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Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

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With FX5200 you'd be lucky to get fps to double digits.. crazy_o.gif

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Yea, there's also a thing called core and mem speeds. If your card has 256mb VRAM it doesn't mean it can run the game.

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Thanks Tea, that site is really useful. I tried the test and it said i failed on my video card, however in the sub-tests for the card i passed them all, but not overal?? Could it be that the card passed everything, and it would run fine, its just that the particular card is not reccomended by the game producer??


Yeah, that site says the same for my X700Pro, altough I can run it on 1024x768 with Medium/High settings without AA or AF.

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Altough I think X700Pro is more powerful than FX5200.

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My XP2600 + Radeon 9600 runs Oblivion pretty OK with 800x600 and does not look to bad except the grass is disabled, as well as shadows and Anti-Aliasing (due to some bug).

I've completed the main quest and a load of side-quests and now I've started again with some great mods:


Bedroll - you can buy portable bedroll to sleep anywhere

Deadlier traps - traps like heavy spiked logs falling from roof kill you instantly as they should IRL

Random Oblivion Creaures - Randomizes creatures found in the wilderness and dungeons (not their loot) making you face sometimes very dangerous opponents and sometimes easy ones

Respawn Time Changer - Disables monster respawning in dungeons (they respawn after 72 hours or so)

SNeat - Forces you to eat couple of times a day or face skill/fatigue penalties

SNsleep - Forces you to sleep 6-8 hours a day in bed/bedroll or penalties occur

SteelLevelingLitsts - Makes bandits and others carry more ordinary armor and equipment, makes magical items more rare

SteelWeaponBalance - Makes weapons more effective and realistic, evens the gaps between armor protection provided by materials eg. Steel and Iron not having ridiculously high differences in protection

I've collected all these mods here:


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Hm.. Tried it today..

System Spec : 2.8GHz P4, 1GB RAM, ATI Radeon R9550.

It ran, at around 10-15 FPS, in the cave levels.. But for some reason I didn't like the general feel of the game, and never got past the dungeony bits (Besides, the computer would have melted had I got outside)

Am I the only one who hasn't liked this game? tounge2.gif

- Ben

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Yeah I'm in the same boat, I got the FX5500 and still it's hard to play. With fine tunning I can play enough to collect goodies, but I'm passing on the story until I get a better card. I know the story mode has some big battles and I don't see that happening with this vid card.

Anyone else see this as the new bar for video card requirements? I thought fear pushed it pretty high but this game seems to be a monster..... but I'm not complaining when a game looks this beautiful. smile_o.gif


My only peeve is, merchants don't always sell what they have in the store. I'm not playing a thief but this crusader has more than a few five fingered discounts in his pockets smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Anyone else see this as the new bar for video card requirements? I thought fear pushed it pretty high but this game seems to be a monster..... but I'm not complaining when a game looks this beautiful. smile_o.gif

It is pretty high, but I don't think it's as big a jump as around the Half Life 2/Far Cry/Doom 3 time.. But yeh, the system requirements are fairly horrible smile_o.gif

Dunno, but I think graphical improvements after games like Crysis are out, it'll be a while before anything new and decent is released, PC's are starting to stuggle (Look at the increase in the number of dual-core stuff.. Which kind of shows the "normal" computer is dying under the stress of games these days, and hardware creators are having to shove more and more cores/processors in.. confused_o.gif )

Still, the thing that pi$$s me of is all these huge graphical advances, the game play is still unchanged from Doom 1.. Things like scopes haven't improved what-so-ever since Delta Force.. Can't they make better looking scopes than a zoomed in circle with black covering the rest of the scope? (I think the Red Ochestra full game had something like this, but very very few games have implemented this..).. Yeh that was an example, basicly I just think it's a shame graphics are the only thing that really get much attention, which the occisanal "Look how we made the AI look less stupid!"-features annoucned (Which a lot of the time seems very pre-scripted)

Anyway, I'll stop ranting now tounge2.gif

- Ben

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I got it working finaly. Im really enjoying it. The one thing i am disappointed with is that there is no mounted combat. Also its a shame there are arn't a few more facetions to join other than Blades, Fighters, Mages, theives guilds and the dark brotherhood. These things aside its a great game.  smile_o.gif

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I cant even install. I get a CRC error : /. Any solution to that?

BTW, I meet the requirements.

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you can try extracting all the files off the dvd and running setup from your hard drive

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Strange.. Maybe try making a shortcut to the installer, change the properties, add /nocrc (I think)

I thiink that stops CRC checking.. If that fails, I'd recommend returning the discs..

- Ben

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Tried doing that. Still doesn't work crazy_o.gif

Oh, and this is the 3rd disk, so it can't be the disk crazy_o.gif

I also tried defragmenting, and doing scandisks. I know a lot of people have the same problem with this game, but the problem is in the shadow of the other problems revolving this game, so there's never a thread about solutions to it.

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you can try disabling dma mode on your cd/dvd drive and/or uninsall any alcohol 120% type programs.

and try running a mem test program on your macine, faulty ram can cause crc errors, if yo uhave 2 or more sticks of ram try running with just one and swap em about if it still dont work.

also try installing the game from annother drive if possible

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may sound dumb but your dvd drive is fast enough? think the requirment is 4x but i wouldnt have thought this wouldnt have caused an install problem

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You could narrow it down by trying it on a laptop (yours or a friends), or a friends computer, if it fails on that, it's the discs fault (or your very unlucky and the two computers are screwing up tounge2.gif)

- Ben

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Do you have any virtual drives on youre comp?

It can help to update the firmware of the DVD drive. If this not help, by a new DVD drive.

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Well I believe it might have something to do with the RAM.

I have a stick of 1 gb and one of 512 mb. I removed the 1 gb and tried installing only with 512 and it seems I didnt get the error in the same place. But I still got it : /

Do you guys know of any good programs that can test the ram?

My dvd is 8x btw, and I tried all of the above.

Thanks for helping me out guys : )

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I had similar problems with GTA: San Andreas and the only way to fix them was to buy a new DVD drive. My old DVD drive was some ancient 10x and it couldn't even regocnize the disc most of the time.

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Well I believe it might have something to do with the RAM.

I have a stick of 1 gb and one of 512 mb.  I removed the 1 gb and tried installing only with 512 and it seems I didnt get the error in the same place.  But I still got it : /  

Do you guys know of any good programs that can test the ram?

My dvd is 8x btw, and I tried all of the above.  

Thanks for helping me out guys : )

did you try with just the 1gb in it, and have you tried the ram in different slots?

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great list of mods there

ive personlly just made my self a custom paladin class and things are going good so far smile_o.gif

by the way, what do people think about the makers of oblivion selling addons? for those who dont know theyre selling horse armour for $1.99

imagine if bis did that?......

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by the way, what do people think about the makers of oblivion selling addons? for those who dont know theyre selling horse armour for $1.99

imagine if bis did that?......

Its called VBS1 tounge2.gif

Seriously i think it aint a bad idea at all, i wouldnt pay for a horse armour but for people who love such lil gimmicks its a nice ide.

Ive even seen people paying huge amounts of real money for some ingame MMORPG game money... someone will always want it to be better than the rest

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Seriously i think it aint a bad idea at all,

Well, it isnt, but 2$ for horse armor while horses are almost useless...

No, something more useful/fun please.. tounge2.gif

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I liked the idea of free official addons for Morrowind more than these overpriced official ones...

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