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Espectro (DayZ)

E3 2006

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E3 is closing in, and there are many interesting games on the way. I also think its pretty exciting to see the battle between MS and sony console-wise, even though I don't own a console.

The game I look forward to the most, is of course Armed Assault. It will be interesting to see some more *official* ingame footage made by the BIS scripting-crew. They have the habit of creating very impressive movies/trailers. I am especially thinking about the first trailer to OFP: Elite, that was released about six months later than it was made. I think it was very cool.

I hope to see the new AI, multiple gunners in action, the beautiful landscape of Sahrani and some more info about scripting capabilitys. I also hope they will finally get in touch with a decent publisher. (Don't worry BIS, if you choose Codemasters again, we can forgive you - eventually. Just get the game out smile_o.gif ).

I have recently seen some amazing screenshots of Crysis for the PC. Very impressive lightning. This game is also a tactical shooter with vehicles. I have only seen the screenies, and I know PC-player gave the preview a very good grade. I don't know anything more, so i'm also curious of what it has to offer.

Screenshots can be found here --> http://www.dailyrush.dk/features/galleries/1074/parts/3622/

and a techdemo can be found at http://gametrailers.com/gamepage.php?fs=1&id=2509

The third game im curious about is Spore. The whole concept is incredible interesting. Lets see how long they actually have gotten with the game smile_o.gif

So what are you people looking forward to at E3 2006?

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I heard some where that Halo 3 was to be shown at E3. Looking forward to that game.

Of Course I'll look forward to anything BIS shows. wink_o.gif

Alpha Prime I'll be looking forward to as well. wink_o.gif

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Games i look forward to seeing in E3:

Crysis : looks good as an FPS.

World Conflict : is an awesome looking rts (if that is the trailer they showed was truly ingame and not prerendered bullsh!t) , its a mixture of red Alert and OFP i think storyline wise.

Project Offset : is another game i look forward too its a FPS with an epic fantasy setting , the game just looks off the hook in terms of graphics.

Alan Wake : from the makers of Max Payne (Remedy) another nice looking suspense action 3rd person (?) shooter. I look forward to this game , could be good.

And ofcourse ArmA


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Guest Ti0n3r

I'm still waiting for StarCraft II. whistle.gif

Sooner or later...

Looking forward to some info about: Spoore, World In Conflict, Crysis.

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Spore sounds very interesting, crazy how it generates its own animations, sounds a very personal game. My worry is that it will be either too short or have a very short lifespan in terms of being interested in it.

Also would be great if any info on Halo 3 for the xbox 360 is given, i will deffo buy a xbox 360 if Halo 3 is anything like the 1st one.

Biggest title like the rest of you guys is Armed assault, would be nice to see if anymore info is given on game2 and VBS2 also.

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For me it is of course first and foremost Armed Assault, though there are a few other games as well that I find interesting.

One of them is the next Hitman game titled "Hitman : Bloodmoney" and is actually due near the end of the month, looks like a nice SP and I have played some of the others in the series.

Alan Wake as mentioned should be another one, though I heard that it might not be on E3 couse they rather spend their time working on the game, not sure though.

Crysis is interesting as well, along with all the other goodies that comes out of nowhere.

Oh and before I forget "Test drive : Unlimited" also looks like alot of fun unless it turns out to be to arcadish.

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armed assault of course but supreme commander and c&c 3 has my atention too. smile_o.gif

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Spore...looks interesting but I also fear the same as Messy. God games are fun...but only for a little while after which they become boring. But Will Wright does seem to building into the product Net interactivity which mean you will get see what other creatures people are building. I think he is trying to address this issue so I'm keeping an open mind.

Crysis also interests me if only to see if it is more than just eye-candy/porn. If it has some real meat behind it.

Other than that...not much. Armed Assault may be interesting but I'm finding it hard to believe it aint just vanilla OFP with a modernised graphics engine. I hope I am surprised that it aint but i suspect it will be. Game2 is another story though...big hopes for that.

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I wasn't sure actually who was going to be appearing at E3 so I did a search and whilst I couldn't find out for definite if Stalker was going to be making an appearance, apparently Desperate Housewives for the PC will be! What do you recon, FPS or RTS perhaps? wink_o.gif

So, yeah, seriously ArmA an Stalker.

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Oh....I forgot this other game too.....can't remember the name. It's like an RTS / FPS hybrid set in the times of the Greeks and Romans. You can play as a "hero" like Achilles when attacking a city. Is it Rise of Legends?

