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DMA anims "nextGen" got final

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good job mate, i like very much the new anim for the at soldiers. thumbs-up.gif

the best anims ever made for ofp. smile_o.gif

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OT: Can you use Maya for modelling and animating for OFP? If thats so i have shitloads of things to put in smile_o.gif

On topic: Can i get the DMA lean to work with this pack ?

If you can get maya setup with the rtm kit, it works like a dream. I mentioned it to Sanct a while back as your are correct, it would have saved his sanity smile_o.gif Once you get the hang of it, the difference is like going from scratching on walls with coal to using a wacom tablet.

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That's why it is difficult to make generic animations, as it does not work like other games, there are no "grip" sections to attract anims, it must be placed by hand for each frames of an animation.

Yeah, hopefully it will be fixed with ArmA, and if it needs and animations redone, it would make animators job much easier.

I tried the Maya .rtm plugin, but being new to it i couldn't configure it correctly.

Also, great work from you as always. smile_o.gif

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Very nice anim's(if i may say so) In one of you're other pack's the aiming whilast walking anim was not very good.It looked as if the unit was leaning so far forward it could fall other! If my memory serve's me right i think it was called "tactical aiming" now the walk whilst aiming is ok notworthy.gif Congratulation's and thank's for al the hard work inlove.gif

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Hi, i like this nextgen anims, but i think that there's a small problem with 'em; the units, no matters if BIS RES man model based or don't... don't hold the weapon right, they do it a bit at the rigth of the eye. Not under the eye, i think that's a small issue but may not like some other players; some example pics:




I myself will preffer if they had the weapon under/over the rigth eye instead to the rigth of it, even if for get it the stock should be a bit inside the models shoulder. Let's C ya

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I myself will preffer if they had the weapon under/over the rigth eye instead to the rigth of it, even if for get it the stock should be a bit inside the models shoulder. Let's C ya

The problem with that being the sight mountings for different weapons vary. An example of this being in my weapons pack, the Aimpoints sits at one height, but the Elcan is slightly higher due to it being a larger attachment - I can't be bothered to take screenshots, but the point is, its a similar argument to the one Sanctuary himself answered about the hand-positioning, that it all varies depending on the unit/weapons used.

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My primary goal with that pack was to have it supporting all the addons and their weapons. A difficult task as there are tons of them from all size and structure.

As some of my previous pack had lots of visual annoyances with some addons units or weapons, And while some are near to be perfect, i think i achieved to get it acceptable for all, as the hand position and weapon height is certainly the most neutral (and so visually compatible) possible positions i could do.

Even the dreaded UKF SA80 (that was my most important enemy when doing the anims, because whatever position i put the SA80, it always lost polygons in 1st person view) does not lose polygons anymore when used with Bleed models.

In addition to Jackal good point about the scopes being way differently placed from each other, here are the 6 major problems i had to face in my attempt to make the anim pack to be generic. As supporting only 1 unit would not be interesting as mostly everyone use different addons here.

problem 1 : the head model is different between some addons, and some addons makers placed it at different levels from their colleagues, giving me hell when trying to come with the same head orientation in comparison to weapons hand position possible between all.

problem 2 : the altitude of the weapon , either in pilot view or in the res LODs can be different from an addon maker to another, just use several kind of M4/M16 addons, none is at the same height , giving me hell when trying to come with the most compatible hand position possible between all.

problem 3 : weapons are sometime too big, some are too small, and again no addon maker make the same weapon at the same size of the ones of their colleagues, again that was giving me hell when trying to come with the most compatible visually weapon position.

problem 4 : hands models can be very different from an addon to another, the original problem is that mostly no hand addon maker followed the BIS hand/finger size or finger orientation, that's why some addons can't catch the weapon barrel correctly, giving me hell when making the most visually pleasing and neutral pilot view hand position.

problem 5 : body proportions can be very different again from an addon to another, arms length , upper body, legs etc.. , even BIS had differently built models that does not perfectly match (just give a gun to a woman civilian, a CWC man civilian or a RES man civilian and observe, those 3 kind of models catch the weapon very differently)

Fortunately, the addons makers while making very different models succeeded to keep a relative equal proportion, so while there are some difference visually, it stays in an acceptable level for the majority of the addons and the most popular ones.

Note : there are some addons that are totally hopeless though, as they are way out of proportions, fortunately according to the CP thread and MP addons lists, it seems none use them, so i gave up for them. Having my pack supporting them would destroy the visual interest of all the other.

problem 6 : the priority is to have the Pilot View being the most correct one (as it is the one you have in front of you for the duration of the game) , but maybe you can notice that weapons can seem to be catched strangely when you switch to external view or look at an AI near you.

There is no solution to this, because 1st resolution LOD (the immediate external view or nearby units) and Pilot view (the 1st person view) are -never- the same for every unit model released so far.

Take note , in regards to those 6 major problems, that if i modify , even for a single inch , a head orientation, a weapon height and position, this will have a huge impact on -every- other models and weapons, pilot view (1st person view) or res LOd view (external, distance view).

