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Cast Away

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Hi guys!

I have had this little project going for a while now, let me tell you a little bit about it. its going to be a mission remake of the movie Cast Away, sort of smile_o.gif, but anywas,  in then mission.

You have to eat, sleep, drink, gather food.

You can, make things (huts, raft, etc.), and explore between the other islands. I am going to add other things but I need more ideas. and now the pics






I hope you like the idea, if u dont like it, dont bother spaming :P

Idea's, Feedback, Construtive critasim.

Peace out

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Sounds like a good idea to me. To be honest I am kind of getting sick of all the war missions and this is a good change.

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Sounds very interesting. For an endgame, maybe have a few possible ways to get rescued (perhaps randomised each time). You could add some roaming enemies (maybe the tiger that was released some time ago). You could add the JP dinos for a "land that time forgot" angle. How about cannibals? A mysterious to solve? You couldn't go wrong with an island of zombies either.

I'm a huge fan of LOST, so my ideas are probably a bit far out for a Cast Away-based mission.

Anyway, I like the idea.

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No offence, but isnt this going to be the most boring thing ever once the player winds up on the island?

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A very novel and refreshing idea. I'm sure you could do loads of good stuff with this, but you'll need some good scripts to do it, but judging by the quality of your work it looks like that might not be an issue.

As for the thing being boring perhaps you could add the twist that there are some rogue guerillas (not gorillas - they would be too hard to animate) in the area and give the whole project a FarCry kind of feel. I think the Cast Away and FarCry concepts would blend together beautifully smile_o.gif

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Aye, this is something I've been waiting for a loong while. How about a pirate theme? There are some pirates made already, and then the player could, as per real life, get a gun and a 'horn' of blackpowder. And one canteen of water. That's what they did when they left one on an island instead of simply killing him.

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Thanks for the reply's guys! wink_o.gif

Yes, I have had lots of idea's for this. but for now I am makeing the core scripts, hunger, food, etc. Then maybe we can think of more "Interresting things" biggrin_o.gif

there is also going to be like 5 - 10 islands, and each with its own special thing.

Peace out

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how about caves with things in them like guns or dead body's and maybe you could eat the body's? whistle.gif

Looking good anyway

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this is awesome marcus

ur doing a wonderful job

this island could be used for many purposes ..u know zombies and stuff biggrin_o.gif

all we need now is tom hank's face and we're good to go tounge2.gif

love ur ideas and wish u all the best in implementing them notworthy.gif

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give the player a shotgun/explosive so whenever he/she gets sick of being there he/she can commit a suicide. whistle.gif

you would need a custom anim for shotgun then whistle.gif

But hell yeah.Go for it. smile_o.gifthumbs-up.gif

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Actually the idea of a survival mod is imho fantastic. It'd need quite some scripting, but you'd get numerous new gameplay possibilities.

As you mentioned the search for food, starting an animal culture etc. You could combine it with hunting, plus random attacks on your camp by wild animals. New weapons need to be built, you'd need the right material for that, you'd have to go and search etc. Build up your camp, explore the island. Maybe after some gameplay days add an event where you discover some tribe, a new element comes to the game. finally you could make friends with them maybe. The ultimate goal would be to escape the island of course, so building a good raft or something would require several work plus the right weather etc.

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Thanks for the replys guys! i will look into those games.

i have alwaya loved the idea of have to surive in the elements. like the book, Robinson Cruso biggrin_o.gif

thanks all

Peace out

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Some good movies for ideas:

"Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison" (A Marine and a Nun and Enemy Japanese)

"PT-109" (John F. Kennedy's PT boat crew gets ship-wrecked.)

"Six Days and Seven Nights" (Harrison Ford and Anne Hesche...Pirates)

...and for T.V. shows, let's not forget "Gilligan's Island".

You might have a crashed plane with marijuana in it, like in "Romancing the Stone", with Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner. Maybe have a few bales wash up on the island from a pirate ship that got boarded by the Coast Guard.

Need some islanders to come along in a boat. There was a Central American or South American mod that had some good civilian models to use for that.

And don't forget dream women or family that appear when he starts hallucinating.

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Quote[/b] ]And don't forget dream women or family that appear when he starts hallucinating.


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Great idea man! Would be really cool if you chose to do this from the perspective of a cargo pilot who crashed a troop-transport in the middle of the sea, busted up his radio and drifted ashore on some faraway island. Then perhaps you'd have to go search for other survivors, a radio or whatnot.

Maybe the same scenario above, but in a WW2 timeframe. A japanese/US pilot stranded behind enemy lines.

Anyways, I'm really looking forward to this! smile_o.gif

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@Marcus: Great idea!! I love civilian missions! You should put zombies on some of those island wink_o.gif

I wish u good luck with this project! yay.gif

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May I ask, no un-natural stuff in there... Please. I personally don't want no dinosaurs nor zombies. Maybe PC:s tigers and native tribesmen. But of course one can unPBO the mission file and put some stargates, zombies, dinosaurs and tanks in there if he wants to.

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