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Confirmed release dates and countries.

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I think you need a publisher in the first place for a decent promotion. That is the job of a publisher - advertising and selling. And what we learned from Codemasters is that even a big publisher is no guarantee for a good advertising campaign.

So, until no publishers are found for us & uk, all PR has to be done by BIS themselves. If that was an easy and inexpensive job, the gaming business wouldn't be dominated by publishers.

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Quote[/b] ]So, until no publishers are found for us & uk, all PR has to be done by BIS themselves. If that was an easy and inexpensive job, the gaming business wouldn't be dominated by publishers.

havent you heard of idea-games ?

nobody expects tv adverts and massive promotions from bis.But when it becomes apparent that a global publisher wont be found and regional publishing deals are in place you do expect interest and or column inches from the online media /fansites/magazines.

imagine these forums full of spoilers and such when the german russian and polish /czech players begin posting them and videos,there will be anarchy smile_o.gif.I understand that Bis Pr is at best amatuer (no offence i mean in size and budget not capability) but the deal with idea games in 2005 ,should have given more force to the whole arma thing.

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Odd here , in argentine , some mags now about ARMA but ofcourse they dont know when it will be release in zone of the world

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It is called a 'sleeper hit':)

I'm pretty sure ArmA will become a sleeper hit. The sheer quality outshines every other tactical shooter on all fronts with the exeption of the gfx department (we know why, but most gamers don't understand this).

I'd say, no worries, but watch the (tactical game playing world) tuning into ArmA once as the game finally is released. Yes i know it is out in USA later but that will be part of the fun, to see that even 'over there' they eventually have to fall for the thing called ArmA.

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Well i asked Placebo if there was a release date for belgium and there was not any release date !

Because belgium dont have much publishers i dont think there will ever be a armed assault in a nice DVD box in my favorite Gamestore .

i also asked if i pre order it now from germany will i get a englisch version ? or at least englisch,german en so on ..

he could not help me with that . it was posible the language is only german .

i asked then . can't you release a translator pack ? so we can buy it from amazon in germany and then later install the Translator pack so we can get it in englisch .no anser on that yet .

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maybe they could swing a deal to put ArmA in with every box of belgian chocolates. crazy_o.gif

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i also asked if i pre order it now from germany will i get a englisch version ? or at least englisch,german en so on ..

he could not help me with that . it was posible the language is only german .

Ah, I think I'd rather have to cancel my pre-order at amazon.de and wait for an english release. I really don't like the german localizations here. They are mostly bad translations and bad voice acting.

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If BIS needs a US publisher, I know a guy with a DVD burner and a color copy machine. If he starts burning DVD's now, he could have a few thousand ready by November.


I hope BIS can break through the monolithic block of massive publishers here in the US and find one with favourable terms. Most of the ones here are more interested in buying out developers so they only have to pay them salaries instead of what their game is really worth. Then when the game is out, they fire them. Greedy bunch of a$$h*les.

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Even I can publish this game in The Netherlands, Jeez.

Some billboards on busstops orsomething , articles in gamemagazines, and a cd burner!

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I just read on the first page of this thread that a downloadable version is regarded as an option.

I would definitely prefer a (maybe even a bit cheaper) downloadable version which could be paid via paypal.

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Promo stuff is important wright?

I still want my BIS t-shirt, im tired of asking for the damn t-shirt mad_o.gif .

So... release the game and some t-shirts too please, a white and a black one, size L, thank you very much smile_o.gif .

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talk to Bill Gates! He might be a core fan... we could publish it.

edit: we = he

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seriously, i actually shuddered in RL just reading that.

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I know BIS doesn't want to give out more info about the game before anything is confirmed, but has anyone contacted any of these publishers to see if they know more about it? Such as promised languages and such?

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I know BIS doesn't want to give out more info about the game before anything is confirmed, but has anyone contacted any of these publishers to see if they know more about it? Such as promised languages and such?

yep... still waiting for answers from all of them, though. I e-mailed them yesterday.

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My home computer is broken and this week i will be on germany (ludwisburg), so i can't update the thread. Could be nice if you can send me a PM if you know new release dates, because is very difficult for me to find it if u post it on this thread smile_o.gif

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I think AA will have english in all version. The screen I saw as u did, the message will be in english. I don't find any reason to cancell english.

For who (like me) are afraid to not see yet a publisher for a country, don't worry. It will always have the possibility for a shop a distributor to sell in via internet. So I have not doubt about play AA when it will be release even if there's no publisher for my country.

The only pb will be that the manual won't be in my language... Will it be a main pb for me ? I don't think so.

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I've got some interessting stuff for you. Introduction:

1. I got in touch with the sales manager of Morphicon

2. A site will be up soon, where you can book and order ArmA with great possiblities for you (only pay the price of the game and shipping)

The salesmanager of Morphicon told me that the current version in development for the German market includes four languages (german, english, french and czech). It is still unclear wether this will be changed for the final version. For sure, even the German version will be partly in English. Especially commands, orders and the radio will be in english. Furthermore he told me that, due to his daily phone contact to BIS, he assumes that BIS will not have the time to remove the other languages. Date of Info: 18.09.2006

For the confirmation of the site and this statement of Morphicon, please visit ofp.info (should be uploaded soon)

For any other questions concerning the trade site and the supported language, hit me at: sobr@irishrangers.com

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Guest Ti0n3r

Woho that's great news. Thanks wow_o.gif

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I'm very excited now since I can not preorder ArmA via amazon.de because I live in the US. Unless any kind Germans want to work something out and order it for me biggrin_o.gif

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