More videos coming very soon : stay alerted

Sorry for my bad english (im french)  whistle.gif

Post your comments !  biggrin_o.gif

Hey Snake, nice sets of videos you are making there.

We have a mirror up at Armaholic.com.

People can view them streaming or download them from our Armed Assault video section PART II.

And not only Snakes vids are up, but we have added a load of new vids today, from various websites (sources named for each download offcourse wink_o.gif )

Take a look if you like!

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I have record somes videos of ArmA  

Go Here: Videos

More videos coming very soon : stay alerted

Sorry for my bad english (im french)  whistle.gif

Post your comments !  biggrin_o.gif

Nice vidéos.

Good quality.

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One more, so funny... they really need a patch and do something with physics. biggrin_o.gif

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One more, so funny... they really need a patch and do something with physics. biggrin_o.gif

Ahah.. that one is great biggrin_o.gif . Someone posted earlier that vehicles wouldnt fall off the bridge, guess they were wrong confused_o.gif ?

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rofl.gif Oh man..these new physics are going to be fun to tinker with,personally some physics bugs don't bother me,they add for priceless moments and odd fun.

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Quote[/b] ]One more, so funny... they really need a patch and do something with physics.

Priceless !

I liked how the BMP fell into water and moved on. True fighting spirit ! biggrin_o.gif

The backflip of the truck is awesome.

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One more, so funny... they really need a patch and do something with physics. biggrin_o.gif

That is hilarious rofl.gif

I say the devs leave that bug alone biggrin_o.gif .

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That truck bounce is the best bug I ever saw notworthy.gif

But its what Heatseeker says, how come in one video the tanks dont drop when a bridge explodes and crumbles and on the next vid we see vehicles go down............and up in some cases biggrin_o.gif.

Is this config related to the vehicles, each vehicle class has a different config right?

If so its easily fixed right?? huh.gif

I really dont know much about configs and making addons so excuses from me if this is a dumb question.

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Hahahaha, that is priceless. Truly priceless rofl.gif

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