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Hmm lets see to re-center the screen you center your head. Duhh.

Yeah and it is a big advantage over alt+mouse look. Go try to aim your rifle and move your head at the same time in OFP with mouse look you can't because your gun is locked in place. Not with TrackIR. wink_o.gif

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You can move your head independently of your gun in OFP without mouse look enabled, but only to a certain degree.

May I introduce my favourite OFP keys, located on the numpad:

7 - look 45 or so degrees left.

4 - look 90 degrees left.

1 - look as far left as you are able (over your shoulder)


9 - look 45 or so degrees right

6 - look 90 degrees right

3 - look as far right as you are able (over your shoulder)

As if you'd use Alt+mouse. You can't aim while doing that - with this, once you let go of the key, your view goes straight back into aiming mode, no troublesome fiddling with keys all over the shop. Plus Alt+mouse is slow as when looking around.

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Hey, be nice.. That was actually a well put, good question. wink_o.gif

My side of that re-center question is: What is the method of tracking? Can it lose it's center over time? (besides the dot falling off, or someone twisting the IR DOTs hat around on you)

And if so, is it a big deal (I.E. have to leave the game) to rezero?

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I believe there's a customizable hotkey in TrackIR's software for recentering the view when needed.

I don't know how some people can automatically be set against TrackIR without ever having tried it. I know it isn't inexpensive but it isn't cheap, either, if you know what I mean. From the little reading I've done on it, those that are using it simply love TrackIR and would never go back to playing without it. And when you consider how much you spend on hardware, is $120 really that much for something that will last longer than the latest $500 video card?

I'll be buying TrackIR as soon as I can afford it.

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Hmm lets see to re-center the screen you center your head. Duhh.

Yeah but how sensitive is it? I mean unless you have a robot head, how will you ever perfectly center it?

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I believe there's a customizable hotkey in TrackIR's software for recentering the view when needed.

F12 and your view is centered, F9 and tracking is disabled. This is default hotkeys. You can change any hotkey and make custom profiles for every game.

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Hmm lets see to re-center the screen you center your head. Duhh.

Yeah but how sensitive is it? I mean unless you have a robot head, how will you ever perfectly center it?

It is customisable to have a dead spot for the centre. If it all gets out of control just hit F12 (as mentioned above) or what every key you like...yes programable. I just hope it works just as well in vehicles... Aircraft in particular.

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As if you'd use Alt+mouse. You can't aim while doing that - with this, once you let go of the key, your view goes straight back into aiming mode, no troublesome fiddling with keys all over the shop. Plus Alt+mouse is slow as when looking around.

Neither can you aim if you use the numpad buttons, you only have 2 hands tounge2.gif

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I've been using Track ir for over a month now mostly for flight sims, It is very customisable but even in the default settings it is easy to use. It takes a short while to get used to it but after that it just comes natural and looking around with your head just imerses you into the game.

I agree it's a lot of money but it does do a really cool job! I never found fiddling with mouse look keys etc easy and always got confused and usually shot in OFP. This device will remove that confusion as I use my head for looking around every day IRL! tounge2.gif ... It just extends those natural head movements into a game! I can't wait to see how this will work in ArmA using it with infantry.   wink_o.gif

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Ok.  Easy zeroing, instinctive use, immersive, and functional.  -Ordering next week-  yay.gif

(Thanks for the replies BTW)

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Yeap,I'm looking into them as well..they seem to work very well.

And before any fuss is started over the renders,they are early versions,why do I say this? Take a look for yourself.

Here we see one of the earliest images of AA released,before normal maps existed for anything but land. http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/9796/796la.jpg

Here we have the image of the 'latest' render.


And here we have an image that was posted in Williams blog,the blackhawk ingame. http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/2349/038ql.jpg

Want more proof?  

Alright,lets take the T-72,render.


Ingame 1  http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/6899/451pd.jpg Another somewhat early image,one of the first that started off the 'new' AA,note the appearence of normal maps.

And who can forget the beautifully taken image of the two T-72's and BMP-2?

http://img464.imageshack.us/img464/9228/armahires060tr.jpg Could this be a render in a model program and not ingame? If that were the case,then woul the bush not be casting a shadow?

What I am starting to believe is that BIS is showing us past work on purpose,perhaps one of the suprises they have for us is what we will see,they show us the past work so that we can then see just how far they have truly progressed with the game.  And before anyone asks,I think the vehicles in the render look sexy enough.  And I am glad that BIS is not released uber prettified renders to lead us flasley,but I am also sure they know we care not for such things.

And one more thing,I LOVE the new 3D model launchers on the sides of the M1A1 turret. ^^

So go ahead,take a look at these and say BIS has been lazy and hasn't progressed,I dare ya,but before you do,open your eyes,research what has been done from now and then,and before you say that is has OFP graphics,uninstall your mods and play OFP how it ORIGINALLY was,for those of you I have but two images to show.