And imagine that if things are like this in the pack that is present here, it may be because they need to be like this to achieve the primary goal of that pack.

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OT: Can you use Maya for modelling and animating for OFP? If thats so i have shitloads of things to put in smile_o.gif


As mentioned b4 you'll need rtm-kit to make anims, and to do .mb-files to p3d, you must first do them to .obj. And I'm not sure if O2 handles .obj, but any most of the free software (Wings 3d for ex) can import .obj and export it as .3ds.

Then you can import it to O2.

Won't go OT again.

Anims seem to be good, will test them tomorrow smile_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

Having problems with some of the anims? Then De-PBO the various DMA anims PBO's and put together a pack of your favorites wink_o.gif

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The incoming FFUR 2006 will include a combo of these animations with a bunch of new death anims.

Very nice work, though, dunno when would these animations be considered completely achieved by their skilled author ... ;-)



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Hi, no Jackal, you've get me wrong, what i mean is not that the weapon sights are not under the eye of the unit; what i was meaning is that the weapons (no matters which, BIS or addon) are displaced to the rigth a few cm, so they'r not centered with the line of the unit eye (the vertical line right under it's eye) i know that the scopes/sights change they'r size deppending on the weapon size because most of the addon weapons use they'r own size & not the BIS 3Km M16A2 low-low-low res. Let's C ya

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These guys stand way too stiff with their weapons up. We are not at attention, we are in combat. It is good to be squared to the target, but you need to spread your feet a little. A little gust of wind could blow these jokers over. I liked how the feet were spread more in your last pack, and will continue to use it.

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See how these guys are standing square to the target, but in a more supported stance? Your anims make the units look like pencils, standing straight up.

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You do relise these were created from pics of ArmA reason why its called "NextGen" animations becuase its from the Next Generation PC game aka Armed Assault. From the looks of ArmA pics these look very much the same.

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Who cares, they need to be quared on the target, but NOT like in those pictures. Bend the knees, Sanctuary, just stand up and try it, the more you are bent the less likely you are to be pushes over, and that's the key. Also, they are almost perfectly facing front, ie, because your IBA plates are in the front, and you are more protected facing straight front

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Hi, with this NextGen Anims, the addon units hold quite well in comparison to how they did before, SMG's like the P90 or other Bullup AR's (L85A1/A2, Famas F1/G2, Steyr AUG...) and i mean this P90's: CH FN P-90 Pack . Let's C ya

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Quote[/b] ]Who cares, they need to be quared on the target, but NOT like in those pictures

Well then it cant be "nextGen" animation pack becuase the animations will look different from Armed Assaults animations.

If you want more realistic animations wait for my incoming animation pack or download Sanctuary's uniGen animation pack which have more bent knees and look more like you would expect people to stand in real life.

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...the Next Generation PC game aka Armed Assault..

You are so not right.


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Quote[/b] ]Who cares, they need to be quared on the target, but NOT like in those pictures. Bend the knees, Sanctuary, just stand up and try it, the more you are bent the less likely you are to be pushes over, and that's the key. Also, they are almost perfectly facing front, ie, because your IBA plates are in the front, and you are more protected facing straight front
Quote[/b] ]These guys stand way too stiff with their weapons up. We are not at attention, we are in combat. It is good to be squared to the target, but you need to spread your feet a little. A little gust of wind could blow these jokers over. I liked how the feet were spread more in your last pack, and will continue to use it.

You do realize that the purpose of the "nextgen" serie was to deliver a pack that could look like one of the game2 (alias "nextgen" BIS game) screenshot ?

And so i will not modify it anymore as i think it has now reached its goal.

If this pack is not up to your expectations, there are other packs available fortunately, from me or other people that should fit your needs better.

or just wait for the next pack that should be more action oriented wink_o.gif

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or just wait for the next pack that should be more action oriented wink_o.gif

Hmm hmm tounge2.gif I'm Dying to know what might be included in the next pack wink_o.gif

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I've a question.

How can I use the staticanims, which are listed in the readme?

switchmove "...rtm" ?

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To Begin a big big thx for your worl. But i've try the two form of DMA Anim : DMA Next Gen Final & DMA Anim UNIGEN (Lean Version). And for the two mod the stand ready of my caracther is zrb he stand like a I but it's comorade have a more beautiful version of the stan (just to say no enneme in vicinity) Could you explain me how to change this stand position for that my Leader look alike the other member of a group.

Thx in advcance. Exa

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To Begin a big big thx for your worl. But i've try the two form of DMA Anim : DMA Next Gen Final & DMA Anim UNIGEN (Lean Version). And for the two mod the stand ready of my caracther is zrb he stand like a I but it's comorade have a more beautiful version of the stan (just to say no enneme in vicinity) Could you explain me how to change this stand position for that my Leader look alike the other member of a group.

Thx in advcance. Exa

AFAIK its not possible. Well, it could be, but you'd be unable to aim your rifle. The AI have a different animation for "Combat Ready" where they don't have their rifle braced against their shoulders, which is the animation I assume you're referring to, but to make this the primary Comabt animation would prevent the player from aiming at the enmies and prevent the AI from engaging them too...

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