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Stryker Armored Vehicle

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well, the similarities between STRYKER and LAV/ASLAV might be due to that they are both based of the PIRANHA vehicles (wich are designed in switzerland)

though, LAV is a PIRANHA III 8x8 and STRYKER is a PIRANHA IV 8x8 (different generation) so thats is the reason they look a bit different.

and yes, i know that they have been a bit modified from the original PIRANHAs and are built in the US

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OMG!! notworthy.gif

Great work, Vixer.



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Your doin´a great work here Vixer. Top noch stuff

keep it up! smile_o.gif

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I concur with Hellfish. It is looking excellent.

Regarding the whole car/tank class debate, it may be better to have the Stryker set up as a car class vehicle, using methods similiar to the OFrP VAB 20/13 to get most of the primary armaments working. If I recall correctly, the standard Stryker only mounts a .50 caliber instead of an automatic cannon, and there are variants with Mk.19 40mm AGLs? I'm not too up to date on the Stryker system, but if I recall correctly the only one mounting a cannon that might nessecitate switching to 'tank' class is the MGS, with a 105mm gun that is likely to tip the vehicle onto its side. (I seem to remember some pictures showing braces being used to hold the vehicle upright while the gun was being fired over the left and right arcs while on trials.) If not, could probably get the best of both worlds by using two PBOs, one for the car-class Strykers and one for the tank-class Strykers.

That is, if you've made an MGS. If not then the suggestion is moot.

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First off, it is looking great! I cant wait!! notworthy.gifnotworthy.gif

2nd, what kind of armour values are you going to use? Personally I would love to see it be able to take 2-3 rpg's, sort of along the lines of CBT's Bradleys.

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Yeah I mentioned that earlier about the car/tank class issue. However the OFrP system wouldn't work simply because the Stryker has a remote turret and not a standard turret. Otherwise you could make it like Sigma's LAV addons.

Since the gunner is below the actual turret, the only system in OFP that simulates this is the system used on the Dingo Addon (I think it was in the BW mod or a Spanish military mod). However the player can only use that type of system from the 3rd person view and not in the 1st person view. Furthermore, the AI use it just fine.

ONly in a tank class could it be made to work for the player more like the real thing. For example the PUMA heavy APC in my mod has a remote turret. But if the Stryker was like that, then it moves like a tank which sucks alot. So they if Vixer made both types (car and tank class) it would offer missino makers more opportunities and more choice in how to make their missions using the Stryker.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Thanks all for the great reactions!

The Stryker is a car class. I do not know yet what the armour valeus will be, that is something I will look at after the texturework and model is done.

500 pound roadbomb VS. Stryker

There are many versions of the Styker, but it depends on how many time I have to make more versions. It is for sure I will make the current version but with a RPG cage around it.

Information and photos of the Stryker


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WOW! Good read.

....So its safe to say it wont be a tin can like the BIS M113?

Without the cage the chance of survival is much smaller I think.

Destroyed Stryker

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I was under the impression that such catostrophic damage could only be from a massive IED, or friendly forces using mavericks or hellfires to finish off a disabled vehicle.

I may be wrong but thats the impression I get, especially looking at the front of that stryker ripped open like a can of sardines. I am no expert but I dont think an RPG did that, maybe a friendly ATGM, or huge IED, but not the standard run of the mill RPG.

Although I have heard they are quite vulnerable, even to RPGs from the top. But even still the damage is a bit much, even for that. IMHO

Again, I am no expert, just my .2cents.

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I was under the impression that such catostrophic damage could only be from a massive IED, or friendly forces using mavericks or hellfires to finish off a disabled vehicle.

I may be wrong but thats the impression I get, especially looking at the front of that stryker ripped open like a can of sardines. I am no expert but I dont think an RPG did that, maybe a friendly ATGM, or huge IED, but not the standard run of the mill RPG.

Although I have heard they are quite vulnerable, even to RPGs from the top. But even still the damage is a bit much, even for that. IMHO

Again, I am no expert, just my .2cents.

I do not know what hit that Stryker, the URL says Mortar attack.. If you say they are quite vulnerable from the top, it has to be a mortar or rpg from the top.

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I wouldnt trust anything that URL says, all propaganda probably.

IF it was hit by a mortar, must have been some lucky shot. But still I dont think the terrorists have mortars designed to penetrate armour. I believe all they have are HE mortars, and I dont think a HE round could do that much damage.

But now you have me curious, what the hell could do so much damage?

Anywhoo, back on topic, your Stryker will be plenty fast wont it?

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I wouldnt trust anything that URL says, all propaganda probably.

IF it was hit by a mortar, must have been some lucky shot. But still I dont think the terrorists have mortars designed to penetrate armour. I believe all they have are HE mortars, and I dont think a HE round could do that much damage.

But now you have me curious, what the hell could do so much damage?

Anywhoo, back on topic, your Stryker will be plenty fast wont it?

Unlike an Abrams tank or a Bradley fighting vehicle, the Stryker is a medium-weight, eight-wheel vehicle that can carry 11 soldiers and weapons at speeds of more than 60 miles an hour.

Attack on Stryker

Mortar attack 1

Penetrating or not.. its still some scary stuff when youre out there I think.

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I think that 1st mortar vehicle makes the point that terrorist mortar fire is very innavurate. Just look how he set up his mortar, just fired and left the rest to allah.

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I think that 1st mortar vehicle makes the point that terrorist mortar fire is very innavurate. Just look how he set up his mortar, just fired and left the rest to allah.

Yes it is, that is why i searched for those movies.. Also in the base attack movie you see they hit the base 3 times out of 10 shots..

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Looks like it was damaged by fire, and that it set off some ammunition still inside the vehicle. Maybe the IED was buried directly under the vehicle instead of beside the road (not as much chance for the shockwave to lose power).

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OMG notworthy.gif

I hope for release.....great work biggrin_o.gif



Look here

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Just a reminder that the model and textures actually belong to CSC Virtual Environments team, so don't forget to credit them when posting news and images on other sites.

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Just a reminder that the model and textures actually belong to CSC Virtual Environments team, so don't forget to credit them when posting news and images on other sites.

CSC License Agreement:

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please give the CSC Virtual Environments team credit.

If people read the whole threat they know it comes from that site.. and offcourse I credit them and everybody that helped on it.

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I agree that the Stryker was damaged,but then destroyed by US forces.I have seen a video on the Military channel,of a Stryker hitting an IED,flipping on its side and being pushed back over on its wheels by another Stryker.After the soldiers inside were checked by medics,the Stryker that was hit continued on patrol.

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Vixer any updates on this?

Not at the moment smile_o.gif, its weekend for me.. wink_o.gif

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