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What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA modding?

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dunno if BIS will implement fat, tall, short, etc.. men/women.

Would be nice to have these diferences in ArmA, would be more realistic instead of having clones everywhere.

ArmA's animation system is "reworked", meaning you can probably easely scale the models yourself. wink_o.gif

pure speculation, right? wink_o.gif

hence the quotes and "probably" wink_o.gif

answering the top quotes: we will not have fat, short, tall, people in ARMA (Its Confirmed). All will have the same structure.

What i hope after ARMA:

I would like to see New Maps (islands), i would like to see Mogadishu almost on detail. With ARMED ASSAULT we would be able to make some nice missions almost a simulation of what really happened.

Mogadishu: houses could also be able to open windows, doors, and reach the roof top.

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I hope that modding will be made easier for newer people to start armed assault and get into the whole modding side of things. To become a decent mod maker in OFP takes alot of time and dedication and many people fail etc etc.

So really I just hope to make it easier for newer people to be able to join in aswell expanding our ever loving communitee.


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I hope that modding will be made easier for newer people to start armed assault and get into the whole modding side of things. To become a decent mod maker in OFP takes alot of time and dedication and many people fail etc etc.

So really I just hope to make it easier for newer people to be able to join in aswell expanding our ever loving communitee.


To become a decent mod maker you NEED time and dedication. If you dont have that then you better avoid it. There are no shortcuts.

The positive thing with ArmA though is that everything will be in English so you dont have to learn chech.

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I hope someone(s) is seriously considering making a hunting mod for Arma, that would be great yes?

No, unless it kept you from shooting Bambi/Noodles-the-cute-squirrel(who never did anything wrong in their life) in real life. icon_rolleyes.gif

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I hope we will get an injection of fresh blood into the modding community. After 5 years there isn't much left of the manpower we once had.

all my technical wishes have been fullfilled. of course there could be more , but hey its a game , and it has to be finished one day.

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I hope there is some kind of dynamic proxies:

Currently, you can only assign a specific model to a proxy in o2, only the crewproxies and weapon proxies are dynamic, that is, that they can display different models and not only a specific one.

Some examples:

Let's say you are creating a soldier.

Currently, you are forced to do an additional soldier model for every different headgear (helmet, boonie, cap, ...) the soldier can carry or stick to using setObjectTexture and model every possible headgear into the soldiers model.

While the first method is acceptable, it is not possible to change the soldiers headgear in game because you have to switch the soldiers class. On the other hand, including an additional model for every headgear type significantly increases the PBOs file size and crowds the mission editor.

On the other hand, setOBjectTexture is not multiplayer compatible, and you have to use workarounds (e.g. using dummy animations on the soldier which identify the current headgear and forcing every connected player to run an endless loop to detect the animation state and then applying the specifig setObjectTexture command) which can lead to performance problems when there are alot of those units. Additionaly, you have to put every single headgear to every model, which also leads to performance problems (model has more points & faces, and even hidedn Selections were rendered in OFP when HWTL was enabled, IIRC) but even makes it nearly impossible to create decent LODs for the soldiers.

If there would be some kind of dynamic proxy, you could do the following:

Create only one soldeir model and put a proxy to it's head, where the headgears will be placed.

Now you'll create the different headgear types as single models and put them somewhere in the same pbo.

By supplying a scripting command, e.g. setObjectProxy [ProxyName,Model] the mission editor or addon maker would be able to apply and even change the headgear model the soldier has in game.

This would significanlty decrease the PBO size (you don't need to put the headgear to every soldier, only a proxy) and performance (Proxies switch LODs on there own).

As I said, the crew and weapon proxys in OFP show, that this system is already included in OFP, but cannot be used in additional proxies.

This system could even be used in a lot of ways, e.g. for weaopn loadouts on planes and helicopters, etc.

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I hope for this:

If you zoom with the sniper riffle scope, that you can give him a "zoom sound" , like a bsssssssssd... zoomed, and ssssssssssb zommed back.

And i hope for that if you do big buildings or like ships for planes, that you have unlimited roadways and geometrys. Because in OFP was a bug, if you had to big buildings or units, like in the Tiberian Genesis Mod with the Heavy Factory of GDI, it is big, and you can walk in it tought. And sometimes the roadways fall out, dont know why, but it really sucks and can make me angry  band.gif

I think i hope for more things too, but i dont tell them :P


Sen†ry ˛°°ł

I guess you are talking about sound effects for sci-fi mods as you also mention Tiberian Genesis mod?

So yes, there is a reason to add sound effects to scope-zoom  smile_o.gif

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I'm hoping someone will make:

1. An expanded inventory system, like WGL's but more

2. An on-the-fly character reconfiguration engine (ability to change webgear, uniform, facepaint, natural materal covering, body armor, ect while playing)

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I spoke with a modder or two who attempted to convert the c130 mod to a spectre in OFP and failed. I believe the problem was there were two limitations in OFP which kept the AC-130 Spectre from being created.

One limitation was the lack of multiple gunner positions for the multiple weapon systems in the spectre. Now, we know this has been fixed in ArmA.

I believe the second limitation was the inability to make a weapon system fire in a direction other than straight forward in a fixed wing aircraft class vehicle. I hope this has been addressed in ArmA. Someone correct me if I got the second limitation incorrect. Thanks.

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I hope someone(s) is seriously considering making a hunting mod for Arma, that would be great yes?

As i already announced some months ago we will convert the Cast Away Mod for ArmA, so take a look into the BIS-Wiki if u want to get some infos about it or use the searchbutton in this forum.