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I wasn't sure actually who was going to be appearing at E3 so I did a search and whilst I couldn't find out for definite if Stalker was going to be making an appearance, apparently Desperate Housewives for the PC will be!   What do you recon, FPS or RTS perhaps?    wink_o.gif

So, yeah, seriously ArmA an Stalker.

I vote FPS.

You're job is as a Stealth operative on a special poontang mission. Your job is get "in" and then "out" whilst causing maximum pleasure and escaping and evading the husband.

Dayum...I missed my calling in life. I should be writing for trashy video game houses. Does Playboy have a electronic entertainment arm?

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STALKER, even though the development set backs are worrying and proving a little comical, i still think even now, with a slightly dated engine etc, it still reads as one of the biggest games in terms of playability, novelty, originaility and ambition - something we dont see alot in these days of EA/EIDOS sequel machine.

Armed Assault - I tend to agree with tigershark here, but i know that 1. I'll buy it and 2. The community will mod it to the ends of the earth into something much better (like we have with CWC and Resistance).

Hitman: Blood Money - I'm being cautious after the let down of 'contracts' where i spent Å30 on a game i essentially already owned from hitman 1 - reading PCG, it seems IO have gone to town with it and created something very special indeed.

Spore - im hopeful for imformation, but it seems so long ago since i first read about it

Half Life: Epidsode 1 - Not sure if things like these appear at E3, but deffinatly something i'll be looking at.

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Games i look forward to seeing in E3:

Crysis : looks good as an FPS.

World Conflict : is an awesome looking rts (if that is the trailer they showed was truly ingame and not prerendered bullsh!t) , its a mixture of red Alert and OFP i think storyline wise.

Project Offset : is another game i look forward too its a FPS with an epic fantasy setting , the game just looks off the hook in terms of graphics.

Alan Wake : from the makers of Max Payne (Remedy) another nice looking suspense action 3rd person (?) shooter. I look forward to this game , could be good.

And ofcourse ArmA


The trailer they showed for it was prerendered CG stuff. I saw it on the forum over at CGSociety. However the screenshots you saw were not preredered and I think it looks like an awesome game.

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Oh....I forgot this other game too.....can't remember the name. It's like an RTS / FPS hybrid set in the times of the Greeks and Romans. You can play as a "hero" like Achilles when attacking a city. Is it Rise of Legends?

Rise of Legends demo is out i tried it , it was ... wierd and crap imo. The graphics were all mixed up and i couldnt understand the story or anything either.

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Quote[/b] ]Does Playboy have a electronic entertainment arm?

No Playboy doesn't make dildos. (ok that was a very bad joke)

I'm looking forward to ArmA, nothing else the gaming industry is boring.

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Quote[/b] ]Does Playboy have a electronic entertainment arm?

No Playboy doesn't make dildos. (ok that was a very bad joke)

I'm looking forward to ArmA, nothing else the gaming industry is boring.

He he he he he biggrin_o.gif

What's a dildo?

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Tigershark i believe the game you were refering to earlier is Rise & Fall: Civilizations at War, again Spore and World Conflict looks and sounds good!.

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Quote[/b] ]What's a dildo?

About Å30 for a rampant rabbit delux according to the misses.

Back on topic, I'll be curious to see about Bioshock and whether it will live up to System Shock 2.

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I can only think of ArmA and Hitman 4.

Not too interested in Crysis right now. Its too far away from release.

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Spore...looks interesting but I also fear the same as Messy. God games are fun...but only for a little while after which they become boring. But Will Wright does seem to building into the product Net interactivity which mean you will get see what other creatures people are building. I think he is trying to address this issue so I'm keeping an open mind.

Im Jtec biggrin_o.gif Sig put ya off wink_o.gif

Its really sad that only a few titles do really impress us these days. Stalker does/did look promising, any ideas why it has slipped so bad?

Alan wake... everything i have read so far has been about its graphics. Max payne by the same makers was also very impressive for its graphics (for the time), gameplay wise it was rubbish. confused_o.gif

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stalker slipped because of AI issues i think? it was a huge part of the game's structure and potential (the idea that every living thing in the stalker world was autonomous and had its own goals and needs to achieve along with yours) - whilst the delay is dissapointing, its good to see at least one developer not trying to rush things out.

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Wonder where the finance is coming from? All sound good though Dan.

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god knows... they're a pretty unkown developer from all accounts, so i dont think they have many if any mainstream titles to fall back on for financing... perhaps they've got a rich investor...

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ArmA, Spore and MTW2 are the only ones I'm looking forward to. Everything else is still a year or more away or comes from developers too small to bother with E3.

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