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iFEEL support & 3D ironsights

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I am not yet impressed at all, where is blur effects and 3D-closing movements?

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I am not yet impressed at all, where is blur effects and 3D-closing movements?

If player can't adjust his focus to rearsights, frontsights or target, Then NO to blur. This should be a game with simulation touch of things (atleat BIS says so, and i agree), not full-blood simulator. One outcome would be that allmost everybody would use opticsights, cause they won't blur. And if ArmA uses blur effect in opensights then opticsights should have some flaws modelled.

What about sunlight hitting frontsights? It changes the picture of frontsights transmitted to our brain. Or tendensy to shoot over target in dark? Or that darkening of sightpicture i mentioned earlier?

So much possibilities so less time and money... Line has to be drawn somewhere (and where BIS puts line is enough for me). Plus if i want blur effect i get airsoft-gun or start hunting or enlist as a mercenary to some location of earth. ArmA is merely a game after all.

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What is the blur effect for?

When you are focusing down the sights of a weapon you loose peripheral vision and the near sights become blurred.

In that screenshot you still have a large field of view, the far distance and the near sights are both in perfect focus.

What actually happens in real life is hard to model in game without extra keybindings and a complicated order.

In real life you can hold the weapon up to your eye but not focused on the sights or the target giving you a larger FOV in order to spot a target. When you've spotted your target and have brought the weapon to the approximate bearing, then you focus down the sights, at which point you loose the FOV but get a much better aim.

In order to replicate this in game you would need two distinct parts to the aiming process - the weapon ready view and the firing view.

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Now think of true 3d sights with TIR! For those who wanted to line up the shot by moving your head to align the front and back sight might be able to do that now... Get your head snugged into position and slew by mouse. Next best thing to hugging your rifle! Lets see in the next few days what happens! yay.gif

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Honestly I think you guys are overcomplicating things. I've trained with my M-16 for so long over such a difficult situations.

We Marines can be woken up at 4am with full gear, run up a mountain and through an exaustive combat conditioning course, run up to a target line, and sight in and fire like second nature. Any professional soldier should be able to in a heartbeat look down his sights and fire accurately without consciously aligning his sights.

It just happens automatically for us. Why would you want to include all the minutia of actually aiming when it is automatic for us professionals? It would be more realistic with the way it was in OPF.

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Honestly I think you guys are overcomplicating things. I've trained with my M-16 for so long over such a difficult situations.

We Marines can be woken up at 4am with full gear, run up a mountain and through an exaustive combat conditioning course, run up to a target line, and sight in and fire like second nature. Any professional soldier should be able to in a heartbeat look down his sights and fire accurately without consciously aligning his sights.

It just happens automatically for us. Why would you want to include all the minutia of actually aiming when it is automatic for us professionals? It would be more realistic with the way it was in OPF.

Like every army tries to make it's men good shooters one way or another. But that doesn't prevent us from writing about it and it's implantation to computergame.

OFP had good system, 3D sight are generaly done alot more harder to "control" than in real life (muscels are part of us and they are able to finetune weapon so that sights line-up fastly) Mostly i've seen weapons that seem to weight 10 kilogram atleast. Well time will show, what kind of sight do we get.

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Yes, but my belief is that something simple such as what we saw in OPF would be realistic, as opposed to previous suggestions where there would be a key to "hold breath" or a way to control the relationship between rear sight aperture and front sight post seperately. That would just seem a little silly to me.

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You are right. It gets too complicated. Shooting is automated process. Buttons in keyboard can't simulate our muscles, lungs, eye coordination.

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You are right. It gets too complicated. Shooting is automated process. Buttons in keyboard can't simulate our muscles, lungs, eye coordination.

Yes, it's good as it were in ofp. Only thing i would add is the key to hold breath. That's realistic IMO.

When you aim IRL it's very quick process as long as you don't shoot very long shots that you have to hold your breath to aim steadily.

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I agree, I believe a good amount of time to hold your breath would be 7-12 seconds. After that amount of time your vision gets blurry because of the lack of oxygen to your eyes. Also your muscles would tire so your aim would shake a bit. Once you release your breath I don't want to see and hear my guy panting like a dog and my view shaking up and down violently. I would want a nice long release and a huge breath in which would just do one big down and up movement not twenty.

As for the front and rear sights lining up at the touch of a button is silly. If you're in the armed forces getting a good sight picture is automatic because the brain is used to seeing it. The only time I would think the front post and rear aperture would move independently is when walking, recoil after releasing a breath, and maybe standing. But they could easily line up after stopping and regaining breath. That's just my opinion.

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Holding your breath is a rather advanced technique and probably would be less time (2-3 sec) but I haven't been around shooters that hold their breath so that's just a gut feeling.

The sight picture is rather automatic for professionals it's true, but in OFP it's instantaneous which is rather wrong. It'd be nice if sighting took a brief second where you bring your gun up between time=0s and time=0.7s. Then from time 0.7s to 2.0s your sight picture goes from good to better as you refine it. Then as time goes on you get the occational wobble, then more wobble as you get tired, then to reset your fatiuge have to drop your weapon to your chest for 2-3 sec.

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Any news concerning the topic?

Ironsight: How are they implemented?

iFeel: Is it implemented?