1. An expanded inventory

smiliesystem, like WGL's but more

Iam working together with Dr.Pepper for a new Inventory system for OFP and ArmA

I believe the second limitation was the inability to make a weapon system fire in a direction other than straight forward in a fixed wing aircraft class vehicle. I hope this has been addressed in ArmA. Someone correct me if I got the second limitation incorrect.

I think there was a BETA AC130 which had no problem to shoot in a direction other than straight forward

EDIT: I found it on ofp.info (where else? wink_o.gif ) DOWNLOAD

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I think there was a BETA AC130 which had no problem to shoot in a direction other than straight forward

EDIT: I found it on ofp.info (where else? wink_o.gif ) DOWNLOAD

Is that the spectre which used scripting tricks to generate the shells in mid-air? I'm thinking more along the lines of true firing positions on the aircraft.

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i have a question. is it possible to have different lighting. i mean, if i have a church. the lights in the church should be green, blue etc because of the stained glasses. Arma will have this kind of lighting?

sorry if this is the wrong topic. i didn't know where to ask my question

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I am looking forward to a community where addon making is well documented and you have a broadly educated base of players who can produce some high quality work.

In OFP 95% of the addons are fucked in some way mostly out of ignorance.

The attempts at standardisation were pretty limited, and need to be expanded on.

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Could the people that have Arma already, tell us something about the vehicle animations!

Are there full vehicle animations or only the rotation and liniar animation.

I'd love to see animation sets like on soldiers, being possible on vehicles.

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I'd like to see the ArmA sounds modded. Can't say I'm too impressed with what I've heard so far, especially the radios comms

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i really hope the Zombie mod will be in ArmA too!

i just played a classic Nogova Virus few mins ago, so its always fun to shoot some Zombies!


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I hope for less duplicate addons like the dozens of M16/M4 rifles or certain tank models in OFP. That said, I hope the ArmA modding community will share their addons and models with each other so that for e.g. the best Mi-24 Hind addon can be used by different mod groups without the bitching and moaning.

I'd like to see some more open source attitude in ArmA modding.

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I hope for less duplicate addons like the dozens of M16/M4 rifles or certain tank models in OFP. That said, I hope the ArmA modding community will share their addons and models with each other so that for e.g. the best Mi-24 Hind addon can be used by different mod groups without the bitching and moaning.

I'd like to see some more open source attitude in ArmA modding.

Sad as it is, I somehow doubt this will happen.

One of the main reasons we have so many duplicate addons, and especially these ridiculous config-edit "addons" is that people always think their values for unit x are better than person y's values.

Its just the way of the world I'm afraid... confused_o.gif

I can forsee a LOT more inter-team co-operation, but there will still be these "omg my values are teh seckz and betterer than y0urs!!1!!11!" addons.

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[dream] I'd like to see specific building rubble. If it exists, use an event handler to detect the destruction of a building, get it's type, location, and orientation, and as the model sinks into the ground and dust builds, the building specific destroyed model climbs up into the dust to replace it.


notworthy.gif To anyone capable of making that happen

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I know these sound abit far fetched, but I'd like to see two kinds of modding done to ArmA.

First wish would be dangerous wildlife such as bears, tigers, wolves, snakes and boars biggrin_o.gif Also the ability of hunting minigames might be fun with those additions.

Second would be non-combat mods like racing or something that involves different approaches to completing missions.

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I can forsee a LOT more inter-team co-operation,

so can I  biggrin_o.gif

Same here. What we need is a library. I am not talking about finished products either. As Deadmeat suggested with the "person X thinks theirs is better than person Y", there is configuration conflict but models are usually similar. Even textures might be replaced or models tweaked but having a base model to work from would seriously prevent alot of extra work. Kinda like a pre-fab model?

This endless searching to produce the definitive <insert weapon or vehicle here> which will work with "The Everything Mod" is like a Holy Grail. It doesn't exist.

As a script writer/mission maker, I HATE having to include a bazillion addons into a mission. Addon packages are the way to go. I liked having BAS/FDF/UKF/COC all individual. WGL really took the cake though. I realize we need to appeal to the end-users (players) and the players want the FDF weapons to go with BAS vehs to go with UKF weapons to go with... blah blah blah... but, IMO as a mission maker, that is what the Mod teams should be doing (cooperating). Once a new mod pack is made then dump the rest and install that puppy. Then I can work better and we all get more missions.

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Vietnam Mods. AA apparantly delivers a good-working routine for generating dense Foliage, so I think creating realistic Jungle environments is a lot easier now than it was in ofp. And realistic Jungle Environments cry for a Vietnam Mod. I hope VTE and Unsung or Hawkins project get a port for AA smile_o.gif

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little one but maybe hard to achieve...

have back the tank cockpits... icon_rolleyes.gif

I know that you don´t use them all the time but was a nice realism touch, and men... I like to see my crew get injured inside tank biggrin_o.gif

really hope that RHS or other team can bring them to the game. So... this time we will have:

heavy machine gun usable + tank interiors there = complete simulation of tanks.



Quote[/b] ]As for addons in general, I REALLY hope to see is APCs with gun ports modded in. ArmA probably wont have this, but seeing as with have multiple gunners, you could add in an M16 (or AK for Russian APCs) to the side of the APC (with hole). Now thats the most basic way I see it. Maybe we'll be able to literally shoot out of the vehicle, but that I don't see how.

thumbs-up.gif for that idea !!

can be so nice to pistols.gif from the back of the BMP....

I think there is a BIG chance to can mod that... if the heli

can shoot from the side a BMP with some fixed AKs and optics

enable will can do the same... can be very nice!!

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