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Armed Assault videos

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Yeah great movies everyone. I'm usually short on time but I try to drop by all your youtube pages and check em. Good stuff.

Keep it up pistols.gif

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Tail-Rotor-failure with smoke.

Which addon is it or is it from vanilla-arma and i had not yet noticed it?

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Tail-Rotor-failure with smoke.

Which addon is it or is it from vanilla-arma and i had not yet noticed it?

Hi, smile_o.gif

No need addon for this, these are just two scripts, one for damage to the tail rotor, and another one for the effect of particle on this rotor. Nothing more smile_o.gif

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I have to apologize. I received some criticism about the music choice, I never realized the music was used so many times.


The music is great with all videos I've seen used with it, and you synchronized it very well. I hope it will not be your last. smile_o.gif

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My entry into ArmA movie making

Small vid here


and large HD version here


I have to apologize. I received some criticism about the music choice, I never realized the music was used so many times.


Very nice video, good work!

Only one thing, you should have used 2 more addons:

1.) 6th Sense Pack1 Tracer.


2.) Sakura new damage textures.


MfG Lee thumbs-up.gif

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Nice lucky..

Good videos all.. Its time to get my hands dirty and make a proper movie.. Ive got the super PC specs to do so on v.high setting now rofl.gif

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A short rough test clip of Footmunch's F-16's and PKW pilots, haven't got around to getting the pilots in the planes yet. I'm going to combine with a flight sim at some point, dont know if anyone's seen "Unity" on youtube by a well known FSX movie maker but works really well with Arma


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Just put a new co-op video online, shot last night with my co-op group made out of Red Orchestra players smile_o.gif

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I saw a load of youtube videos playing Gregorian Chant with clouds, so i thought id do a nice relaxing arma version smile_o.gif

Hmm its not working for some bazzar reason.

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I saw a load of youtube videos playing Gregorian Chant with clouds, so i thought id do a nice relaxing arma version :)

Hmm its not working for some bazzar reason.

Oh lord forgive us our trespasses ...

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My entry into ArmA movie making

Small vid here


and large HD version here


I have to apologize. I received some criticism about the music choice, I never realized the music was used so many times.


Hi all

Great video december

BIS should pay you an use it to advertise ArmA Gotty Edition on Steam.

Kind regards walker

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Nothing special but only trying to learn(all)the options the video/audio cutting/editing tools have.

My first time so to say in a few hours...oh and playing a bit with SU30mk(early)beta.

I probably never reach the level some of the video`s have reach here sad_o.gif

First vid

Second learning


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The youtube video seems to be a "friends only" video? huh.gif

Quote[/b] ]This is a private video. If you have been sent this video, please make sure you accept the sender's friend request.

Might want to fix that :P The FileFront video works though!

Nice storyline, good progression in the beginning. Could've actually showcased some of the units a bit more though, right now it was just the main character and a couple of zombie-mutants that were shown. Some more shots of 'em cool 'freedom fighters' would've been nice! Also, the guy had his military webbings on from the beginning - might've wanted to make him just a regular schmoe with the hat and the t-shirt from the start (isn't there a civilian unit with that hat and that t-shirt?), since you added the rifle as well.

Also, couldn't hear what they were saying behind the music, not sure if it was a part of the music or something added afterwards. If it's important for the ambience,making subtitles might be a good idea. smile_o.gif

Otherwise, great effort as usual!



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