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Operation FacePlant US Infantry v1.00

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Shadow - Civvies aren't released yet, I'm still pending on some permission issues with some older members who haven't visited for a while.

CanadianTerror - I was hoping noone would notice that, it always happens due to binarizing - d'oh! I'll attempt to work on it.

Drax/450R - for some unknown and fairly evil reason, Llauma's head won't apply when a unit starts off inside a vehicle. The only way around it I know of at the moment is to have an empty vehicle and "moveinwhatever" your crew members. Crude but effective.

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It's "unknown reason" is eventhandlers system. Eventhandler of a vehicle works first, than works e\h of crew - when they move out.

Btw, Cameron, had ShadowNX told you about new facestex scripts? One of our members, Flea, upgraded them a little, to make them much less-lagged. Also there are such features, as head injury working, and cleaning the face after some first aid. I suspect, our old RHS Jedi is drinking beer on his birthday party, so you can write me a e-mail, and I will send you a scripts. We already used them in Icp_Inf (version from 18.08) - much better... As users say.

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nice little upgrade mcdonald wink_o.gif these are THE ACU to use in my humble opinion and look cool on peace keeping missons on the new afghan island with some buildings and stuff added keep up the good work smile_o.gif

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i got a problem with the random faces script....

i try to use this variable in the units init field:

(_this select 0) exec "\facestex2\mix_camo_us_faces.sqs"

but all i get is a "local variable in global space" error when trying to "save" the unit...... (pushing the "done" button)

and if i use

(this select 0) exec "\facestex2\mix_camo_us_faces.sqs"

it wont work at all....

the first line is the one stated in the readme...

so, how do i get it to work?

and what exactly am i doing wrong?

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@Shadow - The Llauma face-set script is designed only to work via the init eventhandler. There is a way to do it via init, but you will have to animate one of the animations of the unit. ag_smith was talking about this some time ago, but it's slipped my mind. I'll have a scout for you and get back onto it. The other way is, of course, to edit the pBO, find the unit your looking for's init eventhandlers, and change basefaces to mix_camo_us_faces in the appropriate eventhandler.

@Denorc - you're on. I'm looking forward to seeing these ones, mate. Ta.

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the readme sais "you must add the following line to your units init eventhandler"

wich is exactly what i do....

if im not mistaking the init field on the unit for "units init eventhandler" (isnt it the same thing?)

but you mean i must add it in a init.sqs file in the mission folder?

for every soldier i want to use it?

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...I was hoping noone would notice that, it always happens due to binarizing - d'oh! I'll attempt to work on it...

The issue with the missing texture (white faces on the mag pouches etc) is due to the source paths (i.e. the 'data' folder) not being present in the Binarize folder when you Binarize the addon. Just check the paths of the relevant area(s) and then either re-path the textures to your FacePlant PBOs, or if the "missing" texture is infact in the data.pbo as I suspect, simply put the data folder in your Binarize folder and it will be copied over and the problem will be fixed.

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Hey I replaced the BIS west soldier with the faceplant guys in the ecp config.cpp but for some reason the eventhandlers that deal with facetex2 stop ECP effects from working with the units. How do I get around this?

Heres the eventhandlers line, I just changed the face script thats it.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class EventHandlers


Init="[_this select 0] exec ""\facestex2\mix_all_faces.sqs"";[_this select 0, ""nvgaway""] exec ""\FP_US_I\SCRIPTS\nvg.sqs"";[_this select 0] exec ""\FP_US_I\SCRIPTS\nvgt.sqs"";[_this select 0] exec ""\FP_US_I\SCRIPTS\NSET.sqs"";";


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I've tried it a million times, there's no way around it as far as I know. Read the ECP readme for how to place a trigger, and put one default BIS unit on ground, and then, and only then will the faceplant have ECP effects.

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Same boat as well. crazy_o.gif I've tried fixing it every possible way I can think of, but, as stated, if a unit is in the ECP's core config file it can't have an eventhandler if you want it to have ECP effects.

And technicaly your first line should be

"class EventHandlers : ECPEventHandlers"

Though it doesn't end up makeing it work.

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OK well I guess I'll have to find another way around this problem.

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Hey, I had the same problem. AFAIK I couldn't get the ECP eventhandlers to work, except by using the trigger olemissrebel stated, which is an absolute pain in the rear. I should go over to OFPEC and ask the blokes there if they can shed any light on it.

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could anyone explain to me what the difference between "units init eventhandler" and "units init field" is?

since i cant use any of the face scripts stated in the readme...

dont know how to use it, but obviously "units init eventhandler" isnt the same as "units init field" becouse it´s just impossible to use the line stated in the readme in the init field. (global variable in local space error)

so, how do i make my unit(s) have random camo faces? (mix_camo_us_faces.sqs)

now it appers to be "clone wars" and all units have almost identical faces (likely they are identical)

so, a bit of explanation on this issue please. smile_o.gif

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[(driver this)] exec "soandso.sqs"; [(gunner this)] exec "soandso.sqs"; [(commander this)] exec "soandso.sqs"

on the vehicles init?