Just facts please. I guess due to the nearing release, we have to wait and see...AND THEN discuss improvements.

So...any "NEW" screenshots or videos of used ironsights (I don't mean scopes) ?

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Any news concerning the topic?

Is iFeel mouse support and Force Feedback implemented?

Both had been in OFP, so i HOPE it will in ArmA as well.

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Honestly I think you guys are overcomplicating things. I've trained with my M-16 for so long over such a difficult situations.

We Marines can be woken up at 4am with full gear, run up a mountain and through an exaustive combat conditioning course, run up to a target line, and sight in and fire like second nature. Any professional soldier should be able to in a heartbeat look down his sights and fire accurately without consciously aligning his sights.

It just happens automatically for us. Why would you want to include all the minutia of actually aiming when it is automatic for us professionals? It would be more realistic with the way it was in OPF.

This is a good point actually. I think it's not unreasonable to assume that the soldier you are "occupying" has skills built right in that you can take for granted, and one of those skills is gunmanship. Otherwise you might be overly concerned with tank driving, helo flying, webbing fastening and all sorts of other things.

The things I would like to see implemented have mostly been discussed, things like breath holding, injury, exhaustion, environment (sun, dust etc) as long as the appropriate penalties are applied to AI as well. So going gun to gun against an AI that has been lying down for two minutes with the sun behind him after you have run up a hill gives him an advantage, but also the other way around too.

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Just wanted to pipe in that i don't think theres a better implementation of the switch between "gun at-the-ready" and "aiming" view as in Call of Duty 2. Its all done in 3d and the animation is realistic, smooth and fast. It just looks and feels real. On top of that, the gun moves off-center when you turn around.

Ya might try the demo

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Just wanted to pipe in that i don't think theres a better implementation of the switch between "gun at-the-ready" and "aiming" view as in Call of Duty 2. Its all done in 3d and the animation is realistic, smooth and fast. It just looks and feels real. On top of that, the gun moves off-center when you turn around.

Ya might try the demo

What COD2 probably does if it's like 99% of the other FPS shooters (OFP being the other 1%) is supply that gunsight & animation as an overlay, it's not actually part of the game world as an object. You can see this by the fact that you never see your own shadow in these games.

This is where OFP is different, what you see in your hands is what exists as an object in the game world too. Also, your whole game body is used, as evidenced by your shadow, even though it is "behind" your view.

To be honest I'm less impressed by great graphics as I am with the integrity of OFP in this respect smile_o.gif

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Its all done in 3d and the animation is realistic, smooth and fast. It just looks and feels real. On top of that, the gun moves off-center when you turn around.

It didnt feel realistic at all to me, noone can put a weapon away so smoothly, or aim like that when running, that, and the '2 hands and a gun floating through the world syndrome' described above which looks&feels weird are completely crap..

The only thing i did like was that your gun moved offcenter when you were aiming down the sight, one of the biggest +'s of 3D iron sights.

(Oh, and whats with the 'Its all done in 3d'? So is OFP, right? rofl.gif )

EDIT: Said something in a more polite way.. tounge2.gif

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I loved the iFEEL support within Operation Flashpoint. I would love to see this in ArmA, too. Shouldn't be too hard to implement, at least you could use the old ifeel-libraries.

Will ArmA use "real" 3D ironsights, like Battlefield 2 or Pacific Assault? I only have seen scope views, but not ironsights so far. Would be too bad, if you would release ArmA without real 3D ironsights.

BTW...great that ArmA will support TrackIR. I use that little gadget for years now. Probably one of the best hardware for Sim-gamers. notworthy.gif


ALL my suggestions...ah *cough*...dreams came true.

1.) Real 3D ironsight...best so far...PERFECT

2.) iFeel and FFB support...almost perfect...we need sliders to adjust the strength  help.gif

3.) TrackIR support...best and first in a FPS...PERFECT

The old OFP feeling is back...and even better...with above features, it will be A TOTALLY NEW EXPERIENCE!!! After a few hours of testing, I am already used to TrackIR in ARMA. I use TrackIR for some time now, so I am used to its benefits, but in AMRA...that is a totally new experience and I already love it. THANK YOU GUYS. notworthy.gif

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ironsights in ofp where much better than the ones in arma.

The swya is so much you are lucky if you hit a moving target that is near to you.

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Yes, but my belief is that something simple such as what we saw in OPF would be realistic, as opposed to previous suggestions where there would be a key to "hold breath" or a way to control the relationship between rear sight aperture and front sight post seperately.  That would just seem a little silly to me.

Looks as bis unluckily listened to this stupid comments... crazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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ironsights in ofp where much better than the ones in arma.

The swya is so much you are lucky if you hit a moving target that is near to you.

I only mention MY opinion here:

OFP ironsights were great...for 2001.

ArmA ironsights are best...for 2006.

Sway too much? Hm...not my impression...they actually sway less than in reality. And ArmA and OFP ALWAYS wanted to be as near to a "realistic" simulation as possible (but still keep it playable)...and that is good so.

And yes...the hold breath feature is new. I thought at first sight, that it was for swimming and diving  rofl.gif

But after a few further thought, I knew what that was meant for...and thought "cool", why not.

Again BIS...THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for ArmA.  notworthy.gif

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