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DMA Random War for DMA Lybia

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As it would need an army of beta testers to find the bugs i don't find myself, i prefer to release the DMA Random War Lybia missions as it is ready.


Launch the mission, select some of the missions options with the menu dialog, then play

Once finished, either you succeeded to hold your objective for 15 minutes so the main forces join , or died trying , launch again the mission you will notice the zone being different, there are some changes and should even play differently .

Once finished , either you succeeded or died , launch again .... it is another zone and the mission play again not the same way.

Well, i think you get the point, as hinted by the mission title "Random War"

Should be a nice mission to discover a lot of the keypoints of the DMA Lybia island.

Download 370ko

The current version is there




It should be stable, well in my attempts i couldn't find a bug, but this mission will be fixed each time something that should not be is found, and so download changed.

Needed addons

As you can see, there are several variation of this same mission needing different addons :

***DMA Random War West***

This variation of the mission use the DMA Lybia island that can be found THERE

no other addons required, this mission is the best used for low end systems due to the BIS troops usage, or for replacement mods.

***DMA Random War USMC***

***DMA Random War Naval***

***DMA Random War Rebel***

Those 3 variations use the following addons :

the Marine Assault Pack , HERE

the Generic Middle Eastern troops 1.21, THERE

JAM3 (for the GMER) , HERE

the DMA Lybia island found THERE

***DMA Random War Toyota***

This variation of the mission use :

the DMA Lybia island found and all the Toyota wars addons found THERE

How to play

Launch the mission

Once in the briefing screen, read it to get the basic informations

Read especially the Notes section of the briefing to know what are the options that will be available to you and their effects.

Once the mission is loaded, you will have 3 dialogs :


-Time of the day


These settings while not random will have a strong impact on the gameplay and on the visuals.

Once done, a brief camera span will happen followed by a 5 seconds countdown.

Then, it your turn to play.

Bring on the map, and click on Your Location so you can see where the mission is taking place, where is the objective and the GPS markers for you and the friendly squads that are fighting on your side.

This mission (and variations) have been tested with the required addons and have been tested into ECP too and have shown no error messages.

So if you get a problem, please provide me the informations about what kind of mod you are playing with, and a description of your problem.

Have fun.

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2 questions?

1. Is there any chance to use SafetCatch's US Marines?

2. Is there any chance to turn MP?

Concept sounds great, just waiting for the new rig, and then I'll test wink_o.gif

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1 - No , this mission involve 3 enemy armies that are fighting each other.

Safety Catch's marines , while being very nice, would make the addons requirement to go too high (70mo for the usmc addon and the weapon addon need, all of that just for 1 side and the 3 OFP sides are fighting in that mission).

As i want this mission to be a bit played, i want to limit the size of the addons required, as people usually never bother downloading a mission needing too many addons, whatever quality it can be.

But if you want to convert a mission to use them, feel free.

2 - No sorry, i have no MP scripting knowledge, and as the script are controling a lot of what happen inside my mission and optimised for SP , i guess it would require too much work from someone wanting to convert them in MP scripts.

But again, if someone want to have a go, feel free.

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thanks wink_o.gif

enjoyed the previous version as well pistols.gif

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I missed that you released it already, great Job Sanctuary. smile_o.gif

I love this mission, I had so much fun testing it over and over again, the randomness, as well as the ability to choose the mission conditions are just awesome. I stronly suggest that anybody that uses the Toyota Wars or Libya map to try this mission out, I promisse you wont be dissapointed. wink_o.gif

I will add reference to this thread in the first post of the Toyota Wars thread. thumbs-up.gif

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Yeah..more DMA stuff to play with!!  notworthy.gif

If only I didnt have relatives over this week.  confused_o.gif

<Begins planning a covert op into the computer room>

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Sounds excellent, although why use JJR Mid. East rebels when you got these shiny new Chadian militias?

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Another surprise release from DMA  wink_o.gif

 It's a great mission I enjoy it a lot and have personally found nothing in it I could call a bug. I've played the no addon version and the Toyota version and they both worked flawlessly.

 The only two things that could maybe have been different are the troop skill levels and the Bradleys in the Toyota version. The skill level of the troops under your command seem a bit low which causes their rate of fire to be very low and a lot of times they'll lose their target before firing a sinlge shot. The friendly bradleys on the west side in the Toyota version feel a bit out of place but no biggie.

 I like the quick battle concept a lot. Some times you just don't have time for a campaign or a massive mission, which is where quick battle missions like this or the legendary "clean sweep" come into their own. I've been quite busy lately but this mission I can just fire up and have a good quick fire fight for 15 minutes or so and then get back to work.

 Is there any chance of perhaps a west vs east or east vs west two army template for the future? It would be great for creating quick battles that you can play on your lunch break for example.

 Well that's all I got to say for now, thanks again for another great mission  notworthy.gif

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I enjoyed this as i dont always have time for long missions

Please could somebody do a mp version with a respawn that lets you respawn as the next in your squad and when squad is gone a new squad respawns at starting position. Or perhpas i will try to make this myself. And perhaps a small foward resuply base with a few more vehicles at disposal.

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<span id='ME'><center>Mr Burns says: wow</center></span>This got to be one of the most intense click and play missions ever!

My first try was situated in the desert and it was bloody awesome, lasted for about 5 minutes -full of shooting- but short before my airstrike arrived we were flanked by some para´s that hadn´t got my attention till then, seconds after the bombs hit the enemy lines i was killed by some bad guy who survived the bombing crazy_o.gif

Now im anxious to try again to see more of lovely lybia,

hope to have a similar firefight in one of the cities inlove.gif

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Thanks , i am happy if people enjoy this mission and concept.

The cities fights can be rather intense too, due to the AI being capable to move everywhere in the cities, so be prepared when going in , who know what those AI can do there wink_o.gif

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this is a really great mission Sanctuary, been enjoying it for the last couple of days smile_o.gif

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Great job! I play this mission with Toyota Wars mod and found that there is no toyotas ... there are only bradleys and bmps and those vehicles dont looks good on Libya map.

I wish to play using toyota technicals, maybe with those 'fire from cargo' scripts smile_o.gif just a small request smile_o.gif

anyway: great mission. thanks!

edit: one more: those 3 windows with settings, each one use a blackout, can you just show each one without this effect ... asking because I'm dying and replaying so much and there is so much delay ... smile_o.gif

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Many thanks for this mission, Sanctuary! smile_o.gif Can't wait to try it out this evening.

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