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Ironsight ?

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Erm, did anyone ever care to think that maybe the characters in Armed Assault are actually aiming with arms extended, CQB style? I mean, look at the standing animation in the following picture, and compare it to the one you're all having a go at.



Now, if you imagine the soldier in the first picture simply lifting the rifle to the level of his eyes... like so... remembering full well he already has the weapon pressed into his shoulder (although he's not tucking it back)...


...then your original sight picture will be almost (note the word almost) exactly as BIS has got it, except for the fact that he seems to have (yes, a pain I know) extended his arms a bit. I think it's fine.

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Dont forget that in OFP, the ai could stand still when alerted with their guns at their hips then lift them when aiming, maybe this is the same thing? If not then i agree it does look very Shoot em up ish but to be honest i suspect that'll be the last thing i think about wilst under fire wink_o.gif

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the camera and weapon movement in Infiltration really impressed my.. is there that much movement in ARMA at the moment? i mean it certainly did add a greater sense of realism with realistic movement of the head.

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Has anyone seen this video?

Is it just me or do the sight animations look very robotic? wink_o.gif

Average Joe's ironsight video would be what I would like to see in ArmA.

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the camera and weapon movement in Infiltration really impressed my.. is there that much movement in ARMA at the moment? i mean it certainly did add a greater sense of realism with realistic movement of the head.

The weapon movement in Infiltration can not happend in real life ever. You see the world AND the iron sight from the perspective of your eye. If your eye moves relative to the iron sight, then you will NOT be able to look through the iron sight at the right angle. So the iron sight will be center of your vision and it will not move relative to your eye (vision)... and if it does it means you can't hit your target.

Infiltrations pop-smart system is just that... fancy prancy and no realism.

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Imagine your rifle is shouldered and you have a good cheek weld.  The point where the but meets your shoulder is your pivot.  Now imagine moving the rifle around while keeping your torso stationary and still looking over the sights.

That's basicly what the Infiltration view is simulating.  It can look unatural, because we're used to our head moving with it; it works great in a PC environment because the ammount of vision-restriction is closer to real life.  If you're realy a stickler for not seeing what would be blocked by the rifle and what's at the very edge of vision, a slight blur could fix that. smile_o.gif

Once you get to the edge of the free-aim area, it's where you're begining to move the rest of your body to move your sight picture.

Edit: Actualy, scratch that part about the cheek weld. I use that free-aim to lower my rifle at doors, as if you have it shouldered but want to drop it. It's more like having the rifle ready at your shoulder where other games are like having a rifle welded to your eye.

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Leaving the positioning of the weapon aside - I think Americas Army did a good job doing their ironsights by adding a blur effect to the very close part of the weapon (Sample: http://americasarmy.com/gallery/screens/BRM6_800.jpg )

IMHO this looks really good, and it's fitting reality, since you are only able to focus on one spot, not on a very far one and a close one at the same time

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Yeah, this view looks realistic. Very well doing.

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Leaving the positioning of the weapon aside - I think Americas Army did a good job doing their ironsights by adding a blur effect to the very close part of the weapon (Sample: http://americasarmy.com/gallery/screens/BRM6_800.jpg )

IMHO this looks really good, and it's fitting reality, since you are only able to focus on one spot, not on a very far one and a close one at the same time

this is indeed the best looking one but its a map with some blurred alpha around and people (me included smile_o.gif)want 3d sights so we will have to wait real time depth of field, maybe dx10 can do it or even dx8 or 9 ??

should be moddable so if some guys wants 2d sights for realism sake why not.

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I think Americas Army did a good job doing their ironsights by adding a blur effect to the very close part of the weapon (Sample: http://americasarmy.com/gallery/screens/BRM6_800.jpg )

Personally I can't stand the blured sights in AA! Hated it when they implemented that "feature" and prefered the old style any day. Tested a few addons for OFP that "copied" this bluring effect and you guessed it... I didn't like them. If nothing else this just shows that ppl prefer different things and that a developer most likely can't please everyone (but with selectable options they can reach pretty far).

The best (3D) ironsights I tried to date are the ones in CoD2, to bad rest of the game sucks  tounge2.gif


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Not really a problem I just deleted the AA folder wink_o.gif

Anyway - realistic or not - as it's done in AA I personally have the old sights (or even better the CoD2 style) but thats just me.


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Actually looking down an m16/m4 sight doesnt look like that at all. one fires with his nose pressed against the charging handle, not that far back like that shows

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Actually looking down an m16/m4 sight doesnt look like that at all. one fires with his nose pressed against the charging handle, not that far back like that shows

The current discussion is about this image:


Is that what you are refering to when you say it "doesn't look like that at all"?

Or do you mean another image?

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Whoops, didn't realy look at the head position. He's right about that (of course. my only trigger time is with an AR-15 as-of-yet). I was talking about the blur on the peep sight. When you look through a peep sight and focus on the foreward post, that's what it looks like. The peep goes out of focus and almost disapears. I don't see why you'd want it unrealisticafied when it puts a big stupid ring in your view that wouldn't be there. tounge2.gif

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Hi, i never held any AK47/74 or any M16A1/2/3/4 CAR 15/M4 aiming

from the sights; i just seen 'em in front of me and the M16A2 was

pimp... but afther have seen This

screenshot of the M16A2 iron sight or a M4 or what ever... the only

thing that i can think 'bout is: Where's Suchey when ya need him?".

Compare "that" iron sight with the iron sights of his USMC Addon 1.0

and tell me that "that" sight, is better than the sight that he did

for that USMC Addon 1.0 And we're talking about an old addon pack not

the latest über-high-poly weapons ever made... im worried about the ArmA

iron sights, over all for the western weapons; & which weapons

they'll be and how they'll work; but i really hope that Suchey put

some fix to those iron sights becouse they look really really bad.

Let's C ya

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Woah, hadn't seen that screenshot before.

And it figures that you'd think that screen is improper if you've never handled the rifle before. That's friggen perfect! smile_o.gif

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Hi, i never held any AK47/74 or any M16A1/2/3/4 CAR 15/M4 aiming

from the sights; i just seen 'em in front of me and the M16A2 was

pimp... but afther have seen This

screenshot of the M16A2 iron sight or a M4 or what ever... the only

thing that i can think 'bout is: Where's Suchey when ya need him?".

Compare "that" iron sight with the iron sights of his USMC Addon 1.0

and tell me that "that" sight, is better than the sight that he did

for that USMC Addon 1.0 And we're talking about an old addon pack not

the latest über-high-poly weapons ever made... im worried about the ArmA

iron sights, over all for the western weapons; & which weapons

they'll be and how they'll work; but i really hope that Suchey put

some fix to those iron sights becouse they look really really bad.

Let's C ya

The ironsights (in the original S&E USMC pack) were actually made by Earl.

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Guest Ti0n3r

Why complain about this one? It's months old + it's 2d. They've already created 3d ironsights for all the weapons notworthy.gif

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Hi, i don't know that the iron sights will be in 3D, i haven't seen

nothing about and i haven't readed nothing about; but Armed Assault.eu is full of screenshots and there i've

seen iron sights and scoped rifles sights and all are 2D which i,

as textures fan preffer; but if they're well done... i don't care if

i can't do custom sights for the ArmA once that it see the light. Let's C ya

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