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could anyone explain to me what the difference between "units init eventhandler" and "units init field" is?

since i cant use any of the face scripts stated in the readme...

dont know how to use it, but obviously "units init eventhandler" isnt the same as "units init field" becouse it´s just impossible to use the line stated in the readme in the init field. (global variable in local space error)

so, how do i make my unit(s) have random camo faces? (mix_camo_us_faces.sqs)

now it appers to be "clone wars" and all units have almost identical faces (likely they are identical)

so, a bit of explanation on this issue please. smile_o.gif

You can go into the config.cpp of the faceplant infantry, by dePBOing the addon then, use the find and replace function in your text editor to replace "basefaces.sqs" with the script of your choice, in this case "mix_camo_us_faces.sqs".

Just RePBO it and your done.

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Hello all.

Cameron, we found a small... bug)) In scripts. Setting facestate on timer was wrong decision - "replay" option do not push timer on zero, so faces after "replay" may look wrong. You can take fixed version of all scripts from the same link I gave you. Keep on with your work)

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altough off-topic, for the guys that don't get the ECP eventhandlers to work:

1: Before class CfgVehicles, put:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class ECP_EventHandlers{};

2: Change class Eventhandlers to:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class EventHandlers: ECP_EventHandlers

3: Add the ECP Init to the init Eventhandler:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">IF (format[{%1},ECP_path] == {scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef}) THEN { ECP_path = {\ECP_Effects\}; _this exec (ECP_path+{ECPinit.sqs});{_c = _x camcreate [0,0,0]} foreach [{ECP_MKII},{ECP_M61},{ECP_M67},{ECP_F1},{ECP_RGO},{ECP_RDG1},{ECP_ANM8},{ECP_ANM83},{EC

P_M18Red},{ECP_M18Green}]}; _this exec (ECP_path+{init.sqs});

4: Then it should look like this:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class EventHandlers: ECP_EventHandlers


Init= "IF (format[{%1},ECP_path] == {scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef}) THEN { ECP_path = {\ECP_Effects\}; _this exec (ECP_path+{ECPinit.sqs});{_c = _x camcreate [0,0,0]} foreach [{ECP_MKII},{ECP_M61},{ECP_M67},{ECP_F1},{ECP_RGO},{ECP_RDG1},{ECP_ANM8},{ECP_ANM83},{EC

P_M18Red},{ECP_M18Green}]}; _this exec (ECP_path+{init.sqs}); [_this select 0] exec ""\facestex2\mix_all_faces.sqs""; [_this select 0, ""nvgaway""] exec ""\FP_US_I\SCRIPTS\nvg.sqs""; [_this select 0] exec ""\FP_US_I\SCRIPTS\nvgt.sqs""; [_this select 0] exec ""\FP_US_I\SCRIPTS\NSET.sqs"";";


Only problem with this is when there is NO ECP available, u'll get an error about a missing ecp init script, didn't get around yet to make/find a workaround, since i'm using ECP always anyway smile_o.gif

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Hey, thanks man, you're a legend! Wooooteh!  biggrin_o.gif

EDIT - I will reupdate the 1st post with version 1.21, with ECP and non-ECP versions when I get around to it. You'll get muchos creditos, sickboy. thumbs-up.gif

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Hey, thanks man, you're a legend! Wooooteh! biggrin_o.gif

np Cam, u are the hero here, not me smile_o.gif FP rox!

I only still get the damned problems with the blackop gear coming in when equiping nvg etc.. If you wish I can make some screenshots, its even weirder that you dont have the problem (anymore) smile_o.gif

BTW, I still got a ctd when using the Grenadier, am I getting nuts and by accident put again v1.1 instead of v1.2 or the problem really still exists? smile_o.gif

BTW2, any chance of seeying desert/winter variants of the units? smile_o.gif Altough I guess ACU is universal.. still at least on Winter they gotto have some white jackets etc? smile_o.gif

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I will fully change those selection names, this time, then, if you're still having trouble, since I'm fairly sure there's at least one that is shared by BMI's BlackOps (still).

I haven't yet got a single CTD with a grenadier unit... I'll check to see if I'm missing a texture or summat...

...the good news is that I've redone all my infantry from the body outwards last nite, since I accidentally lost my MLODs, and I fixed some undiscovered bugs myself, eg, missing textures, warping problems, gaping holes, etc, so they're looking shmicker than ever, if not too different.

Ah, I hate having to end off a post on a negative, but no, buddy, I won't be deserting or arcticing the FP units, since FacePlant is essentially a woodland mod. Soz to disappoint. The most major thing I'm most likely to do to this addon now, when I have the patience and PS X skill, is redo the entire camo scheme (try to make it even better), but for now, I'm basically spent.

So, all in all, chances are that v1.21 ECP or non-ECP will be appearing within a week tops. Ta again.

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Sounds all very good, thanks for the changes, in the mean time, if I got some time, i'll check for possible workaround the ecp-nonecp stuff, so you can have 1 config!

Too bad about the different camo's, but no problem, they're good anyway, and I love what ur doing, fp all the way wink_o.gif

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is a OPFOR pack planned?

maybe not russians, but some kind of "guerilla" or similar would be ok....

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