That concludes my speech. *turns around,starts walking and falls off the stage*

Removed hotlink to image. No need to drag the post an forum that out of proportions. Shadow

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Yes, I love the "modern graphics" feel of ArmA's models, though I'm a little intimidated by it. crazy_o.gif

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Intimidated? If your worried about performance,remember,OFP has been known to not do so well with more modern hardware,but AA is optimised so it will do better.

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Guest Ti0n3r

But it will be a bit harder to create high quality addons whistle.gif

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Nah,with the optimizing and more possibilities,we get more things to do,possible if needed,higher face counts due to optimizing,and normal maps to make textures look 3D without the use of models,and all objects now cast shadows,such as helicopter engines on the helicopter body. Harder to make high quality addons? I highly doubt that smile_o.gif

(PS,I think that was sarcasm Ti0n3r,mostly due to the whislting tounge2.gif )

Stepping aside from the 'looks',BIS also said there is mroe possibilties with scripting and one of them being multiple guns,naval units in OFP may become bigger now,with improved collision buildings are more important so more urban maps are possibilities. And it MAY Be POSSIBLE to be able to stand on moving objects. Why? In OFP:E I had an incident of running over a civy car,the driver was flung out and onto my tank but was not thrown off until I stopped my tank,from that time he stayed perfectly on the tank. So are you thinking in or out of the box? Stop looking at the images and thinking thats exactly it people,think of what lies beyond,the possibilities ahead,thats what got OFP to what it is today is it not?

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Guest Ti0n3r
Quote[/b] ]normal maps

That's the hard part from my point of view.

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if you can make high-poly model normal mapping shouldn't be hard now would it? tounge2.gif

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@ meyamoti: thumbs-up.gif Well researched. Well thought out. Well said! notworthy.gif

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And who can forget the beautifully taken image of the two T-72's and BMP-2?

http://img464.imageshack.us/img464/9228/armahires060tr.jpg Could this be a render in a model program and not ingame? If that were the case,then woul the bush not be casting a shadow?

No it's not a render, it's been taken in game. Trees will cast soft shadows onto the ground and objects, it's been shown in many pics.

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Please note the 'If that were the case,then would the bush not be casting a shadow?' Used to give evidence of an ingame screenshots,meaning "If this was a render,then the bush would be casting a shadow." Or something along those lines.

Remember in some pics of AA back then,bushes had trouble and wouldn't cast shadows? Mostly used that example,if it had been a render then everything would be perfect to fool you,like many mods or companies do ><

And thanks Scrub smile_o.gif

Making normal maps isn't all that hard,given you have photoshop or something of that nature,here is a tutorial website. the actual texture,you apply the filter and do what is needed and erase the parts not needed to be 'bumped'


However my curioisity is as to 'how' we apply them,I'm hoping it will be an option in O2,like we load textures and apply them,so will we do with normal maps,atleast thats what I hope,unless BIS had created another tool used to texture.

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Guest Ti0n3r
if you can make high-poly model normal mapping shouldn't be hard now would it? tounge2.gif

This is the kind of high poly model you'd have to create in order to make a good normal map. Easy? Judge for yourselves whistle.gif

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Thas one method of normal mapping,another method is to take your current texture (once done) and do the steps above,probably the easiest and least time consuming way.

Naturally you may want to add a part or two of bump maps where there is no texture,but thats all up to the texturer.

Oops,was using the wrong link but its fixed now.

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if you can make high-poly model normal mapping shouldn't be hard now would it?  tounge2.gif

This is the kind of high poly model you'd have to create in order to make a good normal map. Easy? Judge for yourselves whistle.gif

hummm.. i wonder why BIS has a 3D scanner for.. maybe it's just for show and sits on their dinner table as a center piece. icon_rolleyes.gif

or could it be they use it for scanning objects??? only BIS knows for sure.

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if you can make high-poly model normal mapping shouldn't be hard now would it? tounge2.gif

This is the kind of high poly model you'd have to create in order to make a good normal map. Easy? Judge for yourselves whistle.gif

hummm.. i wonder why BIS has a 3D scanner for.. maybe it's just for show and sits on their dinner table as a center piece. icon_rolleyes.gif

or could it be they use it for scanning objects??? only BIS knows for sure.

I think he is talking about modding, not how BIS makes it. Not everyone has a 3D Scanner icon_rolleyes.gif

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think of it as a chalange to improve your modelling skills.

there are many trick and techniques out there for making normal maps.

oh and you CAN make a home built 3d scanner. heck, that sounds like a great idea for a little project.

(walks out of the room with a list of parts)

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